Days of Our Lives - Mon. May 3, 2010

Thank you Addicted I totally agree with your post...I would love Hope's alter ego to boink Carly in the head. I am dreading the day Bo comes back to Salem because once he comes back fans are going to have to endure Bo slobbering over Carly and him continuing to act like a heartless jerk who cares nothing about what his actions are doing to his daughter and his family.

~Ana you really mean boink?...or bonk?:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

Heee heee heee.:rotfl::rotfl::rotfl:

I didn't even catch that until your post and I had to look back. Gross! :sick: I'm sure she meant bonk, lol, as it is the more pleasing image of the two.

Thanks for the summary, Poirot!
Thank you, Barb. I see some fast forwarding for me tomorrow.

This Hope Under the Influence storyline is horrible. It could've been written in a way that wasn't so idiotic.

:woo: :clap: Addicted to DOOL- I agree completely with your view of Carly.
Today's episode was very well acted. I know I'm prejudiced, but I thought Philip had some excellent scenes with Stephanie, then Chloe, then Melanie. He went from happy and cheerful in the scene with Melanie to guilty and nervous, in less than a blink of an eye. I loved when he told Chloe that she's scaring him. Very understated and believable.

There were no previews for tomorrow at the end of Monday's show. Did anyone else get previews?
Philip is doing some of his best work in this story, IMO. He is so guilt ridden, and I think it doubles for him when he remembers how he reacted to Melanie just having mixed feeling about Nathan, but not acting on them, and then telling him all about Nathan kissing her.
Kpatch, the previews for tomorrow showed Melanie asking Philip what is it he isn't telling her. Then it showed Chloe screeching at Carly, "You're not going to ruin anyone's life, ever again!" And Doc asking Hope, as they look over the lifeless Brady, "What the hell did you do?"

I imagine Barb tells it all in her preview but I'm just now going over to read it.
Philip is doing some of his best work in this story, IMO. He is so guilt ridden, and I think it doubles for him when he remembers how he reacted to Melanie just having mixed feeling about Nathan, but not acting on them, and then telling him all about Nathan kissing her.

I notice that some actors have a hard time playing ambivalence or guilt. Like Chloe in the Lucas/Daniel story, and even Melanie in the Nathan/Philip story. It's as if they are unsure of what emotion to show. But Jay as Philip is doing a smashing job.

Kpatch, the previews for tomorrow showed Melanie asking Philip what is it he isn't telling her. Then it showed Chloe screeching at Carly, "You're not going to ruin anyone's life, ever again!" And Doc asking Hope, as they look over the lifeless Brady, "What the hell did you do?"

Thanks OC!!! It's just unusual for my station not to show the previews.
Saw the show last night. Kpatch you are in for a great treat. Jay has never acted so well as he did yesterday. You can just feel his pain and anxiety that he has.
Is yesterday Monday or Tuesday (U.S.)?
Thanks for the heads-up, DJM! Thanks for thinking of me!