Days of Our Lives - Thurs. Nov 12 2009

would it not be awful if Rafe had Nicoles toothbrush and not Sami's, poor Sami would have to loose out again. After all Nicole was staying at Sami's and it could very well be her toothbrush
I would think Rafe would know Sami's toothbrush. Everyone in a household usually has a different kind/color brush. And besides, Nicole's would have been in another bathroom, not the master bathroom.
I didn't mean to cause an uproar when I suggested (tongue-in-cheek) that Rafe may have taken the wrong toothbrush. I seriously think the brush and the teething ring belong to Sami and Sydney, respectively. The mistake, I believe, was Rafe's trusting his good friend, Tim, to have the tests run. He could be working for Stefano.
I thought the way Rafe broke the news to Sami about Sydney was just hideous. He said "your baby is alive." That's cruel. Of course she would think of Grace and he had to know that. How thoughtless. I also thought Sami got "happy" too quickly. This is not news she was waiting for or expecting. In real life, I think someone would remain shaken and angry over the deceit and duplicity for a long long time, as well as the lost time they can never get back with the child. I think it would take longer than that to fully accept that the baby is hers. I can understand Sami wanting to "go get Sydney" but the joyful look on her face seemed cartoonish to me.

A word about Mia.
I have often criticized her acting, but I think she was wonderful in her scene with Maggie today when she said she is 16 and failed as a daughter, dancer and girlfriend. This was the first time ever that she evoked any sympathy from me. She was totally believable. Well done!

Thanks, Poirot, for the write-up.
Kpatch, I had intended to write the very same thing about Mia yesterday and forgot it. There was a remarkable improvement in her delivery and I enjoyed it.

Also could hardly believe the bad choice of words Rafe used when telling Sami about her baby. Don't know if the writers did that on purpose or for what reason but it was awful. Also I thought it was a quick transition for Sami. I don't think I could have accepted one person's word on something like that but then, they had to move the story along......
Thanks for the write up Poirot. I'm finally getting around to watching the episode and I have to agree with everyone who said the way Rafe broke the news to Sami was totally unbelievable. As were the "where is Sydney?" scenes. (I did love the cute smile when she was with Daniel.) I get that people are disgusted with Nicole for buying Sydney but its cruel to not tell her where Syd was.

Kate--bleh. EJ---bleh. I hope we aren't supposed to buy another "redeeming" of EJ DiMera. Maybe EJ will turn out to be Carly's lost child (I don't really think so but stranger things have happened in Salem).

I like Maggie and Mia. Mia's hair was a big improvement and its nice to see the character finally evolve and show some emotion. It was also good to see Maggie offering some good advice instead of having a hissy fit over nothing.
I thought the way Rafe broke the news to Sami about Sydney was just hideous. He said "your baby is alive." That's cruel. Of course she would think of Grace and he had to know that. How thoughtless. I also thought Sami got "happy" too quickly. This is not news she was waiting for or expecting. In real life, I think someone would remain shaken and angry over the deceit and duplicity for a long long time, as well as the lost time they can never get back with the child. I think it would take longer than that to fully accept that the baby is hers. I can understand Sami wanting to "go get Sydney" but the joyful look on her face seemed cartoonish to me.

A word about Mia.
I have often criticized her acting, but I think she was wonderful in her scene with Maggie today when she said she is 16 and failed as a daughter, dancer and girlfriend. This was the first time ever that she evoked any sympathy from me. She was totally believable. Well done!

Thanks, Poirot, for the write-up.

I was thinking that too about both Rafe's reveal and Mia's acting today.

I felt sooo bad for Mia when she was going thru what she failed at and there was emotion there...I think she seems to be growing as an actress and this tough SL seems to be helping, A LOT!

Rafe's reveal was horrible, it made it for a more argumentative situation that what needed to be. It just made me uncomfortable but glad it finally happened none the less.