Days of Our Lives - Fri., June 30, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, June 30, 2017

Memories, misty water colored memories......of the way we were. And thus the Salemites are getting a few more snippets of their drug induced evening. Chad sits in the square with a beer, despite the fact he has just recovered from being drugged, looks a pics of Thomas, and then him, Abby & Thomas on his phone, calls her to meet him. Abby is at the PD, waiting to see how JJ is doing with the interrogation. She agrees to meet with Chad. (yes, everyone is in their same clothes.It is just later the same evening/night)

Raines is giving JJ the 3rd degree, but JJ cannot remember anything at all, not a single thing. Raines thinks he might have a way to get him to remember & leaves.

Lani is talking to Eli, is upset over incriminating JJ, but also about the kiss between her & Eli. He notes that both were drugged, and not in control of themselves. She goes in to see JJ while Raines is gone, is sorry, but JJ is not mad, she is a cop, and obligated to tell the truth. Raines returns with Marlena, who will use hypnosis to help JJ remember.

Steve is at the Pub with Tripp, Joey waiting on them, wants Joey to join them, but he has to close up, bring up some kegs. Tripp offers to help. Both young men talk of playing some video game later, ask Steve who declines, since it isn't PacMan. He gets a call about Hope, goes to hospital with Tripp.

At the hospital, a worried Rafe is at Hope's bedside, she is seizing, her body shuddering, having spasms. Kayla is there, orders meds, and of course Tripp pays close attention, telling himself this is perfect. Steve gets Kayla to take a short break, for coffee, so after they leave, Tripp uses the opportunity to change a med order from 2.5 milligrams to 25. He mutters that Hope should not worry, he will be back before it is time to administer, and point out the error.

Tripp returns to the Pub, chatting with Joey, who talks a lot about his mom, how caring she is, helpful not just to patients, but others as well. He mentions when she was a baseball coach for his Little League team, knowing nothing about baseball, all she did to learn, and though the team only won one game, they had a team and a good time.

Abby arrives in the square, she & Chad talk of what they remember from earlier. Actually, both remember renewing their vows, kissing, figure nothing else happened, as Abby comments both woke up with their clothes on. She knows he is with Gabi, he comments and she is with Dario. Both are smiling, and to this viewer, not meaning a single word. They wish each other the best, she leaves to go check on JJ. He looks...well, not at all satisfied with how things went.

Rafe sits with Hope, who begins shaking again. He goes out, asks the nurse if she can give a sedative or something, Hope is very restless. She gets the chart, yep, she will go in. As she is preparing the hypo, Tripp comes in, sees the file gone, looks in the window, rushes in telling nurse to STOP. She jumps, he claims that Kayla told him to be there to see her administer, etc. The nurse begins to explain about filling the hypo with right dosage, Tripp notes that with Hope having the Halo, 25 milligrams seems a bit high. The nurse figures Kayla ordered it, has to be right.

Just then, Kayla returns, is told what is going on, looks at the file, of course that is way too much, I did not order this....this amount would be lethal. It should be 2.5 milligrams. She gets very upset, unable to believe she could make a mistake like that, she NEVER does that. Steve is trying to calm her, but Kayla is beside herself. This is just impossible. She would not do that, what is wrong with her.

Rafe returns, is at Hope's bedside as she seems to come to. He wants to go get Kayla, but Hope stops him. She is talking of getting to the station, he stops her. She asks about Deimos, Rafe only says he is gone, won't be a worry any more. She asks what happened to her, he will fill her in later. She tells him to come here, she wants him close, actually wants him on the bed with her. He lays down beside her, she puts her head on his shoulder, closes her eyes, as he holds her.

At the cop shop, Marlena has put JJ under in what appears to be 5 seconds, lol, but gets him to recall the last time he was in the Martin living room. He mentions dancing with Gabi, she asks questions. He remembers threatening to kill Deimos if he finds him, then being upset, and the altercation with Deimos. (they are just struggling, as Sonny & Deimos did). He begins to get agitated, Marlena wakes him up. Raines comes in, how did it go. Marlena says JJ does not remember killing Deimos. Marlena tells JJ to call her if she can help him any more. She leaves, Lani comes in, he says it is possible he could have killed Deimos. In comes Raines, telling JJ to get a lawyer, the lab results are in. The blood on his shirt sleeve is a match for Deimos.
I may be fast forwarding too much these days, but would Kayla really tell Tripp all about the names and the dosage of various medications so easily? Then leave her electronic device with the prescription where anyone can play with it, no password, no nothing? Frankly, Kayla looks pretty bad right now, even if she didn't make the mistake about Hope's prescription, she made plenty other stupid mistakes. Yep, for the sake of another stupid storyline, characters are being rendered... surprise, surprise: stupid!:angry:

Oh, and even if JJ gets agitated, is that a good reason to stop the hypnosis session without mention of, oh, I don't know, another one? :rolleyes:
When Tripp first accessed the device, it asked for a password. He quickly muttered family names, I guess trying different things, settling on Joey's birthday. That was it.

Personally, I cannot imagine every nurse knowing your password. But I guess Kayla's is just to enter items, and one can just read. Where the heck is Maxine, that would never happen if she was there. !!!

Just an aside, but up here, password for getting into the computer is changed every single day. Medical personnel are advised when they arrive on duty.
It is ridiculous the easy access Tripp has to medical records. And how did he get a text alert that Hope was going to get the medication? That may come back to bite him because he told Steve he left his phone and Joey is going to say Tripp got a text and left. I hope this story ends soon.

With Deimos's murder, I think these are at least interesting. All the couples accidentally together and now remembering. I thought Hope wanting Rafe to get into her bed was just weird. And honestly I was waiting for her to say "I love you Bo". Still can't get behind this couple.
When I worked in a hospital library, medical records were accessed by personnel with access to those files with their own username and password. As an employee with no access to medical records, I could not log in to the database and access those records. Not only did personnel have to have a username and password to log into those records, but there was an office that would oversee the records they were logging into.

Remember Octomom back in 2008? Several people from the hospital she went to to have the octuplets logged into her records out of curiosity. All of the people with unauthorized access were fired. If University Hospital was ran like most hospitals, every time Tripp logged in it would be noted that the record was being accessed. Only in Salem would the records be available on a tablet with just a personal password.
Deimos may be gone, but Little Trippy is here to carry on: endangering the life of Hope, a person who had done him no harm. Even Stefano and Andre would be shaking their heads over this latest stunt in his Jade-induced plan to get revenge on poor Kayla.

If LIttle Trippy is the personification of a lying skunk, Lani set herself up today as Salem's paragon of virtue, saying that she had "an obligation to tell the truth." That's surely a quaint notion in a place like Salem. In fact, if Kate had overheard this, she'd have choked on her vodka martini.

Finally, a correction. On Wednesday, I incorrectly called the knife sticking out of Deimos's chest a dagger. A check of the end of that episode and yesterday's views of the deceased Halo dealer clearly showed that what was sticking out of Deimos's chest was the handle of a kitchen knife. This should rule out most Salemites because they wouldn't even know how to find their way to a kitchen to get a knife. One person who actually knows kitchens is Mami Hernandez. Could it be that she slipped back into Salem disguised with a baseball cap, tracked down Deimos, and stuck a knife in his chest as revenge for his part in sending Eduardo to prison.
And how did he get a text alert that Hope was going to get the medication?

That's a really good question. I initially thought Jade had texted him to meet her.

Apparently Salem Hospital doesn't adhere to the HIPAA laws.

Only when Daniel was alive and it was convenient for him to keep stuff from Nicole.

So Hope is in the hospital and Rafe, Steve and Tripp are keeping vigil?! Where are Doug, Julie, Jennifer and Claire? Claire should have been the one calling Shawn and Ciara. We know Doug was ill but hard to believe both he and Julie would stay away.

Pop up Marlena is back to supporting status.

Casey Moss (JJ) is doing a great job with this.

I used to be annoyed whenever Anne or Jennifer would be using the disappearing computer at the nurse's station. No way would that happen in reality.

Edited to add: I wonder if the nurse is actually working for Tripp? I realize they were alone for a while but maybe there is a camera in Hope's room.
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Thanks, Poirot.

I thought it was strange Chad was drinking beer so soon after being
drugged with Halo.

I knew Steve was talking about Pac Man when he mentioned the character names.

Tripp is taking a big chance changing medical records. Will he get caught doing it?
Will Kayla get in trouble since the nurse almost gave too much medicine to Hope?

Nice to see Marlena working.
I am really hoping the new writers will give JJ (Casey Moss) bigger and better parts. I really like his acting strength and his appearance ain't bad either. I feel, with a strong script, he could ALMOST stand toe to toe with Billy Flynn (Chad). He, JJ, sometimes looks like he just wants to take the scene and run with it.
As to the question about Tripp knowing Hope would be getting meds. It was probably noted in the record he screwed up. Then he would know exactly when to show up. Wonder how long this will continue? Hope Steve catches him.
Tripp saw the time Hope was to be given the injection...which is why he said 'DON'T worry Hope, I'll be back in time to point out the error". He set his alarm on his phone so he would get back in time....
Terrible. Though I like the Lani/Eli interactions, there is nothing else to save this episode.

Chad now seems like he's phoning it in with both love interests. Marlena is NOT a supporting player.

Tripp's story strains credulity even in Salem. I hope he does something that gets himself killed and quick.
@DrBakerFan, I would like to see a still shot of the very first view we had of Deimos with the knife in him. Still think there was a switch. :confused:

I was very disappointed to see Marlena helping Lt. Raines with his investigation of JJ. "With friends like that, who needs enemies?" -- Anon.