Days of Our Lives - Thu., Nov. 14, 2019


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Western Wisconsin
Community Room: Brady is at the AA meeting with Maggie, Eric, two male extras, a female extra, and JJ. Brady is speaking of his regrets, and wanting a drink the night his baby died. JJ looks terrible, and is nodding along. Brady didn't, because no amount of narcotic would numb the pain of losing his kid. He's been in the program for the past 6 months. Nobody can bring back his child, or the mother of his child. JJ leaps up, telling him to shut the hell up. Eric tries to intervene; JJ can't listen to Brady's pity party, stomps out.

Private Area: Eli is looking at a flyer for a Veterans' Day celebration. He flashes back to proposing to Lani. He trashes the flyer. Abe comes up, hasn't seen him much since Eli quit being commissioner. New Flashback of Eli telling Lani she broke his heart (after she announced Ben was in custody for Jordan's murder), and he can't work with her anymore. That was a year ago (dated by Abe). Abe says things are different now, Lani is gone.

Pub: John enters, wanting his usual. He kibitzes with Roman about Marlena's absence; John worries, Roman is sure they'll be OK. They talk about Will killing Adrienne, and the effect that has on Marlena (and Arianna). They can't believe the things that have transpired this year.

Royal Loft: Someone is posing for "Gina". It is her best work. It is implied that she is painting Stefano. She later is seen arguing with "Steffie" about whether John is a pawn or a prince. Later, she declares that she's successfully intervened between John & Marlena, so Steffie can have his Queen of the Night, and she her prince.

Chad & Abby's Room: Abby is going on and on about how awesome Paris was for them, how it helped them build a strong marriage. Chad has something to say, but rather than say it, he stalls long enough for Gabi to interrupt. She reminds them she's in charge. She needs a doll for Arianna, who left it in there while playing with Charlotte. She flits out after saying she needs profit projections from Chad. Abby wants to move. Chad says they can't, because Stefano is alive, communicating through instant messages. Chad is absolutely sure this person he's never seen is his father. They are working to bring Gabi down. Chad needs to be in the front row to exploit any weakness of Gabi's, and to make Gabi pay for what she did to Abby.

Private Area: Eli explains he'd moved on by the time Lani "left town." Abe reminds him (he's been re-elected) that there's always going to be a place at the PD for him, even with a new commissioner. Neither of them know why Lani dumped him. Eli asks how Lani is; Abe hasn't spoken to her in some time, but Tamara has reported she is OK, but closed off. Eli starts, but does not complete, a message to her.

Behind the Pub: Eric catches up to JJ, who is popping pills. Eric is sorry Brady was there and tries to intervene, JJ slaps him.

Community Room: Maggie and Brady talk about JJ. Brady thinks he should have left when he saw JJ there. Brady wants to reach out, but knows it's not the right time; Maggie reminds him they can only accept what JJ does and change the things they can. He admits he fell back in love with Kristen watching her nurture their baby. New Flashback to 7 months ago, where Brady and Kristen kissed after feeling the baby kick. Brady wanted to believe the best, but should have known that Kristen would break his heart. He fought falling for her, but did anyway.

DiMansion Study: Gabi is looking at a picture of Stefan, having a flashback, and promising that she's avenged him, and will carry on the DiMera legacy. Eli enters, he's been searching for Kristen on Gabi's orders. She suspects Abby and Chad are plotting; he calls her paranoid, but she thinks she's being proactive. (Tony is "tucked away" in Europe with Anna.) She can't let her guard down.

Pub: Eric and JJ enter. Roman and John want to know what happened, Eric keeps it between them; John goes to JJ to help, asks what this is all about. "It's about your damn son," JJ spits. Everyone's had a tough year, but that's no excuse. JJ feels nobody can understand what he's going through. John says he's here, if JJ needs help. John leaves; Eric re-approaches, wants JJ to hit him again if it will help him realize getting high is wrong. Eric will talk with him anywhere, doesn't have to be the meeting. JJ laments losing Haley, his own pain, while people focus on Brady. He bolts.

Royal Slum: "Gina" knows that "Steffie" has been communicating with Chadwick on a laptop. She takes a break from painting, has worked up an appetite she will satiate.

Hallway: Maggie wants to restart the meeting, Brady wants to bury himself in work. She tells him she tried that when she lost Daniel, but the grief must be dealt with.

Square: Abe and John run into each other, they chat for a second. Abe invites John for a bite, but he has plans. They talk about their worry for Lani and Brady, respectively.

DiMansion Study: Gabi is continuing to outline her plan as she notices Eli is distant. He admits he ran into Abe and talked about Lani.

Religious Sanctuary: A nun with a rosary is kneeling. It's Lani. She flashes back to refusing to talk with Eli about her jilting him.

Private Area: JJ takes more pills. Brady happens by.

DiMansion Study: Gabi takes Eli's hand, says she knows how hard it was when Lnai left him. They kiss.

Chad's Office - oops, I mean bedroom: Abby questions Chad; she thinks someone is trying to dupe him and take down DiMera. He respects Stefano's wishes. Abby sends him a message (in Chad's IM) imploring him to meet in person or lose contact. At the Royal Digs, "Steffie"'s ringed left hand moves on the keyboard.

Townhouse: John enters. "Gina" is there. They are having dinner.

Community Room: Maggie is cleaning up. Eric enters. They recap how they couldn't have known JJ and Brady would both be there, as those two have been avoiding each other for months.

Private Area: Brady will not judge JJ. Brady is sorry; JJ is vitriolic. Kristen killed Haley and JJ will never forgive either her or Brady.

Sanctuary: Lani admits to a fellow nun that she was thinking of Eli again. It is Kristen.
I agree it was nice to see the "7 months ago" graphic on the scene with Brady and Kristen at the K-Mansion when she had him feel the baby kicking. Brady referred to the baby as "he", saying he was going to be a great soccer player. Wonder if they knew they were having a boy or if Brady was just using "he" because he figured they were having a son? Interesting.
Jaw drop ending, for sure. Lani is a nun, joined by another nun, who appears to be Kristen. (Someone forgot to remove Lani's nail polish, since she is now a nun.) She prays, but thinks of Eli. Hmmmm.
And then JJ drops the bomb, Kristen murdered Haley. What??? Why????

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WOW!!! A can't-miss episode! I'm glad there was no summary up before I watched this.

I notice that when Brady talks about his baby at the meeting, he does not indicate the gender. In flashback scenes he and Kristen refer to the baby as "he", but did they know the gender or was this just their guess?


"Some days there won't be a song in your heart. Sing anyway."— Emory Austin
I feel like it wasn't that surprising because a year hasn't really passed and Kristen was just on the show last week. They've moved people around and changed things up, but Kristen's been thrown off of a balcony into the sea, and shown up to be killed again. In the same episode where Gabi and Eli are looking for her and she's the talk of the town, why wouldn't she show up?

I think Brady was using the generic "he" in the flashback. Otherwise he would have said "son" in the meeting (my read on it anyway). I think they're setting us up to think the babies were switched, but they weren't. (Or they were twice.) Perhaps Haley was switching the babies for some reason. (It would be more interesting than the usual "Kristen's an unhinged psycho who kills people" plot.)
I don't know what happened. But here in Canada, Québec, to be more precise, they showed the episode where Lani leaves Eli at the altar. :angry::angry:

And to think I was beginning to enjoy Days again. So thanks for the summary.
Thanks, Jason.

I love how you used "royal loft" as an area and the loft has more things since
we saw it last.

I laughed when Gina mentioned to Steffy about anyone missing his picture at the
mansion. Probably not, the living room seems to have vanished too :)

A lot of wow stuff in this episode. Eli is working for Gabi, Lani and Kristen are nuns. What??

Abe talked about winning the election to be mayor and there's a new commissioner.
Is it Rafe?

Is Stefano alive or not? Chad told Abby the person he's chatting with knows the same memories. W
ell, maybe someone needs
to ask Dr Rolf about that one since he gave Gina's essence to Hope.

Brady told Maggie he fell in love with Kristen again, but Kristen did something
bad again?
Hopefully, it won't be too long before we find out what.

So John and Marlena are apart again. What happened this time? And he has Gina/Hope is staying
with him. It was funny when he told Abe he's taking the Brady pub special because the
woman he's
with can't cook. I'm sure everyone thought Marlena. You would think by now, John would have
learned to cook.
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Double whammy: It's bad enough that Lani left poor Eli at the altar, but couldn't she have immediately quit her job so he could have kept his commissioner job and avoided slumming at the DiMansion and locking lips with Gabi?

Pub food magic: So John is now ordering Pub takeout daily. This sounds like an idea for another promotional theme for Roman: "Pub food a day will keep marital woes away."

Stupid is as stupid does I: Why is ex-convict Gabi still in charge of DiMera when a real DiMera, Chad, is available. If Stefano is still alive, he ought to get rid of Mr. Shin and the rest of the incompetent board.

Stupid is as stupid does II: Fie on the writers for having Stefano be still alive. That character died with the actor who played him, the late, great Joseph Mascolo. And if they are going to pretend that the Phoenix has risen, he at least should act like Stefano. Would the real Stefano ever have taken orders from faux artist Princess Gina? (That picture that she's working on is probably a glorified stick figure.]

Dress for success: After a year, Gabi still hasn't learned to dress like a real CEO. The short skirt that she had on today looked as if she had taken over Kate's old occupation: trolling for sailors on the Salem piers.

Standards are slipping: It's hard enough to believe that any order of nuns would take Lani and her nail polish, but it's beyond absurd that homicidal Kreepy Kritter Kristen is one too. She should be in a jail cell, not the convent.
Dress for success: After a year, Gabi still hasn't learned to dress like a real CEO. The short skirt that she had on today looked as if she had taken over Kate's old occupation: trolling for sailors on the Salem piers.
This made me laugh, because Salem is supposed to be near Chicago, (my home town) & that is not far from the Great Lakes Naval Training Station, just a bit north. Yep, those sailors loved to spend their time off in Chicago.......LOL

Standards are slipping: It's hard enough to believe that any order of nuns would take Lani and her nail polish, but it's beyond absurd that homicidal Kreepy Kritter Kristen is one too. She should be in a jail cell, not the convent.
I saw this suggested elsewhere........WHAT IF that is not Kristen, but Sister Mary Moira???