Days of Our Lives - Friday, Sept. 27, 2013


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, September 27, 2013

Abby questions Chad as to why he is moving back into DiMansion, after just getting his own new place. Chad makes up some excuse about having caused his brother's fiancee trouble with his video, so wants to make amends, & talks of being with brother, sister, kids running around, etc. She understands, that is his family, but what about his father. Chad isn't bothered by that right now, and has a gift for her. She opens it, is moved to tears as it is an advance copy of her father's book. (The Forgotten Hostage). She is so moved, misses her father so much, did not even realize how much. If he was here, he would know exactly how to help JJ, and my mom. She is very touched. He has something else, but evidently left it at the apt. They decide to go there, and he gives her an envelope, with a slew of positive reviews of the book. Abby cannot thank him enough, and wants to show him how much. And then, they are in bed, in afterglow. She finally has to leave, and Chad ponders the papers relating to the brain tumor treatment plan, and tries to contemplate how long he will have to keep this up.

Over at Will's apt., he is having a fit when he sees Gabi & Nick making out on the sofa. And there now is a royal screaming match between them all. Knockdown verbal battle, Will & Nick shouting at each other, Gabi trying to make them both stop. At one point Will tells Nick if he says one more thing he will beat the hell out of him. Gabi is trying to say it is not what it looks like, everyone is yelling over each other, Will reminds Gabi of how Nick tried to ruin all their lives. And in the heat of all that anger and yelling, Nick tells Will that this has been going on for a while, just ask his boyfriend. Will shuts up, grabs Arianna's bunny, tells Gabi if she thinks he sounds ticked off, it is because he is, and he slams out of there. Gabi is upset with Nick, who apologizes for how he behaved. She tells him to leave, he wants them to talk later, she tells him she has to think about things for herself.

In the park, Sonny is looking at his tablet, talking to Arianna about dirndle skirts, when Cameron comes along. Seems the club is going to have OktoberFest, they mention German beer, Cam wonders if the Sonny will be wearing leaderhosen, Sonny suggests Cam take Gabi. Cam thinks that is not a bad idea. Cam leaves, Will arrives, all ticked off because Sonny knew about Gabi & Nick and didn't tell him. Sonny tries to explain, but Will is really upset. However, Sonny gives it right back to him, asking if he realizes how much garbage Sonny has put with from him.

Nicole is at her desk when Brady comes in, she wonders if he is checking on her, making sure she is not imbibing in the sacristy wine. He talks to her about getting away from the rectory, she claims Eric needs her, no he doesn't says Brady, He doesn't. He is there for pre-cana, she says the appt. is not on the calendar, and if the future Mrs. Black is coming, she is leaving. In the square, she runs into Miles, her former co-worker, who complains about having lost his star reporter, and gets inspiration, offering Nicole a job back at the station. She says no, he gives her his card....think about it. (Titan TV)

Kristen is fingering the flashdrive, obligatory flashback, EJ comes in, she drops it into her purse, he comments on her hiding something, she agrees she is. LOL They do some verbal sparring about Brady, her desire to know what he says at pre-cana to convince her he really loves her and it will all work, and her thoughts that EJ is awfully quiet, so father must be in the picture somehow. She notes how hard it is when things don't work out despite all the planning. he lets her know Chad is moving back.

Eric is undergoing an attempt at hypnosis by the doc that Marlena recommended, but it doesn't help. He does confide that his images and dreams are of a woman, and he cannot talk about this with his mother, let alone he is a priest. He will have to work on this on his own.

Abby is at the hospital, runs in Cameron, both are a bit awkward, Cam, tho, says that they will be running into each other, they can just be friends. Fine. She goes off (to her mom's office) as Gabi comes in, smiling, telling Cam she got his text, will be glad to go to OktoberFest with him. Abby overhears....her face changes, she scurries off.

EJ joins Nicole in the square, comments on seeing her talking to Miles. He makes a few of his snide comments, & Nicole says he made her realize something. All the bad decisions, mistakes, etc. in her life, were all because of a man. Time she did something strictly for herself. She stares at the card.

Eric returns to his office where Brady is waiting, learns Nicole just left. He did want to check on something, Kristen arrives, and they sit. Eric has gone over the questionaire, and then asks Kristen why she loves Eric. She beats around the bush a bit, then starts reciting all sorts of little things, the way he pays attention, leaning in when someone is talking, how he makes all these little faces when he is shaving in the morning (he SHAVES????), she loves noticing these little things. Eric asks Brady the same question. He talks of being so lost when he met Kristen, because of the death of Madison. How he wandered around but she found him, brought him back. He goes on in this vein, finally noting that in spite of all they went through, their love survived.
Eric asks if that all has been forgotten, forgiven. And as Brady replies, talking of Kristen wanting to hurt him, planning to hurt him, Eric suddenly have other flashbacks. Of standing behind the woman in the dark wig at the hotel. Of being unconscious on the bed. The look on his face as he is remembering these, and he jumps up, staring at Kristen.
Abby is sure making up for "Lost Time"...She went from a virgin to a SEX addict.. I hope someone told our Salem's newest deflowered girl about birth control!

Pre Canine session is what Kristen and Brady should have opted for... Their union is rapidly heading to the DOGS house!

Loving how Chad/Kristen already figured that Ej has lost to Stefano with Ej saying nothing to admit it!
You would think since Jack died before the book was released, the publisher would have sent his FAMILY an advance copy of his book. Lame contrivance just to get Abby and Chad back beneath the sheets and for the second time that day. Nicole looked FABULOUS in that yellow and grey. Hope she takes the job even though it may raise suspicions. She does need her sparkle back. So glad Sonny didn't back down when Will approached him about keeping the Nick/Gabi hookup a secret. He really has dealt with a lot of drama since he started dating Will. Gabi has no clue what Nick is capable of and if she thinks she's going to be rid of him that easily, well lets just say she's in for a surprise. Gabi and Cameron are cute together though and I think we're going to see a little green-eyed Abby since Cameron is now moving on and with Gabi no less. Seems like a good episode, can't wait to watch the entire show.
I have a feeling she's going to experience first hand what Melanie went through with Andrew. However, if Nick does go wack-a-doo again, I hope this time he actually acknowledges that he needs professional help. This behavior just isn't normal lol.
Thanks for the summary !

There's something that's really, really bothering me. I know the writers (if we can call them that :rolleyes: ...) love to drag out stories wayyyyyyy too long. But how stupid is it that Eric has not even thought about being raped that night at the hotel ? Sure, he has nightmares, doesn't really know what happened, but he knows by now he's been poisoned, that he was running a high fever... At some point, he's bound to think : Hey, maybe my nightmares are real and I was attacked by this woman I keep seeing ?

And how about the psychiatrist today ? The guy could not even suspect this ? Seriously ? :eek: Eric tells him about his dreams, about the woman he saw during his session with Marlena, yet this guy can't put two and two together ? I guess he never read any reports/news about young women (and I'm sure it happens to men too) being raped after they were drugged in a bar ? I mean, this is beyond stupid, that neither Eric, or Daniel (although does he know about the woman ?), or this psychiatrist still have no clue ! Stupid, stupid, stupid... Oh, have I said I think it's stupid ? :)

Aside from that, I just find it so funny that dimwit EJ (who tries putting money into a bank account thinking no one will know... duh) calls Brady on his stupidity ! :rotfl:Seriously, if EJ calls someone stupid... then that someone is definitely brainless. Yep, that's Brady for you ! :rotfl: I shouldn't laugh, really. It's pathetic !

Oh, and Abigail : Yep, really her mom's daughter. She can't be satisfied unless both the guys she strung along stay hung up on her.

Bright spot of the show ? Nicole looks gorgeous and I can definitely see her going back to being a reporter. Go Nicole ! I hope she takes the job !
I guess so, JS. But, unless I'm wrong, one would be pretty much oblivious to things happening in the real world (not always fun things, mind you) to not know that this can indeed happen. And some of the "rape drugs" (I believe that's what they're called) can have that effect. I still find it unbelievable that no one's light bulb has gone on.
If Eric is as dumb as his "brother," Brady, he still wouldn't have figured it out by now even if Kristen had given him cooties.


I think Eric realizes that the images he got while under hypnosis were real, he just cannot comprehend how they could be. That he seems to be a willing participant. But today, he saw himself unconscious. The way Brady was phrasing his sentences, that Kristen "preyed upon him", planned to do him harm." Those words rang a bell for Eric.

And yes, Nicole looked absolutely gorgeous.

Just an aside for you all.......Alison Sweeney directed the show today.
I guess so, JS. But, unless I'm wrong, one would be pretty much oblivious to things happening in the real world (not always fun things, mind you) to not know that this can indeed happen. And some of the "rape drugs" (I believe that's what they're called) can have that effect. I still find it unbelievable that no one's light bulb has gone on.

Absolutely; totally agree with you. But as we know, even if the light bulb goes on, it's only bright enough to power a tiny nightlight. I still think it'll drag out for another several weeks.... :rolleyes:
Hey Will, where was all this aggression toward Nick when he was blackmailing you and calling you and Sonny the f-word?? It just seems a bit misplaced at this point and makes him look like a lunatic. Nick is definitely headed toward crazy town. Once he gets wind of Gabi accepting a date with Cameron, watch out. Gonna be fireworks. Abigail is sure going to be attacked by the green-eyed monster with this as well. Good, she deserves it. Although, in her defense, even if she knew Cam would eventually move on I bet she never thought it would be with her friend.

I've seen Nicole wear that jacket before. I wonder if it's actually from the actress's own wardrobe. I agree she looked fabulous today. I hope she takes the job as reporter. She can still interact with Eric and doesn't need to work at the church to do so. She needs to get some of her spunk back and getting back into tv/reporting would be great.

OMG. Could Eric actually be remembering Kristen from his visions?? Please let it be so!! This story needs to wrap up ASAP.

Anyone else think it was weird how Kristen mentioned Brady's loyalty to Nicole as one of the things she loved about him?? She hates Nicole and hates that Brady so much as looks at her so I just found it odd that she would mention Nicole at all during their pre-Cana meeting. :confused:
Poor Will obviously has not learned one of the basic lessons in life: telling a person that they should not associate with a love interest rarely works. One would think that he might have realized that fact after seeing his mother repeatedly ignore countless warnings about slimy Elvis Junior. As for Sonny, he's certainly doing Cameron no favors by recommending that he bring Gabi to the Club TBD Oktoberfest event. The dull doctor has just been involved in a failed relationship with Abigail, the fickle ex-stalker, and now Sonny suggests that he associate with Gabi, a former kidnapper's accomplice who still has a thing for Nick Fallon. Cameron should do himself a favor and emulate Dr. Nathan Horton by getting out of Salem.
Anyone else think it was weird how Kristen mentioned Brady's loyalty to Nicole as one of the things she loved about him?? She hates Nicole and hates that Brady so much as looks at her so I just found it odd that she would mention Nicole at all during their pre-Cana meeting.
That was so weirdly out of place.

I loved when Will was enraged by Gabi saying that Nick "has changed". Gee, guess he finally got fed up after hearing his mother spout off that little gem about EJ over and over again.