Days of Our Lives - Tues. July 2, 2013

Remember when Sonny told Will about the new apartment? He said Bob and Nancy "across the hall" moved out and he took their apartment, because it had two bedrooms.

Today, when Will was at the door, there were trees/bushes behind him. Guess the "hall" disappeared!
When Gabi and Will both left and when Brent came to the door I noticed the hallway and at one point apt 15 looked like it was across the hallway. But when Will came it first looked like a wall and then there were the trees. Setup actually goofed. I had taped earlier and then watched again for those scenes.
That was quite a tense little scene between Sonny, Gabi, and Will at the apartment. Gabi reaming them out for taking so long to get back to apartment was a bit rude. Correct me if I'm wrong but Nick texts her out of the blue to meet him so Sonny and Will had no idea she had to be somewhere. And Sonny is definitely a little more patient than I would be. If she didn't want to take the baby with her, she should have just asked Nick to come to the apartment instead of taking her frustrations out on the boys.
I must be missing stuff.
I used to love this show.
There doesn't seem to be a lot to get excited about there.
I'm not tuning in for 45 minutes of the all about Sami show.

I guess this is the downfall of umbrella storylines and integration of characters it just feels like there is no where to escape.
Actually, and surprisingly, the show HAS been having characters who don't ordinarily interact together...doing so. Maybe there is not huge umbrella stories with everyone there. But today we had Victor, with Ciara, going to visit Eric, and then Victor talking with Nicole for a bit. We have rarely seen Sami with Justin, and there they were. Hope was talking with Roman. And we even had Kate with Nick, which is rare, and then with Will, even rarer.

Now this doesn't happen every day, but it is refreshing to see those instances. I think Adrienne came to see JJ after he arrived in town, and has visited with Jennifer. Marlena chatting with Hope has not been seen hardly at all in the past.

Now, I agree, I don't like the emphasis on Sami & Ej, I detest Sami living in the DiMera house, truly detest it. She did it so Stefano would help hide that evidence, and now Stefano has it to hold over them all. She betrayed all of her family when she went to live there, and cannot leave as she would want to protect her son.

I thought it rather telling when Sami was talking about poor Mrs. Bernardi, who did not know her husband's secret. Sami doesn't know EJ's, does she?
And I wondered if, when she talked of the widow going home to a closet of his clothes, the empty bed, etc. if she was not thinking how she herself, might have felt if Bernardi had been successful in killing Rafe. (because that is what everyone thinks he was about to do)
An interesting show for us to talk about.

I been wondering if the apartment complex was changed because
there is a window in #14. I kept wondering why since it was a hallway.
Not anymore.

Anyone else wonder how Sami got off? Was it Stefano or was it EJ?
I can't believe....what a minute, everyone in Salem drinks the same water
which is the "stupid" juice" ;)

What Kristen said about Sami was something wasn't it.

Kate apologized to Nick for what she said.

Nice to see Victor. Nicole said she drove to the hotel.
She must have a car like in "Chitty, Chitty, Bang, Bang"

Two tablets on the table.....does everyone in Salem
have the same tablet or just in the DiMera house.
Blake Berris (Nick) is gold. For months I had a love/hate relationship with Nick, but I so adore this character now it's ridiculous. This is how you do redemption. Nick feels guilty for his actions and he's doing what he thinks needs to be done to right his wrongs. Today, admitting to Gabi that the right thing to do was to have their marriage annulled and that maybe they could try again someday, now that's maturity.
Right at the end of the show Eric, while looking at Kirsten's tablet (or whatever those are called), said, "Here it is," and he had a noticeable smile on his face, so I'm pretty sure whatever he saw was not what Kirsten feared. And since she was racing in there to take it from him, it's almost certain he won't see anything about what she did to him.
[Sami] betrayed all of her family when she went to live there,
But, it's not like the stupid twit hasn't done it before. :)

I hope Will can find his way home what with the missing door, the plants, etc. Remember when Rafe was trying to vamp Nicole and a magic window appeared beside her apartment door just in time for Sami to see them?