Days of Our Lives - Halloween (Thu., Oct. 31) 2019


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Townhouse: John and Marlena have watched a movie about a woman who was possessed by the devil. (She thinks it's far-fetched.) John misses Claire, his horror movie buddy. He worries about her; Marlena assures him she'll get better in Bayview. They get a knock, too late for trick-or-treaters; there is a knife-wielding maniac at the door. Oops it's just Tony, who didn't know about Marlena's time as the drugged-up Salem Stalker (when she herself donning a hockey mask and hoodie) because he was trapped on an island. Apologies all around; he wants a nightcap. John goes to scrounge it up; Tony tells Marlena he killed Ah-na, and he's really André. John enters; Marlena reveals all. André was resurrected this morning, and has eliminated Ah-na and Tony. He has used mind control on Marlena, to return the Salem Stalker. She offs John with a baseball bat.

Hospital: JJ has been cleared to go home. Haley is worried JJ could have been killed by Jordan.

Kmansion: Maggie is shocked when Victor tells her about Jordan's attempt to murder Ciara.

Guest House: Ben and Ciara worry about Jordan. They hear glass breaking. Ben grabs a gun and opens the door. Will has broken a plant. (He has come to retrieve Ari's tiara.) Ben gets a text from Victor: We need to talk. Ben leaves, Will stays. Later, he tells Ciara she should move into the Kmansion with them, because of Ben's red tie that's on the couch. Will worries Ben will snap. Ciara thinks Ben's good.

Bayview: Claire is reading a card. Jordan enters, dressed as a promiscuous nurse stereotype. Claire worries that Jordan's been recommitted, and that her costume perpetuates stereotypes.

Kmansion: Victor tells Ben that he is going to have Jordan killed. Maggie enters secretly and disagrees.

Hospital: JJ and Haley are maybe done with their cot romp. Claire and Jordan, both in nurse getups, enter. JJ doesn't have information on David's whereabouts, so Claire cuts Haley's throat. JJ pleads for her not to die, Jordan stabs him in the back. Claire scolds Jordan; JJ was her cousin. Jordan was over JJ's hysterics. They split up as they each have their own missions.

Rafe's House: Rafe laments his missing the signs with Jordan. Jordan enters to apologize. Rafe says she belongs in Bayview; she feels she belongs with her son and Rafe, the love of her life. They kiss. Later, he's dressed as a doctor, but gets sick. Jordan's lipstick was poisoned. Rafe collapses.

Kmansion: Ben will control Jordan. He leaves. Maggie tells Victor Jordan must die; she insulted Maggie's purple ribbon (?) lemon bars. Claire enters, raving about the lemon bars. She wants to join Titan's Executive Training Program. Ciara got the last spot. Claire raves. She also doesn't like Maggie's bars, injects her with a hypo, and Maggie dies. Victor can't live without her. No problem, pop-pop, says Claire, then injects him, too.

Guest House: Ciara tries to send Will home. They see the Stalker. They realize it's Marlena, let her in. (Ciara is holding a gun.) Marlena claims she was at a costume party. Marlena wants to wait for Ben; Ciara leaves to make her a cup of tea. Marlena strangles Will. Later, Ben enters, angry that the door is locked. He finds Will. He calls for Ciara. Marlena enters, accusing Ben of the murder. Ben bolts, assuming Jordan did this. (Ciara has gotten away.)

Townhouse: Ciara is calling to John for help, pushes the door open and finds his body. She swipes the bat.

Guest House: Marlena shoots Andre.

Police Station: Ciara enters, trying to alert them to the serial killer. The rooms are dark. She enters the interrogation room. Claire is there. Claire claims she's here to turn herself in. She recaps her bad acts, plans to kill Ciara. Ciara wields the bat, backing away. She is stabbed. Jordan and Claire react with glee.

Hospital Break Room: Marlena finds the corpses of JJ and Haley. She finds it tacky (thinking they died during sex). She also thinks it's interesting that there's another serial killer loose.

Graveyard: Claire and Jordan are digging graves. Claire laments she couldn't kill Ciara herself; Jordan points out Claire always loses those matches. Jordan feels Ben will take the fall, since all who know of their spree are dead. Marlena enters, not me. Tammy Sue (Jordan) goes to do her in with the shovel, but Marlena's cool with everything. Dig the hole deeper, girls, there are more bodies. Time passes and the women compare body counts as they vie to be the best Charlie's Angel. Ben arrives. Marlena and Claire name her as Ciara's murderer. Ben kills her. Marlena praises his work, hands him a necktie.

Guest House: Ben wakes up. He tells Ciara he had the worst nightmare, being unable to stop himself from killing Jordan. She knows he'd never do anything like that.
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Have to say was glad I did not have to write it up, and glad Jason recapped via the "Cliff notes" method. That was gruesome, disgusting, and entirely too many victims, and yes, not a single bit of humor. Blood all over, except for Maggie Victor, who only got injected with something.
Well, wait a second......there was a tiny bit of humor.......when John & Marlena finish watching some horror movie, and Marlena says something about a woman is possessed by the devil, who ever would believe something so preposterous. ...Yes, that was a wink to the audience. But that was at the very beginning. Jordan & Claire prancing around in their nurses' outfits, knocking fists as they slice & dice each victim. Nope, cannot recommend the episode to anyone, horrible, horrible nightmare.
I know it's Halloween, but this kind of nightmare, gruesome stuff is not for me. I won't even try to watch. I hate that the "writers" actually think this could be entertaining.

This says it all for me.

Jason, thank you for watching and writing it up. You did such a good job, I could barely stand reading it.
I decided to watch Halloween Baking Championships today instead. This sounded entirely too horrible. They have enough death and killing during the regular stories. I wasn't interested in this at all. Thank you so much, and I am so sorry, Jason!
This was a "stand alone" for Halloween episode. So story was not supposed to get moved, etc. But it was a turnoff for me.

Now see........back a few years ago, because of pre-emptions or something, the show did some black & white parodies of old 40s movies. That was fun, interesting, enjoyable to see our cast playing other characters in a much earlier decade of time. Wish they would have done something like that.
Heck, why not have our Salemites being Boris Karloff, Lon Chaney, Peter Lorre, Claude Rains, & the assorted victims (mostly female) who were the chosen victims. Heck, I'd even enjoy seeing that mustache twirling guy who tied his victims to the railroad tracks. LOLOLOL
unfortunately, even though I was completely turned off by this episode -- and didn't watch most of it -- I did leave the TV on this channel. In doing so, I missed the first half of The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!!! Grrrr. It will be on again in the early hours of Nov 10th, so I will try to remember to set it to record.
darn! wish I would have known...don't have way to tape.............drat!

and do not blam e anyone choosing not to watch!
Thanks, Jason.

I laughed when Claire told Maggie she really didn't like her lemon bars.

Jordan told Claire she wore glasses to have people think she is smart.

Interesting Marlena killed John with a baseball bat since the actor who
plays John played baseball years ago.

It's been awhile since anyone called Jordan Tammy Sue.

Interesting name for the three of them at the end "Charlie Angels of Death."
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