Monday, January 14th


Staff member
Nov 23, 2006
Reaction score
Episode #10,739 Director - Phil Sogard

Sorry folks, I have to leave in 5 minutes for an early a.m. doctor appt. so cannot get the summary up until lunch time.

But overall, Nick tries to talk Chelsea into telling the police what really happened to Ford Decker, Claire is kidnapped, and EJ tells Bo, Hope, Marlena & Sami, after a little pressure, where to find John. The final scene is of Marlena coming upon John, strapped to a chair with those goggles on. It is you, she says, it is really you. He is silent.

More when I return. Hope this holds you all til then. :)
It'll hold us - and thanks. The final scene just gave me goose bumps. Can't wait to read the entire recap, and actually see the show.
Hope your appointment goes well....

The show has been good lately. I'll look forward to the longer version! :smile:
flowers for barb :)

I hope everything is ok with you barb. I have to work this weekend, so it will give me something to do lol. ( to read) :0 I can't wait to watch today. I don't usually watch but my boss is on vaction till monday so in about another 10 mins, I will be in the break room for the rest of the day. :O. will catch up later. take care.
I hope everything is ok with you barb. I have to work this weekend, so it will give me something to do lol. ( to read) :0 I can't wait to watch today. I don't usually watch but my boss is on vaction till monday so in about another 10 mins, I will be in the break room for the rest of the day. :O. will catch up later. take care.

When the cat's away, the mice do play!!!!!! LOL
O.K. I am back.....actually had to drive part way home in a sort of blizzard. LOL. All went for the summary......

Chelsea is talking to Nick, insisting he can tell no one what she told him. He tries to convince her that secrets will out, asking if she saw Ford's parents on TV, begging for info about their missing son. He insists they have the right to know. She claims the sorority sisters are home on break, and until they return and can vote on what to do, she can do nothing. Nick warns her that he loves her, but he will not be a party to this. In comes Billie, plops herself down, and informs them that a contact lens was found in the basement, matching the same prescription as Ford's. Chelsea claims they keep their beer down there, and he could have lost it any time, as he was always going down there to retrieve some beer. She warns Chelsea that when Decker learns of this information, he is going to be haunting the sorority house, and that he is very influential. She leaves, Chelsea & Nick go sit outside the Pub, and continue their talk. Nick tells her that he is not going to lie for her, as he did before, and if there is one thing they have learned from what happened to Willow, it is to be honest about everything.

Belle is angry at Philip for helping Chloe, who is the prime suspect in the disappearance of her brother. She thinks Chloe knows more than she is saying, and comments on all the trouble Chloe has caused for her family, her mother, her & Shawn, etc. since she came to town. Philip is apologetic, wants to make it up to Belle. The only thing he could for her, she says, is try to help her mend her marriage to Shawn. No, he has not indicated he wants to get back together, but that is what she wants. She gathers up Claire, bundles up with coats and scarves and leaves with her police bodyguard. Crystal, who has been sitting & reading a newspaper, calls someone to say Belle is on the move. Out in the alley (Salem must not allow street parking anywhere, and no parking lots for anyone, it seems), the cop tries to start up the car, but is blocked from leaving by what appears to be an abandoned van. He calls the station, says he is leaving the car to check the van out. As he approaches the van with a flashlight, Rob stops him, with a rifle pointed at him, telling to put his phone on the ground, gently. The cop does so. Meanwhile, Belle waits in the car as Philip calls her, wanting to make up to her for helping out Chloe. Over by the van, Rob shoots the cop, who slowly falls to the ground. B elle sees someone approaching the car, opening the door, and starts yelling there is a baby in the car (I think she assumes it is a car jacking), but Rob drags her out of the car yelling, Philip can hear it all, asks where she is, she says the alley, and he dashes out. Crystal drives off with Claire. Philip comes rushing out, checks the cop, who says evidently he was shot with rubber bullets. Belle is hysterical and Claire is gone.

At DiMansion, down in Dr. Rolfenstein's secret laboratory, John is strapped to what almost looks like an electric chair, with heavy goggles on, supposedly looking at scenes on a monitor of explosions and fires. Stefano wants John ready right now, Rolf needs a couple more days. Stefano says there has been enough time, he needs him now! Later, Stefano is questioning John, asking him if he knows where he is....John replies, Salem. Do you have family. No, no family. Who do you belong, Stefano DiMera. And what is your get the hell out of here. Ooops, wrong answer for, no, no, you must seek out the enemy.

Marlena pleads with EJ, who refuses to say where John is, only that he is alive. Marlena begs him, Sami, in tears, holds her mom, as Marlena tells EJ she knows he is not like his father, that he has said he did not want to follow that path, that he wanted to be a better person. EJ seems torn, remembering how he made the deal with his father to keep silent in return for getting all his cars, stock portfolio, furniture and trust fund back. Marlena tearfully begs, and EJ finally says the John is in Dr. Rolf's lab in the basement, that he was shackled to a table and wires attached. Marlena thanks him profusely, Bo calls Roman to get a search warrant. Marlena again thanks EJ...and she leaves with Bo & Hope.

EJ talks to Sami about having burned his bridges, and wonders what his father will now have in store for him. Sami tells him he did the right thing, his father is a monster, and has been all his life. She remembers from a little girl all the things he has done to her family, with no qualms. EJ is quiet.

Marlena & Hope evidently find some way to get inside the mansion with no one seeing them. Rolf has come down to get Stefano because the police are there. Stefano goes upstairs, lets in Bo & Roman, who waves his search warrant around. Stef tries his hearty bluffing jabber, but the guys will have none of that. They want to know where he is keeping John Black. Color Stefano rather surprised.
Down in the basement, Hope & Marlena are creeping down passageway, see a door with a window in it....and inside, they see John strapped to a chair. They both gasp, look a bit closer. Hope leaves to go get Bo, but Marlena stays, opens the door, goes in (John's back is to her) and around to face him, saying his name several times. This is a very emotional scene, as she gently removes the goggles, softly saying his name. John, oh, John, it is you! He looks at her.

Oh my Gosh, what a great episode...!!! I can't wait to see it....
Boy, if I were EJ, I would grab my kid and high tail it out of town to somewhere far far away....Stefano is going to be po'd to the max....!!!
Can't wait to see John telling Stefano his goal is to get out of there....even if he has no memory of who he is he's still got that spunk...!!!!
And oh please someone tell the police what happened to Ford and straighten all that mess out so we can move's just too dumb to stand.....
marlena, knock john upside da head!

if marlena would only knock john upside the head so he can remember his life with her and his children, and his eyebrow would make a comeback, too, and all would be good in salem. well, not all good, but some good.

Hi. I am new to the site..well new to being able to log in. I have been reading the Days Ahead for several months now. Thanks for all your hard work to get the stories out on the show. I work FT & dont get a chance to watch. Your updates are perfect!

Sounds like an exciting show!! I kinda wonder if John is pretending to be under Stefano's command just to see if he can figure out exactly what it is Stefano wants.

Hope your drive was not too bad in the snow. I hate winter driving. Glad you got back safe.

Loved the part where Marlena sees John. Too bad he has no memory, or is he faking after all he did say that his goal was go get out of there. Just a thought.

Welcome to the board. I am glad to see that I am not the only one with the thought of John faking his memory loss. John is smart enough to know that if he pretends that he has no memory then he is at an advantage.
Woo Hoo!

I am so glad Marlena has gotten to see John!!! It will be very touching to see. Can't wait.

Okay, how many times has Claire been kidnapped? Couldn't they think of anything else?
Although Philip running out to help Belle and Claire is very heroic and sweet. I think he really does love her and Claire. His ways of showing it sometimes are twisted, tho.

So the Salem PD made some headway and actually got a search warrant and followed through with it. Could it be the Salem PD is gettin a little better? Wouldn't it be great and too funny if they threw Rolf and Stefano in the clink? lol

I cannot stand the "lets hide decker" s/l. It is very silly. I guess it is keeping the college crowd busy though until theres need for them elsewhere. lol just one thing to Nick-do not lie for chelsea. please.

thanks to Ej for telling them where john is. I still don't care for his character tho, even tho i like james scott (EJ) I am a die hard Lucas and Sami fan and will be to the end. There is no mention of Lucas today:
Does anyone remember that Lucas abandoned Sami almost EVERY time he found out she did something wrong for YEARS. I think she deserves to be hacked off for a while.
As for the Luejami triangle, they are dragging it out because they don't know which way the viewers want to see it go right now. They have done this with every potential 'supercouple' that I can remember (and apparently I've been watching since the womb - 1970)
Forgiving the baddies is part of soapdom - I LOVE Sami and always will! Does she frustrate me and do I sometimes want to smack her upside her pretty blonde head - yes! But at least she's interesting most of the time -that's what it's all about. The people who are boring leave.
I'm also thinking John may be faking so he can return to Marlena! I sure hope so. I'm also wanting or let's say wishing Chelsea will tell the truth about Ford Decker so that SL can move on. I'm sick to death of the Sorority House and same ole thing.............I would like for Sami to get a hold of herself. Does she NOT think of all the things she has done, and yet Lucas has forgiven her? I think Lucas and Sami are great together and they need to be together. She's destined to be with him. I agree that EJ got off scott free in trying to shoot John and the other things he's done. So, why can't Lucas get off for shooting EJ? Susan Banks and Edmund need to come back on the show right about now.
Sounds like another good epi, thanks as usual. (and glad you got home safely!)

Can't wait to see Marlena and Hope see John. :smile:

The scene(s) with Claire's kidnapping seem kind of confusing....why didn't the cop call for back up or something? Maybe I need to watch it to see how it actually went down. I will reserve judgement until I've seen it.
I'm wondering if perhaps for once John's memory will be as the show is actually writing it! My thought is that perhaps Stephano and Rolf have managed to partially erase John's memory, but not entirely. We all know how strong John can be when his character is properly written...thus, Dr. Rolf's drugs not working the way they "should" on the houseguest! lol Anyhow, just for the sake of drama my guess is that they have actually managed to erase the memory of John's family, but we also know that John and Marlena have a very special bond. I can't help but remember the scene when she was leaving the DiMansion and John was just out of sight...she paused as if she sensed something very familiar...John also paused and had the look of familarity on his face! So it's been done before, we know that John and Marlena will get back what they had, even if he doesn't remember. I think it would be fun for them to relive their love story.
Sounds like another good epi, thanks as usual. (and glad you got home safely!)

Can't wait to see Marlena and Hope see John. :smile:

The scene(s) with Claire's kidnapping seem kind of confusing....why didn't the cop call for back up or something? Maybe I need to watch it to see how it actually went down. I will reserve judgement until I've seen it.

As all cops in Salem he did not do his job properly. He says to Belle something is not right then goes out to see what is wrong with the car or van not sure which that is blocking the way of the police car. He did not bother to call for backup before leaving the car and had no way to call after he left the car. Rob and Crysal kidnapped Claire and Belle and shot the police officer.
I am so glad Marlena has gotten to see John!!! It will be very touching to see. Can't wait.

Okay, how many times has Claire been kidnapped? Couldn't they think of anything else?
Although Philip running out to help Belle and Claire is very heroic and sweet. I think he really does love her and Claire. His ways of showing it sometimes are twisted, tho.

So the Salem PD made some headway and actually got a search warrant and followed through with it. Could it be the Salem PD is gettin a little better? Wouldn't it be great and too funny if they threw Rolf and Stefano in the clink? lol

I cannot stand the "lets hide decker" s/l. It is very silly. I guess it is keeping the college crowd busy though until theres need for them elsewhere. lol just one thing to Nick-do not lie for chelsea. please.

thanks to Ej for telling them where john is. I still don't care for his character tho, even tho i like james scott (EJ). I am a die hard Lucas and Sami fan and will be to the end. There is no mention of Lucas today

I know they keep repeating storylines. This is the third I think. 1 when Belle and Shawn took her. 2 When the woman that put her in the baby contest took her. and now. You can add another one if you count the time that Philip took her from Shawn and Belle on the Island. Not as many times as Marlena yet.