Days of Our Lives - Fri. Dec. 16 , 2016


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, December 16, 2016

JJ & Jennifer are worried about the disappearance AGAIN of Abby, JJ remembering Abby was looking for the toy lamb, maybe went to get something for Thomas. Replay, yes, Gabi listening outside the door, somehow managing to hear JJ clearly talk of Gabi never finding out. She finally knocks, Jen opens the door, JJ returns from wherever he went, says he thought Gabi was going to call. Minor excuses, they leave for their date.

They see the angel statue & plaque Chad had made, then sit and talk. Gabi pushes and pushes to get JJ to tell her if something is bothering him, blah, blah. He resists, she gets ticked, Julie appears, Gabi takes off. Julie says she & Gabi will probably never hit it off, JJ insinuates Gabi left because Julie appeared.

Earlier, Abe & Julie sit with Valerie, chatting, with Julie nicely asking all sorts of questions, mostly about Valerie's son. Valerie is vague, her son cannot come for Christmas because of new job, hasn't really asked, no, no other family there, he will be fine, she will see him in January. Julie leaves to go shopping, thus running into JJ & Gabi..see above.

Ciara is with Theo, giving him some molasses ginger cookies she baked especially for him, to thank him for being such a good friend. Claire watches them for a bit, then bounces over, chattering away, Ciara leaves. They are in the Pub, Claire talks of Ciara's friendship with Theo, he mentions her always hugging him, Claire claims it is brother/sister relationship, sisters would never do this....she plants a big emotional kiss on him, Ciara sees, leaves. She runs into Julie, who can see Ciara is bothered by something. Ciara admits liking a boy, who is into someone else. Julie tells her one cannot force love from anyone, and it is best to let it go, move on.

Abby comes out of hiding after Gabi & JJ leave, surprising Jennifer, who did not realize she was back. Abby is sorry, tells Jen the whole story (flashback), how she then had a panic attack and ran off, but Dario talked her out of it, she knows she has to make Chad aware she is alive, no matter what. Jen gives her the clothes she bought, Abby goes upstairs, and chooses one of the dresses, a black lace number. As she gazes in the mirror, she daydreams about the reunion with Chad, and then hopes it comes close to that. She goes downstairs, Jen gushes over how beautiful she looks, Abby wants to go alone, she leaves.

Chad is with Theo in the study, having told him apparently, the latest info on how Stefano was terminal, and wanted to die quickly, etc. Theo thank him, wants to leave and think about this, tell Ciara, tho Chad thinks Ciara already knows. Andre arrives. Chad fills Andre in on catching Theo up, Andre wonders if Chad mentioned that Hope still shot him in cold blood. Chad goes on a rant about Stefano lying, manipulating, not giving his own family the chance to learn what was going on with him, to say goodbye, etc. He mentions the memorial for Abby, taking Thomas there, and removing his ring. Andre doesn't look too happy.

Julie & Ciara arrive at the Pub, Julie goes up to see Caroline, leaving Ciara to listen to Claire gushing and bragging over how Uncle Paul got a Ron Santo card for Claire to give to Theo. Claire rubs it in, while eating Theo's cookies, and smiling over the wonderful Christmas she & Theo will have.

Abe & Valerie are walking in the park, he asks her to have dinner with him, she doesn't want to intrude, oh, she could never intrude. KISS. Theo sees them.

Abby has called Andre, she is ready to face Chad, He talks of how much he helped her over the last months, did all he could for her, and doesn't want to be shut out of this. She agrees to meet him at the Memorial angel statue, and once there, tells him of hearing Chad telling Thomas how much he loved her.....but then taking off his ring. She fishes it out of the dirt, puts it on her own finger.

JJ comes home, tells Jen what happened between him & Gabi, and he has no idea what upset her. Jen evidently tells him about Abby going to see Chad, both are nervous, but also excited.

Gabi has run off from JJ & Julie, flashes back to JJ telling her about the woman he had sex with in Miami, and goes to see Chad. She yammers away about JJ having a secret now, and not telling her, after promising to always be honest. She has tried, really has. Forgave him, continued with him, but she has had enough. She did not know where else to go, thanks him for letting her rant. She just did not want to be alone. He says he did not want to be alone tonight either. KISS. Big one. !!!! Outside the door, Andre arrives with Abby, both all happy and smiling. He opens the door, both stand in shock as they see Gabi & Chad, both oblivious to the door opening.
Julie was really nice, and friendly, but she WAS grilling Valerie for info. There she was talking of not being with family for Christmas, oh, that poor son of Valerie's......and then has to admit that she hasn't had a holiday with her son, David for eons. Like watching an oh so polite, light-hearted game of cat & mouse. LOL
I don't know if I'm just infused with the Christmas spirit or if I'm still basking in the glow of having seen "Rogue One: A Star Wars Story" last night but I actually liked today's episode. I totally agree that there are too many stories still moving at a snail's pace *cough* Abigail "cough* but that didn't bother me so much today.

I enjoyed Julie and Valarie's oh so friendly game of cat-and-mouse. When Valarie mentioned David, I half-expected Julie to say "David who?" LOL I vaguely remember David as a character on the show from my days watching the show with my mom when I was a knee-high to a grasshopper but that's all I remember about him. Did he and Julie have a contentious relationship back then or were Julie's comments made up out of whole cloth?

I'm going to give Julie points for how she approached JJ and Gabi because I think she was going to be civil to Gabi. I recognize that wasn't easy for her so she gets a gold star :). Unfortunately Gabi wasn't in an emotional place to to be receptive to it.

Speaking of Gabi like JJ I'm worried about her. I get why she's upset and is feeling shut out. But I wish she would have told JJ what she over heard. I don't think he would have come clean- and again I don't really blame because as Chad said it's not his secret to tell. But I do think Gabi would have a bit of a stronger leg to stand on. This bouncing back and forth thing between JJ and Chad she is doing just isn't healthier. I just need my girl to get her head back on straight before things get messier.
What I did not like was Gabi, seemingly using any excuse, to get with Chad again. She could have gone to see either of her brothers if she had to let off some steam. But no, she goes to her ex-boss, the one she nearly bedded, the one she knows is still in love with his wife, and is still trying to cope. He is vulnerable.

She ignored the reasons Chad gave for the things he said........especially, "perhaps it is not his secret to tell". She made the first move to kiss Chad. But I have to say, this is like telling again the same story of Abby/EJ. Lust is the name of the game.

Troy, I know how much you adore Gabi, but she sure is not thinking straight of late.

She shot a man, in the park (yes he tried to rape her previously, was thought dead, but appeared again, stalking her. She shot him, went to prison. JJ is a cop, but her past did not matter. He did not have to tell her what happened in Miami, but he did. Apparently that meant nothing to her, except an excuse to go have a fling of her own.

Sorry, but she annoyed me no end today. :)
Oh you don't have to be sorry Poirot, everybody can be wrong every once in a while. :sarcasm: (I'm totally joking with you here)

In all seriousness, we're actually not that far apart. I totally agree that Gabi is not thinking straight at all. I wouldn't say she annoyed me but I do not agree with what she did today. I can love a character and still admit when they are are wrong. And today Gabi was wrong. :cry:
Soooooooo contrived. All JJ had to say was that he was planning a Christmas surprise for Gabi. But that would have actually made sense. I did like that Chad at least tried to reason with Gabi. Did not enjoy the contrived kiss. Gabi now needs to come clean with JJ before Abby does. Knowing this show, JJ will let it slide and blame himself.

LOVED the Theo/Chad scenes and the fact that they were playing chess. Well done and impeccable timing. More of this please.

Claire is a firecracker and I'm loving it. While I do feel for Ciara, she brought this on herself. Just like her cousin Abby did. I thought that Ciara and Shawn called Julie "Grandma"? Today she called her Julie twice. I specifically remember this from when Jason Cook played Shawn because I used to complain about it. And if anything, she should be Aunt Julie.

And Julie certainly gets around Salem. Valerie just became 100x more interesting to me. Still kind of bored by her with Abe but I liked the stuff with her and Julie and the mentions of David. I want to know more. It also seems they are giving Valerie the Anne wardrobe treatment. Same dress in multiple colors.

Who wants to bet Valerie's son will surprise her for Christmas?

Jennifer should hire Gabi now that she has openings for new clients. Maybe she will get a real winter coat then.

Abby is so going to run on Monday. Another red herring.
I was hoping JJ would tell Gabi, also, he was talking about her Christmas gift.

An interesting day for Theo. Ciara gave him is favorite cookie (too bad
Claire ate them)
Theo found out Nonno was sick. Then he saw his dad kiss Valerie. Oh my.

Ciara is jealous of her niece. Will Ciara ruin Theo's Christmas gift?

What was Claire wearing today? It looked like an odd superhero costume.

Interesting Abe knows about Valerie's son. Then Julie found out and asked a lot
of questions. Then Valerie and Julie talked about David. It's been awhile since
he's been talked about on the show.

I'm glad Abby finally decided today was the day to see Chad. And Andre
was right it wouldn't be the fairy tale meeting she was expecting.
Julie tells her one cannot force love from anyone, and it is best to let it go, move on.
Nice moment. This is why I can almost tolerate Julie's craziness over Nick. She has learned from her own troubled past.
Julie was really nice, and friendly, but she WAS grilling Valerie for info. There she was talking of not being with family for Christmas, oh, that poor son of Valerie's......and then has to admit that she hasn't had a holiday with her son, David for eons. Like watching an oh so polite, light-hearted game of cat & mouse. LOL
The young ones call this "shade." Reminds me of Dominique & Alexis on Dynasty.
What I did not like was Gabi, seemingly using any excuse, to get with Chad again.
Hear, hear. And this made up sudden-chemical-love is just not working for me.
Sorry, but she annoyed me no end today.
I place the blame squarely on the overpaid hacks writing this garbage. Let me Abby will stay hidden just long enough for Gabi and Chad to have a pathetic "woe are we" boink session, then Abby will come back, Gabi will return to JJ, and then she'll be pregnant. Bla bla bla.
And if anything, she should be Aunt Julie.
From what I've seen, they tend to call her Grandma Julie when Doug is around. and Julie when he's not. I'm not sure what the protocol is for referring to your mother's sister (Aunt) who married your grandpa. LOL But it would make sense for Ciara to call her Julie, since Doug and Julie have been married her whole life (even with SORAS).

I like Claire. I can take or leave Claire or Theo, but I don't love this ping-ponging Ciara. I wouldn't mind if she took a "gap year" and spent some time on the Continent.
Interesting Abe knows about Valerie's son.
Valerie told Abe about her son when they had dinner at the pub (on Thanksgiving, I think).
Then Valerie and Julie talked about David. It's been awhile since
he's been talked about on the show.
It's been 33 years since David left Salem. He's rarely been mentioned since. He fell into that Horton black hole along with Tommy, Sandy, Steven, Spencer, Scotty and Jeremy. At least the others have been mentioned (or seen) within the last several years.
Don't like Claire as written. Still a narcissistic twit. Didn't care for Ciara before, but she is doing better. What a waste of airtime. Can we have Theo with someone other than either of these girls? And Jade can exit...soon, Santa, please
Ciara is jealous of her niece. Will Ciara ruin Theo's Christmas gift?

When Ciara said she had a gift for Theo, I thought she was going to him a Ron Santo card before Claire could. I would have loved her to have also had Shawn help her obtain it. Oh well.

Interesting Abe knows about Valerie's son. Then Julie found out and asked a lot of questions. Then Valerie and Julie talked about David. It's been awhile since
he's been talked about on the show.

Valerie told Abe about her son when they were at the Pub last month. She said she lived with a ficus plant and then accidentally mentioned the son. I actually thought the dialogue between Valerie and Julie was great. It introduced her son a bit more, mentioned Julie's son David whom Valerie used to date and also explained to the newer viewers who David is. It also left us with questions. Why don't David and Julie get along? What is Valerie's son's job? Who is his father? Etc. Soap 101. Give me more.