Days of Our Lives - Wed. Nov 18, 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Episode #11,211 Taped 9/30 Director – Grant A. Johnson

And the beat goes, the beat goes on. Justin is comforting an unhappy Hope, who feels that even tho Carly has been exonerated, Bo is going to need to protect her. He embraces her, saying he is here, will always be there for her, as Bo watches from the doorway, then comments “That is so good to know, isn’t it, Hope”. The couple break away, Hope & Bo start to have words, Justin figures he will vacate to another room, but first tells Bo he is being a first class jerk. He leaves, Hope evidently thinks so, too, but Bo reminds her that it was her idea to move out of the house and take his daughter. He starts to tell her the reason he came by, but Hope already knows, Justin told her. Bo appears a bit frustrated now, as Hope figures that Carly is still in danger, and will be staying there. Yep, but now Bo tells her that Hope seems to want to change him, but he is who he is, still the same guy, the one who loves his wife and family, who thinks his wife is drop dead gorgeous, and would do anything to protect them all. Hope wants to know Carly’s secret that only Bo is privy to, but he tells her it is not his secret to reveal. And when it is o.k. she will know. He leaves, Justin comes out, realizing things did not go all that well. Hope figures that Carly really did kill her husband, that the person who confessed is working for someone seeking revenge, and that yes, Carly is still in danger. The doorbell rings, Justin answers, some guy looks at his camera phone, says yep, you are him, then hands him an envelope, saying Justin Kiriakis, you have been served. A bit later, Justin has opened the envelope, to find Adrienne has served him with divorce papers. He did not think she would do this before they had a chance to talk.

And over at the Brady house, Vivian stands before Carly, with her little potted plant, talking of how she came to mourn Lawrence with her. She claims the guard was on a break, says something about what is a little burying alive between friends, pushes her way in. She talks of wanting to bury the hatchet, Carly asks if the hatchet would be in her hands. They trade barbs back and forth, Vivian is rather chipper, Carly very wary, the banter continues. Vivian thinks Hope, Bo and Carly make an interesting menagé a tois, Carly lets her know Hope is living at Victor’s, asks if Vivian has seen him yet, he might want to bury the hatchet, too, right in her forehead. Vivian inquires how long Carly intends to stay…forever claims Carly. Good, replies Vivian, we can have lunch. Carly thinks it is time for Vivian to leave, opens the door, just as Bo returns. She tells him they have company, as Vivian picks up her wrap and bids them adieu. Bo tells Carly he is going to fire the guard, but Carly talks him out of it, assuring him that when Vivian wants something, there is no stopping her. Bo wonders if perhaps Carly should leave town, but she will not, and he knows why she can’t.

Mia is begging Chloe to tell her it is not so. Maggie is bewildered. Chloe is silent. Mia is crying, Sydney has to be her baby, Nicole has said so. Maggie is asking what is going on, Mia says Nicole switched the babies, and Sydney is Sami’s baby, which means hers was Grace. Chloe is sorry, and confirms what Mia said, and that she herself only learned of this today. Maggie is going to call Roman. Mia is heartbroken, as she realizes different things, how Nicole made sure she saw Grace at the hospital, and arranged for her to hold her to say goodbye to her. How guilt ridden Nicole was. Mia bemoans all the things she did for Nicole, the lies she told. Maggie has returned with confirmation from Roman, Nicole has been arrested. Maggie comforts Mia as best she can.

Down on the pier, the cops have arrested Nicole, as Rafe, Sami & Sydney arrive. Nicole makes a move toward Sydney, EJ orders the cops not to let her near that baby, the cops are reading Nicole her rights. EJ turns towards Sami, talking of his daughter. She reminds him it is “our daughter”, and he is muttering how he threw her out of the house, out on the street, no regard for her, he should have known. He knows Sami tried to tell him it wasn’t right. Rafe has told Sami he will step away, but be right there, and stands a few steps away, as a contrite EJ caresses Sydney’s cheek. Nicole is looking heartbroken, and Sami decides she is going to do something. She takes Sydney over to Nicole, asks the cops to uncuff her for a moment, and lets Nicole hold Sydney one last time. Nicole tells her baby how much she loves her, will always love her. Sami takes Sydney back, the cops lead Nicole away, who is still talking to Sydney, telling her how mommy loves her. EJ tells Sami that was a nice thing to do, talks of how good Sami is with Sydney, Sami talks of them getting to know each other when Nicole was staying with her. Now she just wants to take Sydney home.
And EJ drops his little bombshell…no, her home is with me. Rafe thinks perhaps they should continue getting along. And next everyone is at DiMansion, Sami has put Sydney to sleep. EJ tells Rafe he has a daughter and is greatful to Rafe for that. Rafe tells him that EJ is the reason he is still alive, so perhaps they are even. EJ is now insisting that Sydney live with him, Rafe is going to take a few steps away again, but Sami pulls him by her side, telling EJ that Rafe is a part of her life, and will be a part of the children’s lives. He is insistent, she tells him to think of Sydney, and to stop thinking like a DiMera and start thinking like a Dad. Sydney starts making noises, EJ recognizes that she wants her mommy, Sami picks her up, Sydney quiets down, EJ remarks what a good mother Sami is, he is glad Sydney has Samanther’s genes to counteract those….he waves towards his father’s picture on the wall. He lets Sami know he does not intend to be the kind of father who sees his daughter for an occasional visit, finally agreeing to having Sydney spend the night with Sami.
The doorbell rings, EJ goes to answer, and there is a cop, wanting EJ to come with him down to the station. EJ is perplexed, the cop says it has to do with the attempt on the life of Rafe Hernandez. EJ once again gets angry, accusing Sami of stalling him until her daddy’s men got there, and says Sydney STAYS here. The cop tells Sami to leave, she & Rafe hurry off. EJ is livid.

Nicole has been put in her cell, told the public defender has arranged for bail, and she had better post it soon, before more charges get piled up against her, besides the baby trafficking. When she finally gets her phone call, she decides to contact her best friend Chloe to come bail her out. But Chloe refuses, yes she has the money, but what Nicole did was horrible, and she only used Chloe for her own advantage. A despondent Nicole sits in her cell, as the guard calls out she has a visitor. Nicole figures Chloe has had a change of heart, calls out to her, but it is Mia who comes up to face her thru the bars on the cell.

Thanks for the write up!
Can't wait for Mia give it to Nicole. And wow, Chloe finally did something smart!
GRRR, EJ! Sami just got her daughter back and he wants to take her away. Does he really think Sami won't want to spend the night under the same roof as Sydney after everything that's happened! He sure flip flops a lot.
It was very big of Sami to let Nicole hold Sydney. Don't think I would have done that. But of course, it's of no use as Nicole is still going to try to screw Sami the first chance she gets. What a low life!
Thanks for the great write up Barb!!
So the fireworks are still flying. EJ should have no rights to Sydney, he through her out on the street when he thought she wasn't his. He is not father only a sperm donor. I hope that Sami puts him in his place.
Can't wait to see the knock down with Mia and Nicole. It is unfair that Nicole is on the other side of the bars and can get out of Mia's reach. She needs some where to take out her anger, maybe they will let her in the cell with Nicole.
Thanks for the day ahead,
So the cops tell Sami to leave and Sydney stays at her home with her daddy EJ? Or does he let her and Rafe take Sydney? That poor baby...
Sorry all cannot stand Rafe being in the picture.. he is not her father, just the boyfriend and a dad wanta be...
Thank you so much for the write up. Did Sami and Rafe take Sydney with them when EJ told them to leave?
Oh now come on EJ....get over it! Sami was not stalling you! I guess growing up seeing the worst in people you just assume that about everyone! And you know you are innocent of the hit on Rafe. Now you can turn in daddy for that! Make up for all that you have done by being a good dad now!!! Grrrrr!!

I just dont know what to think about Bo & Hope!!! I am so frustrated with the whole thing, I dont know if I can even see them together anymore!! I hate all the fighting.

Great write up Barb!! Thanks!
Ooops, sorry for the misunderstanding. Yes, Sami, Sydney & Rafe all left together.
EJ, the man just gets under my skin. He just found out that Sydney is his and Sami's and now he is already trying to demand that Sydney return back to him, her rightful owner. He is treating Sydney like a lost puppy and not his daughter. Since he threw her out like trash, he should have no right to be her father. I do have to say that James Scott(EJ),Allison Sweeny(Sami), and Arianne Zucker(Nicole) have done some brilliant scenes the last few days. It has been great to watch. I just love to hate EJ, but that is what makes it great. Arianne(Nicole) must be due at the beginning of December because in these scenes the tent dresses and large over coats are not hiding her baby belly at all. I sure hope that Rafe tells Sami the whole truth about his disappearance. I want her to know how much he had to go through to get the truth for her. That way when Meridith escapes from the Loony bin, which I am sure she will. Sami already knows not to trust Meridith
Ooooh, sounds good. Poor Mia. To realize that everything she did for Nicole was to protect a bunch of lies.

Thanks for clarifying that Sami took Sydney with her when she left the Dimansion. Would Sami really even consider letting Sydney stay there with EJ?? I'm confused. The Sami I know and love would more likely say, "She's your daughter, you threw her out, like h*** she's coming anywhere near you."

Can't wait to watch!!
I think Sami knows that she cannot fight EJ on custody - so it is in her best interests to get along with EJ and right now, she is on a high having a baby back -- and not dead.. so she is happy.. she and EJ have their baby back.
Would Sami really even consider letting Sydney stay there with EJ?? I'm confused. The Sami I know and love would more likely say, "She's your daughter, you threw her out, like h*** she's coming anywhere near you."

I agree. The Sami I once knew and loved would have had exactly that response.

Thanks for the summary Poirot - It is impressive that your reviews are so detailed I can actually feel anger/sorrow/joy, etc. just from reading them before I ever see it happen onscreen.

I have no idea who this Sami look-a-like on my screen is supposed to be but I don't like her and I certainly don't feel any joy or sympathy for her. Not only do I want the twist to be that Sydney really is Nicole's biological daughter, I'm hoping this huge event that's supposed to be coming is that the real Sami has been locked away ever since giving birth to the twins and we've been watching an imposter onscreen ever since.
This episode was completely bizarre as it relates to EJ, Sami and Rafe. I simply refuse to believe that Sami, who just learned she has had her baby taken from her without her consent for nearly a year, would agree to let her spend the night with the man who repeatedly threw that baby out. Even if EJ HADN'T thrown out Sydney--or even if Sami took the relatively reasonable position that he wouldn't have thrown her out had he known--I still don't see Sami not insisting that she get to have Sydney stay with her until they could work something out because of all the time she's already missed with her. And yet some want me to believe EJ loves Sami? If he cared about her I'd think he would tell her to take Sydney home with her--especially since he's grateful to Rafe now--and they would deal with custody later. But no, it's all about him again and how he feels, not anyone else.

The Vivian stuff looks good though.

Thanks for the writeup, Poirot! Great job as usual.
Remember the preview clip for the reveal and how several of us commented that it had a surreal feel to it - that is exactly how it is playing out for me - everything seems bizarre - I don't know who any of these people are - I feel like I'm in the Twilight Zone.
Sami did insist that she keep Sydney for the night, didn't she? She told EJ to stop thinking like a DiMera and to start thinking like a dad, then EJ relented but he got ticked off when the police showed up. I don't think there was any way in he** she was leaving that house without her daughter.

Typical that once again to EJ it's all about him. Poor, pitiful EJ, oh how the world is out to wrong him. He is not to blame for any of it though, right? Give me a break.

As far as Rafe, he's the man who made this reunion possible, who risked his life for Sami and Sydney before Syd was born, and again in pursuit of the truth. I think he's earned more of a place in Sami's life than being "just the boyfriend and the daddy wannabe". If he was out for just his own interests, he could have let Sami think that her baby with EJ was Grace and let that be the end of it. But Rafe is a much better man than that.
I don't believe Sami knows that. She may not get all she wants but she can fight EJ on the custody arrangements.

I'm not saying that she will NOT get rights, just that maybe she has learned from the past it is better to work with than against EJ - look how well "hiding Grace worked??" That was a disaster for her.
She already has the paper work from Johnny and that arrangement as proof... so it can be eventually. I know That one started out badly but all is ok there now. Why not with Sydney too?
Sami did insist that she keep Sydney for the night, didn't she? She told EJ to stop thinking like a DiMera and to start thinking like a dad, then EJ relented but he got ticked off when the police showed up. I don't think there was any way in he** she was leaving that house without her daughter.

You're right, eventually that's what happened (Sami getting to take Sydney home), but I can't believe she had to even negotiate that.
Of course Adrienne served him with divorce papers...tell me you didn't see that one coming from a mile away. I can't wait to see Carly and Vivian exchange their barbs..'what's a little being buried alive between friends'

The more I think about it the more I am strarting to think that maybe Mia is Carly's daughter. I don't think that she is Bo's seeing that Chelsea is older. I do think maybe a) It was Lawrence's but she feared for her and gave her up...or b)She had a fling with someone that resulted in Mia and thus Lawrence wanted the baby dead or whatever so she hid her. Either way the more I think about the more I am convinced that Mia is Carly's.

I can't believe what a jerk EJ can, wait, yes I can. Everytime there is a glimmer of something even half way redeamable he just ruins it for me. Refusing to let Sami take her baby home. He is the one who pushed that baby away just because he thought that they did not share any blood, referring to Sydney as 'it' and now suddenly because she is his biological daughter he has to have her with him. GRRR.

Great write up. Can't wait for more!
I don't think EJ could/would get custody of Sydney.......especially since the other child he shares with Sami is primarily in Sami's custody. I wish I knew what the "old" Sami was like as some of you have commented you don't recognize or like the current Sami. I like her! It's been hard for me to like Nicole! Even though she "loves" Sydney and she has been cute with her, I have always been focused on the how awful she was to have switched the babies. PLUS...look how awful Nicole has been to Mia! All those lies she convinced her to tell!

Bo and Hope are just plain weird to me. I can't understand Hope and needing time apart from Bo at all. It's hard for me to even listen to Hope talk. I want to tell her to speak up! LOL

I'm leaning toward the possibility that Carly might somehow be Mia's mom. Otherwise, it doesn't seem like there would have been much point to them having that encounter at the pier. I'm baffled that this big secret that Carly has and Bo can't reveal HASN'T been mistakenly revealed yet. Maybe if they would let Chloe or Sami in on it then it would be accidently spilled!

Sorry I babbled on so much! I'm having a fairly good day, but head back for 6th and LAST bad-symptom chemo tomorrow.
As far as Rafe, he's the man who made this reunion possible, who risked his life for Sami and Sydney before Syd was born, and again in pursuit of the truth. I think he's earned more of a place in Sami's life than being "just the boyfriend and the daddy wannabe". If he was out for just his own interests, he could have let Sami think that her baby with EJ was Grace and let that be the end of it. But Rafe is a much better man than that.

I don't think Rafe is just out for his own interests either, but I do think he enjoys playing the hero. Regardless of his motives, his actions do not earn him anything in regards to Sami or Sydney either one. That is for Sami to decide. If I thought that Rafe did all of this with the intent that it would earn him a place in Sami (or Sydney's) life, I would have a huge problem with him. Based on what we've seen from Rafe so far, I think he was sincerely interested in finding out the truth. I don't think he is nearly as altruistic or heroic as some seem to think though and I do think he wanted all of the "glory" for himself alone. Sami chose to let Rafe be in Grace's life and she had the option for it to be her decision alone. She doesn't have that option with Sydney. Ultimately, I'm not sure that Sami is really Sydney's biological mother and this may all be temporary anyway.