Days of our Lives - Tuesday, July 2, 2019


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Jul 16, 2011
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Eve and Jack :

Jack comes back from a "meeting" with his constituents. Eve asks him how it went. He say everybody wants something. She replies "What do you want?" He looks at her, puzzled. She says she knows what he's done. Panicked look on Jack's face. Then Eve tells him she knows he got the charges dropped against JJ. She's the commissioner, should have talked to her. Relief for Jack, who says "Oh, you're talking about JJ" (great way to keep a secret, huh?) JJ is his son, Jack thought he had been punished enough. Eve tells him JJ still despises him and he should forget about his family, the past, and focus on the future. Jack wants to focus on the present, asks Eve to order them some dinner and goes to take a shower.

Eve looks at Jack's briefcase. Jack comes out of the bathroom, dressed after his shower, wants to know what's to eat. Eve tells him he trusted her to order, take a look. He lifts up the cover on a plate, there is the diary. Jack is angry she went through his briefcase, Eve is angry he did not tell her. How did he get the diary? If he wants his memory and hid it from her, he still wants Jennifer. Jack tells her everything, including the condition, that the charges against JJ be dropped. Jack says he is committed to her, but has kids, wants to remember being in their lives. Wants to be in their lives now. Eve says she lost a daughter, would never, ever stand in the way of him and his kids (yeah, right :rolleyes:), but is worried. What if she loses Jack to a tumor, like Will had, or worse? She loves him so much (!!!!!). He says he is well aware of the risks, so she thinks she can still change his mind. They proceed to have sex, and later, Jack is asleep and Eve looks at the message she had left for Claire, warning her about Tripp, Ben and Ciara.

Carrie is closing the Pub, tells the last patrons to leave, thanks for coming, "you too, buddy". But it is Rafe, at the bar. Both are happy to see each other again. Rafe asks her for some legal advice. Carrie not wanting to get between him and Hope. Not about that. It's about David. Since Jordan will be in Bayview a very long time, she has asked Rafe to be the legal guardian. She says that's a big request. Yes, but he's doing it. Never thought he'd be a single father, but it works for him. She tells him she can get the ball rolling before she leaves. He replies that Austin must want her back soon. No, they are separated. She cries, explains does not really know what happened, only the routine got the best of them. She would come back from work, they would eat dinner, help Noah with homework, Austin would watch soccer, she would read a book. One day, she realized it had been months since they made love, and there was nothing left of the couple they used to be. They tried therapy, but she was the only one going, so did not work. Rafe tells her he's sorry, tells her he's thought about the both of them, what could have been if Carrie had not left, takes her in his arms, she cries some more and bam. Of course, since the "writers" love grief kisses/sex, they kiss.

JJ and Haley are in bed, in the afterglow. They can't believe she is there. She says it beats being back in Beijing. JJ tells her not to joke about this, after all his dad and Eve did to her. To them. Haley tells him to let it go, he's in enough trouble with the law. He tells her the charges were dropped. She's ecstatic. But they wonder what was in it for Jack. Haley says not important, let's just be happy they are together. They reminisce about the moment they fell in love, when JJ was playing the guitar for Haley, then go for round two... or three.

Shawn arrives at the loft. Sees the blood, is all worried. Kayla calls him, he tells her no time to talk, needs to call the police, something happened at the loft. Kayla says she knows, tells him Claire not hurt, but to come to the hospital. At the hospital, Shawn learns everything from Kayla and Tripp. At first, does not believe it, but when he learns about Tripp's plan, he rips into him. Not only did he break Claire's heart, he then ambushed her (can't say I blame Shawn there). Kayla tries to calm him down, but Shawn leaves angry, determined to find his daughter. He runs into Hope, Ben and Ciara at the hospital (see below). Ciara apologizes, Shawn apologizes to her, does not know what he will do about Claire. Hope tells him Claire will need him, all of them, now more than ever.

At the cabin, repeat of Claire pouring gasoline on Ciara, Ciara begging her to stop, she loves her, you love me too. Claire says she needs the pain to stop, she needs Ciara to go away. Lights the lighter. Outside, Ben, Hope and Marlena arrive, banging on the door, yelling. Ciara yells back, "help me". Ben finally breaks down the door. Tries to get Claire to drop the lighter, she tells him off, says he killed people, he says yes, but it ruined his life. Not too late for her. Hope steps in, tells Claire she loves her, knows Claire loves her, would not want to hurt her, to take Ciara away from her.

Meanwhile, Ben undoes the ties on Ciara's right wrist. Claire finally turns off the lighter, drops it, Hope goes to Ciara to finish untying her, while Claire falls crying in Marlena's arms. All is fine, "I've got you". Ben, Ciara and Hope leave (yeah, sure, leave Marlena alone, no backup, no nothing, Hope is really, really great at her job :rolleyes:) to go to the hospital. Of course, once alone, Marlena turns her back to Claire to look for a towel to clean her up, get the gasoline smell of her. Claire picks up the lighter, lights it, while sitting on the bed. She says her life is over, better off dead, talks of how she is even worse then Ben, what kind of a monster is she? Marlena replies that Ben turned his life around, she can too. And she will never give up on Claire, loves her too much. Both cry. Finally, Claire gives her the lighter and both leave the cabin, alone (!!!!), hand in hand.

The end.
No one called Shawn about his daughter? I was glad that at least Ciara said I love you, I know you love me too to Claire. And Grandma Hope, it would have been nice if you had hugged your granddaughter after you talked her down. But nope, straight to Ciara which validates Claire's insecurities in my opinion. At least Grandma Marlena was there to pick up the slack. No one thought to pick up the lighter? I am very happy that Claire did not set herself on fire.

JJ and Haley are cute but they did fall in love pretty fast. This would the perfect time for Paige to come back from the dead.

It sounded like Carrie and Austin were just having typical marital issues. She did say they are just separated so I don't think she should be kissing Rafe!!
Thank you for the summary, TheWriter.

A lot going on today as we creep to the end of the fire setter's story.

So Eve is her usual nebby self. (Nebby is a word used in place of nosey in western PA, eastern OH, and northern W VA. This is known around here as the tri-state area.) Too bad Jack doesn't have a lock on his briefcase, but Eve would probably pick it anyway.

Rafe and Carrie together doesn't interest me one bit. If anything, I feel a little nauseated thinking of them even being in the same room.

Hopefully the writers can let Haley and JJ have a nice story line before they do something horrible to them again. After all, the current writing team doesn't know how to write for a happy couple. Sarah, Rex, Eric, and Kristen today.
It's half over here. So far, I don't know this since I don't smoke, but do lighters just stay on all the time with no one holding down the ignition button? That was goofy, but glad it is over. Hope's over the top reaction to her precious "Baby" was way too much and I felt so sorry for Claire. Even when Hope's plea to Claire is that since she loves her (Hope) so much, she would never take Ciara away from her. How selfish!

I don't mind JJ and Haley at this point, now that the stupid immigration story is over, but they haven't even known each other long enough for flashbacks yet, and there we are anyway.

I am MOST looking forward to seeing Eve get caught for knowing about Claire all along.

And, thanks, TheWriter - great job!
Shawn: He dropped his "my child can do wrong" attitude and actually thanked Ben. This raises then question of how many more lives Ben has to save before he'll be readmitted in polite Salem society. (If Sami learns of Claire's meltdown, how long would it take for Salem's self-appointed best mother to rip Shawn and Belle's parenting skills?)

Marlena: To convince Claire that life is still worth living, she ought to mention that her newfound notoriety could give a big lift to her sagging YouTube numbers. In fact, she could now release some new songs and call it her Bayview collection.

Carrie: Oh barf, she's back, has dumped her terminally-dull husband, and still has the hots for Rafe. How long will it take for her to attempt a seduction by donning her "Princess Hag" costume and reaching for a bucket of ice cubes?

Eve: How low can she go? Now, she's trying to turn Jack against JJ and his family and is doing her best to discourage him from taking the magic memory serum. How much worse will her mood get when she learns that her partner in crime, Claire, has had a mental meltdown and that Haley Chen is back in Salem and is free as a bird?
I guess I don't think Hope is over the top. Her daughter has been through multiple episodes of her own personal hell. Sorry. If my daughter's cousin, niece or whatever tried on more than one occasion to kill her, I probably wouldn't be thinking about the poor cousin and her mental state. No, not one iota. I am a pretty forgiving person and try to see both sides. That said, Hope is not being selfish. Her words to Claire about you love me, please don't take Ciara away from me make total sense. She is trying to talk down this whack job.

To me this is the human Hope and I, for one, am glad to see some writing where she isn't all perfect and a know it all. They knew Marlena was there for Claire. Too bad Claire's parents haven't been concerned about her. Claire's parents can play the blame game on themselves and no one else. Claire was abandoned by two selfish parents. "Oh let's move to Hong Kong because I am a world renowned attorney and maybe if you move with me, we can repair our damaged marriage". The fact that they have a daughter who is fragile and fairly self-centered meant nothing to them. They are totally to blame for not being parents.

The whole Tripp marrying Haley was dumb and if I were Claire, I would feel like crap about myself.
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Thanks for the write-up. There needs to be a Salem Smithsonian where we can put the stupid lighter, the Gabby wig, that weird elephant statue, and all the other objects tied to storylines that go on for too long. Maybe soon we can add Kristen's "Nicole" face.

I didn't mind the scene between Carrie and Rafe. Yes, she should be divorced before getting physical with someone new, but that bar is pretty low in Salem. At least she's separated. I just wish Rafe could be someone's primary love. He's always second, and so it never works out. I'm hoping Jordan makes a dramatic recovery.
Thanks again, TheWriter.

Eve and Jack getting lovey dovey...just Eww....

I wish the writers hadn't broken up Carrie and Austin just so
Carrie would kiss Rafe.

Interesting Jordan wants Rafe to be legal guardian of David.

Nice scenes with Marlena and Claire.

I laughed when Claire said it was Ben's fault she did everything. She wouldn't
have done if he hadn't been released from Bayview.
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I couldn’t stand the character of Claire for the longest time. My heart broke for her today. Man, she did a really great job in that scene. I do kind of feel that Grandma Hope could have spent a little more time making sure Claire was ok. Ciara was scared (rightfuy so!) but Ciara was unharmed and had Ben. Claire was obviously not ok. Marlena was great in those scenes as well. Had me grabbing the tissues.

Can’t blame Shawn for being mad at Tripp. He should have been mad at Ciara as well. That was straight up cruel. I know Claire did A LOT of bad stuff but to me it just seemed, I don’t know, that they should have seen that coming. I mean, hello, she’s tried to set people on fire twice. Did ya think she would simply sit down, cry, check her YouTube and confess?

And I vote for Ben to be the new commish. He’s better than all the cops in Salem.

Great job on the summary TheWriter!
Can we please start up a "go fund me" and buy Hope and Carrie each a new outfit? Did Carrie not bring any clothes with her? Does Hope just feel extra sparklely and want to stay in her sparkle blazer? Are we to believe that this is still the same day as the memorial??
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No, they are separated. She cries, explains does not really know what happened, only the routine got the best of them. She would come back from work, they would eat dinner, help Noah with homework, Austin would watch soccer, she would read a book. One day, she realized it had been months since they made love, and there was nothing left of the couple they used to be. They tried therapy, but she was the only one going, so did not work. Rafe tells her he's sorry, tells her he's thought about the both of them, what could have been if Carrie had not left, takes her in his arms, she cries some more and bam.
Completely and totally disgusting. I hate to agree with the Rafe-haters on twitter, but this isn't quality.
Hope is really, really great at her job
Being unemployed? She's fantastic at it.
It sounded like Carrie and Austin were just having typical marital issues.
I wonder if any soap writer has ever been married? This sounds like life with kids and jobs. And I state again, did anyone ask for a re-do of Rafe and Carrie?
Thank you for another good summary, TheWriter.

I know they do this all the time on tv but it really bothers me when someone pours gasoline all over the place, then holds a burning lighter right close to it and nothing happens.

Eve. How long is Jack going to keep putting up with her? If my spouse went snooping through my personal things I certainly wouldn't be in any mood to shrug it off and get intimate! Just because he's thinking about something, doesn't mean he's obligated to tell her. He doesn't know the half of what all she's not only thought about but done.

So Noah is already doing homework? Didn't take long for him to make the leap!

It doesn't take much for couples to call it quits these days. Sounds like Carrie just got a little bored with her marriage.
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