Days of Our Lives Tues., July 21, 2020


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Today is Ciara's wedding day, and most of the show is, to me, “filler”. I missed the first few minutes, but, Ciara is in the hospital, Ben is having a fit wanting to go see her, but Will blocks the door. Ben finally calls Ciara, who is feeling much better now, assures Ben, but when he asks if she can marry him today, she puts Sarah on the speaker phone. Sarah says as soon as the IV is done, Ciara is free to go home. Ben is relieved, Sarah leaves, and runs figuratively right in Xander. She does her pouty face, tells him she knows he had sex with a hooker just a short while after he moved out.

Xander is puzzled, then laughs, it was a masseuse, he was all tensed up over the situation. Here, call the service, you can check. No, she believes him, feels like an idiot. Well, have to go get dressed for the wedding. He says wait, she is going, he is going, why not go together? Sure, why not. And they eventually do, understanding this does not mean they are back together, just attending the wedding.

Victor has come to see Ciara in the hospital, won't be going to the wedding. Maggie has bad cold, he is staying with her to look after her. Ciara promises lots of pictures. She talks a bit about Claire, & no longer maid of honor. Victor understands, but isn't taking any sides in this, loves them both.

Julie, for some reason, is practicing the ceremony, over and over, Doug doesn't think she needs to, she does. This goes on for some time, with him reassuring her, she declaring how much he means to her, kiss, he even says if she gets too nervous, look at him, he will be mouthing the words to “The Most Beautiful Girl in the World”. She warns him not to sing out loud....he makes NO Promises. LOL She worries about all this after what happened at Rafe & Hope's wedding, Doug noting not her fault Claire came and interrupted. Rafe walks in, heard his name. Doug welcomes him, glad he is walking Ciara down the aisle, always been like a father to her. Julie echoes the feeling, Rafe thanks them, goes out to wait for Ciara.

Shawn & Belle are back, Shawn with Hope, getting filled in on the things that have happened, that it seems Claire might have orchestrated. Shawn understands. Belle is with Claire, who relates to her how horrible it is no one believes her, still thinks she is broken, she cries, decides to go lay down. Shawn comes in, he & Belle talk over the situation a bit. Belle feels perhaps Claire's illness is more resistant to her treatment than they thought, maybe she convinced the staff, & Marlena that she was well enough to come home. Oh, I don't know. Claire is listening.

Shawn is leaving for the church, Belle opts to stay there with Claire, you have to be there for your sister. Meanwhile, Ciara is out of the hospital, Hope & Allie arrive with her dress, & bouquet. She is so happy to see them, asks Allie to be her maid of honor, they gift her with Allie's grandmother's hairclip, a blue satin garter, and then Hope gives her a box with earrings, ones Bo ordered without telling Hope, knowing he would not be there to see this day, asking Hope to hold on to them. Ciara is delighted, they are so beautiful.

Ben & Will finally figure time to go to the church, walk in, admire all the decorations, etc. Guests are arriving, John & Marlena appear, she wants to talk to Ben, John will save her a seat. Ben is feeling better, and does a heartfelt thank you to Marlena for all her help, for believing in him, helping him, always being there for him. Hug.

Belle has made herself some tea, Claire walks in the door. Went out for some air. Where. No place in particular.

In the back of the church, Hope arrives Rafe says Hope looks fantastic. She tells him about Allie being maid of honor, he is surprised, no one mentioned it to him. Hope only says they thought it better if Claire wasn't there. In comes Ciara & Allie. Rafe comments how beautiful she looks, there is chatter among them all, as the camera moves over to the corner, and we see a bomb ticking away.
By the way, Sarah does say that Ciara was not drugged, there is nothing in her system to indicate that.
In the very beginning (the part you missed) Sarah says the tests were inconclusive, so if Ciara was drugged, it's now out of her system due to the IV fluids. She says there's no way to tell if she was drugged or if so, what Claire might have used. Sarah also notes Ciara is definitely not pregnant.
So Ciara went to hospital by herself? Hope didn't take her? Seems weird. How old was she when Bo died? I can't remember if she had been SORAS'd.

I have never literally run into someone but it happens all the time on here. I am kind of hoping Sarah and Xander reconcile. She's least annoying with him. Figured it was a massage he was getting.

Was a little awkward when Will was adjusting Ben's tie. Of course would have been more awkward if Ben was adjusting Will's. Was funny when Ben was trying to leave and Will said "you're just gonna have to kill me" and Ben said "I tried that and it didn't work". :rotfl:

Doug and Julie were so cute. Even cuter since they are married in real life.

Is there a back door at John and Marlena's? Are we seriously supposed to believe that Claire whipped up a bomb?! I have my suspicions as to who it really is, but I don't think this person would try to put the blame on Claire.

Ciara looked beautiful. All these weddings. My daughter is getting married August 1st. I'm starting to freak out a little bit. :love:
Is there a back door at John and Marlena's?
Since it's a townhouse, there would have to be a back door.
So Ciara went to hospital by herself? Hope didn't take her? Seems weird.
Hope probably took her, then left her there while getting the IV fluids, and went home to change.
I have my suspicions as to who it really is, but I don't think this person would try to put the blame on Claire.
If it is someone other than Claire, that person may be doing things and not knowing Claire is being suspected or blamed.
Just realized I left out that Clyde called Ben to wish him well, said he was sending him a gift.

Yesterday, Hope said she was calling 911 for Ciara.

Amazing isn't it, how Ciara can be sick, have EMT's get her to hospital, her mom gets back home to get dressed, Ben & Will are dressed & out the door while Ciara still in bathrobe wherever she is. Claire has been out and about, talking to her parents, laying down, and more and it is still afternoon in Salem. That city is just astounding.
How old was she [Ciara] when Bo died? I can't remember if she had been SORAS'd.
Ciara had been SORAS'd by the time Bo died (2016). She was about 16-17 and being played by Vivian Jovanni.

Here she is with Joey Johnson:

I was puzzled because of the background of the room. I did think it was the hospital room, but there were things on the walls, etc. that made me feel it was somewhere else. (When Hope & Allie came with the dress, etc. )
If Clyde is for some reason behind what is being done to Ciara, he still would need to have someone on the outside to do his dirty work for him. And I don't know what his motive would be. What am I forgetting?

I'm just speculating about Clyde because of the mention that he sent Ben "a present".
Well, if Vivian dropped dead in the interrogation room, was taken to the funeral home, put in a coffin and had a memorial service, all in the span of about an hour, then I guess all of Ciara's activities could happen, too!
Guess I just don't pay as close attention as others.......sorry , folks. I don't have any way to tape, so cannot go back and look/, guess I'll shorten the summaries a bit.
Julie: She's worried lest the wedding be "the worst." She may be thinking of shootings and/or loud intruders, but she wouldn't anticipate a bomb.

Belle: She better be careful what she tells Allie about her mother. Otherwise, she might start fearing that Sami will try to sell her new baby.

Will & Ben: Not to be unkind, but they looked like a pair of undertakers in those black suits.

Claire: If she is responsible for the bomb and not Clyde, where would she get one? They're not exactly on sale at Salem craft shops and if she learned how to make one at Bayview, that place really needs to rethink it's occupational training program.

Ciara: If Sami had been there during the discussion about needing something old to go with something new and blue, she'd have probably suggested inviting Kate to the wedding.
Thanks, Poirot.

I was correct Xander was only getting a massage when the woman came that day.

Victor told Ciara he couldn't come to the wedding because Maggie had a bad cold.

Great seeing Doug and Julie. They told Rafe he was "very okay"

Allie looked bigger today than last week.

Poor Claire. Her parents don't think she's well. And where did Claire go?

It was funny when John left fast with Allie to avoid being there when Belle talked
to Claire.

Will had to adjust the tie on Ben, the man who tried to kill him with a tie.

When Hope gave the earrings to Ciara, I wondered if they were the ones she got
from Sami a long time ago.

At the end of today's show, we saw something ticking in the church. Is it the present
Clyde sent to Ben?