Days of Our Lives - Mon. July 3, 2017


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, July 3, 2017

Sonny is on the phone to some Titan employee, giving a positive pep talk. Justin overhears, tells him he is now doing well, sounds more normal. Sonny is grateful for the support, since Justin did not think highly of him when he fired the 50 people hired by Deimos. Now Deimos is dead, Sonny is going to be able to work on, achieve his goals. Justin leaves, Sonny has a memory of some of the argument with Deimos. Paul walks in, can tell something is up, he gets Sonny to tell him about the memory flash. Both are not telling anyone else. Sonny is sure JJ will not be charged, etc.

Rafe & Gabi are having lunch, talking over their ordeal, Deimos being dead, Gabi goes on and on about JJ not being guilty. Rafe thinks perhaps she still has feelings for JJ, she denies it. They get to talking about Rae proposing to Hope, and he gets Gabi to go with him to select a ring.

Chad is at home, having a memory of asking Abby to be his wife, kissing her a lot. He abruptly gets up, leaves.

Jennifer and Abby are at the jail, talking with JJ. He doesn't remember anything, thus figures he could easily have killed Deimos. His family does not believe this. Dario comes in to see Abby, important he talk to her right away. She protests, he insists, she promises to be right back. They go out of the room, but now Dario wants her to go with him to Club TBD, it is soooo very important. She does, & now he claims he got word that some one is coming to for surprise check on him, could be today, tomorrow, so he wants Abby to marry him right now, so before the guy comes, he would already be legally married. Abby protests, her family dealing with JJ being held for Deimos's murder, she just cannot run off. Oh, Dario lays it all on thick.....he could be deported immediately, and a dead man as soon as he crosses the border. He goes on and on, Abby's refusals grow weaker. He has already checked with the courthouse, they have no openings, booked solid. Oh, gee, look who came in......Mayor Carver, bet he can marry us.

Over at the jail, Hope comes waltzing in, Jennifer is shocked, but seems Hope snuck out of the hospital, wants to prove JJ innocent, get him out of jail. Chad comes in, concerned about JJ, Jen thanks him, doesn't need financial help, Justin is repping him, they will get a family discount. Chad offers to help in any way, Jen asks him to stop Abby from marrying Dario. Chad protests slightly, she is a grown woman, divorced me, can do whatever she wants, I am with Gabi now. Jen notes that there is Thomas to consider, Chad finally dashes out.

Justin has evidently proved a point, and JJ is to get out within an hour. In comes Hope, but not with release papers. Instead a report of additional evidence has come in, she hands it to JJ, who reads it, his face falls. Seems there were skin cells under Deimos's fingernails that match up with JJ. She doesn't want to do this, but starts reciting his rights. She is near tears, as is JJ. Do you understand these rights? He nods yes.

Abe listens to Dario's request, and his jabbering about marrying him & Abby. He wants to talk to Abby by herself, as she has been silent. (Dario still had not got a yes from her, tho he pestered Abe). Abby seems to be agreeable, but Abe wants to call Jen first. Abby says she is a grown woman, doesn't need her mother's permission. But Abe wants to talk to Jen anyway. He returns, did talk to Jen, she has given her blessing, but rather grudgingly.

Chad bumps into Sonny in the square, they chat/joke about the amulet that Chad buried on the island, but Sonny dug up, how neither believe in the curse, but it bring Deimos down. Alone come Rafe & Gabi, Sonny wants to reschedule play date with Ari, busy at work, will call her later. Rafe & Gabi won't say what they are doing, Chad in on his way to Club to talk to Abby about Thomas's schedule., Gabi will meet him there later.

Back to the Club, Abe begins the task of getting Dario & Abby married. They have no vows, but Dario wants to talk, actually does a very lovely and seemingly sincere, rather long promising to Abby. She then says a few lines about how he helped her when she needed help, let her be herself, etc. Ave now says for Abby to repeat after him. I, Abigail Deveraux, take you, Dario Hernandez.....she is saying the words, looks to the door as Chad walks in!

Sonny goes to his desk, opens his laptop, suddenly stops,. as he gets another memory flash. This has him beside Deimos, who is spreadeagled on the floor, Sonny looking at him. Now Sonny jaw drops, his face reflecting the horror of the memory. In shock, he blurts out, Oh, my God, Oh, my God.
i wanted to turn off the TV when Dario kept pressuring Abby. I actually walked out of the room, it annoyed me so much.

I wish I knew how Dario knew Abby was at the police station, and then how he was able to so easily get into that interrogation room when it was occupied with a prisoner and 2 family members!!! Where the blazes does he get off butting in as he did.
It was another only-in-Salem day. Over at police headquarters, the place was being invaded by everyone in sight. It might have made for a good scene if Raines had stuck his head out his office door and ordered them all out, noting that the place wasn't the Salem bus station.

Melinda Trask shouldn't even bother starting a case against JJ. Sure, there's DNA evidence of an altercation and a smear of blood on his shirt cuff, but there are so many other alternative suspects that even the usually-unprepared Justin could have a field day. And how about fingerprints? Did Raines's crack forensic team find any on that knife handle?

The Salem P.D. actually found JJ's DNA under Deimos's fingernails? This is truly remarkable since if the proverbial 300-lb. gorilla was murdered in the Town Square, Raines's cops would be hard-pressed to find the body.

Apparently officials in Salem don't bother with small details like marriage licenses. The pliable Judge Duncan never asked for one when Kate and Andre descended on her office. Today, Abe not only never mentioned the need for a marriage license, but was also short a witness until Chad showed up.

Finally, "Big Boy" Sonny should remember that expression he had on his face when he remembered seeing Deimos's body on the floor. He can use it again if and he learns that Will is really alive.
Ahhh, glad you chimed in here. This episode was so all over the place, my eyes hurt from the eyerolling, and thus I kept saying why is this not right. Why does that not ring true.

When Dario barged into the interrogation room, it was mind boggling. And yes, Raines was so quick to haul JJ to a cell, but all the mistakes in the squad room goes unnoticed, huh?

And I kept saying, they cannot do that....the marriage in the Club within 5 min.....glad you remembered marriage license. WHEN did they ever apply? Abby just got the divorce! Please, please, please have this all be invalid.
This Dario nonsense needs to stop! Why on earth has Rafe not checked into this at all? He doesn't care if his brother is deported? It needs to end before he actually marries Abby but it's not looking good at his point!! Ya just knew Chad was gonna walk in on it.

JJ was breaking my heart. Now Sonny having memories. I'm assuming they will all look guilty until the culprit is discovered. And Gabi needs to remember her feelings for JJ!!

Geez Rafe, apparently Salem PD pays pretty well!!! That was quite a rock and I can only hope Hope says no!!
Sonny is on the phone to some Titan employee, giving a positive pep talk.
Sounded like a press release or memo dictation. It also sounded stupid. I'm sorry, but as a former Sonny fan, even I couldn't hack working at a company that promoted the great-nephew coffeeslinging Big Boy above more qualified individuals who don't have the Kiriakis name.
This Dario nonsense is just awful. And I still don't understand what his motivation is. That's how bad this is. He doesn't come off as someone in love so what is he up to? He knows Chad and Abby are still in love.

Isn't Hope supposed to be on desk assignment indefinitely? Why is she constantly investigating cases? And why would she suddenly be working a case where not only is her cousin a suspect but she should be one as well? What happened to Raines?

Abe should have refused to perform the wedding. I hate that Abby just takes what Dario says at face value. This is not how Abby would act. She should be suspicious.

Nice that Abby raided Anne's closet but I did like the wrap dress.

What the heck was Gabi wearing?!

Sonny needs to buy back TBD and run it. Then his cousin Philip can come back and run Titan.
So Sonny admits that the only thing he's done so far at Titan was a mistake? Fire him now, spare us all.
Apparently officials in Salem don't bother with small details like marriage licenses.
I'm glad you mentioned this, I thought I had missed them getting a licence. I'm hoping both marriages turn out to be invalid for this very fact.
This Dario nonsense is just awful. And I still don't understand what his motivation is. That's how bad this is. He doesn't come off as someone in love so what is he up to?
I was wondering this as well. He was so rapey-sleazy, I was actually wishing I could be watching EJ sniff Taylor's scarf again. He doesn't appear to love Abby, and he's trying to trap her (it's obvious even to walk-on of the day, Abe) as if she couldn't have the marriage annulled 3 seconds after she learns he lied to her? It's not like she'll be trapped until she loves him. Maybe he's going for that Irish land?
Thanks Poirot.

I thought it was interesting only the Brady Pub was decorated for the 4th. Maybe
there will more decorations tomorrow.

I can't believe Abe called Jennifer to ask if it was ok Abigail married Dario. What if
she had told him no?

Interesting to see Hope out of the hospital already. Did she better quickly because
she was in the room where Brady saw Daniel? Paul recovered quickly after his
illness on the island when he was in the room.

Poor Arianna. Her play date with Sonny was cancelled because he's too busy
I don't much like the new, bossy Paul. Couldn't help but wonder if he still has jungle madness.

Was gagging over Dario's self-serving marriage vows. Several compliments mixed in about Abby's giving of herself completely. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I think he is obsessed with her, and has simply hatched an elaborate plot to get her into the sack. End this now, writers!

The prop department could have provided Rafe with a nicer ring. :rolleyes: