Days of Our Lives - Tues., Jan. 22, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Replay of ending scenes from Monday. Leo wakes up, calling for Xandy, finds the champagne bottle in bed with him. He keeps calling. Meanwhile, Eric opens the door on the sleeping Xander & Sarah, all cuddled together. What the heck...he yells. Both awaken, Eric is livid, Xander is smarmy, talking of the wonderful time they had, too bad Eric missed out on it, she was great. He kisses Sarah on the cheek, gets up, puts on pants, meanders out, going to leave the two of them alone.

He goes to his room, pretending to Leo he just went out for some breakfast. Leo doesn't remember anything, so Xander pours it on thick about the great time they had, blah, blah. Now Xander wants the info, but Leo is not forthcoming, since he doesn't remember, he wants to have sex again, so he can have the memory. No dice, they debate it, but Xander says they had a deal. However, Leo doesn't remember, Xander says he was drunk, not Xander's fault. Leo only remembers kissing Xander, wonders if he was drugged, what if he takes his glass to a lab. Xander smashes it, does admit Leo went out like a light, also relates about going down to crash on the sofa, finding the luscious Sarah, yada, yada. He leaves, Leo not happy.

Sonny on phone to Will, hopes they get something soon, goes into living room, finding Brady, surprised. Brady says Vic invited him, Sonny glad they are talking, family, etc. They chat back and forth, Brady tells of Vic naming him CEO, Sonny glad, thinks Brady best for the job. Says he never really fit for it, didn't much like it himself. He goes out, Leo is coming down the stairs, wants to pal up with Sonny now. Sonny tells him to go sit in the hot tub with Xander. Leo would rather do a spa thing with Sonny, “my treat” he says. “My money” replies Sonny. Of course, c'mon, Leo insists, out they go.

Eric is furious, how could you sleep with the man who is responsible for Nicole's death, Holly has no mother. Sarah starts in about being mad at Rex, but Eric has her number. Last night, you were mad at Rex, wanted to crawl into my bed. So admit it, you were mad at me, that is why Xander. He is so disappointed in her, she thought so little of their friendship, which is over. He leaves. During all this, we get the whole flashback of Sarah on sofa, Xander coming in, shirtless, of course, realizing she is upset, she says her fiance slept with her sister, he kisses her, bingo, they are at it, he carries her upstairs, tho we only see him pick her up.

Kate has arrived to talk to Rex, who spills the whole story of his cheating and with who. She is appalled, he tells of relating truth to Sarah, Kate has fit, he should have lied. He notes Chloe said the same, she says Chloe was right for once. He is about to rush off to find Sarah, Kate talks him out of that, let Sarah calm down, and you as well. Yada, yada.

Jen is talking to Kayla about Jack, a long conversation, lots of repetition. Kayla tried to make Jack see he became a changed man because of Jen & his family, Jen says they were having such a lovely time, til Eve came, pulled him away. She is filling his head with nonsense, I know. Kayla is sorry her talk with Eve did not help, she thought it would perhaps make her realize she is better off starting anew elsewhere. She also tells Jen that Seth Burns gave the formula to the FDA, who is testing it, approval might not come for years. No testing on humans yet, so that is not option. However, they had Rolf's diary, so that could help, she will call Seth, and does. Bad news, no idea where it is.

Jack comes into the hotel room, some magazines, even one for Eve.....a bridal mag. She coyly suggests he is proposing. No, he isn't, but since she told Jen she was going to marry Jack, he figured she might want the mag. So now a long, long conversation, wherein Eve disputes everything Jen & the family told Jack, who thought they all loved him, he was a good father, husband, etc. She insists they just want him to be the guy in the albums, that is the past, he has to look to his future. He talks of journalism, writing a book, no, he doesn't know the ending of the amnesiac who returns to town. He decides to go work at the Spectator, is sure Adrienne or Jen would give him a job. She rags on that idea, the paper is a loser, kept together with paper clip & a bit of paste, he would be out of a job in a couple months. She shows him the contract offer from Chad (must have retrieved it from the waste basket), how she turned it down, as she & Jack together can make more. She pours on the butter, mentioning how he was in politics, ran for office. He likes the idea of Senator Jack Deveraux. She says they have to start local, small, Mayor Abe Carver is up for re-election, been mayor forever. Jack has no idea who that is.

Xander comes into the living room, surprised to see Brady, wondering if he should do Uncle Vic a favor and throw Brady out now, before Vic sees him. He goes on about having this info and being made head honcho of Titan, that Vic will be appointing him. Brady says he doubts that, since Vic already gave him the job. Xander is shocked....and a bit upset.

Eve has gotten Jack all worked up about perhaps running for mayor, especially as she notes he is a clean slate, no baggage. He is going down to the Pub, gonna do research, issues, etc. She declines going with him, has some of her own reading to do. He rushes out, she takes a book out from under the mattress. Looks perhaps like this is the missing diary!
Another episode that was not great. I’m not interested in Brady going back to the dark side, but Xander’s face was priceless. Extremely disappointed with Eric. He had every right to be upset with Sarah for sleeping with the enemy, but this was more of a jealousy thing to me. He said things that were uncalled for and just plain mean. The world does not revolve around him and as a former priest you would think he knows that. I hope this is really is the end of him and Sarah though.
So are we going to see everything in flashback now instead of when they actually happen?

I loved that Sarah said she loved every minute of sleeping with Xander instead of being repentant right off the bat and maybe even blaming Xander. It's really none of Eric's business who she sleeps with. So how long before Rex finds out?

I thought Kayla's outfit was very pretty today but not really appropriate for January in Salem. NW Indiana here and it's 25 degrees. Guess she's just looking forward to spring.
It's really none of Eric's business who she sleeps with.

:clap::clap::clap: This, yes, exactly.

Frankly, this was all so cringe worthy. Eric going as far as trying to get Sarah out of the bed. Ewwwww. :sick::sick::sick: Turn around, man, walk away, the world does not revolve around you.
Not that I think Sarah is a prize, mind you. But she can do whatever, or whoever, she wants. And apparently, if someone says no to her, she goes on to the next. :sick::sick: Sarah, Eric, Rex : leave, go away.
I think Eric hit the nail on the head.....Sarah was mad at Rex so wanted to have sex with Eric, and then got mad at Eric when he said it wasnt' right, so next available guy was handy Xander. Eric was more disappointed in her,than anything else.....but she definitely can sleep with whoever she wants. And obviously she chose to sleep around with whoever was available. Eric at least knew it really wasn't him, but someone, anyone, to get even with Rex. He cared enough to not want her to make a mistake, regret it. And she does, already. Thus her "what have I done" as she sits alone.
As far as Jack & the Pub, yep, one can get lots of info there, I guess. But he took his laptop, and wanted something to eat. Bartenders, barbers and salon workers hear everything. LOLOLOL
Glad Eric left, and did not tell Rex why he was upset. Or rather, who it was who let him down.
Hated Eve gloating, how she worked so hard to manipulate Jack, and really hate that she has that diary. Darn her!
Maybe it is just me, but it would’ve made more sense for Rex to walk in on Sarah & Xander. He had been obsessing over her and trying to track her down. We just saw Eric reject her, so I didn’t feel he needed to be there. If Rex was the one who saw, then he could’ve ran to Eric hurt, and of course the next time Eric & Sarah ran into each other, there would be a big blow up. Rex is supposed to be the ex-fiancé and Eric is supposed to be the friend. The Kate & Rex scenes, like most of Kate’s scenes for awhile, were pointless.
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Now that he's CEO of Titan yet again, Brady wins the Salem Leonardo DiCaprio King of the World Prize. Elsewhere things were more like going down with the Titanic for several characters.

Eric: Yes, it's hardly surprising that he's angry that Sarah hit the sheets with his arch-enemy Xander, but he didn't exactly cover himself with glory.
  • He made it all about himself. What about her?
  • As others have noted, he just barged into her room.
  • He angrily demanded explanations.
  • He got all judgmental.
  • He called her stupid.
If this is how Father Eric treated people who visited his confessional box, he would soon have had the shortest line in St. Luke's history.

Sonny: Now he's off to sit in a hot tub with Leo? Even prison might be better than this.

Xander: Things started out so well. He'd bedded Sarah, which was sure to drive his enemies crazy, but then Leo figured out his drugging scheme and he learned that Brady had gotten the CEO job. It looks as if it's back to square one for the X-man.

Jenny: Once again her parade isn't just being rained on -- it's been flooded out. Naturally, University Hospital has lost Rolf's diaries. This isn't too surprising since it loses dead bodies with depressing regularity.

Jack: Now Eve wants him to run against Abe. What is she trying to do to this poor man? Yes, the likes of EJ once defeated Abe, but is the rough and tumble of a political race really the place for a man who can't remember anything? The press would be merciless.
Why is that door not locked? Wait, stupid question. No one locks a door in Salem! Maybe the Kmansion bedroom doors don't have locks. Actually, Victor gave Eric full permission to go up to the bedroom. I would agree he perhaps should have not gone in....however, he WAS worried about her, and certainly did not expect to find what he did. Heck, Xander woke up the other day to find Leo in his bed, so guess there really are NO locks on the doors in Kmansion. LOL
Gross all around. Eve is disgusting. Xander and Leo are boring. Brady's a slime. Sonny's a wretch. Jennifer spent the day recapping.

I have no problem with what Sarah did and I don't care what Father Grouch the Sanctimonius "Bad Twin" has to say about it; I'm more fearful of the decades of shaming she's going to go through from her mother, Kate, Eric, Victor....
Thanks, Poirot.

I loved Xander's face when Leo said we have to do it again since he don't remember.

Jen Jen must have been cold. She had the fire place going and wearing a sweater.

When Sarah started her story about Xander, she walked in the living room with
a bottle of vodka. Did she buy some on the way home? Was she drinking and
driving? Maybe she walked from home from a liquor store.

I'm enjoying Brady's new look. It's better than the all day five o'clock shadow.