Days of our Lives - Monday, November 28, 2022


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Gwen at home writing an article when Jack walks in and startles her. Jennifer’s brother Mike, Chad and the kids were going to eat with Nancy Miller, Craig’s ex-wife. Nancy and Mike are dating. Jack is going back to work, it’s been hard.

Sarah and Xander discuss whether or not Xander kidnapped Susan and Bonnie.

Tony talks to EJ again. Chad walks in.

Drunk EJ is calling to his mother. Asking if she needs help. It’s AVA, she’s ALIVE!! (would be shocking if she hadn’t been in a spoiler for the week)

Gwen is writing a story about Paulina Price. Gwen tells Jack that Chad has asked Gwen to not write the story.

Chad left New York to check on EJ because of Susan.

Sarah has figured it out, and questions Xander but Xander tries to lie his way out of it. Sarah wants to know what it was that made Xander quit. He says the company Rednax was going to put out a new pain drug and claimed it wasn’t addictive, but it was, he wasn’t going to lie for them.

Ava is really there, or not, either way she points a gun at EJ

Gwen tells Jack about Sloan’s giving her the document. Gwen is busy fact checking everything.

Alex and his cousin Stephanie are still cleaning each other’s tonsils of Grandma Jo’s stuffing muffins. Maggie walks in on them. Maggie is sorry about Tripp losing his mother even if his mother was Ava.

Ava continues to taunt EJ while pointing the gun at him. Ava asks if she is his version of a pink elephant. EJ figures out that Ava is real because he doesn’t have a consciousness.

Tony and Chad discuss EJ, it’s thrilling. Not really it’s two men chatting about stuff you know.

Sarah tells Xander that Bonnie mentioned the man wearing blue suit, well-muscled Xander gets out of those until it gets to Mimi. Xander looks terrified.

Chad is furious/angry/upset that EJ kidnapped Tripp. Tony is worried that Chad might tell Stephanie about Tripp’s kidnapping.

Maggie thinks that Bonnie will be better once they catch that clown. Maggie tells Alex and Stephanie that Xander is the man in the clown mask.

Jack and Gwen talk about ethical truth telling. Gwen admits that she isn’t known for being able to tell the truth.

Xander is crushed that Sarah thinks that he could have kidnapped Bonnie and Susan, Xander thought that Sarah trusted him, her believing he was a changed man and such. Sarah goes to look up the company because it must have a website.

Ava tells of deliberately crashing the car to get even with EJ. She wanted to cause EJ lots of pain and suffering. Ava jumped before the car rolled over the embankment. Your mommy, well she is dead and now you are next.

Gwen is shocked to find out that she has Xander’s job. Jack thinks it’s a good idea for the two of them to keep a great distance from each other.

Sarah finds the company’s website.

Chad is offended that Tony might rat out his brother to Stephanie. Tony is really worried about EJ.

Ava and EJ still in a standoff, EJ has been slowly inching towards Ava, he grabs the gun the struggle and the gun goes off.

Jack is shocked that Xander and Gwen have been seeing each other. Gwen claims NO it’s nothing like that, they’ve been bumping into each other and they are now friends. Jack demands to know if she is being straight with him. Jack wants to be sure that Gwen understands that Xander is married to Sarah. Gwen knows that Xander is married to Sarah, not her. It sounds very good.

A shocked Xander says see, there is a website. Sarah apologizes for not believing. There is even posting for Xander’s job.

Chad and Tony are going to head out to find EJ. Rafe calls, tells them where he last saw EJ. They rush to the crash site.

We see the crash site, EJ is on the ground, nothing more.

Jack is proud of Gwen. Jack wants to see the paperwork she got from Sloan. Even thought it’s still Thanksgiving, he thinks it would be great to be advising a daughter again. Jack asks Gwen to call him Dad again. Gwen wants to know how to repay him. He says make me a turkey sandwich.

Alex and Stephanie grill Maggie about Xander and Sarah’s feelings.

Sarah and Xander kiss and make up.

Tony finds the empty flask; Chad finds EJ who claims that Ava was there. They don’t believe him.

Maggie wants Stephanie and Alex to remain quiet. Maggie leaves to stop Victor from raiding the fridge. Alex wants to get back to what they were doing beforehand. Stephanie stops that.

Sarah goes through the bag of leftovers Maggie brought. Xander goes out for ice, Sarah searches the room for a cork screw. (Because most cheap motels include them with their lotions and soaps)

Xander calls Gwen who admits to building the website.

EJ, Chad and Tony all struggle to get EJ into the car to have his head checked. Tony and Chad do not believe EJ that Ava is still alive. As they leave, the camera pans to a spent shell casing. Fear not, the Salem PD won’t find it either.
Sarah searches the room for a cork screw. (Because most cheap motels include them with their lotions and soaps)

This made me laugh as I said something similar to this while watching. Can't believe the writers put such a stupid thing into the script, and the director let it stay. LOLOL

Thanx, Robin. While at first, thought Ava was one of those fantasies the writers like to do so often, the fact her face was dirty, hair bedraggled indicated otherwise.

Agree with JS about Mike and Nancy dating. BULLoney.

Thought Xander was really great with his "reaction" facial expressions to Sarah's questioning.

Was really happy to see Jack, but they confined him to just that scene with Gwen. Amazing how Gwen is such a great reporter with a top story, and Jack has never even seen her write a single sentence about anything in all her life, yet trust her with this. And if someone asked her to not write the story.......then why can't Jack write it? His newspaper, he always was a reporter.

Liked that Chad & Tony were there to find and help their friend. EJ badly needed it.

Wonder if Ava skipped town now, or just is waiting a bit to make her next move.
Nice job, robinsnest!

I kinda love that Gwen had Xander's back. That website looked pretty good based on what we saw, even included a job posting for his "former job." Honestly, Gwen and Xander NEED to be back together.

Jack telling Gwen to go back to calling him "Dad" was a huge step for them both. Even though Gwen will never mend her wicked, wicked ways entirely, she IS capable of decency sometimes, and I would like to see her lean more into that side of herself. Not expecting a miracle here, just a better version of Gwen, if that is even possible. I am all for redemption, but that is a stretch for most characters who are "drawn bad" from the start.

Don't slap me too hard, but I DID feel bad for EJ when his claims of seeing Ava were not believed. I get it, he was plastered, hit his head, and that was some accident. So how long before that shell casing is discovered? It will be blanketed in snow by the time Salem PD, aka, the Keystone Cops, get around to finding it.

If that food was lying around for less than two hours, it should be fine, but more than two hours, get ready to be sick. And what will they heat it up with? That motel does not have a microwave.
REALLY hate the writing for Xander & Sarah. It's stupid and flies in the face of show history (e.g., Sarah coming from a very upper-class family and being broke, having worked for 5+ years as a doc and being broke, etc) as well as recent character development. Xander could have come clean, and should have, but instead he's compounding the lies.

Stephanie/Alex do not exist. I do not see them on the show. They are not here.

Gwen is shown being good at her job. This does not bode well in Salem.
Don't you love that it is still Thanksgiving Day in Salem today? Been 5 days for us....but heck, they got leftovers on the same day to munch down. And no one heats the potatoes, gravy, turkey stuffing, green bean dish.....or the biscuits. And doubt the cranberry sauce or salad is still cold. But then Sarah was only concerned with ice for the wine. Ahhh, Salem.

Probably tomorrow will be December. LOL
Thanks, robin.

It's a day of lies and secrets and more lies and secrets. It's the Salem way.

It stinks Xander is still lying to Sarah when she asked him point blank about the kidnapping.

Sarah is really stupid if she can't see the that the word Rednax is Xander backwards.

Tony doesn't want Chad to tell Stephanie EJ was the one who had Tripp kidnapped. One secret.

Gwen and Xander have another secret together.

So, Chad and the kids went to New York to spend Thanksgiving with Jennifer and Jack. And we
found out Mike and Nancy are dating. Very strange. Since Chad and Jack left are Mike and Nancy
taking care of the kids.

Ava is alive. Is Susan alive too?
there isn't incest between them, right?
No, Alex and Stephanie were raised as cousins, but they are not biologically related.

Alex's parents are Justin and Anjelica Deveraux, although he was raised by Adrienne from the time he was a toddler. Adrienne is the only mother Alex knew. He had next to no contact with Anjelica throughout his life (as mentioned by Anjelica when she was last in Salem and played by Morgan Fairchild).

Stephanie's parents are Steve and Kayla.

Just like Max Brady was legally adopted by Pop Shawn and Caroline Brady, so he was the legal brother of Kayla and Bo, yet he ended up dating his nieces, Stephanie (Kayla's daughter) and Chelsea (Bo's daughter). I could see him dating Chelsea because they didn't meet until they were older teens, but he literally grew up with baby Stephanie.

Heck, Julie married her former stepfather.
Gwen: She shouldn’t fret about the Spectator being sued for libel because of anything she wrote. All she has to do is what the news media always does when reporting wrongdoing — insert the word “alleged.” For example, alleged career criminal EJ DiMera, alleged blackmailer Sloan Peterson, or alleged grifter Leo Stark works just fine.

Xander: Now that Gwen has saved his bacon with her fake Rednax website, she can help the X-Man make a fortune if his marriage to Sarah lasts long enough for him to get an ornament. She cold set up a website where he could sell replica ornaments to women who would really like a shirtless Xander on their Christmas trees

EJ: He’s lucky that he was saved by Chad and Tony. Could there be a more ignominious end for a DiMera than dying of exposure by the side of a country road? If such a thing had happened, the first thing he'd have heard in the next life would have been Stefano saying, “Elvis, you fool!”
Days DOES need a family tree. An updated family tree. When I started watching Game of Thrones when it debuted, there was a family tree available, but I still couldn't figure it out:head scratch: