Days of Our Lives - Wed. Nov 25, 2009


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Episode #11,216 Taped 10/5 Director – Phil Sogard

Sadly, there is no Thanksgiving Day dinners in Salem today. Bo has come downstairs to find an unapologetic Hope rifling thru Carly’s stuff, claiming that Carly has some secret only Bo knows, is in her house, with her husband, and she wants to find out why. Bo tells her it is Carly’s choice to tell anyone else, she agrees, they go round and round, rather civily, Bo tells her it is not Carly’s fault they have problems. Hope agrees but knows it has made things more difficult. She leave.

Carly is thanking Maggie for her help, and inquiring about living at her house. Maggie is surprised, Carly could go to a hotel, rent an apt., but Carly claims that she thinks it better if she leaves Bo’s as soon as she can, so no time to apartment hunt. She knows she is causing a problem between Bo & Hope, and wants to vamoose. Maggie is understanding, but has to talk to Mickey first, and mentions she also has two young women living there. Cue Mia to walk in, greet Carly, Maggie realizing they have met. Carly takes her leave, Maggie talks to a downhearted Mia, tries to get her to help her bake pies for Thanksgiving dinner at the homeless shelter. Mia declines, has never done any baking, is not in the mood, is too sad over the loss of her little girl, and maybe Maggie should ask Sami, as she has to be very happy today. Maggie gives her a nice pep talk, tells her of how down she was when drinking and her first AA meeting, Mia agrees to help, and is happy to do so.

Victor & Vivian are still chatting when in walks Kate, and we are treated to a delicious exchange of veiled barbs between the two women, with Victor not saying a word, just grinning from ear to ear. Viv congratulates Kate on assuming the role she once had, that of Mrs. DiMera, asks how that is going. Wonderfully well, replies Kate, saying she has to leave, hoping not to see Viv before she jets off somewhere else. Oooh, no, Viv is staying put, no place like home, and she is staying. Kate warns her to stay away from Philip, Viv can’t wait to see the handsome dimpled man they share in common, asks for pictures. LOL. Sorry, but I cannot do this conversation justice.

Arianna returns to her room, finding a somber Rafe & Gabi waiting for her. She asks what is going on, they are silent, and finally Rafe pulls the package of cocaine out from behind him, asking her to tell them what is going on. She complains about them going thru her things, but Gabi says she found the package under a pile of towels. Arianna asks Gabi to leave, she has to talk to Rafe. Gabi is reluctant but leaves, and Arianna tells Rafe it is his turn to be quiet and listen, that she kept his secret about his search for the truth about Sydney, and then relates how she is working undercover, it was how she got released early, only one contact in the police dept., being sworn to secrecy. Rafe guesses someone else knows, she admits Brady does, and he was going to help her, but right now, she doesn’t know where she stands with him. Now Rafe gets a frantic call from Sami, and leaves.

Sami & EJ are arguing about custody of Sydney, with EJ insisting she live with him, she knows him, has lost the mother she has known. Sami insists Sydney knows her, and that if EJ is really leaving, then Sydney would be in some strange place, and EJ doesn’t even know where this is yet. They go out in the foyer, closing the door, continuing to argue. Meanwhile, Nicole appears at the French doors, spots the sleeping Sydney, comes in & talks to her, saying she wishes she could hold her one last time, and she promises to leave then, as it is best for Sydney.
Out in the foyer, Stefano has arrived, and Sami is busy telling him off, EJ joining in the fray, Stefano yelling at them both. Nicole is now holding Sydney, who is awake, asking how she could possibly leave her here with all that fighting and shouting, but she cannot take her, tho she is looking furtively around her. The trio continues their accusations at each other, until EJ tells them all to shut up…thinks it is too quiet in the study, they go in and find Sydney missing. Everyone gets frantic, Kate walks in (and I swear she is carrying the same plant Viv brought over to Carly the other day, lol). Yes, she did see a figure in the distance, but it was lost in the mist. Sami calls Rafe to get over there, Stefano calls his henchmen to get out and search for Nicole and bring that baby back unharmed. EJ, Rafe & Sami are out on the grounds, or in the park….lots of bushes, looking, decide to go separately, with Rafe & Sami in one direction, EJ off in another.

Carly returns to the Brady house, reporting the visit with Maggie went well. She is going to put in a good word for her at the hospital. Now Carly springs the news she has asked Maggie if she can stay with her a while. Bo is shocked. “you mean you are going to be staying in the same house as your daughter?” Carly smiles, nods yes.

Hope arrives back at the Kmansion, to find Victor entertaining Vivian. Hope thinks it no co-incidence that Vivian arrives in town shortly after Carly has, and in the wake of her beloved nephew’s death. Vivian is brushing it off, Hope is smarter than that. But Vivian reminds her Carly has been exonerated, talks about Carly living at Bo’s, then says she thinks Hope is really not all that thrilled that Carly is now free.

Nicole is in the park, near the dock, right near Woody…….holding a blanket wrapped Sydney. She spies Gabi coming along the path, stops her, asking for help. She introduces herself as Nora, claims she has left an abusive husband, wants to get to her sister in Chicago, has no money, just needs $7.00 for a bus ticket. (Wow, what bus line is that?). She offers her diamond bracelet in exchange. Gabi is hesitant, but agrees to give her the money, hands it over, Nicole gives her the bracelet. She hears someone coming, and leaves, and along comes Arianna, who notices the bracelet right away. Gabi claims to have had it a while (why not tell the truth?), but Arianna knows she was not wearing it earlier, and wants to know exactly how she got it. Over near the dock, we see Nicole looking a bit worried.


P.S. Days is pre-empted on Thanksgiving Day, which means there will be no Day Ahead on Wednesday.
However, one will be up on Thursday, but it is going to be later in the morning. I will have a turkey to get in the oven. :)
This has to be the most exciting Days has been in a long time. Thanks for your excellent recap and hope you have a happy Thanksgiving!
thanks Barb~
Oh a clue from Bo about Carly's daughter! YEAH!!
Cannot wait for Nicole to hold Sydney. I bet the 2 of them are so good. Where does everyone get money but Nicole?? A teen has lots of cash??
Viv is up to trouble.... again..
Have a good turkey day.
Great write up

Nicole is losing it, how is she going to take that baby. She keeps saying that its her baby.. where is Brady I thought he was sending her back to jail.

Brady is getting me upset, how can he let that crazy women go.. He better help find sydny...

thats for the write up.. I love reading your post everyday.:evillaugh:
Thanks for the wonderful write up Barb! Hope you have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Ahh, so now part of the secret is out, Carly's daughter lives at Maggie's. Is it Melanie or Mia? This could be good either way.
Seton88~ remember Brady told Nicole she had an hour--to go say her good-byes and be ready to go back to jail. Who did she have to say her good-byes to but Sydney.... where did he think she was going to go??
Great Write up Barb!! Thanks so much!!
And have a wonderful Turkey Day!!!!!
However, one will be up on Thursday, but it is going to be later in the morning. I will have a turkey to get in the oven. :)

Turkey? What happened to good ole fashioned fish pie? :smile:
Great write up! this sounds like a good episode!

I can't understand why Sami would leave Sydney unattended for a minute knowing full well that nut case Nicole is out of jail. Stefano's goons wouldn't be able to find her in an instant? Of course not, not now.

I hope Sami has Sydney back for Christmas ... surely she will. Would Days actually do that ? Not have that baby back to her real mom for Christmas?
With EJ insisting Sami bring her over, it is basically his fault Sydney was kidnapped. What makes him think the father should have more say than the mother, especially the one person who has been denied her daughter for the last 9 months. Grrrrrr!
Thanks for the write-up! Wednesday sounds interesting.

I guess Salem is skipping another holiday this year. First we miss out on the Brady/ Horton 4th of July bbq, now this. Is the budget cuts and a desire to keep veterans off the screen the reason? I will be greatly disappointed if during Christmas, they skip the Horton Christmas tree with the lovely memories of Days past. Hmmph!

What is wrong with EJ? Seriously! Sydney has lost her mother, so the best solution is to take her from her real mother? That is absolute genius. :mad:
Sami does not seem like she wants Sydney all to herself, even after losing all that time with her. She seems willing to share. Of course, whatever Sami would like has to be slightly altered to satisfy EJ. I think he gets a perverted pleasure out of twisting a knife in her back and watching her react. He wants her to go off like him.

I can't wait for Carly's daughter to be revealed. I don't believe Bo is the father regardless. It is definitely Mia or Melanie. I was thinking that Mia was her daughter at first, but this might be a rare opportunity to psych out the audience. We keep seeing Carly with Mia, think she has to be it, and then get blindsided with the fact that it is Melanie. If they can make Nicole have a marriage with Trent Robbins, then Carly can also have had an affair with him. Melanie's mom has never been mentioned and we know she has to have one out there. This might be the big storyline of the new year. Regardless of what is revealed, this will be interesting to watch. :smile:
Sami is one of my favorite characters, but I can't feel sorry for her for the fact she was denied her child for 9 months. She did the same thing to EJ. If Sami had Sydney from the beginning, EJ would still not know about his child.
Wow...this sounds like one not to miss! I think the Carly/Melanie/Mia storyline will be interesting. If Mia is the daughter, any guesses who her papa might be, other than Bo? If Bo knew he had a daughter, I can't imagine him being able to distance himself from her. Not sure who I think the daughter is but I hope it's Mia, as she needs a storyline now that the baby switch has played itself out.
I'm probably wrong, but I think it makes more sense to have Melanie be Carly's daughter. We know Mia has a mother and nothing ever said about adoption.
Boy, did we call that one or what? Many of us knew months before Carly returned that she would have a daughter in Salem.

Since Bo referred to her as "your" daughter, I don't think she is his. I still think she belongs to Daniel.
Fed UP

I am sooooo tired of Nicole getting away with soooooooooo much. If she gets away again kidnapping a baby again- I give up-this is just too stupid. Jees do the writers have any happiness in their lives? Whay can't we have some happy story lines for a change? Even in the world of soap kidnapping twice is very annoying. If Sami does not get Sydney back - I am moving on to a new saop- I am sur this does not matter but if more folks would spek up thse stoty lines would get better. I cannot take this any more.
I am sooooo tired of Nicole getting away with soooooooooo much. If she gets away again kidnapping a baby again- I give up-this is just too stupid. Jees do the writers have any happiness in their lives? Whay can't we have some happy story lines for a change? Even in the world of soap kidnapping twice is very annoying. If Sami does not get Sydney back - I am moving on to a new saop- I am sur this does not matter but if more folks would spek up thse stoty lines would get better. I cannot take this any more.

I feel like you do msjones .... if Sami doesn't have Sydney back for Christmas it is just so wrong. What are they going to do? Keep Sydney with Nicole while she is off on her maternity leave? Ridiculous.