Days of Our Lives - Thurs. Nov 12 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Thursday, November 12, 2009
Episode #11,197 Taped 10/28 Director – Noel Maxam

And Nicole’s house of cards continues to tumble down. Frantically, Nicole looks for Sydney at DiMansion. She questions Harold, and it is like pulling teeth for him to finally say that Sydney was originally with Mary, who had a family emergency, and had to leave. She learns both Stefano and EJ are “out”, and finally that Mary gave Sydney to Kate….unfortunately, Kate is not home now either. Evidently, Harold finally tells her where Kate is, as we next visit…

The Salem P.D. where Roman has taken a statement from EJ, wants him to ‘fess up to what he knows about the hit on Rafe, but no dice. A cop brings a protesting Kate in, who smart mouths everyone, and knows nothing of Stefano’s whereabouts. Nicole comes rushing in, wanting to know where her baby is, EJ gives her a hard time over losing the little girl, Kate throws in a few digs before she is dragged off to an interrogation room. Roman thinks if she helped Stefano pack, she could be labeled as an accessory, and perhaps they can get her on that, when they could not nail her for Chloe’s poisoning. Nicole learns from EJ that he was there when the hitman tried to kill Rafe, and she wonders why he saved Rafe. EJ is taken aback, but Nicole claims he himself could have been hurt, and yaks it up about loving him, etc. Finally, Kate is brought back, tells Nicole that she gave Nicole to Chloe. (poor kid…bounced around like that)

Over to Chloe, singing twinkle, twinkle little star to Sydney, who is wide awake and not in the least interested in going to sleep. Later, we see Sydney sitting on the bed, with Chloe’s arm around her, only it is Chloe who is fast asleep. Daniel opens the door, and decides to take Sydney for a walk, giving Chloe a chance for some much needed rest.
Chloe gets a call from Nicole, which wakes her up, she realizes Sydney is gone. Nicole rushes over, Chloe tells her to calm down, Daniel left a note, took Sydney for a walk. Later, we see Daniel out with Sydney, talking to her, telling her she needs lots of sunshine and happiness and two parents who love her to pieces. And gotta tell you, the camera zooms in on Sydney’s face, and she makes the cutest, most darling scrunched up smile. Adorable. Now they are inside the Pub, Daniel is giving instructions about a patient on the phone, hangs up, tells Sydney it is work, sorry. In storms Nicole, having a fit because he took Sydney, and insisting on taking her baby right now. Nope, you are not touching her, replies Daniel.

Justin is getting ready to go consult with Carly, telling Hope he is sorry he jumped into being Carly’s attorney so fast. Hope assures him his clients are his business, and she realizes that Carly would not have a chance if she was returned to her country. Next he is there with Carly, telling her his quick fix was just that, and she could be extradited pretty soon now. She says she can’t until……..but doesn’t finish the sentence. Justin presses, “until what”….but Carly is mum. He leaves, she gets on the computer, mutters something about Search….then Salem….and boy, finds something in the blink of an eye that she writes down, then grabs her hoodie, and takes off.
Bo arrives at the K mansion, bringing something for Ciara, who is not there, he knows it. He comes in, is sorry he accused Hope of turning Carly in, and not believing her when she denied it. She is sorry she trusted Victor, she was only curious about Carly, since she was so much in Bo’s life when she was gone, supposedly forever. Bo agrees that Victor is a master at ferreting something out. He assures her there is only one person he loves, and no one could ever replace her in his heart. They talk of rebuilding the trust between them, perhaps counseling, and Hope tells him she wants to come home.

Mia sits sadly with her latte at the Java Café, as Maggie comes in and joins her. Mia is surprised, figures Maggie is going to want her to move out, wouldn’t want a **** living with her. Maggie doesn’t want Mia talking about herself that way, mentions she & Mickey could not have children, which is why they adopted, and to always remember that she gave up her child so she could have a wonderful life, and loving parents. She suggests Mia perhaps contact her family, since she feels so alone, but Mia cannot do that, her mom wants nothing to do with her, has problems of her own. Later, a downhearted Mia, sits on the dock, when Carly appears, just saying, you look like you could use a friend.

Rafe is telling a very disbelieving Sami that her baby is alive. Sami gets angry, Rafe insists he has proof, Sami gets upset, she knows Grace died, but Rafe tells her he doesn’t mean Grace, he means Sydney….that Sydney is hers, the babies were switched at birth. Now Sami is in tears, no, no, no, a mother would know. Grace was her child, she gave birth to her, nursed her, took care of her, watched her die, and you were right there with me. She is sobbing (boy, Alison Sweeney/Sami knocks it out of the park in these scenes). Rafe tries to explain, reminding her of Nicole’s miscarriage, of how she wore the fake pillow, wanted to keep EJ, so was on the search for a replacement baby. Sami cannot believe this, there is no way. But Rafe tells her that somehow Nicole learned she was pregnant, and went to the convent. Oh, Sami cannot believe the nuns would have allowed any sort of switch. No, it did not happen there, it happened right after the babies were born. He gently goes thru the sequence, as a distraught Sami slowly realizes he could be right. He mentions Nicole visiting Sister Theresa as Mary, Sami remembers the nun mentioning that. Nicole steered Sister Theresa to Dr. Baker. Sami still cannot accept this, but Rafe reminds her that Mia & her gave birth the same day, and how her baby was not breathing, Dr. Baker took her away. Sami insists it was only a couple of minutes. Rafe shows her the DNA results, Sydney’s teething ring, Sami’s toothbrush. Sami knows DNA results can be fixed, but he assures her it was FBI lab. Sami remembers how they could not find any resemblance to anyone in Grace when she was first born (flashback) and mentions this to Rafe. She is sobbing, but starting to smile, as she finally accepts that Sydney is really hers. She hugs Rafe, so happy, and tells him they should go now to get her baby and bring her home.

Can NOT wait to see this episode! I am so excited!! Now comes the fight of the year between Nicole & Sami! I just hope this is the end of it....but I am pretty sure it wont be!

Glad to see Bo & Hope talking like adults!!! Hope actually sounding like a level headed person. Wonder how long that will last!

Glad Sydney is comfortable with every sing person in Salem. If I handed my daughter off to someone she didnt spend a lot of time with....she would scream bloody murder!!!

Thanks for the write up!
Thanks for the great write up.
So are they really going to go there with Carly?
Can't wait to see the scenes with Alison Sweeney (Sami). She is so good at the emotional scenes.
Ok Daniel knows what ?? Why will he not give Sydney to her mom? That is just a weird line..
I think Mia and Carly is just a chance meeting it is not who she is really looking for.
Thanks for the day ahead
I would like to see Bo and Hope work this out... why do I keep thinking Hope is an "I don't want you, but I don't want anyone else to have you either" type girl right now?

And so glad Sami knows about the baby switch, perhaps this story will end before the year does.
Thank you Poroit. The day we have all been waiting for! So Rafe spills and shows Sami the toothbrush, eh? Well, that blows that theory out of the water so I guess I can't hope it was Nicole's toothrbush anymore. Now I have to pray with all my might that she belongs to Lucas so Syd will be rid of the evil EJ and the crazy DiMeras forever.

Interesting that they have Carly interacting with Mia...wonder if the "boy" Carly is looking for is Chad?

And why do I think that Hope only wants to go home because Carly is there? robinsnest...I get you...
Finally something resembling November Sweeps. I can not wait to see the scenes with Alison Sweeney (Sami) and Galen Gering (Rafe). I am sure they are going to be spectacular. I bet Friday's show will be even better because it will be the hunt for Sydney and the fallout will start.
Thanks for the recap Barb.
I think that Carly will turn out to be Mia's bio mom. She probably put her up for adoption and is now looking for her. of course this is just my opinion.
I cant wit for the catfight too. It'll be wonderful. Look out Nicole!
Excellent write up. I have been reading them for awhile, and best news is the toothbrush reveal so we can put Nicole idea of being Sydneys mother to rest. I think the big twist James spoke of is that there is another baby alive. It will probably be Nicoles baby, but it will end up being adopted by Chloe and Dan! Now Nicole can feel what Sami has felt as they or Dan keep the identity of baby from her! Probably this adoption will go down while Ari is on leave. She will come back with her deserved broken heart, and feel a connection to Chloes baby. I think this was foreshadowed with Dan telling Sydney she needed two loving parents and his refusal to let her take Sydney. He could see she was loopy and thought she was not fit to care for the baby in that state. Good soapy stuff.
Excellent write up. I have been reading them for awhile, and best news is the toothbrush reveal so we can put Nicole idea of being Sydneys mother to rest. I think the big twist James spoke of is that there is another baby alive. It will probably be Nicoles baby, but it will end up being adopted by Chloe and Dan! Now Nicole can feel what Sami has felt as they or Dan keep the identity of baby from her! Probably this adoption will go down while Ari is on leave. She will come back with her deserved broken heart, and feel a connection to Chloes baby. I think this was foreshadowed with Dan telling Sydney she needed two loving parents and his refusal to let her take Sydney. He could see she was loopy and thought she was not fit to care for the baby in that state. Good soapy stuff.

Oooh I like it. :clap: I could definitely go for that.

Did I just say I wanted yet another baby switch story?
I know the feeling is that Mia is Carly's daughter or something but when she was searching she said 'boy' so that would kind of change that. That being said, the fact that they even mentioned that Mia had a mother in this very same episode is leading me to believe that maybe she is. She might have sent her away because she feared for her because of Lawrence.

Issue #2...Hope wants to move, so it is going to be Bo, Hope and Bo's ex-fiance all living under one roof? I mean I thought it implausable that Hope and Chelsea could live under one roof after the whole Zak thing but this is just weired...

Soapbox time is over now.

I really want to know what the secret is that Carly has that only know Bo knows about!!! And if she keeps seeing Ghost Lawrence she is going to need some help. Maybe they can bring Marlena and John back for a stint.

Finally and hopefully this is what we have been waiting for all these months. I hope Sami and Rafe finally settle down and now they can go after Nicole and EJ. It will be real interesting to find out what will happen when Sami and EJ both find out the truth together?????????????????:hot:
Finally and hopefully this is what we have been waiting for all these months. I hope Sami and Rafe finally settle down and now they can go after Nicole and EJ. It will be real interesting to find out what will happen when Sami and EJ both find out the truth together?????????????????:hot:

I've got a bad feeling that with EJ saving Rafe's life, they are trying to make him appear likable again, thus making it easier for Sami to return to him.
I'm not thinkin too much about Daniel sayin that to Nicole. It could just be something like "you can't take your baby ... Because she wants to finish her treat" or "because I need to talk to you about chloe first". Or somethin like that. Lol. I think they will stay at the pub for a while and rafe and sami will finally find them there.
I've got a bad feeling that with EJ saving Rafe's life, they are trying to make him appear likable again, thus making it easier for Sami to return to him.

I think if they were trying to make EJ more likeable and set up an EJ/Sami story, they wouldn't have had EJ repeatedly throwing out his baby despite Sami pleading with him not to do that. There are a number of things they could have had EJ do to protect Sydney while being on the outs with Nicole which would have made him look like a caring father devastated by the idea that he might lose his daughter, but they didn't. It feels to me more like a setup for Sami to justify being able to have custody of Sydney.

As for EJ saving Rafe's life, I think he just knows that dead men can't talk and he no longer trusts Stefano. Rafe obviously knows something big that probably affects EJ somehow and EJ doesn't trust anyone any more, not even his beloved fatha.

Thanks for the writeup, Poirot!
It just occurred to me. What if Carly had twins, Mia and Chad, and since Grace was their baby, she died because of the genetics of it all!
I think if they were trying to make EJ more likeable and set up an EJ/Sami story, they wouldn't have had EJ repeatedly throwing out his baby despite Sami pleading with him not to do that. There are a number of things they could have had EJ do to protect Sydney while being on the outs with Nicole which would have made him look like a caring father devastated by the idea that he might lose his daughter, but they didn't. It feels to me more like a setup for Sami to justify being able to have custody of Sydney.

As for EJ saving Rafe's life, I think he just knows that dead men can't talk and he no longer trusts Stefano. Rafe obviously knows something big that probably affects EJ somehow and EJ doesn't trust anyone any more, not even his beloved fatha.

Thanks for the writeup, Poirot!

You made me feel better. Thanks. :D
It just occurred to me. What if Carly had twins, Mia and Chad, and since Grace was their baby, she died because of the genetics of it all!

Eewwww! Yikes!! That's an interesting idea....but Eeeewww, just the thought of it!! :)