Days of Our Lives - Wed., Apr. 17, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Very odd, it is the next morning for Ciara and Ben, who apologizes for having to leave last night...while everywhere else in Salem, yesterday continues. Brady, Chloe, Holly are fiddling with the kite, Eric & Sarah looking at albums, Will having a seizure. Rex comes up with a hypo, injects Will as worried Sonny watches, tho told to leave. Rex is not concerned, a side effect of the tumor, biopsy will still go on. Will comes to, is o.k. , Sonny exchanges a few words, and off Will goes to O.R.

John & Marlena walk thru square, talking of Will, and how he did not want anyone to know, wondering if they should inform Sami & Lucas, but respect Will's wishes. They each go off in their different directions.

Brady & Chloe are having a nice time, Holly enjoying herself, (all the camera work is thru the bushes, weird). Suddenly, a hand on Brady's shoulder, tis John, they all exchange small talk, the DiMera guards are mentioned. Chloe goes off with Holly, John talks to Brady alone for a bit, call him if needing anything. He leaves, Brady joins Chloe, who has rescued Brady's phone from Holly's sticky fingers, tells him his text messages were open, she saw one from Gabi, telling him where Chloe was. She is indignant, he tries to explain about being worried, she man he lied to her. Mentions it is why she broke it off with him first time, and second time. She asks him to pack up everything, drop it off at DiMansion, she leaves with Holly, a guard stops Brady from following.

Stefan & Gabi are at it, with the talk of hate sex, Stefan knowing Gabi was coming on to him, she denying it, reminds him he fell for the person impersonating her, same name, her clothes, etc. But now real thing is right in front of him. They go back and forth with this stupid word dance.

Ben & Ciara are having coffee, talking of the interruption, but they will take up where they left off some other time. She decides to go home, he asks her to stay there, no, better she goes. They are soon kissing, but alas...once again, his phone rings, seems the cartel is heading back to Salem, Ben has to go warn in person. He shows up at DiMansion, thankfully interrupting the conversation, tells Stefan, who is going with him.

Eric & Sarah talk of the Nicole, the pictures he took of her, loving her, missing her, and Eric feeling responsible for her death. Yada, Yada, Marlena arrives. She is surprised to see Sarah, asks if Eric has talked to Sami, warns him Will doesn't want them telling her, blah, blah. She tells him no more pacts with God, nosy Sarah asks what that is about, Eric says between him and God. Wants to talk to Marlena privately, Sarah goes in other room. Marlena is advising him to tell Sarah how he feels, instead of agreeing to document her marriage to Rex. Nope, Sarah made her choice, if she says anything to Sarah, he will never forgive her. Sarah, of course, has come out, heard something, but after Marlena leaves, Eric says they were talking about Will.

Brady is putting all the picnic stuff into a big bag, as Stefan & Ben rush up. What are you doing here, what is going on says Brady. Cartel is back.

Sarah notes she heard some of the conversation, knows it was about Will. Wants to know exactly what.

Chloe is at the club, flashing back to the scenes we just saw 5 minutes ago in the park, promising Holly they will do it again another day, talking of how safe they are, guards are just outside. And outside, both guards are unconscious on the ground.

Ciara brings a tea tray into DiMansion living room, where Gabi is still going over some papers or something. Ciara explains about staying at gatehouse, not wanting to go to loft with Tripp & Haley's wedding day. Gabi makes a lot of snide remarks, about Ben, serial killer, etc. Tells of Rafe moving out with Jordan's baby and now at his own house. More snark from her, she keeps saying she is sorry. Suddenly, a window smashes (rock thru it?? Hole too big for bullet), Ciara pulls Gabi down to the floor.
I didn't realize that yes it was morning for Ben and Ciara and yesterday for everyone else. Weird. Why do they let inconsistencies like that happen? Oh yeah, i guess for people like me that didn't notice. :)

Boy those are some bodyguards Stefan hired. First in the park there is obviously someone lurking in the trees and they don't notice them? Then they are knocked out. Great bodyguards. Ready for the Mexican cartel to be gone.

I am hating this Eric/Sarah stuff! Marlena, Sarah is engaged to another man!! Stop trying to break them up because you think your son is better for her!! Sarah made a choice and it is hers to make!!!

Gabi, I have no idea what she is doing. She suggests hate sex then says oh you thought I meant with each other? Yes you did!! You even said it's not like we can get anyone else. I just don't know what she is doing except annoying me!!
Interesting to hear Brady bring up Leo, when he was telling John he was glad Leo wasn't his son after all. And how even though Leo is gone, he turns up when you least expect it.

Also, I think it's funny that Chloe had to take Holly to the park to fly a kite. You'd think there would be plenty of room to do that on the DiMansion or K-Mansion grounds. Those are supposed to be sprawling estates.
Oh, but remember, there was a picnic to be had, just did not work out. Besides, if that rock thru the window is any indication, anyone can get into the DiMera grounds easily.
@Lil0 - Nosy Sarah even wanted to know what was the deal about the pact with least Eric was able to tell her "that is between God and me". So she pesters and pesters asking about things.....I would not even ask my best friend of a zillion years, let alone some guy I just met a few months ago. Grrrrrr.
Three strikes and you're out. (If only "out" meant gone from Salem.)

Bigmouth Gabi:
  • She got into an argument with Zero over who hates whom more that belonged on a grade-school playground.
  • She actually brought up the topic of "hate sex." Didn't viewers have enough of that with Sami and EJ?
  • She inconsiderately trashed Ben to Ciara's face. (Ciara probably should have dumped the contents of the coffee pot over her head.)
Awful Sarah:
  • She pestered sourpuss Eric again about being best man.
  • She seemed to think an ex-priest's vow to God was not such a big deal.
  • She had the nerve to ask Eric about a private conversation he had with his mother.
Finally, Chloe doesn't seem to have her priorities straight. She's in danger from homicidal Noodlites, but she gets her shorts in a knot over how Brady learned she was in the park with Holly?
Thanks, Poirot.

Nice to see John and Marlena... together.

Who was watching Chloe, Holly and Brady from the bushes? The possibilities are endless.

Nice to see bodyguards protecting Chloe, but why go to an area of the park where
their phones don't work..

Chloe found the texts on Brady's phone. Smart phones need to smarter. They either should
turn themselves off when not being used or delete messages after people read them.
I loved Chloe's outfit! Gorgeous, definitely an A+. Sarah's leggings and badly drawn, dark, and wide eyebrows, definitely a C grade at best.

Hey writers, let me introduce Marlena Evans to you. Marlena would never be so cold and rude to Sarah (or anyone really), and she would never encourage her son to once again go after a sibling's loved one. Boom. What's that sound? It's another fan favorite being thrown under the bus to prop a terrible storyline. :angry::tsk::tsk::tsk:
It didn't take me long to watch this episode. Thank you, Poirot, for enduring it and writing up a nice summary. I skipped Sonny and Will. Skipped most of Stefan and Gabi, and Eric and Sarah. I kinda watched most of Ben and Ciara but hurried through their scenes and washed some dishes while listening. I couldn't stand watching Marlena telling Eric to go for what he wants, disregarding his promise to God, so I didn't.

It took me a minute to process who was supposed to be in that baby carriage. They've always been unrealistic about baby size but this is beyond ridiculous. Holly looks like she's almost ready for pre-kindergarten!

Like Lil0, I was thinking Nicole is the one watching from the bushes.