Days of Our Lives - Fri., Apr. 26, 2019


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, April 26, 2019

A shocked Rex looks at Nicole, saying “you died”. She says that clearly she didn't. She comes in, wants to see Eric, he isn't there. Now she wants to see Holly, who also is not there. She gets upset, why not, Eric promised to take care of her. Rex says she is with Chloe, doesn't mention Nicole's letter naming Chloe as person to take care, only says Eric thought it best. He assures Nicole that Holly is happy, healthy, gets along with Parker, offers to take her to Holly. Nicole agrees, then suddenly gets woozy. Rex has her sit down, takes her pulse, goes away, giving Nicole time to browse thru Eric's photo album. Rex returns, says Eric never stopped loving you, thought about you every day, (she says that thought got her through all this) Rex checks her BP, says she is dehydrated, goes for water. She has wanted to call Eric, Rex thinks not good idea using his phone & Eric would hear her voice. But Rex does call, leaves message for Eric to come back to apt. right away, important, but in good way.

And this leaves us with pushy Sarah, filling Eric in on how she managed to “trick” (her word) Marlena into telling her about Eric's feelings. He is not too happy about this, she is saying she was lying to herself as well, blah, blah. Big big kissing.....but Eric stops, no, not going to do this to Rex. Already lost one brother, Brady, because he went behind his back, won't do it to another. Finally, Sarah says she will go, but Eric goes with her.

Rafe has come into the club, sees Hope with Ted again, and the necklace, is having a major meltdown. She is trying to explain, Ted stands to the side, but doesn't have the courtesy at least, to leave, hears all. Rafe is angry, Hope tells of Ted's call (overheard by Eli) being to the jeweler, but he is very upset. Why here, don't you have an office where DA can consult with commissioner? Rafe ups and leaves, Hope looking uncomfortable, Ted sitting down with her again.

Ben & Ciara make love, and then spend a long time just talking. He is so happy, never thought he would be, is not that person he was, hopes Ciara knows it. She never thought she would fall in love with anyone, or have anyone care about her, mentioning “an incident”. He asks if she means Chase, yes she did, but she has finally now, been able to put all that in the past. She jokes around, is starving, even though she ate all her share of the Chinese food she brought, and half of his. She throws on a hoodie, laughs as she finds some fortune cookies left over. They both want to find the “happy ever after” fortunes, grin as they open and toss, then munch away. Eventually, she crawls back under the covers, they nestle against each other, just holding each other.

Eli has come to Rafe's house, learns Lani spent the night, is very upset, she claims she doesn't know why. He finally talks of her getting too attached to this David baby, they lost their own David, she seems to be replacing him. She denies, he says she is not his mother, she talks of David's mother being ill, unable to care for him. Eli comments it doesn't have to be her. He talks of wanting to spend time with his girlfriend, have dinner with her. She says he could come there, he is saying oh, the 3 of us? She is oblivious, told him he can stay, go, she doesn't care. Eli leaves.

Stefan & Chloe are having their lovely evening, They hear Holly crying. Chloe runs up, Stefan with her, but Holly having bad dream, Chloe adjusts the covers, they leave. Figure in black comes out of closet, picks up Holly (no, it is really very small, lightweight toddler doll in blanket, lol) wrapped in blanket. Person tiptoes down the stairs.

Chloe returns to get the baby monitor, can't believe she forgot this. Takes it to dining room with her. Figure in black goes thru the entrance into the secret tunnels with Holly.

Chloe & Stefan toast to the future, she comments she even has a future now, thanks to him. They kiss, it gets intense, she pulls away, not ready to jump into anything yet. Wonderful evening, hope we do this again, but calling it a night. Thank you, one more kiss, good night. She leaves. Stefan down his drink.

Ted is sorry, did not mean to cause trouble. He will return the jewelry tomorrow. Starts to leave, Hope calls him back, don't leave.

Rafe comes home with takeout, one bag for Lani & Eli. She says Eli is gone, but told her stay as long as needed.

Ciara tells Ben it is alright, turn on his phone, she knows he is concerned about Chloe & the kids. He does, they cuddle.

Chloe screams “Holly” from upstairs. Stefan goes running.

Eric & Sarah arrive at the apartment, Rex doesn't let them say anything, as Nicole comes out, Eric takes one shocked look........Oh, my God!
Oh my god! I am happy happy happy! I don't remember the last time an episode made me happy!! With Eric at first I was thinking man you are a piece of work!! I thought maybe they were gonna do it in the Brady Pub. But then I was afraid that they were gonna right away tell Rex and Nicole would walk in on that but she walked out before!!! So happy!!! Eric gonna drop Sarah like a hot potato! Same way he did Jennifer!!!

Loved Ben and Ciara. Finally the I love yous!! I thought they would say it before they made love but finally!!

Hated Rafe and Hope. Just end it!!

I don't know why everyone is having such a hard time with Lani helping out with the baby. Her friend needs some help. This baby needs some help. It's awesome that she wants to. She hasn't done anything inappropriate. Hasn't tried to breastfeed David or anything. Eli needs to be more understanding. She is helping a friend.

Cannot believe someone else got in the fortress of Dimansion. Poor Holly and Nicole. Who seemed very surprised that Chloe had Holly? Does she not remember writing the letter? Hope Holly is found very soon.
I know I am definitely in the minority on this couple but I am liking Sarah and Eric and I do think they would have had potential if the writers hadn’t brought Nicole back . If given a good storyline this couple could have really worked.
It was nice seeing Nicole back but I am not looking forward to her and Eric.
I think Lani is becoming obsessed with Baby David .
I like Ben and Ciara together , about time we saw a happy couple on the show.
Agree that Lani is becoming obsessed with the baby, Eli can see it, Sheila as well. If she was just "helping" out, she would not be staying there 24/7. She told Hope yesterday was her day off. Is she off today as well. Where is Gabi? Did she not come home? nO, she didn't. I mean, Stefan is with Chloe tonight, but Lani is staying AGAIN?
As to Eric & Sarah. One kiss does not make a "relationship". And Sarah knows darn well eric has always loved Nicole. To me, she cannot leave town soon enough. She is a liar, a manipulator, and entirely tooooo nosy. She was insisting on being told things that were none of her business. It is one thing to when someone volunteers info, just tells you something. It is another to pry it out. And not only does she do that, if interrupted, she goes right back to prying the minute the opportunity is there.
I also see this Lani/David story turning into a Lifetime movie type story. She will kidnap him and leave town or go into hiding and will have to be talked off the ledge since she is convinced that she is the mother.

So wish that Sarah would leave - and soon! Cannot stand her with anyone and I still have no idea what she does all day. She never has patients - she always tags along with someone else and stands there. Just sick of seeing/hearing her.

I still like Ben and Ciara.
...I do think [Eric and Sarah] would have had potential if the writers hadn’t brought Nicole back .
They keep doing the same thing with Eric and Nicole that they have always done with Bo and Hope. No matter who Hope ends up with, she will drop him the next time Bo shows up in Salem.

If Ciara was my daughter, and Ben killed 4 people, I would NEVER be ok with that relationship.
Thanks, Poirot.

Since Stefan is having dinner with Chloe, where oh where is Gabi? Is she
at the K mansion with Ari and that's why she can't help with David?

Where oh where is Nancy? She was at the Salem Inn with Chloe and the
kids. Did she go home already?

Why didn't Stefan fix a kid bedroom for Holly?

How long will it be before we know how Nicole escaped the fire?

Did they use a bigger dolly in the blanket when the man in black took Holly?

I loved Sarah's expression at the end when she looked at Eric when he
saw Nicole. Ha, ha, ha to you girlfriend.
Kat, I also loved Sarah's expression when Eric saw Nicole. I won't feel sorry for Sarah. I'm glad Nicole showed up before they had a chance to tell Rex but I have a feeling Sarah will not be able to suck it up and Rex will finally figure it all out.

I also don't feel a bit sorry for Hope. Compared with her, for months or longer now, Eric is Mr. Happy Face. I can't wait for her to find out what Ted's been up to (whatever that may be).
Thanks Poirot!

but doesn't have the courtesy at least, to leave, hears all.
He just stood there with that snarky face - and Hope telling him not to leave ---these writers continue to amaze me with their writing - such BAAAADDD storytellers!

Gramcracker - Rafe yelling at Hope was a highlight for me too! (By the way, my Dad's name was Graham and our kids called him Grandpa Grahamcracker - thanks for the memory - I think of him each time I read your comments).:love:

I thoroughly enjoyed Ben and Ciara - finally some love making and not just sex!:clap:

The Lani/David story is BAD! :whack:

So very glad to see Nicole - just hope the writers give her some happiness and not more of the disasters they wrote for her before!!
I'm very curious to find out where she has been and what has happened to her? Xander must fit in here somewhere. Was jack in the warehouse fire with Nicole, etc.?
My wish for the day - Sarah... please... GO AWAY!
Kat - I share ALL of your questions. Think we'll ever find the answers? Like who really killed Deimos? Right!?
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I'm curious as to what others think about the Lani/Eli issue. I can understand his concern that she may be forming an unhealthy attachment to baby David, but at the same time, I felt he handled the situation poorly. He came across as not very caring about her (and certainly not about the baby) but rather jealous, feeling sorry for himself. It seems she does have a problem and probably isn't being considerate enough of him, but trying to pressure her into paying more attention to him is only going to make matters worse. Trouble, trouble in every direction in Salem!
Thanks for the summary. Missed the show yesterday.

I loved Nicole's return as well as Rafe standing up to Hope. Ciara & Ben was another bright spot today. It's about time we got an episode that was mostly good! I hope the writers were listening to the fans and realized what needed to be done. Not sure what I want to happen with Sarah. I'd prefer she just marry Rex and leave Salem. In some ways, this storyline reminds me of Rafe & Carrie back in 2012, except I actually liked that (potential) pairing. Sarah is way more annoying too.

Chloe & Stefan's date and the potential would be good if it weren't for yet another kidnapping storyline. :rolleyes:

The Lani/Eli storyline is boring and bad in so many ways. That's all I'll say about that.
I agree...however.....helping out is one thing. Taking over completely is another. I think Eli is worried that when Rafe (who is the one who promised to take care of him) is back to normal, Lani won't want to give up taking care. This is not a spoiler forum, so what is coming up cannot be mentioned. But Lani stayed overnight, and that child sleeps thru the night at the age he is. There was no need for her to for all she knew, Gabi would be returning home.