Days of Our Lives - Mon. , March 26, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, March 26, 2018

Don't know who thought that an episode filled with people screaming and arguing with each other was a good idea...but it is not!

Rafe is walking thru the square, runs into Doug & Julie, who proceed to give him a tongue lashing. While Doug just calls him son of you know what, Julie goes on and on and on. What he did to Hope, how she thought him a good man, talks of his convict father, murdering sister, sleaze of a brother. Oh, she is in rare form. Rafe says to leave his family out of it, he made a huge mistake, has tried to apologize to Hope, does mention already married, shocking Doug & Julie, finally walks away, commenting he doesn't think Hope will forgive him. Julie figures Doug will be mad at her, she went too far, but he is not, she nailed it, every point, the guy ruined his princess's happiness.

At the cop shop, both Lani & JJ, Gabi & Eli, are going at it in separate room, about the same subject. Lani did not tell JJ the truth, Eli did not tell Gabi the truth. Eli & Lani try their hardest to explain their reasoning to the very upset Gabi & JJ. Lani is in tears, Gabi is very angry. JJ & Gabi were not told the truth about the baby, their partners lied to them, both couples go round and round and round, yelling, arguing, etc. Gabi insists on being taken to her cell, and then she never wants to see Eli again. JJ tells Lani to get out of his sight, he doesn't even want to look at her. Yes, at the end of the show, both couples are kaput.

Over to Hong Kong. Gabby is at the door of Stefan's room, Chad comes up behind her, Pardon me, miss. Gabby freezes, does not turn around, Chad still is trying to get her to do so, along comes this big, burly hotel security guard to take Chad into custody (yes, Stefan paid him off to do this). Chad is protesting, Gabby slips into the room, Jin insists Chad come with him. Shawn has been talking with Hope, telling her that she has been under a lot of pressure, but now with the annulment papers in hand, making her & Rafe never married, perhaps they can make a fresh start, see if she really does still love him or not. They get up to leave the table, spot Jin & Rafe, stop them, learn what is up. Jin says the bellboy dropped one of Chad's pieces of luggage, it opened, drugs inside. Going down to police station for questioning.

Shawn says he is an advisor (or something) to the Hong Kong police, shows him I.D., tells the guy to wait, Hope goes to call Belle, Chad is not saying anything til his lawyer gets there. Hope I.D.s herself vouches for Chad, will stay with him. Jin will be back when lawyer gets there. Chad has already told Shawn he spotted the woman who might have pretended to be Gabi, Shawn goes upstairs, knocks at door, no answer, finds key on maid's cart. Meanwhile, Chad is telling Hope he is sure Stefan set him up, just as he did Gabi. Shawn returns, Stefan not up there, searched his room, no sign of him or that woman. He mentions Abby having the Do Not Disturb sign on her door, so did not want to bother her if she was resting.

Meanwhile, Stefan has returned to his room, finds the upset Gabby who just barely kept Chad from seeing her. He tells her he said he would take care of Chad, he did, Chad will be gone for hours, Gabby can be herself. Evidently they go to her room, have room service, are supposedly eating (big waste of food, in my opinion), but he is telling to just enjoy herself. She is worried that Abby may come out, she could feel her trying to when Chad was there, she loves him, is strong. Stefan says Gabby is strong, too. Kiss me, she says, he does, twice, says she is hard to resist. Then why do it, this is MY body, too. Stefan leaves, promises to be right back.

Gabby plops on the bed, the cell phone rings, she ignores it. Then cannot resist, picks it up, hears Chad's voice, telling her he was arrested, etc. Down at police station, not to worry, has lawyer coming, loves her, and more. As she listens to his voice, she begins to get THE headache. Message ends, she puts down the phone, holding her forehead.

She looks up, around the room, bewildered. Where am I? What is this? Seems Abby is now back!
I usually only watch the show on an average of once a year. I do enjoy keeping up, however, by reading The Salem Spectator. I have only seen many of the newer characters from photographs posted on the forum, and there are some characters I had never seen. When I saw a still picture of the fight in the courtroom the other day, I wondered who the kid in the blue suit was. I decided to watch today, and here is what I found out.

Eli “The Whisperer” Grant must have taken diction lessons from John and Kate.

That black wig looks ridiculous on the woman playing Abigail/Gabby/Dr. Laura. At least Gabi’s hair has some brown highlights.

When reading the summaries, I’ve always pronounced “Lani” as “Laney.” Today I found out she’s “Loni.” Who knew?

When I first saw Chad, I thought he was Shawn. Then I realized that I have never seen Chad with facial hair.

JJ (the kid in the blue suit) looks like a teenager and Rafe hasn’t aged at all.

Doug is still a heartbreaker. I was just a little girl when he became known world-wide for his rendition of Davy Crocket.

Julie is still a judgmental shrew.
I honestly wouldn't have minded Julie giving Rafe a bit of what for if she had just left Gabi out of it. But I guess she just can't help herself. She kind of reminds me of a character named Helga on a cartoon that used to air on Nickelodeon called "Hey, Arnold1". Helga was a grade school bully who always gave Arnold (the main character) a hard time going on and on about how she couldn't stand him. But it was only when she was alone would she admit that she had a deep and hopeless crush on Arnold. So maybe Julie keeps going on and on about Gabi because she has a crush on her? If that were the case, it might be kind of cute. :sarcasm:

Plus, she didn't really help her case by contradicting herself. She was furious with Rafe for not pursuing Hope to Hong Kong. But if he had done that, she would be furious with him for disregarding Hope's wishes and then she would have had a point. So the guy can't win. :rolleyes:

The Baby Quad: As far as both couples being "kaput" goes, I'm neutral on JJ and Lani. I didn't dislike them as a couple, but I never really got into them either. They never really clicked. So if they are really done, I'm okay with that.

As far as Gabi and Eli, however, I did like them and I hope they can find a way through this. If not and it means a possible Gabi and JJ reunion, I would be more than A-Okay with that.

I was proud of Gabi for standing firm and not giving in to Eli's "promises". Still, and I may be in the minority, but I do hope this isn't the end. I take solace in the fact that I've watched more than enough daytime TV to know that the words "I never want to see you again" rarely really mean it's the end.
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Many Salemites were not at their best today.

Julie: Would the former con man please take his wife on a lengthy cruise. Her latest tirade against Rafe was superfluous, and her bringing up Gabi and Dario was a low blow. As for Doug, somebody should remind him that if it wasn't for Rafe, his "princess" would be in the state pen for murdering Stefano.

Lani: She's now been reduced to a quivering blob of tear-stained jelly. She's the latest example of the old truism that it's not the offense that will ruin you, it's the cover-up.

New DiMera Guy: Stefano would run this loser out of the family for romancing a schizophrenic's faux personality and planting drugs on a fellow DiMera. If the Phoenix was still around, his surprise son might end up exiled to one of the secret DiMera islands.

Gabi: She really let Eli have it today. Somebody should remind her that the real threat to her well being isn't Eli's failings, but Melinda Trask's nasty crusade to send her to state prison.
Thanks for the summary, Poirot. I'm always late getting to read so I didn't notice it wasn't up as early as usual.

KathyLu, I enjoyed your observations. It was interesting to see some things from the perspective of someone who hadn't watched in a long time.

I haven't watched yet so I think I will get to it now.
Within hours of Rafe and Hope breaking up, he hops in the sack with mouth-almighty Sami. That was wrong and he should have confessed to Hope before their I do’s. Shame on you Rafael.

I agree that Doug and Julie have every right to be angry with him, however, were we to cheer on Julie? Every time that woman opens up her hateful yap, she spews her nasty venom on whomever is in her path. Her attack on his family was totally uncalled for and Doug didn’t shut her up. I wanted to choke that nasty witch.
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Thanks, Poirot.

KathyLu, I enjoyed your observations.

This episode could be called "So, so sorry". Rafe and Lani kept saying it over
and over.

Lani bothered me with all her crying.

I wonder if what JJ said was true. If Lani was honest to begin with, they might
have worked things out.

I feel sorry for Gabi because she trusted Eli to be honest and he wasn't.

I laughed when Julie said "What the hell, Rafael".

I wonder what's going to happen now with Abby? Chad's phone call woke
her up and she has no idea where she is.
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Lani said she always seems to make a mess of relationships. Perhaps it's because she apparently doesn't get the basic concept that lying is a problem. Not just when you get caught. She and Eli both seem to think the end (as they imagine and hope it will be) justifies the means. I wasn't able to feel sorry for either one of them. I kept wanting to slap them--not to be mean, but to turn on some kind of a light bulb in their heads so they could understand how insulting it was for them to keep saying they were sorry, and to keep wanting to explain why they lied about the baby. But I think both JJ and Gabi did a good job of telling them. I liked their responses. I hope that was their final answers.
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I sympathize with Lani. I don’t approve of the lie she told JJ. But she was in very difficult position. In her mind she convinced herself that she and JJ could be happy and JJ would never know the truth. Whether or not JJ forgives her, I have no clue. I’m guessing he doesn’t. But I could be surprised here. JJ has done his share of telling lies and being in a situation that was precarious. I’m thinking of when he was sleeping with Eve. Yuk. Perhaps he can humble himself and see how Lani was trying to make him happy. She wasn’t lying to hurt him.

As for Julie and Doug. How I would have loved for Rafe to have a spine and tell both of them to mind your own business. He stood there like a scolded puppy. What he did with Sami is none of their concern. He and Hope were broken up, no longer together. Whether it was hours or days after the break up, he did not cheat on Hope. I wanted to see him stand up for himself. At least he stood up for his family. Doug and Julie are such unlikable characters now. And at one time I used to enjoy them. Now I wish them off the show and promptly at that.

Rafe, get far away from Hope and her family. You have become such a wet noodle. Redeem yourself. If Hope returns from Hong Kong and says she forgives you and wants to stay married, tell her No thank you! And move on with your life.
I don't care about Princess Murderer's boo-hoo marriage. I also don't think this is their last chapter. If I did, I might feel for Hope. Also, Doug is a con man who changed his name, and Julie's son was a complete loser and her grandson a swindler. Oh and her brother was a thief. Glass houses Ms Williams Williams Williams.

The Hong Kong saga: Stefan had Chad illegally detained in order to be alone with a mentally disturbed woman, and then took advantage of her illness by assaulting her. This needs to stop. I fast forwarded these scenes.

I'm with JJ in thinking this story would have been better if everyone had agreed to the foursome going in. However, these scenes were well-acted. I did feel a little for Eli, who felt he could not tell Gabi the truth without destroying Lani/JJ. However again a nice twist would have been if he had told Gabi the truth and she agreed to keep it secret because it was his and Lani's wish. But alas, perhaps that can happen in the next paternity story. Meanwhile let's get the real couples on track.
I think I liked this episode better than Friday.

Hope, you have NO jurisdiction in Hong Kong. Glad the goon called her out on this. Shawn is a consultant for the Hong Kong police? Lol ok. I hear there is an open detective position in Salem now vacated by your cousin. Just sayin. I actually think it could be interesting to see Shawn as Lani's partner again and have Belle jealous this time.

Why is it so difficult to have Shawn and Belle air in the same episode???? Will we see Belle tomorrow and not Shawn?

I agree that Julie was out of line. I don't have an issue with Julie and Doug being angry at Rafe. They should be. But the dialogue aside from that "What the hell, Rafael" line was ridiculous. At the end of the day, Hope is a 50+ year old grandmother who's been married multiple times. She's not 22. I think she'll be ok.

By the way, I'm guessing something will end up happening to Rafe and that's what will prompt a reconciliation.

As for the foursome, I'm glad both couples are kaput. Now can we see the correct couples together? Gabi/JJ and Lani/Eli please and thank you.

I don't see how Stefan gets redeemed after this. He is headed towards rape. But I do love that Chad is Abby's trigger. Loved the ending. Poor Abby. I'm guessing Dr. Laura will save her.
Hope, you have NO jurisdiction in Hong Kong. Glad the goon called her out on this. Shawn is a consultant for the Hong Kong police? Lol ok. I hear there is an open detective position in Salem now vacated by your cousin. Just sayin. I actually think it could be interesting to see Shawn as Lani's partner again and have Belle jealous this time.

I kind of wish the goon had responded with something like: "And I'm a dog catcher in Detroit. Which also means nothing here."

But Heather, you're missing something, Hope isn't just any 50+ grandmother with multiple marriages under her belt, she is Doug's "Little Princess." Which is totally different. LOL
[Lani] wasn’t lying to hurt him.

How I would have loved for Rafe to have a spine and tell [Doug and Julie] to mind your own business.

A lie is a sin, no matter how we look at it, but I believe that some are worse than others. Lani could have kept her mouth shut about having sex with Eli except that there is a baby involved. To me, that makes the lie worse. It would have been so unfair for JJ to go on believing that child was his. I still find it hard to believe that Eli, of all people, was willing to deny his child's existence and have someone else raise him.

I'm in total agreement with you that Rafe should have found his spine with Doug and Julie.

Glass houses Ms Williams Williams Williams.
Julie was no saint but she seems to have forgotten that fact.

I did feel a little for Eli, who felt he could not tell Gabi the truth without destroying Lani/JJ.
Sorry, but I don't believe for a minute that that was his true motive.
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Hope is a 50+ year old grandmother who's been married multiple times. She's not 22. I think she'll be ok.
This is why I was a little overzealous in my review of Julie and Doug's scenes today. If Theo had slept with Sami during a 3-hour breakup from Claire and been outed on his wedding day, the diatribe from the Williamses would have been well-warranted. This isn't even the worst thing one of her would-be lovers/husbands has done. BY A LOT.
Why is it so difficult to have Shawn and Belle air in the same episode????
Are we 100% sure that they're not played by the same actor? Or is it too much to hope they each cost A LOT of money?