Days of Our Lives - Tues., Nov. 5, 2019


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Lots happening today, including some humor. JJ & Haley are getting ready to go to the reception, nuzzling and kissing first. Over in the square, the guests are all milling around, uncertain of what is going on, what they should do. Marlena comes in, says she talked to Abe, there will not be a wedding, but reception is upstairs, all paid for, please go and enjoy yourselves. There won't be a wedding. Or will there. Both Jack & Adrienne feel now is as good a time as any for each to get married. They begin to argue over who it should be, Jack & Adrienne even resorting to doing Rock, Paper, Scissors to decide (that is funny scene), Maggie suggests why not a double wedding, Sonny pipes up that he was in one, did not work out, Maggie says she was in one with Mickey, worked great. Both couples happy, spur of the moment, but why not!

At the Pub, a very drunk Eve sits at the bar, wants another drink, Roman gives her coffee. She whines, he is adamant, she claims she only had one drink, he knows she had lots before she got to the Pub, demands her car keys. She is reluctant, but gives them, then proceeds to whine about Jennifer non-stop. Roman calls her on it, Eve talks about this going on ever since high school, Jennifer stole her man. Roman cannot believe this is still about Frankie, no, Jack. Eve is having a really huge pity party, but Roman tells her Jack loves Jennifer, she loves him, they are together, move on now. She gets mad, staggers out, gonna deal herself.

Princess Gina has returned to Rolf's relief (he had been on phone, telling someone about Gina taking off). Gina sits in her throne, Rolf gives her some canapes, she tells Rolf Jennifer has some flashdrive of his. Rolf gets upset, Jen said she had misplaced it. Gina asks what is on it, he says everything he ever did for her. He finally tells her that when she was shot, her wounds were pretty bad, so he took her “essence” and placed it in Hope Brady. Gina is shocked, she is Hope Brady?? She looks in mirror, decides Hope's body is decent replacement. Rolf is worried about the flash drive......not to worry, she will take care of it.

Back in the square, Will tells Jen that someone in the IT department gave him the flashdrive to give to her. Did crack it, but has not looked at the files. Jen drops it in her purse. JJ & Haley arrive, Jack tells him about he & Jen getting married, wants JJ as best man. He will be delighted. He managed to get hold of Abby, gives Jen the phone, so she & Jack both can get her congrats.

Time for the wedding to start, the 2 brides walk down aisle together, carrying a few flowers, (to Here Comes the Bride), Marlena starts the ceremony, gets to “anyone here object”, and in walks the very drunk Eve. She rants on and on, Jack is telling her to leave, JJ is trying to hustle her out, but no, Jack cannot marry Jennifer........because she is pregnant with his child. (So here is where I laughed out loud, really loud, lol). Jen & Jack stare disbelieving, JJ tells her she can't be, because she is too old! Jen tells her she doubts it, but make no difference, if she could be, won't change a thing. JJ warns her to leave or he will escort her out and throw her in the trash can where she belongs. Eve rants at everyone, including Justin & Adrienne, Maggie steps up, finally convincing Eve to leave, she will go with her. They go out, the weddings proceed. Happy faces, they all say their respective “I Do's, Marlena declares them husbands and wives. Happy, happy. Justin & Adrienne decide to go tell Uncle Vic in person, but will be back. Jack has to go get something, he will return, meet Jen upstairs.

Maggie gets Eve to her door, she can barely get key in lock. Maggie does, Eve goes in, slams door in Maggie's face. She falls on the bed in the darkened room. It's not fair, it's not fair, she mutters.

Marlena goes to the Pub, tells Roman all that happened, no Eli/Lani wedding, but Jack/Jen, Justin/Adrienne all married now. Tells of Eve coming, and leaving.

Jen is up in the bistro, looking around, spots an open laptop (don't ask, no idea) sits down, puts in the flashdrive, the files come up.

Jack returns, sees JJ, tells him he went to go get wedding rings, gold bands. JJ asks if they cost him $10 or $20. Jack tells him about the cruise on the Loretta, ship blowing up, washed up on island, they were in love......that story. He said some piece of the ship washed up, he put it in his pocket, kept all this time, doesn't know why. But now he had rings made, he will put hers on her, his on him, never to be taken off, ever.

Up by the balcony, Jen is intent on seeing what the flashdrive reveals. Gina arrives, startling Jen. She tells “Hope” to sit down, look at these files.........but instead, Gina pushes Jennifer, who goes over the balcony, screaming, Jack has looked up, as Jen falls, landing right in front of him & JJ. is still the day after Halloween, and all these Salemites are running around with no coats. It has snowed in the midwest, is in the 20s and 30s for temps. But those lucky Salemites evidently have gigantic furnaces, blowing warm/hot air into and over the city, even Princess Gina is out and about in that backless black dress! Not even a shawl.

Forgot to mention that Maggie goes home, sees Justin & Adrienne there, they say they came to tell Uncle Vic in person, but have had no luck. Maggie says she will take care of that. Adrienne has changed into a very fancy dress, one she was going to wear for her wedding, felt a white one would have not been appropriate.

the filming of Jen's fall seemed odd. Jack looks up, reacts, jaw opens, but she is not over the side yet. I thought perhaps his reaction was to seeing Hope (Gina) push Jen, ....will wait for others' thoughts.
,JJ tells [Eve] she can't be [pregnant], because she is too old!
Where was JJ when Kristen announced her "way past menopause" pregnancy? is still the day after Halloween, and all these Salemites are running around with no coats. It has snowed in the midwest, is in the 20s and 30s for temps. But those lucky Salemites evidently have gigantic furnaces, blowing warm/hot air into and over the city,
Barb, you might as well give up. You're fighting a losing battle. :)
So Jennifer can say with a straight face that she found out that Rolf is going to try to turn Hope into Gina, while staring at the woman in long white gloves, an evening gown, thirty seven pearl necklaces on, and a horrible accent and doesn't suspect a thing???? And, golly gee, I wonder who will be the prime suspect in her fall? I do wish that Eve would have responded, after JJ told her she was too old to be pregnant, with a reference to being younger than Kristen! Also, are they truly trying to tell us that in all of this time, Gina hasn't looked in a mirror and realized that she was in a different body?
Princess Gina always knew she looked like Hope, people mistook her, & vice versa. Plus Gina would impersonate Hope, as she was doing today. (I wonder if Eve will be suspected of tossing Jen?

Guess Gina decided to take a closer look today. LOL I mean, who did the hair and dressed her in the 1st place after her "becoming" Gina totally? LOL

That said.......I liked the fun and humor today. It was a relief after all the tears yesterday. Eve drunk, staggering around, saying excuse me to a piece of wall she bumped into. Jack & Adrienne arguing about who is more entitled to get married instead of Eli & Lani.........and then the hilarious rock, paper, scissors........did you watch their faces? lololol.

And sentimental Jack getting wedding rings made from parts of the ship's machinery. I loved him telling JJ the tale of that sinking cruise ship.
With as many times as Eve made references to Jennifer not getting her happy ending and even telling Roman that she wishes Jennifer was dead, there is no doubt in my mind that she will be blamed for it. And she will be too drunk to remember whether she did or didn't. Or even if she says she didn't, no one will believe her. Bye bye, Eve. It really is a shame that she has been so horribly written, because she really can do many emotions and is really a good actress. Even though, to many, she will never BE Eve, the actress herself does a great job getting people to hate her character.
Unseemly glee: Considering the current misery of Lani and Eli and the discomfiture of Abe and Tamara, the wedding couples and their friends and family seemed a trifle too happy about taking over the wedding venue and reception. Yes, after the wedding debacle Abe had invited the guests to attend the reception, but a more subdued attitude would have been more appropriate.

Biggest loser: Yesterday, I suggested that Sami would have chosen Lani as Salem's biggest loser. After today, Lani could get serious competition for that title from Eve. As wedding disrupter, Eve is a total failure. To make things worse she abjectly admitted her pregnancy claim was bogus and her former teen paramour, JJ, threatened to toss her into a garbage can. How bad is that?

Overconfidence?: Rolf actually told "Princess Gina" that she had nothing to fear from Hope Brady. He's a trifle overconfident. Has Rolf forgotten how Hope threw off her Gina identity during the Alamanian jeweled egg affair?

Falls and more falls: Jack once fell into a wedding cake and now Jenny has plunged into to the Town Square. Do falls run in the Deveraux family and should JJ start an exercise regimen that will help his sense of balance?
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One more thought, where exactly does Princess Gina plan to rule? She made it sound like she is there to rule Salem, but they don't have royalty!

And, I agree, @DrBakerFan, Eve was the epitome of the Biggest Loser. Lani is just the most stupid cop/martyr are right about Roman hearing Eve say Jen should be dead, and he called her on it. And then all those people at the wedding heard what she said to Jennifer there. Dr. B is right, Eve probably won't recall clearly all she did. However, Maggie did see her to her door after Eve shot off her mouth, so unless anyone can prove Eve stumbled back????

Kassie DePaiva did a good job as the overwrought, drunken Eve........who also left the Pub without a coat, jacket, or even a purse!
Very true, @Poirot, but remember that Maggie and Eve left before the wedding was over, and Eve just threw Maggie out, so there was plenty of time for Eve to get back (although how she knew where to find Jennifer would be interesting, but the same goes with Gina). Maybe there will be a scene or a witness of Eve drunkenly leaving the Inn and stumbling around, so that will cast her fate.
Thanks, Poirot.

This episode was a lot better yesterday's episode

I enjoyed all the jokes about having "A Salem Wedding". Then Eve tried to stop Jack and Jenny's
wedding when she said
she was pregnant :)

Roman got Eve to admit she hasn't like Jennifer since high school. Then he said Frankie's name.
Too bad Eve told Roman that Jennifer should have died in the elevator shaft. I bet she's the number
one suspect if they figure out Jen was pushed.

They need to stop asking the question "does anyone have a reason to stop the wedding?" in Salem.

I think the store name behind Eve on the Horton square is called "Ornament Home" It was hard
to read.

JJ was funny when he told Eve he would throw her in a garbage can.

Either Justin or Adrienne called Maggie the wedding bouncer.

Interesting to hear Rolf tell Princess Gina he put her essence in a chip that's in her neck. She believed him.

Will Princess Gina take Rolf's flashdrive out of the laptop? Will Jennifer survive the fall from
balcony? We'll just have to watch tomorrow.
I’ve been watching Days since it first aired, with a few lapses in between. I honestly don’t know if I can watch this train wreck any longer. I think I may take a break and just read your recaps. Thank you, Poirot and others, for so faithfully posting them.
I agree, BabyTate. I have watched since beginning, when I could and it surely has not improved. I wish Rolf would fall off a very tall building.
I was actually shocked Rolf told Princess Gina the entire truth that she was in Hope's body. I had thought Rolf would keep that secret from Gina and just make it seem like she had just come too after whatever story he brews up. But it looks like Rolf saved all of Gina's memories till her "death" when she was pretending to be Hope trying to take over her life for revenge being Gina's impostor. I remember the original Gina died of lung cancer; that's how they discovered she wasn't Hope.
Roman got Eve to admit she hasn't like Jennifer since high school.
They need to go back and read old scripts, since Jennifer and Eve didn't go to high school together. Jennifer had already graduated and was moving on as a young adult when Eve came to Salem and was eventually enrolled in high school by Shane.
I remember the original Gina died of lung cancer; that's how they discovered she wasn't Hope.
Gina was impersonating Hope and going to remarry Bo. She tried to shoot Marlena and Shawn-Douglas. Bo tackled her, they struggled over the gun and Gina was shot. She died from the gunshot. Later, Lexie discovered "Hope" had inoperable lung cancer during the autopsy. But during all of this, everybody still thought it was Hope who had gone nuts and was now dead.
It has bugged me no end how the show has Eve NOW claiming to have gone to high school with Jennifer.......never happened. Now Eve MIGHT mean when SHE was in high school....but crushed on Frankie who was not, and he was crushed on Jennifer, who also was not. But it is not clarified that way at all.