Days of Our Lives - Fri., ., Oct. 19, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, October 19, 2018

Belle & Chloe are having coffee, catching up, along comes Lucas, pushing the buggy, Chloe mentions the beautiful little girl, and Belle is wondering, gets told the whole story, including Lucas suing for full custody, Mimi asking Chloe to convince Lucas otherwise. Belle hasn’t seen Mimi in years, tho they keep in touch constantly, so is surprised to learn Mimi is in town.

Meanwhile, Mimi & Bonnie are butting heads over Baby Bonnie, Mimi wants her daughter back, Lucas has her, Bonnie claims not for long, Mimi not buying it. Mimi wants her daughter now, is going to go get her, Bonnie does her usual threat to tell how Mimi really killed daddy, they argue and argue about that. Bonnie worried about Justin, Mimi figures they need super lawyer, calls Belle, who comes over.

Bonnie has gone to Pub, apparently Roman mistakes her for Adrienne, (this is all filler) she orders food, he brings it, but before setting down, says she is not Adrienne, is Bonnie, so leave now. She does, not before grabbing something off one of the plates, dashing out the door.

Belle comes to the apt., Mimi wants her as lawyer. Belle doesn’t want to get in the middle of all this, she is friends with Chloe and Mimi, so Mimi spills it all, how her mom took the rap for her killing her father when she was a kid. Belle finally caves, but wants to hear the whole thing first. Everything. Mimi does explain how Bonnie figured the DNA tests would go with them being mother and daughter, says Lucas related to father. Belle thinks Philip, nope, that was your guy. Light bulb moment for Belle…… don’t mean……..Bingo says Mimi.

Replays of all yesterday’s closing scenes, Xander coming home, Eric finding the recording, laying knocked out. Xander has the recording, lets Nicole know Eric found it, is still alive, but Xander hurt him. Nicole does some fast talking, and ends up with Xander, in the warehouse, she also has Holly in the buggy. She evidently wants to make sure Eric is alive first.

Sami enters the room, finds Brady, starts shooting off her mouth as usual, accusing him of working with Kristen, blah, blah, blah. (wish she would grow up). Brady seems to finally convince her he was trying to worm info from Kristen to help Sami find EJ. He even makes the mistake of showing her the bunch of keys he found. She grabs them, is out the door, he is now locked inside.

Kristen has found the unconscious Eric, ties him up, in that chair previous holding Brady, he comes to, wants Kristen to let him go. She figures he found the recorder and Nicole’s husband got it back. Nope, no such thing. Xander too valuable, does her bidding, they have to now leave this place, get everyone out. Eric asks something about EJ, she replies “among others”.

So now we have Sami wandering around this huge warehouse, leaving Brady in this locked room, Eric tied up in a chair, Kristen making plans to vacate, and Nicole, Xander & Holly arriving. They stop in front of a door, she goes to get something, the baby’s water bottle. Xander takes out a key to unlock the door, Nicole smacks him on the head with whatever it was she took out of the buggy. Down he goes, she goes in, pulling the buggy, calling out Eric’s name as she stops in front of doors with initials on them. VA, AD, WR, AV…….She is calling out Eric’s name as she stops in front of each locked door, (they all begin spinning together).

And over at the Pub, Roman is grinning over Bonnie Lockhart having been there, a voice says, Hello, Dad. And there is Rex Brady (Kyle Lowder) with a half grin on his face., we have Vivian Alamain, Andre Dimera.....I can't think of anyone for the other two. I thought Will Roberts, but he has been a Horton for a long time and has also been back for some time, so no reason for him to have a room... No JD for Jack Deveraux.. Any ideas???
Oh, yeah...Joey was supposed to have killed her.. That could be it, but it will be interesting as to how Kristen would have ended up with her??:confused:

So for the WR....I had to Google, couldn't remember Rolf's first name...Wilhlem Rolf
I honestly hope and pray Salem is not becoming a town of the walking dead, zombies, whatever. Guess they have do not embalm folks, or have funerals for them either.

As to the actual show, Sami already had been on my last nerve, so I don't know if I can even tolerate watching any more of her idiotic impulsiveness, & refusal to listen to anyone besides her own tiny and inept brain. Wait, she no longer has one. Eric was wrong, she cannot take care of herself, she is too busy ruining others.
By the way, there is also an SD on one that supposed to be Stefano? Pulleeze!

You know, back on GL, they did a story once wherein a cell or something from an actress was used to create a carbon of her. (you know, a clone, like that sheep). Anyway, There was a baby, who grew rather quickly, became an adult, then an old lady, and died. (it was Reva Shayne - in her book, Kim Zimmer said she hated that story)

Since all this experimenting is obviously going on.....could it be a variation of that?
Making one more comment. It seems that Belle & Shawn returned to Salem, but 98% of the appearances are by Belle alone. No Shawn, not even a mention. Shame on Days.
Belle returns because of mother being in coma, but now is going to take on a case? Hmmmm. She may not want to get between Mimi & Chloe, but is doing a good job. & now Belle knows of the big deception by Bonnie.
I like the Belle/Mimi scenes. This shows one of the three Golden rules to making a workable soap character - making a friend. She also did the final point by making a Joke about the "Black Glove."

My heart is breaking for Lucas and this had better bring Allie to town.

Sami had forgiven Nicole - oops I guess we forgot that. Sami's also a baby-stealer and about that baby - where are your kids, Sami Gene?

No use for the corpse parade - I hope they all burn.
Wish Sami and Lucas had scenes this go around. Looks like Sami is too busy to take time to talk to Lucas or bring Allie to see her father. How long has it been since Lucas was able to see her?
I think Sami should bring Allie to Salem so she can live with Lucas for a while. It would not have been a good idea last year when Lucas was drinking but he has been sober all this year.
Did Mimi and Philip conceive a child? What year was this? Was this after Mimi was with Rex? And with Shawn?
Yes, it was when Mimi was with Shawn and Belle was with Philip. They both went in for in vitro procedures and the black glove mixed up all the "ingredients", so that Mimi's egg was mixed with Philip's sperm and it produced Pocket/Tyler (via a surrogate). Many viewers think Pocket/Tyler is really the child of Shawn and Belle due to how the test tubes and petri dishes were mixed up, though. But as of now, the child was Mimi and Philip's and was given up for adoption (which never made sense).
Oh, yeah...Joey was supposed to have killed her.. That could be it, but it will be interesting as to how Kristen would have ended up with her??
Why ask why? This is Salem.
I honestly hope and pray Salem is not becoming a town of the walking dead, zombies, whatever. Guess they have do not embalm folks, or have funerals for them either.
All of Salem's funeral homes have probably gone out of business.

As for today's episode, it presents two strange situations.
Imagine inept Belle, bumbling Justin, nasty Mimi, and motormouth Bonnie in one courtroom. If cranky Judge Goldberg gets the case, his head will probably explode.

Crazy Kristen now says her grungy warehouse has been compromised, which means that she's probably going to have to move her "patients." What's she going to to, charter a bus." Imagine the following announcement on Nashville TV: "busload of zombies seen on Nashville highway. More at 11."
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I still wish they would show real flashbacks of Mimi and Chloe. Now did Mimi actually hire Belle before spilling all about the baby? If not is not protected by attorney/client privilege. Belle can't possible represent Bonnie!!

Crazy stuff in that warehouse. I knew a few of the initials so thanks for all the others! Didn't get Ava or Rolf.
Thanks, Poirot.

A good episode today.

So, Sami goes in the room and the mystery man is gone. Will we ever find out if
he's EJ or not?

Did Xander actually believe the water bottle was Holly's? It was metal and big.

Nicole has her taped confession, but now she's lost in the tunnel with initials
on the doors.

I saw SD when the doors were spinning. Is one door for Rolf? Did he give the drug to
himself? And are the people like the mystery man? Their thoughts 'Lost in Space'?

Mimi tells Belle everything about how she killed her dad and she's the baby's
mommy, but we still don't know her real name.

When Belle figured out who the baby daddy is, the next scene is when Rex gets to
the pub.

Why is today Friday? Now we have to wait all weekend for answers.