Days of Our Lives - Tues., Feb. 25, 2020

Here's my take on today (which I watched until my brain shut down) as well as the overall show:

Lani/Eli: These two idiots deserve each other. How can they have been spawned by once-smart characters like Abe and Val? Lani's plan was idiotic and fickle Eli's only sounding board is his oft-racist, much-married busybody granny. I honestly don't care if they stick around or leave town, and whether they're together or apart. Remove them from my screen!

Mickey/Gabi: Gabi has every right to withhold her consent. It's not nice, but neither are the presumed or presumed-as-actual parents of the latest K-mansion rugrat. Honestly wipe this blight from Salem before she becomes the next troubled teen/young adult romancing a mass-murderer, and spare us decades of "s/he and I share a child" and other such pitiful story cul-de-sacs.

Maggie/Xander: Now here's a story I actually care about. I like Xander. I understand what he did. Even if there's not more to the story, he's the guy for whom I'm rooting. I like how he tried to hold out. I am interested in seeing this play out.

Evan/Sonny: It's becoming more and more apparent that Evan is unglued. Unless it turns out he's a Clydespawn in hiding or in the Witness Relocation Program, why are we pretending these two deserve cutesy scenes? Evan's mask is off, the thud is done resounding, let's move on already.

Maggie: Does anyone think Maggie will go to prison? While I hope there's more to the story, there simply can't be, and I don't believe for a second she'll be sent up. So tomorrow will have dramatic scenes with fallout lasting approximately two more appearances, then nothing. Wake me when she's paralyzed again. (On a side note, kudos to Suzanne Rogers - who plays Maggie - because she really delivered during these scenes.)

Eric/Sarah: Do they want me to feel sorry for these two? Because they're awful (although I like Sarah with Xander, his talking to Gabi might have been more convincing).

Will: This dope is willing to take the rap for his once-and-again grandaunt-by-marriage, forsaking his daughter and twice-lost love-of-his-life. Why should I care if Sonny moves on with the exploitative Evan?

Julie: This leopardess didn't change her questionable spots during her year of tolerating Gabi. I am regretting that Gabi didn't have the wherewithal to end her once and for all by refusing to donate her late husband's heart to the old witch.

Victor: I'd love it if he had another stroke. Maggie is the one person he should trust. Instead he belittles her intelligence and surely he won't suffer any long-term consequences from these horrible acts, all done supposedly for her.

Sweeps: Still not sure that this qualifies as sweeps material. I'm thinking the writers didn't think they'd need to sell the show for another year when this was "written".
Thanks, Poirot.

I laughed when Sarah was trying to attack Gabi. She said she'll kill Gabi then take the bone marrow.
Sounds like something Rolf might do.

Julie told Eli she didn't have reservations for his pity party.

Eli wondered since he was in the FBI, the Salem PD and commissioner how he missed
the signs about Gabi. Well, it is Salem.

I wasn't surprised Sonny walked in when Maggie, Victor and Xander were talking
about the accident.

Tomorrow is the last day for Feb sweeps
Thanks for the summary. I wish Gabi was leaving instead of someone else. Maybe they are grooming her to replace Kate, if Kate is ever retired. It would be really funny if they found another donor and then Gabi realized she had already declined the D.A.'s offer and she was left with no leverage.