Days of Our Lives Tues., July 21, 2020

Actually, when Allie returned to Salem, she was already 6-7 pregnant. They have been very careful not to mention a "due date" or the father.
She wasn't that far along, as she said she was on the edge of still being able to get a legal abortion.

I guess Allie's fetus has been SORAS'd since she's been in Salem. :rotfl:

Like Chloe having a flat stomach for months, then going into the bedroom for a nap one day and coming out wearing a robe with her pregnant belly "out to here", like a pan of Jiffy Pop popcorn.

Well, you can get one up to 24 weeks, depending where you live. To me, when she arrived, she looked about 6 mos. Yes, she kept hiding it under her hoodie. I still remember Cher who seemed to stay skinny as a rail thru her pregnancy, she was still doing their show, but at the end she finally "showed". Everyone is different. But it does seem Allie is further along than she claimed. By the way, has she even seen a DR. since she arrived in Salem? Is she taking Vitamins? No one mentions anything about the baby itself......
Lindsay Arnold (Allie), is 5 months pregnant in real life. My daughter looked her up today.

Guilty or not, I don't like Claire. I wondered how on earth Claire could get a bomb in the church? And wasn't someone in the church for quite some time? Julie practicing and everyone coming and going?
I don't understand Julie officiating at a wedding in a church. I am a practicing Catholic and that would never ever happen. A priest or deacon has to perform the ceremony if it takes place in a church. Salem does have funerals in the park so I guess anything is possible there.
It definitely has gotten confusing if you look up Lindsay Arnold.....Always thought one had to change spelling slightly or something to avoid that sort of thing, but....there is the pro dancer from Dancing with the Stars......and this Lindsay Arnold (Allie) who is on Days.

And definitely agree, there is NO way Julie would be performing a marriage in a Catholic church! But, it is Salem, wonder if they will even slightly mention getting special dispensation from the Bishop? LOL.
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Isn’t it nice to actually see St. Luke’s again though? I was just thinking the other day with all these weddings, whatever happened to the church? And then it’s there today. Though it’s been a long time since we’ve seen a priest anywhere in Salem. I remember a Father Francis, but wasn’t there another one after him that mentored Eric?

Random pet peeve (not just with Days), I get that they use tracks with strings and everything for these weddings, but if they’re in a church, could we hear an organ? I’m a biased church music director here but come on!:)
Amazing isn't it, how Ciara can be sick, have EMT's get her to hospital, her mom gets back home to get dressed, Ben & Will are dressed & out the door while Ciara still in bathrobe wherever she is. Claire has been out and about, talking to her parents, laying down, and more and it is still afternoon in Salem. That city is just astounding.

I have an answer @Poirot , may not be right, but it fits :) Hopefully I explain correctly what I am thinking :rotfl: When we see one scene and then it cuts to the next, my thoughts are that we are seeing each one as if it is the same time frame, since they can't show everyone at once. LOL, I don't think I am saying this right!!!!
Though it’s been a long time since we’ve seen a priest anywhere in Salem. I remember a Father Francis, but wasn’t there another one after him that mentored Eric?
Father Matt, who was played by Ralph Waite, better known as John Walton (the dad) on The Waltons.

We also saw Father Tobias, played by William Christopher, better known as Father Francis Mulcahy on MASH.
And definitely agree, there is NO way Julie would be performing a marriage in a Catholic church! But, it is Salem, wonder if they will even slightly mention getting special dispensation from the Bishop? LOL.
I noticed this right away. Have collections gotten so bad at Salem's Catholic churches that Bishop Wright has authorized parishes to rent out their churches for non-Catholic weddings? And if he has, it won't be long before he gets a letter from the Pope telling him in stern terms to stop it.
Thanks, JS.
Have collections gotten so bad at Salem's Catholic churches that Bishop Wright has authorized parishes to rent out their churches for non-Catholic weddings? And if he has, it won't be long before he gets a letter from the Pope telling him in stern terms to stop it.

My first thoughts were that St Luke's must've had to merge with another parish, and the diocese deconsecrated then sold St Luke's.

We've been going through a lot of that in my area because of the shortage of priests. Most properties were sold to other faiths for their place of worship, and a few were turned into microbreweries / restaurants.
Agree about the Catholic Church not allowing Julie. When one of our daughters considered having a family friend who is a priest marry her in a non-sectarian building, he told her he could not perform the ceremony there. Then any children she had could not be baptized in a Catholic Church at a later time. The Catholic Church would NEVER allow anyone but a Deacon (Catholic) or Ordained Priest. A different daughter had a Catholic Deacon AND a Lutheran pastor for hers. They would never have allowed just the Lutheran Pastor. It's not enough for you to be Catholic, you must be ordained.