Days of Our Lives - Mon. Sept. 17, 2012


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Days of Our Lives
Monday, September 17, 2012

Some fun stuff today, and then ....Replay of Nicole telling Daniel she is naming the baby Daniel Rafael, and then kissing him. He pulls away, tells her to stop. She apologies, thinking tis his place of work, and he has to be sensitive about that. Nope, he made love to her on his desk, he is not sensitive. Daniel is very definite and insistent as he more less gives Nicole the boot. He says he is just not ready for a commitment such as she wants, and has not been fair to her. Nicole's face tells how this upsets her,she tries to make excuses, but Daniel is firm. Suddenly, the door opens and Jennifer is babbling about wanting to talk to Daniel, abruptly stops when she sees Nicole, who tells Jen they were in the middle of a private conversation. Jen just says "when you have time", but Daniel gets a call he has to take, will talk to Jen later. He leaves, and Nicole calls Jen back to "clear the air" about Daniel.

Earlier, Hope brought flowers for Jen's first day on the job, wants to sit and talk, Jen is in a rush to see Daniel, Hope slows her down, Jen tells her all that happened about her office, & blowing up at Daniel. Hope wonders if Jen isn't feeling guilty at herself, that she is betraying Jack by calling Daniel her friend. They do a bit of psycho-babble, hug.

Sami is all by herself, having a conversation with Brady, lol, decides to go ask Rafe herself as to what he said about her, opens the door to find Uncle Bo, with papers to sign about the charges being dropped against her. She is in a rush, but he lets her know in no uncertain terms she could be back in jail again, commenting about how she runs off, leaves her kids to help a criminal. She, once again, talks of EJ being those kids' father. Bo notes he is a DiMera, and you don't trust DiMeras. Sami comments about him being innocent, Bo notes she did not know that, and she never thinks of consequences to her actions. He also notes, she just doesn't think. She has signed the papers, tells him he is a crappy uncle, and storms out.

Justin sits with his son (and truly, these are wonderful scenes) catching up with Sonny, who realizes Mom has told his dad of their conversation. He lets his dad know that he is fine, that he & Brian have always been just friends, and that he is with Will Horton. Yes, he mentioned it to Mom, who was not too pleased. Justin asks if Will's mom knows, Sonny doesn't know if Will has told her or not. Justin wonders if she will disapprove. Sonny says it would be her problem. He mentions how Mom had already gone on and on about the baggage Will carries with him. Justin just smiles, tells Sonny that is understandable, because neither the Johnson nor the Kiriakis families have ever had to deal with any kind of baggage, and that he & Adrienne lead such serene lives, despite being married 3 times and divorced twice. Sonny grins, is happy Justin is his dad. Justin grins right back, telling him be glad she is your mom. Sonny notes that life for him with Will in it will certainly not be dull.

Nicole has stopped Jennifer from leaving the office, tells her about Melanie being engaged to Nick, and how it upset Daniel. Jennifer was unaware of the engagement, Nicole remembers Jen is related to Nick, and will have to watch what she says. Jen says that is a good idea. LOL. She brags how Daniel was confiding in her when Jen walked in. Jen mentions people usually confide in those they trust, and being that Nicole covered for his wife and Parker, and Chloe did trust her....she doesn't see why Daniel would. Nicole says Things change, walks out. Jen mutters, yeah, but you don't.

At the cop shop, Roman gives Bo an envelope, mentioning the city budget cuts, and how either he has to fire a bunch of people, or some of them have to take pay cuts. Bo says he will let him know and leaves. Hope finds him in the Square, reading a Sailing magazine. They have a long talk about their lives, how happy they were sailing round the world with their son, family became so tight, he really wishes that for Ciara. She does, too. She loves her job, is not in it for the money. Bo loves his job, too, but is truly tired of butting up against the DiMeras and getting no where. Hope is very understanding, realizes evidently her husband is contemplating some sort of change, and it is fine with her. She did run off with that guy on a motorcycle, and figure she wasn't getting a 9-5 sort of man. She wants that guy on the bike to stay the guy on the bike and do what makes him happy. They are kissing a lot, you'd think that white sofa was in their house. LOL. They later are at a table , more little kisses, etc. Bo is happy she has not uttered the words "mid-life crisis". She laughs, loves him.

Nicole is home, opens the door to Daniel, who has not come with a mind change, but to let her know he will continue to protect her and the baby, not to worry about that. He leaves, she tells her baby that he did not have to come there, that perhaps there can be "and baby makes 3" after all.

And then comes the fun stuff. Replay of EJ threatening Rafe, and Rafe telling him to go to hell. Bam, EJ's head briefly hits Rafe's face, and the guys are in a bit of a brawl. Actually, not a bit, but a lot of a brawl. Along comes Lucas, soon joined by John, both stand enjoying the spectacle. John wonders if they should stop it, Lucas says heck no, Rafe is manhandling a DiMera. We should sell tickets.

Others are standing watching, as Rafe sends EJ flying a few times, first one side, then the other. John finally decides that he has to do the right thing, someone could get hurt. He gets between Rafe and EJ, pushing Rafe away, as a big, burly guy grabs a struggling EJ. John scolds Rafe, he's a cop, what is wrong with him? The burly guy says, oh, now, this guy threw the first punch. John gets into EJ's face, reminding him he lost his mayoral job, and just got out of jail. What else is he willing to lose?

Rafe tells EJ this is his lucky day, he is not pressing charges, and walks off. Both men have bruised faces. John tells EJ he made a donkey out of himself and got kicked. He should know he can't beat Rafe with violence. EJ snarkily replies that then, he will have to do it another way, won't he?

Lucas is with Kate at Common Grounds, telling her all about the fight, as they drink their coffee. She is happy Lucas wasn't involved, but when learns it was about Sami, starts ranting about grinding her down to powder. Lucas warns his mother that he doesn't care about Sami, is through with her, that Kate can do whatever she wants, but his kids cannot be hurt. If Will or Allie are in the least affected, she will never see them or him again. (Lucas, you always say that. LOL) Kate assures him she would not let her grandchildren be harmed. Only Sami will be affected.

Sami runs into Rafe, is shocked at his battered face. He admits he got in a fight with EJ, Sami asks what it was about. Rafe reminds her that he & EJ hate each other. She thinks maybe EJ was provoked, Rafe says not by him. Sami coyly continues playing her little game. EJ is very intuitive, maybe he sensed the change in how things are between us. Because of the kiss, says Rafe. Yes, replies Sami. Rafe says it was stupid, Sami replies that feelings aren't stupid, they just are. Rafe claims he has done a lot of stupid things in his life, and is not saying he regrets them, but just case you want to know..that kiss meant nothing. He walks off.

EJ calls Justin, needs to see him now, not tomorrow as planned. Justin makes time, meets EJ at the hospital. Why call me, asks Justin. EJ says he can trust him, hands him a retainer to make it legal and confidential, and then tells Justin that he wants a DNA test on Nicole's baby, the minute it is born. He explains that Rafael Hernandez is not the baby's father, he is. He claims Nicole & Rafael made up a story about the paternity in order to hide it, and Dr. Jonas administered the test, switched the results. At this point, Jennifer is about to come into the area, but stops, as Justin says those are serious charges. Yes, replies EJ, with serious consequences. Nicole will be left with nothing, Rafe will be gone, and Dr. Jonas will lose his career. Jen's jaw drops.
Thank you Poirot. I cannot wait to see the fight. Really EJ? You thought you could take Rafe? :rotfl:

I love that Lucas is on today and and delivering some good stuff but can they please give him a story? I don't want to see him threatening to disown his Mom on a daily basis again.
Great write-up.
Wow, I guess I have been skimming too quickly last week. Sonny and Will sound like a couple ready to select flatware and china patterns.

I like that Jennifer is on to Nicole. And that Jennfier is the person who learns about the paternity switch. It puts her in a pickle, wanting to get Nicole out of Daniel's life, but not wanting Daniel to get into trouble.

I'd love to have seen Lucas and John as specatators at the Ej-Rafe match. Whether Rafe and Sami eventually reconcile or not, I like that at this point, he is not making it easy for her. She needs to drop her little coy game and humble herself.
Thanks Poirot !
Loved Lucas too, in the beginning. Great lines !!! Funny.

Oh, and Bo with Sami : :clap: I know some here find him annoying, but I love him. I loved everything he said to Samanther. Especially the "What are you, 4 ?" part. :rotfl:That made the show for me !
what the heck were EJ and Justin doing meeting at the hospital? Of course it was da plot so that Jen could overhear them, but still made no sense they would be there.

Otherwise, good episode... absolutely loved the Bo and Hope conversation. Wow, they really sounded like a true married couple trying to work throught stuff today. Very cute and kinda romantic. Kudos!
Thanks for the write up. I've always been a Nicole fan but now she's starting to get on my nerves about making a family with Daniel. I never wanted her with him anyhow but it's time for her to give it up and take another direction.
For some reason one of my favorite parts was when Sami says to Bo, "You know what? You're a crappy uncle!" HA! That cracked me up.
Nicole has stopped Jennifer from leaving the office, tells her about Melanie being engaged to Nick, and how it upset Daniel. Jennifer was unaware of the engagement, Nicole remembers Jen is related to Nick, and will have to watch what she says. Jen says that is a good idea.

Wow, I had to read this several times...I apologize for pointing out the typo, but Melanie is engaged to Chad and worries it is because of Nick.
I'm over Melanie. Justin & Sonny were sweet.

I think I should charge the writers for swiping my name idea.

Jennifer's travails at the office - blech. I'm with the displaced woman in this case, Jennifer's being hired is nepotism at its worst.

I'm intrigued by what's going on with Bo. But aren't there a lot of even-more-incompetent cops on the Salem PD who could be retired?