Coming Up

This is the interview article with Corday, Exec. Alarr, & headwriter Carlivati. It would not print here as too large, so can only give the urls for the pages. yes, a long article, but SOD asks questions, they answer. First is Corday, then Alarr, and then Carlivati.
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If Ava is alive, and obviously she is, my question is: Did Dr. Rolf revive her or did Joey kill the wrong person. I know there was a door with AV on it at the Zombie Warehouse so Ava must be one of Rolf's patients/victims. I wonder, does he hang around the hospital waiting for people to die so he can revive them?
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Personally, I think it is ridiculous that Rolf is everywhere all the time, is conveniently around to "fix" a dead body. The thing is....Joey had to be incarcerated via the legal system, declaring the name of the victim, circumstances, etc. Usually, there is autopsy, (not always but usually) so.......if Ava was not dead, how did Joey end up in prison for her murder??? O.K. let's say she was not dead (like Will). Then again, no one goes to prison for murder if no dead body.
Originally, the cover story was Steve killed her. John got Pamela Van Damme (the crooked ISA chief) to say it was on her assignment. Everything was wrapped up and Steve was cleared. Then when the actor who played Joey wanted to leave the show, they cooked up the idea that he was eaten alive by the guilt, so he went to the police and confessed to killing Ava himself, even though it was way after the fact.
Good point, Poirot. Joey did confess but, if my memory is working today, it was long after Ava died and she would have been long buried by then. If there was an autopsy, it wasn't Ava! I would think that Salem's authorities (hint of sarcasm here) would dig up the body so they could confirm Joey's story. I have family members in Law Enforcement and the funeral business and this whole scenario seems so strange. It would be next to impossible to bury an empty casket because it is never out of sight from the visitation to the burial. Oh wait! This is Salem! never mind.