Days of Our Lives - Tues. July 2, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Tuesday, July 2, 2013

EJ, Justin, & Sami wait in the hall for the grand jury verdict. The foreman comes out, hands Justin an envelope. Marge stands up, expectantly. Finally, the envelope is opened, and Justin reads...The grand jury had voted not to indict Sami. She breathes a sigh of relief, they are all happy, but Marge is very upset, and reams Sami out, saying the fix was in, she is a Brady. A cop comes to take her to her son. She vows this is not over. Everyone goes home.
Kristen is still working on editing her video, evidently makes some kind of mistake, checks her phone for something Stefano had sent her once. She finds its, folds up her tablet and heads out. Sami & EJ arrive, tell lher the good news. She claims to be happy for them all, but when alone, comments something or other about being unable to target Sami next to torture Marlena. Then wonders if Sami swings that way, or not. :rolleyes: Sami & EJ are in the study, toasting and happy, tho Sami feels very sorry for the widow Bernardi, and her son, as she never knew about her husband's double life. EJ praises her for this.

At the rectory, Father Eric is talking with a nun, is just off the phone with the bishop, as he invited him to say a few words at the dedication for the school. Victor has brought Ciara in to see Father Eric. She is calling him a hero, because he managed to get the school for them. He says he had help, as Nicole comes in. (Gosh, her dress reminds me of how lthe TV gets during a storm before losing sattelite. All those digital color bars.) Nicole smiles, Ciara & the nun leave, and then Father Eric has he gets a text from Justin telling him the good news.
Now Victor begins giving Nicole a hard time, wanting to know what she is after. He knows what shark she can be, she worked for Titan, and throws a few more digs at her. Vargas starts to come in, backs away and listens. Nicole talks of having changed, Vic doesn't believe it, people like her never change. Nicole spots Vargas, who comes in, she introduces him to Vic, who remembers the help he gave Hope to catch Jensen on Smith Island. He leaves, warning Vargas to stay clear of Nicole. Vargas tells Nicole she should not let Vic talk to her that way, then tells her he is leaving. Been getting his ducks in a row, his ship has come in. He brings a note to leave on Eric's desk.

Gabi is impatiently waiting the return of Will & Sonny, as she folds laundry. She texts them. They are in Horton Square, having been shopping for the baby. Adrienne runs into Sonny, who notes that the Cafe was closed, they were going to get something. Adrienne explains about the memorial service, as Will joins them, noting it was for the man his mom shot, trying to kill another man. Adrienne tripped all over herself, Will doesn't like the direction of the conversation, Adrienne tries to back track, but both guys leave. She runs into Marge, expresses her sympathies, but Marge notes she is wife of man who worked to get Sami off.

Nick meets up with Vargas at the Pub, to talk over their plans to go into business. Kate waltzes in, gives Nick a hard time. He introduces her to Vargas as an old friend, and none of her business what they are talking about. Vargas leaves, will get in touch with Nick later. Kate sits down, Nick has a new formula for her, will make the one EJ & Sami stole look like plain cold cream. She is curious about Vargas being Nick's cell mate, asks if Vargas raped him too. Nick lets her know that vargas actually saved his life. Kate apologizes for her nasty remark, it was uncalled for. Nick makes excuses for her, says he deserved it, he was terrible to Will and to Sonny, etc. She apologizes again. He says he feels she gave him a chance, he owes her, and leaves, the flash drive sitting on the table.

Will & Sonny get back to the apt. Gabi is having a fit. Won't listen to anything they say, and rushes out, is 1/2 hr. late for her appointment. The guys talk, are very happy with their lives, they love each other, are starving. They decide on take out, Will left his credit card at the baby store, leaves to get it. He runs into Gramma Kate, tells her about Mom getting off. Nice chat.
Sonny is vacuuming while holding Arianna in the harness in front of him. He answers the door to find Brent. (wonder how Brent knew he moved??) who is just back from somewhere. Brent heard he & Will were together and about the baby, is asking tons of questions, can't believe Sonny is happy with all this. Sonny assures he he loves Will, loves the baby, she is Will's daughter, they are a family, and yes, Gabi is part of it, too. Eventually, Brent is holding the baby, they are sitting on the sofa, Brent is still questioning Sonny about giving up the life he had for this. Will has returned, I guess the door is ajar, because he stands outside the door, listening to the coversation, actually mostly to Brent.

Kristen is on her way upstairs, goes back down to answer the door, tis ERic come to see Sami. She had laid her tablet on the table, lets ERic in, he apologizes again for how he talked to her at the hospital, and goes into the study. Kristen goes upstairs, forgetting her tablet on the table, and there is another one there. She is calling some gal named Sarah, who edited a project for Stefano, and wants her to do the same for her, a person project. She now notices she forgot her tablet, hangs up, and goes downstairs.
Inside the study, Sami & Eric exchange hugs, she is glad he is o.k. EJ congratulates him on getting the school accredited, Sami talks of Johnny, Allie & Sydney being excited about their shiny new school. Made a video for him, sends EJ to get her tablet. He picks up Kristen's, of course, gives it to Sami.
Several minutes go by, with Eric trying to watch, mentioning a password, Sami putting it in, him trying again. Kristen has picked up the other tablet, but EJ comes out, wanting to know what she is up to, he knows the look on her face, which one of Sami's family is she targeting now. Kristen is yelling at EJ, Sami & Eric hear. She goes out, telling them to cool it, after all, her brother is a priest. There is conversation about the tablets, and guess what. Both Kristen & Sami have the same password....EJ's birthday. Sami is going to change hers, Kristen figures out if Sami is holding her own tablet now, then .....
And inside the study, Eric happily says, Hey, there it is, I got it.
My biggest gripe today is we see Sonny with the baby in a carrier and he's vaccuming. Have we seen any other parent in this town actually do this? They are trying too hard to sell the notion that Sonny is giving up his dreams to be Mr. Dad.
deleted unnecessary quote....JS

Great recap, Poirot, as always. Thank you. I have a question about Eric, and I hope it's not naive of me..Assuming he will not see the video, as Kristen will likely switch tablets with him but fast, and since he already has been experiencing bits and pieces of flashbacks to the seduction night, proving that he does not have complete memory loss...couldn't he be hypnotized (and please, not by Marlena) so it is revealed that the woman is Kristen, and maybe he will recall a sharp pain in his neck from when he was hit? It almost seems like a no brainer. But, then again, there IS only one brain in Salem :rolleyes:
Thank you, Poirot.

I was shocked,too, when I read Sami wasn't indicted.

Am I getting this right? At the end, Eric typed in the password on Kristen's computer? While Sami and Kristen each think they have their own??
Can't wait for Father Eric, Sami, or EJ to see the video that Kristen made.

I'm hoping that Kristen doesn't try to put that video on Sami's computer , or do something else to it.

I had to get some of it out before typing this. EJ hoisting Sami higher on her pedastal because she felt sorry for the widow of the man who tried to kill her ex-husband was just nonsense. I'm sorry but shouldn't having compassion for a spouse you made a widow be a normal human response. Another lame attempt to gain sympathy for Sami.
Oh, I don't think Sami is out of the woods yet, not by a long shot. And that video of Kristen's....takin too long to "edit". Yep, it will be dragged out all summer, and I do think that Kristen will rush in to grab it....or else it will be a video of something else.

Days loves it's red herrings, and uses them a lot. In fact, overuses them.

Adrienne & Justin have a little talk, he is happy it is all over with Sami ....unless some other evidence shows up. She tells of running into Marge, how bad she feels for her, then rushes into Justin's arms, not knowing what she would do if she lost him.