Days of Our Lives - Friday Oct 17 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

October 17, 2008

Episode #10,935 Director – Albert Alarr

Max & Stephanie walk into the Pub, telling Caroline she is no longer a suspect, and explaining about Trent’s wallet showing up. They take their time, but finally tell how it was found in Stephanie’s purse. Caroline wonders who could have put it there. Cue Melanie to walk in. Caroline leaves to take care of the twins (so that is who has them!) and leave the 3 alone. (the Pub is closed because of an alumni luncheon of some kind.)
Before you know it all 3 of them are arguing big time, Melanie denying she put the wallet in Stephanie’s purse, accusing Stephanie of killing her father, big bru ha ha, Max trying to get to the truth, and before you know it, CAT FIGHT. Max separates them, but they go at it all the more. He gets them apart, Max gets Stephanie to leave, then tries talking to Melanie, who eventually admits what she did. Now they go back and forth with Melanie finally saying Max would not be able to handle the truth, then saying she doesn’t know if she killed their father or not.

Lucas walks into Sami’s room at the clinic, finding her in tears. He is visibly upset as he says oh, no, Sami, you didn’t get an abortion. No, she didn’t. She came there only because everyone at the hospital knows her, and was in tears because she made a decision. Lucas was right, she needs to tell EJ, will do today, but asks him to keep his lip zipped until she does. Meanwhile, Chloe has rushed in with a bogus excuse that her best friend called with a 911, is very upset and asked her to come right away. The doctor is sorry, she will have to wait. Nosy Chloe is not to be denied. She checks the folders by the doors, finds Sami’s, and reads it. She hides when Sami & Lucas emerge, then puts the folder on the nurses desk.

Lexie comes storming into DiMansion, wanting to talk to her father. EJ wants to talk to Nicole alone, so they leave. Lexie lets Stefano have it, both barrels, as she describes what the Mayor dug up about her, her past affairs, and the mud slinging. She can handle herself, but he crossed the line bringing Theo into it. She is standing by her husband, will support him all the way to get the slimy mayor out of office. She knows Stefano has extracted favors via campaign contributions, and warns him that unless he severs all ties with the mayor immediately, he will never have contact with Theo again. She leaves, and Stefano crushes his cigar in his hand at the mayor’s stupidity.

Lexie finds the mayor and one of his cronies at the Pub, bragging how Carver’s campaign is down the tubes. Nope, it will be his that goes down, as he will lose the financial backing he needs, Lexie tells him. She goes on about Stefano being her father, and will be withdrawing any further monetary aid. She stalks off, the mayor calls Stefano, who berates him for what he did, not heeding his warning to keep his family out of it. The mayor replies it is politics, but Stefano replies, no…..for him it is family…and he slowly enunciates… Fa mil ia (Italian for family), telling him that he has to do what he has to do now. Stefano hangs up, the mayor gets upset, claiming he cannot do this to me.

EJ has taken Nicole up to show her a large bedroom, that will be made into a nursery for the baby, they can take this furniture out, paint the walls pink or blue, etc. Nicole is very happy, but EJ seems a bit distant, & she realizes she has done something wrong. EJ says yes, then talks of wanting to keep their child safe and he will do anything to make sure of it. Nicole agrees, but he thinks she was getting too friendly with Stefano. Nicole says he is their child’s grampa. EJ warns her about Stef’s obsession with heirs, & he is trying to get on Nicole’s good side, and EJ doesn’t want Nikki taken in by Stefano.

Chloe storms into the cabin, slapping Lucas across the face, saying she knows for a fact Sami is pregnant. Lucas denies being the father, she realizes it has to be EJ. She is upset he kept secrets with Sami, but he tells her it was the only one, he promised Sami, and she is telling EJ today anyway.

Sami finds Caroline sitting on bench playing with Johnny (Allie evidently asleep). She takes Johnny on her lap, thanks Gramma, who goes off to buy some balloons. Sami talks to Johnny about perhaps having a brother or sister, she hasn’t told his father yet, and talks of how scared she is of Stefano. Johnny is babbling as he plays with his truck. Sami says she has to tell his father now.

EJ & Nicole come downstairs, Stefano announces lunch is ready, cook will always make Nicole whatever she wants. Now EJ wants to talk to Nicole alone again, Stefano leaves. She tells him she considers this a fresh start, that she wants to be the best mother, and all she cares about is this baby. She talks of how the talk of Trent upsets her, but now they have cleared the air from everything. There is no more Trent, no more Sami, no more Stefano, just the baby. There is lots of time now to see if there is anything more between us than just this baby. She is living there now, he is there, they can take it very slow. She kisses him on the cheek, Ej says or they can try this, kisses her, and begins removing her clothes, They kiss some more, it gets more passionate, they are down on the sofa getting very hot and heavy. They hear the doorbell, ignore it. Nicole is down to a bra, he is shirtless.

Sami arrives at the front door, having forgotten her key. She rings the doorbell, to no avail. She pounds on the door, knowing EJ is there, his car is out front. She gives up, goes around the side door, and is shocked as she looks thru the French doors, and sees the nearly naked couple making out. She leaves. Back at the front door, the mayor has arrived, is pounding on the door, yelling for Stefano. A man comes up, says, “Mr. Mayor”?. The mayor turns, the man fires two bullets into him with a gun fitted with a silencer. The man goes to check for a neck pulse, as Sami comes around the corner. The man looks up as Sami turns around and sees them.

Thanks for the write up. I did not get to see the show yesterday just the last few minutes. Sounds good with Sami and the killer.
When Sami sees the killer, do the viewers also see who it is? Guessing it is just someone random, no Salemite we are all used to ?
Oh, yes, plain as day. And yes, it is a stranger to Salemites. Actor Alex Mendoza plays the part.
Loved the fight between steph and mel

It's about time somebody shut her up. I saw that and thought "alright go Stephanie". I get that Melanie's character is abused but holy crap her attitude was getting on my nerves.
Love the fight, also

It's about time somebody shut her up. I saw that and thought "alright go Stephanie". I get that Melanie's character is abused but holy crap her attitude was getting on my nerves.

I was laughing at the cat fight. That was one of the funniest things I have seen in ages!

Nicole is soooooooooo on my nerves. Let's see... they haven't even had a date and she basically wants to get married??? I get they are having a kid, but HELLO! Can we put on the brakes a bit? Oh wait! DiMera $$$$! Why should she? I'm sorry, she is really on my nerves as much as needy Stephanie and Melanie and Chloe.

Why do the writers hate women so much? They write them all so needy, whiny and hateful!!!! BLECH!
Nicole and EJ are waaay beyond the "dating" stage. Nicole loves him and he has told her he's over Sami and wants to move on. Since she is having his child, I see nothing wrong with her having hope that he will marry her but it will probably never happen.
Oh, I think Stefano had his minions "take care" of the situation. He was very angry at how Moroni dragged Lexie & Theo thru the mud. When he said "Fa Mil ia", accenting every sylable, he was the Godfather in every way. :)
I lol'ed over Nicole saying she wants to take things "slow" with EJ. A little too late for that don't cha think?!? HaHa
I can live with the "Godfather" Stefano, his character lives for these kind of s/l's....if only he will get over the Brady ******** thing....!!!
And I think he and Nicole bonding over the baby is hilarious...!!! Hope there is more of it....
I love the edit feature too. If you use it really really quick right after you post and before anyone views it, you can edit something and it doesn't say you edited at the bottom!!!

BTW here is a pic of Da Killa!!


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I loved it when Nicole imitated the way EJ says Samantha in the bedroom...very funny...
And boy, EJ talking about Stefano's manipulation is the pot calling the kettle black...!!!

And look guys...why doesn't EJ just tell Nicole, I don't love you, I don't want you, I just will let you live here and take care of you and our baby but we will not be a couple....what a arse....!!
And I like Melanie...I think she is a hoot...!!! The young Chelsea was just as big a conniving brat, but she wasn't the least bit funny....this girl is very entertaining...!!!
Hope she sticks around a long time.....
I know this is nit-picky but shouldn't a police officer or someone from the DA's office tell Caroline she's no longer a suspect?