Days of Our Lives - Fri. Sept. 3, 2010


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Friday, September 3, 2010
Episode #11,411 Taped 7/12 Director – Herb Stein

Chloe is having tea with Nicole, assuring her all will be much better, it is the middle of the night, things will be looking much different in the morning. Nicole is happy for Chloe, she is having a baby, knows now it is Daniel’s, she will be having everything she ever wanted. She asks about Brady, Chloe says he was happy for her, mentions he was drinking. Nicole figures he will be o.k. once he completely gets her (Nicole) out of his system….sort of breaks down as she talks of what a sweet and wonderful guy he is, how she messed up, and then thanks Chloe for being her friend, saying both Chloe and her mother are the only two people who really know Nicole and accept her for how she is.

On the pier, Victor claims that he & Stefano were just discussing business, Maggie says it sounds like they were threatening each other, Victor says two old men were just posturing, Stefano heartily agrees, notes the launch coming back for him & Kate, they leave. Maggie tells Victor she didn’t believe him for one second, that they were talking, he got a phone call, and turned into another person, one she doesn’t know. He asks if she followed him there, that she should not be out and about alone. She can take care of herself. Victor doesn’t think so, especially traipsing all over the world alone.

Brady is talking with Vivian in the mausoleum, telling her to leave his mother alone. She is brightly assuring him how his mother will be resting comfortably for eternity in the sarcophagus, insisting Victor thinks it a lovely idea. Brady is not happy at all, but figures if his grandfather approves, it is all right. He leaves, Gus arrives with some new tape recording equipment. She tells him of her rather unpleasant encounter with Brady. Gus learns Brady comes to visit his mother, tells Vivian that Brady would be very disturbed if he found out his mother’s remains are now resting next to those of a long haired Chihuahua named Pookie in the Happy Hunting Pet Cemetery. (Oh, Vivian, what have you done?…and poor Pookie!)

Sami is quiet, claims to have had a bad dream, Rafe comforts her, tries to get her to tell him about it, she doesn’t remember it. She tells him how much she loves him, they begin to kiss, and we leave them.

And guess what, a new day has dawned in Salem, right in the middle of the show.

Bo, Ciara & Carly arrive down by the lake, Bo has a fishing rod in hand, talks of fishing first, Carly holding a minnow trap, mentioning catching some in this. Ciara wants her mommy to come back. She asks Bo if he sent Mommy away so he could be with Carly. LOL. He kneels down, trying to explain that Mommy was sick, had to go away to get better. Ciara wants to know if Mommy had a fever. Bo is at a loss, but Carly takes over, telling her about medicine that makes you sleepy, her mommy took some, but it made her act differently, reminding Ciara of how her Mommy wasn’t believing what she said, etc. Ciara nods, Carly tells her she has a little girl of her own, wasn’t able to spend the time she should have with her, so knows what it is like, and would never ever want to cause another little girl not to have her mommy around. Later, Carly & Bo are sitting in beach chairs, Ciara playing off in the distance. Carly says she loves Bo, but knows how upset he has been over Hope, not being there for her. She talks of how he was there for her when she needed him, but she is now in a good place, and ready to do whatever he wants of her, even if means them being apart. Just tell her what it is he wants her to do.

Stefano & Kate arrive home, unable to find Elvis, who apparently is not there. Stefano comments he is not in his room, his bed not even slept in. Kate calls Caroline, learns she sent Will off to first day of school this morning, that Allie, Johnny & Sydney are all awake and fine this morning. Stefano is happy to know the kids are all still there and safe. They wonder about EJ, Stefano gets an idea, finds an empty booze bottle on the stairs, and goes up, enters the bedroom, glad to find EJ. He starts talking to him, comes around the side of the bed, and sees the blood and wound. (Joe Mascola is fantastic here). He pulls out his hankerchief, wiping the blood, but speaking all the while in Italian. Madre Mia, (I don’t understand Italian, sorry), he is bending over him, gathering Elvis in his arms, saying morte’, morte’ (and I know that means dead). Kate has come in, shocked, then yelling at Stefano to tell her what he is saying. Stefano replies, he thinks Elvis is dead. She calls 911, they are asking questions about pulse & heartbeat, Stefano grabs the phone, screaming into it that this is Stefano DiMera, his son may be dead, and if they don’t get an ambulance here right now, “you will be dead”. He throws the phone to the floor.

Daniel sits on the sofa, looking at picture frames, Chloe comes out (I swear her tummy has gotten a bit bigger overnight), she talks of sleeping later than she intended. Out comes Nicole, all dressed, baggage in hand, intends to design her own WP program, some place with sunshine and cabana boys, figures her bank accounts won’t be frozen forever, but meanwhile, needs to borrow enough for plane ticket. Chloe says of course, Daniel says NO, telling her it is not the money, but she is not leaving town, reminding her Anna DiMera tried that, and when was the last time you talked to her. Also noting the DiMeras have contacts all over the world. She is safer right here. His phone rings, he is shocked, hangs up, tells the women he has to operate on EJ DiMera, who has been shot.

Vivian opens the door to Gus who gives her an envelope filled with the forged letters from Maggie. Vivian thanks Augustine, as she calls him, lol, hurries him back out the door, reads one of the letters, pronouncing it perfect, tucks it back inside the envelope as Victor appears. He asks what she was reading, she says papers from her lawyer, he tells her he has arranged for her to go to Tahiti. Seems Stefano has broken the terms of their agreement, there will be trouble, he wants her out of harm’s way. Viv is touched, Victor really cares about her. She talks of wanting to make sure about the Isabella memorial, Victor is insistent she leaves right away, his private jet, all expenses are paid.

Maggie & Brady arrive at her house, sitting down to have coffee. He doesn’t want her worrying about him, he isn’t on drugs, but she notes he is drinking. So what, not a problem, then tells her she really doesn’t know him. Oh, yes she does, she WAS him. She talks of trying to escape her problems with booze, it doesn’t work. She reminds him that addictions come in different forms. He thinks she is talking of Nicole, but she isn’t. She is talking of Victor, his wanting to control. She advises Brady to move out of Victor’s house, find himself a job elsewhere. Brady doesn’t think his grandfather would like that. She comments she has been reading all about the ancient Greeks, trying to understand Victor a bit better. Did you know they waited 10 years…..10 years outside Troy…so they could win?

EJ is brought into the hospital on a gurney, evidently still alive, pulse thready, lost a lot of blood, but the nurse advises “he was laying on a pillow, which caused compression”, which seemingly saved him. Daniel order the O.R. stat, wants Dr. Manning paged to assist, orders at least 6 pints of blood on standby. Stefano says they can have all of his blood, how ever much they need.

Rafe’s bedroom is awash in light, Sami is dreaming of shooting EJ, with Rafe coming up behind her, asking her “Sami, what have you done”? She awakens with a start, Rafe is there telling her she had another bad dream. Sami talks of how 24 hrs. ago, she was going to marry EJ, berating herself for all the time she wasted, her pride and stupidity, how did not want to marry EJ, was doing it out of spite. Rafe talks of how he knew when EJ walked in with that baby, that he did it, and how determined he was to prove it. And how sorry he is he did not tell Sami this right away. She replies she would not have believed him then anyway. EJ had, by then, had her so convinced he was such a good guy. Rafe tells her how he spent so much time thinking, knowing that he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. She laughs, she is so much trouble, so impetuous, her life is full of surprises. He replies his is a drag, and he’d like to be surprised. Now he gets out of bed, telling Sami she is just impossible. He opens the drawer in the bedside table, saying he wanted to save this for some time when they were on a deserted beach, takes a ring out of the box, telling her he cannot offer her a castle in Spain, but he will always give her a roof over her head, bring her coffee, rub her back, and be the one who is always there for her.
He kneels down on the side of the bed, asks Sami to marry him. Sami has been puzzled at what he was doing and now, cannot believe this. She talks of her life being such a mess, but Rafe wants to share that messy life with her. And now, he did ask her a question…she smiles, will I marry you? Yes, oh Yes, yes, yes. He slips the ring on her finger, hugs, kisses, come here, you, says Sami.

Maybe Sami and Rafe will secretly get married so he does not have to testify against her. Another great show. Days is certainly outdoing themselves
Thanks for the write up Barb.
I had to laugh when you wondered what Viv has done. And to Pookie too!! Poor dog. Poor Isabella!! Yikes. That woman is crazy!

I bet stefanos scenes are fabulous! I can t wait to see it.

And I have to say, personally I am impressed with how Carly handled the Ciara & Bo situation. I think this was a nice touch to put on her, having her explain to Ciara about her mom & that she is willing to put some space between her & Bo if what is what he needs. It might be the first unselfish thing she has done. Although I dont hate her as much as many viewers do. I just think she needs a different storyline! :)

Thanks again!
really not happy about a rushed engagement, but... I loved the messy life comments...who's writing this?
man I sure do miss philip and melanie. we only had them on one day this week. and we never see enough of philip. we really dont.

thanks for the write up.
Boy, about the last paragraph--can we spell 'rebound'? Sami is a dad-gum ping-pong ball!

sorry EJ was the rebound, Sami has said over and over and over... that she was hoping that Rafe would come riding in and stop her from marrying EJ til the moment she saw Rafe kiss Nicole. The way it was written for EJ & Sami was horrible, but it is what it is..
Isabella and Pookie.....buried together???? Oh Vivian, what have you done???

Can't wait to see the episode!
Terrific writeup, thank you very much!

I'm very interested to hear Bo's response to Carly. I agree with laepadgett that those scenes sound like Carly was really trying to do the right thing. I don't hate her and I don't care who ends up with Bo but I like that if they are getting Bo and Hope back together, this suggests they'll do it in a logical, fair-to-the-characters way. Hopefully.

I don't speak Italian either but I think that Madre di Dio means "Mother of God," which I would guess is what Stefano was saying. If Stefano knew that Daniel had just threatened EJ (kind of wimpily, but close enough) and been there on the pier when EJ attacked Nicole I bet he wouldn't want the world famous Dr. of Everything operating on EJ.

Thanks again!
Stefano tells Daniel lthat he knows he is the godson of Victor, but that he had better do all he can to save his son.

And Stefano speaks more Italian than what I quoted. Which is why Kate is screaming at him to tell her what he is saying.

I think Squirrelly understands Italian, so she will have to translate for us.
Thank you, Barb.

I may not see the show until Saturday. Will let you know what Stefano says then, unless someone can do it earlier.

:woo: Sounds like another great show. Days is really hitting it out of the ballpark now.

OK, nobody faint.......I actually have something good to say about Carly......She was very good in talking to Ciara today. You know it really goes against my grain to say anything nice about her, but I have to give her props on this one.

See, Barb? I am capable of it once in a while. :D
Sounds like a great episode.

Poor Pookie and Isabella, although at least now we know why Pookie isn't around anymore. :(
Sounds like an interesting eppy...First, I HATE the Carly Manning character and wish the character into another storyline altogether- she has some "noble" dialogue, but I'm not buying it...she is "fishing" for Bo to tell her "please don't leave me"...She is and will always be a wannabe - she has always wanted Hope's life - she wants Bo to validate that she can have it.

Sami, where do I start???
Cannot wait to see the Stefano/Kate scenes!!!
Not sure, but Stefano would never be able to give blood since he is diabetic, right? I know he was saying that.

How do I feel about the engagement? -just eh.
OK, there must be something wrong with me, because here's EJ, with a gunshot to the head, barely alive, and I'm feeling worse about hearing that Pookie is dead and buried!
Just Samantha,

Pookie was a cute, innocent dog. I feel more for him than EJ as well. Poor Pookie
Heads bowed.....moment of silence for poor Pookie.......
Thanks for the recap Barb however nothing well ever get me to like Carly Manning. And again Bo's wife is in JAIL and he goes off and has a family outing with Ciara and CARLY. Sorry but Carly Manning can leave Salem on a boat and NEVER come back.

I think it is great he is spending time out with Ciara. What is he supposed to do....sit at home, mope, and leave Ciara up in her room?

It is important for Ciara to go about her life as normally as possible, and whether Carly is there or not is unimportant. It is Ciara who is. JMO
Thanks for the write-up, Barb.

I guess this is another sign that TPTB read the board, since some of us have been speculating about Pookie for months. Now we know that she died .... but what happened? Is this another evil deed of EJ's? Did he kill her because Nicole gave her too much attention?

As far as Carly/Bo ... I think this is the beginning of the end. Carly realizes that without being 'pushed', Bo won't make a break first .... he feels he let Hope down when she needed him. and he doesn't want to do the same to Carly .... not saying I agree .... but she is trying to give him a safe way 'out'.

As far as the Italian ... if you have some knowledge of Spanish, French or Latin, you may be able to get the general message of what Stefano is saying. :)