Days of Our Lives - Mon., Nov. 26, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, November 26, 2018

Ho Humm…Rafe & Hope wander into the very empty Doug’s Place, where Julie is getting things back in order, looking for dessert. Rafe mentions Sweet Potato Pie, Julie says there are 2, one from Lani, one from Sheila. Hope wonders where Ciara is, as she said she was having TDay dinner with Doug & Julie.. This surprises Julie, no, she wasn’t here. Since Hope cannot reach Ciara by phone, she decides to go to the loft, see what is going on, telling Rafe to stay behind in case Ciara comes there.

Thus Rafe is left with Julie, who kindly warns him about hurting Hope again with another one night stand. (sorry, but this conversation was out of nowhere, and odd). Rafe already had this with Doug, promised him, and promises Julie, he will never hurt Hope again. She is the only woman for him, he is lucky, Julie happy, she suggests a toast, they do.

Ciara comes home to the loft, Tripp is packing his stuff up, not only moving out of her room, but the loft as well. Ciara reminds him that he broke it off, not her, but he figured it was coming, she was upset with him. They argue a bit about her trusting Ben, and Tripp’s conviction that he tried to kill Ciara by burning the cabin down, her conviction he would not do that. Blah, blah. He leaves. Suddenly, Hope is there, sitting on the bed, explaining she let herself in with the key when no answer. Now it is her turn to get on Ciara’s case about Ben, constantly talking of always protecting her, no matter how old she is. Broken records. They go round and round, Ciara loves her mom, but since she won’t stop talking about this, Ciara takes her helmet, leaves, going out for air. Hope is left muttering to herself, I only want to protect you.

Sonny has showed up in the park, asking what was so important, Uncle Vic said you had to see me, get home right now. So, Will hems, haws, and takes 10 minutes to finally tell Sonny that Paul left town, found out about them, Brady told him, went to San Francisco. Actually is better Brady told Paul, that he found out now than later. Will knows he was hurt, but he went to be with family, etc. Sonny never stopped thinking of Will when gone, promises to never leave him again, they kiss, decide to take this someplace private, will go to Sonny’s place.

Eric has finally gotten Holly to sleep, she keeps saying she wants her mommy. Sarah is very supportive of him raising Holly, he says he promised Nicole, Sarah feels Maggie & Victor just too old now to be running after a toddler, thinks Eric will be wonderful daddy, do good job. He is going to talk to Maggie first, then file papers.

In the square, Ben sees Claire, tells her their little partnership is over, she protests, Tripp & Ciara broke up, she gets Tripp, he can get Ciara. Ben knows Ciara still has feelings for Tripp. Claire just rattles on and on and on, knows she can get Tripp for herself, Ciara is Ben’s. He refuses to stay any longer in her plan, she is protesting, trying to convince him, Tripp sees them arguing, comes along to intercede and “protect” Claire. She makes up some lie about why they were arguing, Tripp gets up close and personal with Ben, who pulls out his phone, is gonna call the cops, Tripp is the one who framed him. Now Claire jumps in front of Tripp, defends him, speaks for him, yap, yap, yap. Tripp smart mouths, she is shutting him up, telling Ben Tripp is sorry, (gad this is so stupid) and please don’t call the police. Ben finally agrees, Tripp goes in to work, Claire is still going on and on, saying Tripp is really thankful, blah, blah. Ben again is very firm, tells Claire he did agree, but he is no longer a part of Claire’s plans. Leave him out of it all. He goes off. She now talks to Tripp, who mentions moving out, she panics, telling him to reconsider, he doesn’t have to move out, who would make such good popcorn, ….and some other silly stuff. He agrees to think about it, goes back to work, she mutters that while Ciara may have given up on him, she definitely will not.

Ciara comes walking down a path, spots something on the ground, kneels to pick it up, as someone else does exactly the same thing from the opposite direction. Tis Ben. Stare!

Hope comes up to Doug’s Place, stops for a second, someone grabs her arm, she turns, punch to the jaw, the person goes down. She looks. Stare!

Will & Sonny are at Sonny’s, kissing, Sonny removing partially Will’s sweater (amazing it still is not cold enough for a winter jacket for anyone in Salem), let’s take this upstairs. Hand in hand they start, doorbell rings. Will says ignore it, Sonny says he will get rid of whoever. He opens the door. There stands Leo, leaning against the door frame. From Will & Sonny, cue the shocked stares!
Could Will have dragged out telling Sonny what happened with Paul any longer? And i didn't know he knew Brady told. I swear I remember being happy that Paul didn't throw Brady under the bus. I must have missed something. Still not a Sonny/Will fan but guess Leo will put a wrench in their happiness!

Still hate Rafe and Hope as couple. Wish they would end. I keep forgetting they are actually married.

Hope just won't give up on crucifying Ben. I loved Ciara "you always go back there with no proof" when she mentioned the fire again. Hope says did Ben's victims get a fair shot? Umm Hope did Stefano get a fair shot? I want all that to come out so bad. They seem to waffle between people thinking Stefano is dead or not.

I loved Ben and Claire's conversation that ended by him tightening up her tie!!! :rotfl:But I do hope they don't end up making him bad again.

I assumed that Sarah and Eric knew each other before but guess not. Is she really going to leave?
They seem to waffle between people thinking Stefano is dead or not.
All of the Salemites think Stefano is alive. Only Steve and Shane know that Shane was the one disguised as Stefano. Then they threw in the little zinger when Shane was looking at the pictures of himself disguised as Stefano around town and came across one of Stefano in a park feeding the pigeons. Shane was shocked and said he didn't do that while wearing the disguise.

I assumed that Sarah and Eric knew each other before but guess not.
They knew each other as kids. And Roman told a story about how Sarah used to come over and play with the twins (Sami and Eric) when he and Marlena lived next door to Alice. Here's a picture of the Salem small fry, back in the day. Sarah is on the left, as Red Riding Hood. And Eric is on the right, as the red crayon.

The other kids are Carrie as the bunny, Vanessa and Aaron Nichols (Stephen Nichols/Patch's real children, who had bit parts on the show, as a princess and ninja), Max in the karate outfit and Sami as the other red crayon, sitting down.

Hope: This one continues to amaze. Today,she said she was "full." "Full of it" would be a better description. And she continues to rant that Ben is a murderer conveniently forgetting that she murdered Stefano and that she once tried to kill Bo Brady with matches and a can of gasoline.

Claire: Like Hope, she ought to consider shutting up for a change. She utterly fails to grasp the difference between not being a quitter and being the village idiot.

Trippy: The son of Ava too continues to harp on Ben's past. Perhaps, he should listen to a sermon on forgiveness by Father Louis.

Sonny: Once again, the Big Boy's past mistakes are coming back to haunt him -- this time in the form of Leo. Maybe this time Sonny should resort to traditional Kiriakis methods of eliminating problems. E.g., "Uncle Vic. Xander's not really dead is he? I have somebody I'd like him to make go away -- permanently."

Ben: Today was more evidence that unlike EJ, he really has changed. If he hadn't, the unbearable Claire and foolish, blustering Little Trippy would be Eli's and Rafe's latest homicide cases.
Then they threw in the little zinger when Shane was looking at the pictures of himself disguised as Stefano around town and came across one of Stefano in a park feeding the pigeons. Shane was shocked and said he didn't do that while wearing the disguise.
I remember they did that. But they better not ever try to bring back Stefano. Joe Mascolo is the only one that can be Stefano and sadly that is not possible. That's why I want it to come out that Hope killed Stefano and got Rafe to help her hide her crime by disposing of the body. Little miss holier than though needs to be brought down.
I do not like this aggressive obsessed Hope. Punching someone out without even knowing who they are is not the Hope I want to see or her continuous Ben obsession.

I have liked Claire’s mischievousness lately, but her rant kind of turned me off, she sounded spoiled compared to villains who have had major trauma and stronger motivations. I liked Ben fiddling with Claire’s tie lol.

Tripp is definitely the one in the wrong, but he did make some good points, and I’m glad he isn’t in denial or begging on his knees. I hate when they make characters do that.

Welcome back Leo. :clap:Not a Will and Sonny fan, but hopefully their storyline can be interesting again with this third wheel. I know some people are upset by Leo’s return, but Will and Sonny deserve some angst. Neither one of them deserves to be happy right now. They need to earn it.
I hope, when all is said and done, Hope is right about Ben and everyone who hates her can eat crow. I don't like how she comes across not, either, but I hope she's right!!
Thanks Poirot.

Hopefully, we find out tomorrow who Hope hit.

I'm confused where Hope and Rafe ate. I thought he said at Gabi and Ari, but
I thought Gabi was staying at the K mansion. At one time, Gabe lived at
Rafe's house.

The way Claire was ranting at Ben .. I think she needs to be at Bayview
Abby. And what would she do if Tripp finds someone else and doesn't want
to be with her?

Good scene with Ben when he fixed Claire's tie.

I wonder who told Will that Paul moved away.

Sarah had a good line about Victor teaching Holly the black arts on his knee