Days of Our Lives - Mon. May 3, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Monday, May 3, 2010
Episode #11,326 Taped 3/09/10 Director – Phil Sogard

Dr. Baker counts his money, puts it in his wallet, dons his jacket, smiling as he says, “And away…we go”, opens the door to find Hope standing there asking where he thinks he is going. She pushes him back into the room, he tries to get past her to leave, she shuts the door, telling him they have unfinished business. He insists he is going, she insists he give her the cashier’s check, knows he emptied DiMera’s bank account, transferred the money to his own and then got a cashier’s check for it all. He starts to deny, she pulls a gun, he gives her the check, she tears it up. He is having a fit, but she says DiMera doesn’t matter. Now she again says he cannot leave…they are partners….but he retorts she’s a cop. She smiles, admits she is, says she actually is in charge of finding the mugger, tells him that during her daytime job, she won’t remember who he is. He complains he doesn’t know her name, she never says, he still wants no part of this, but she stops him again, her face turning sad as she talks of a partner she once had, one she loved very much, still does, and how alone she is, how terrible it is to be so alone. Baker caves, finally agrees, what the heck. Hope breaks out into big grin, practically bouncing out the door as she tells him “let’s rock and roll”.

Arianna & Brady are going hot and heavy on the sofa at the Kmansion. He comments that Victor, Hope & Vivian are all asleep upstairs, they have the place to themselves, let’s just stay in, perhaps relive the first time they were in the pool together…ohhh, but she has no bathing suit. More hot and heavy, his phone rings. He notes the caller is Nicole, ignores it. (Nicole is standing in the park, bemoaning the fact Brady is not picking up). Back to Brady and Arianna, his shirt is off, her top unbuttoned, knocking at the door. He figures it is Nicole, grabs his shirt, opens the door…only to find Gabi, all upset as her computer crashed, she lost 15 pages of the assignment about the Depression, Arianna had helped her with it, she has got to have this by tomorrow. Arianna agrees to go help, Brady is fine with it. They leave, he has buttoned his shirt and another knock, this time it is Nicole, who so needs his help. He wants her gone, she pleads with him, he doesn’t want her to go back to prison, just look her in the eye and say he doesn’t still have some feelings for her. Brady is silent, she goes in for a hug, just knew it she says. He tells her to stay put, he will get them something to drink and be back. Alone, she notes a text from Arianna on his cell, saying she thinks she will be back soon. Nicole unbuttons her top part way down, pulls it apart revealing cleavage, Brady returns, takes one look, asks what she thinks she is doing. “showing my appreciation” replies Nicole. He ushers her to the door, telling her to get out, goes outside with her, tells her he is going for a walk, when he returns, she had better not be there, and he never wants to see her again.

Over at the Pub, Arianna is working with Gabi, thinks perhaps she can retrieve the lost homework. Nicole is outside, calling Brady, apologizing, it will never happen again, give her another chance.Inside, Arianna is tapping away at the keyboard, Nicole spots them, pretends she is on the phone with Brady as she walks in, thanking him, telling him how great tonight was. She pretends to hang up, noticing the sisters, says Sorry. Arianna gathers her things, tells Nicole she is just evil, and she doesn’t believe anything she says, takes off. Gabi then goes up, telling Nicole she agrees with her sister, Nicole is as evil as they come. Arianna arrives at the Kmansion, calling Brady’s name, no answer.

And now let’s hop around Salem. Stephanie tries to pry out of Philip why he is upset at himself, what did he do. Philip has been downing liquor like a thirsty man lost in the desert would down water after 3 days. However, he doesn’t say anything, just tells Stephanie he knows she doesn’t like Melanie. Stephanie denies that, claims Melanie is interesting. LOL. Philip leaves, Aunt Adrienne comes in, Stephanie tells her troubles to a familiar ear. Now I thought they were in the Cheatin Heart, but they are next sitting on Benchie, and there seems to be some sort of round table in front of them. Very odd. Anyway, Stephanie complains that if there is trouble in Philip & Melanie’s home life, she may go running to Nathan for sympathy, and she won’t let that happen, she has to do something to get Nathan to completely commit to her, but doesn’t know what yet. Adrienne takes off as Stephanie tells her she is meeting Nathan there and will wait. Now Stephanie opens her purse, but comes across her birth control pills, various emotions cross her face, and she makes her decision, tossing them in the trash container. Nathan arrives, they embrace as he asks if everything is o.k. Her arms around him, she gazes at the discarded pills in the trash, saying everything is perfect.

Nathan has brought some files to Daniel, who says he will only be consulting on surgery for the next few days, that Dr. Manning and he are going to go over these patient files, deciding on best plans for each patient. He invites Nathan, who at first is happy, but then Nathan asks if Chloe will be there, then declines. They go back and forth a bit, finally Nathan saying he has a date with Stephanie, did not want to admit he would forego this chance for a girl. Daniel is understanding, Nathan leaves.

Chloe talks with the sleazy motel clerk, who gives her no names but convinces her that someone is yanking her chain, knows she is jealous and is trying to cause trouble. He leaves, Chloe tells herself it has to be Carly.

Philip meets Chloe, who again goes on and on about no one finding out, but lets him know she thinks Carly is the one who set her up, calling her all kinds of names. Philip warns her about keeping her cool, and not going off half cocked.

Melanie meets up with Carly at the hospital, asks her what she thinks of Chloe, cuz Melanie gets the feeling Chloe perhaps doesn’t like her, she catches her giving her strange looks. Carly assures her that Melanie is funny, bright, attractive, and that Chloe would definitely want Daniel to have a good relationship with his daughter. Melanie is relieved, wants just for her dad to be happy, wants both her parents to be happy. Carly is touched, Melanie comments that she had a change in attitude towards Carly, especially after Daniel’s surgery.

Next, Melanie is at home, kissing Philip, telling him she loves him, wanting to go over to Daniel’s this weekend, hang with him & Chloe, maybe invite Carly, who is right across the hall. Philip agrees, Melanie dashes out, Phil tries to call Chloe.

Carly arrives at Daniel’s, he says Chloe is not home yet, he ordered dinner from the Italian restaurant across the street, they don’t deliver, he will go pick it up. He leaves, Chloe comes home, not too happy to find Carly there. She soon lights into a surprised Carly, calling her a conniving liar.

A pensive Brady is down at the docks, decides to check on Arianna, and finds he forgot his cell phone. Hope & Baker come upon him, Baker recognizes him, says no way, he is trouble. Hope is determined. Brady hears a noise, looks in that direction, asking who is there, as Hope comes up behind him, knocks him out with her gun. Baker comes out, says let’s get the money and go, but Hope says no…….we are not finished with him yet.

Wow...Stephanie is just totally desperate!! & Stupid!!!

Chloe is quick to jump the gun by yelling at Carly. I know a lot of people do not like Carly, but I dont think she deserves all the attacks she is getting. She has not done anything to make me think she is moving in on Daniel.

So bad Hope knows about good Hope, but good Hope is unaware of bad Hope. Interesting?!

Thanks for the great write up!!
I agree :mad: with Stephanie!! She is low..
Interesting too that the bad Hope Knows all things the good Hope does not...
Chloe needs to slow down -she is causing more trouble for herself.. Carly has done nothing ... guess Chloe is hearing that guilty tick tock.. and wants to blame someone but herself..
thanks for Monday!
Thanks for the write-up, Barb.

When Arianna & Brady are 'fooling around', what time is it? We know Hope has been 'tired' and hitting the sack early ... but Victor & Vivian?? .... And, if it's late, what is Gabi doing roaming around? I thought teens used cell phones & text .... so why the trip to the K-mansion?

Stephanie .... dumb! Fine, you want to ditch the birth control pills, BUT in a public trash can where they might be found??? duh! Another sign of her stupidity!

Chloe is definitely the one who is going to 'out' herself ... she's in meltdown-guilt mode!

Hope & Baker .... I'm surprised he didn't have cardiac arrest when she tore up the check! Wonder how much it was?
And, Hope is going after 'powerful' men .... I understand the extra kick in the head for EJ, but why the 'extra' treatment that is coming for Brady?? What did he ever do to her?
And, Hope is going after 'powerful' men .... I understand the extra kick in the head for EJ, but why the 'extra' treatment that is coming for Brady?? What did he ever do to her?

My interpretation is that the more frustrated and devasted she feels about the situation with Bo, the more intense her actions are during her Bad Hope hours.
I want to know how Philip can drink a whole bottle of booze and not be drunk enough that people notice? How can his wife not notice?? I would think he smelled like a brewery after all that.

I hate hate the girl that once was now apparently missing a few brain cells. I just hate how they have written Chloe since she has been back on the show.

Hope and Dr. Baker are such fun.

And EEEEE Philip and Melanie kissage! Hey got to take my pleasure where I can on this show...

Thanks for the write up.
I can just see it now. Stephanie gets pregnant, Nathan has another of his famous "I need a break" moments, leaves her alone until she's delivering, but then shows up at the last minute, only to have Melanie bust into the delivery room and say "Philip cheated on me and now I want you back!"
O.K. I am sorry everyone....but genehunter just made me remember.......that tho Vivian is supposedly "upstairs asleep", she actually has Gus in her room, and is gloating over the fact Chloe is playing right into her hands and her plan to have Chloe do her dirty work in regards to Carly. They even open a bottle of wine and toast each other.

This was after sleazy motel clerk calls Viv after ditching Chloe, tells her all went according to how Viv wanted.
Thanks again, Barb, for a great write-up.

Chloe is quick to jump the gun by yelling at Carly. I know a lot of people do not like Carly, but I don't think she deserves all the attacks she is getting. She has not done anything to make me think she is moving in on Daniel.

I agree totally.

Chloe needs to slow down -she is causing more trouble for herself.. Carly has done nothing ... guess Chloe is hearing that guilty tick tock.. and wants to blame someone but herself..
thanks for Monday!

I liked Chloe before she left to be a big star in the opera. But now she seems to be unable to think things through. I don't like Carly pairing up with Bo, but other than that, I don't think she's done anything wrong.
I hate hate the girl that once was now apparently missing a few brain cells. I just hate how they have written Chloe since she has been back on the show.

I think I feel about Chloe the way many feel about Sami at this point. Chloe was once one of my favorite characters, now I couldn't care less about her. Total turn around from a smart, career oriented professional with a good head on her shoulders. I don't think the character ever recovered from that stupid scar storyline. She's taking romantic advice from Victor and Nicole of all people?
Great write-up. One question, woudn't they be able to trace a cashier's check?
Thanks for the write-up, Barb.

And, Hope is going after 'powerful' men .... I understand the extra kick in the head for EJ, but why the 'extra' treatment that is coming for Brady?? What did he ever do to her?

Hope is going after 'powerful' men,,,,,,,,,,,deleted rest of post as it was all spoiler info.......this is NOT the Crystal Ball! Please remember to confine spoiler talk to that forum. Thank you.
thanks for the recap Barb.
Cbutton I think that is exactly the problem Chloe has with Carly...the fact that Carly seems to have no remorse for sleeping and having an open relationship with a married man..I mean if Carly can go after married men what will stop Carly from going after men who aren't even married but in a relationship. I hope that once Chloe and Philip's indiscrection comes out and Carly starts talking to Chloe about faithfulness in a relationship Chloe should say Look at the mirror.

Great write-up. One question, wouldn't they be able to trace a cashier's check?

Heck, if the check is not cashed, then the bank still has the money. All Baker has to do is say he accidentally destroyed the check, the bank will make him wait a while before crediting his account again.

People put their $$$ in the Caymans, like Baker, or Swiss banks, because their anonymity is guaranteed.
O.K. I am sorry everyone....but genehunter just made me remember.......that tho Vivian is supposedly "upstairs asleep", she actually has Gus in her room, and is gloating over the fact Chloe is playing right into her hands and her plan to have Chloe do her dirty work in regards to Carly. They even open a bottle of wine and toast each other.

This was after sleazy motel clerk calls Viv after ditching Chloe, tells her all went according to how Viv wanted.

Oh Bravo Viv....LOL!

um....where does Gus stay? Wonder if he gets moved into the mansion once she marries Victor.
I believe Gus lives in the secret compartment behind the wall in the closet.
Thanks, Barb! Great writeup, as always!
Ok, I just have to :rant:

I may be in theminority, but if I came home to my fiance's ex-married cheating on her husband lover sitting on my couch like she belonged there, fiance no where in sight, I would be going off on her too. And what Carly gonna do there anyway, have dinner with them? Did Daniel order for all three of them? Was there ANY reason for her to still be there? Why didn't Carly get up when Daniel left and go the heck back across the damn hall? WHY? Because Carly is a troublemaker, that's why. For all her pretense to be concerned about Chloe's "feelings", she most certainly is NOT. So mad that they are doing this to Chloe. Carly is EJ revisited:the female version. Throwing characters under the bus to have happy moments between Mel, Dan and Carly is really really ticking me off. This is not Days Of Carly's Life, but she has darn sure taken over the show. I would love nothing more than Carly to be Hope ultimate target and for her to actully kill the home-wrecking witch and get off because of the sleeping pills or whatever. Sorry for the rant.