Days of Our Lives - Mon. Oct. 21, 2013


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, October 21, 2013

At the hospital, Jen has slammed Theresa up against the wall near the nurses' station, warning her to stay away from JJ. Theresa smarts off, and they go at it verbally, with Theresa insulting Jen, while Jen just keeps warning her to stay away from her son. At one point Jen slaps her, more verbal arguing. Other staff is listening to it all, And then Daniel comes off the elevator to hear the tail end of the argument, is surprised at Jen, who only says she hates Theresa. He says you don't hate anyone, but Jen says "her I do", and walks off. Daniel is dumbfounded, and of course, this is the opportune moment for Maggie to come up to him. He says something about Jen's assistant, Maggie corrects him....ex-assistant. Oh, you mean there is bad blood between them? Oh, yes, you really need to know the entire story.

Earlier, in the square, Daniel ran into JJ,.who tries to hurry off, but Daniel say he has something to say, give him 5 minutes. JJ agrees, but doesn't want to hear anything about his mom. Daniel starts talking about Jack, how much he loved JJ, what a great father he was, and what happened was so many years ago. But JJ doesn't want to hear anything about him either, says he is not Jack's son, nor Jen's either. Daniel tells him that he is out of their lives for good, that JJ can go home, have his family the way he wants it, etc. But, tho JJ asks for reassurance that is so, he snarls that he doesn't care who is mom is with, that Daniel can go move in with her, doesn't phase him in the least. He leaves.

Jennifer arrives home (yep, the woman never works, does she?) And here comes Adrienne, wondering if there was going to be a party because JJ was freed. Nope, and Jen goes on and on about her son not there, left, is on this downward path. Adrienne keeps trying to tell her it isn't true, that Justin said the judge really scared JJ, but Jen is adamant. She has to be prepared, because the next phone call is going to be a cop, telling her JJ has been arrested. And she knows the judge will throw the book at JJ.

Theresa runs into JJ in the square, looking for a good time. He comments that he would get in big trouble if he had anything on him. She flirts, and insinuates there would be more in it for him. He takes off, telling her he'll call her. She now calls some other dealer, looking for something stronger than just weed, as it is going to be that kind of night.
JJ goes home, runs upstairs to get something. Jen calls to him, but he is gonna leave immediately. She stands in front of the door. No he isn't. Not yet. If you walk out this door, I never want to see you again!!!

Hope comes to visit Rafe, cannot wait for him to get back to work. She is gonna tell Jordan to work him harder, so it will be sooner. He thinks that would be great. She leaves as Gabi arrives, all happy and sparkly. Rafe notes this, guesses perhaps her "friendship" with Cameron is the reason. Yep. Her life is good, school is good, she got out of the house, had a good time, yada, yada.
Over at the Pub, Nick is on his computer as Hope comes in, he is claiming he is job hunting. She says "New York". Yep, and L.A., too. She thinks it a good thing, he would not be running into Gabi at times, and really, he won't be able to catch a break in Salem. She has to leave, wishes him well, glad he will maybe move on, like Gabi did. When she is gone, Nick wonders just who Gabi has moved on with, and back into his computer he goes.

Adrienne is visiting Sonny, glad he wasn't hurt, thinks poor Marge needs help, and maybe Justin will defend her. Will isn't too happy about that since Marge tried to kill both his mom and EJ. Adrienne backs off a bit, but think Marge is sick. She is gone, Will is on the phone with Berkeley professor, learning that an essay of his had been submitted and they offer him a 1 week fellowship to interact with other writers, professors, and even a publisher. He turns it down, Sonny tries to talk him into it, but he thinks there is too much to do with Arianna, and the apartment. Sonny leaves, catches Gabi at the Pub, tells her all about it. She thinks it is great, and yes, the two of them can manage for a week. Nick has come in, eavesdrops. Sonny leaves as Gabi says she has more work to do. With Sonny gone, Nick goes over to say hi to Gabi. She is nice, is polite, but gathers everything up, has to be on her way and takes off.
Nick is on the phone with a model agency, is not too happy they are not taking new submissions, tells them to take that button off their website that says "new submissions". He is back on his computer, mumuring "don't worry, Gabi, I will find some thing for you to get us away from here,....and Dr. Davis. He makes a face as he says that name.

Over at their apartment, Sonny & Gabi are convincing Will that this is too good an opportunity to pass up, that he should go. It is only a week. He wonders if they really can NOT fight for a whole week. They laugh. Of course they can.

Kate is in the therapy room, asking someone to dig deep for a background check on Jordan, who comes in, slamming the door. Kate hangs up, Jordan wants to know what is going on, what is it Kate wants to know. They go back and forth, with Kate complaining how secretive Jordan is, and actually, very plainly showing her jealousy. Jorldan protests, he is her patient, she does her job. Period. They go back and forth saying more or less lthe same things, different words, until Jordan leaves. Maxine comes in, bless her heart, wondering what Kate is doing there. Kate mentions the discussion with Jordan, but Maxine lets her know that Jordan is very professional, has loads of other patients, gives every single one of them 100%, and more or less infers that whatever is Kate's problem, she should back off.

Jordan comes in to see Rafe, he can tell she is out of sorts. He is ready to go, she says no more workouts, but he is talking about going out for air. She decides it would be good for her, too and she wheels him out. They talk of how warm it is, he mentions being a kid and not wanting to come in on an evening like this,. He would ignore his mom, who sent his younger sister Arianna out to get him. Then he had to go, as wasn't cool to have younger sis hanging round with you. She laughs, starts to say "when I was a kid"....but stops, and says no more, even tho he asks a few times what she was going to say. Along comes Kate, who sought them out, wanting to apologize to Jordan for earlier. Jordan brushes it off, and tho Kate mentions questioning Jordan, she interrupts, again saying it was nothing. Kate leaves, Rafe asks Jordan again, but she just says it is over, it was nothing, she has forgotten all about it.

Just an aside, but this episode has been directed by Alison Sweeney
How long before Jen is running around town looking for JJ after telling him she never wants to see him again. And if Dr. Dan is no longer in their life why is he talking to an indifferent JJ about Jack, who Dr. Dan himself hardly knew. Somebody wheel Kate on down to Marlena's office so she can begin to get to the bottom of her apparent attachment issues with Rafe. Seems Gabi could not get away from Nick fast enough. Too late for that! Nick is about to go full throttle crazy and I'll take it if that's all we can get of Blake Berris (Nick) because he's incredible.

Baby Arianna needs her own story. That little sweet pea is absolutely adorable. Somehow they should have orchestrated it so that she was the one to find the flashdrive instead of Parker lol.
So I see that Theresa has an apartment and it's a remake of Sami's last apartment before she moved into DiMansion. While it's nice to see another set, I can think of quite a few other residences I'd rather see than Theresa's. But whatever.

I enjoyed the Rafe/Jordan scenes again. I hope Rafe is smart enough to realize what Kate is up to. He needs to put the kibosh on her obsession with him. I feel bad for Lauren Koslow (Kate). They either need to give her a real storyline or backburner her. This constant hovering over Rafe and jealousy of Jordan is beyond ridiculous.

I am so not here for this Nick obsession storyline.

Can Pop-up Hope get a storyline of her own? It's always nice to see her but I can't even recall the last time she had an actual storyline that revolved around her. Here's an idea, "kill" off Bo or recast him.

I really liked Sonny and Gabi encouraging Will to take that fellowship out in California. Nice scenes. And I always enjoy scenes with little Arianna. So cute!
Okay a couple of questions.... I had a hit or miss week with the show last week.... guess I missed more than I hit.....
I thought JJ HAD to live with is mom.... if she kicks him out of the house because he is leaving... isn't that pretty much her sending him to jail??

and Nick has he completed parole? Can he just pick up and move? I thought he had to stay in Salem with family... not that we do see his living arrangements....

Thanks for writing this one up.... waiting for it in my time zone.....:kiss:
Since when is it appropriate for non-hospital personnel and a non-patient to be by themselves in a PT room or any other treatment room for that matter? Kate was just hanging out as if it were her office. I agree with cryin4days about sending Kate to Marlena--Kate is now bordering on obsession with Rafe and it seems he could care less about her. Everything she did today was completely out of line. And I thought the "confrontation" with Jordan was a huge letdown. Just a lot of circular conversation as Poirot noted and we didn't learn anything new about Jordan from that conversation.

I didn't understand the purpose of Hope or Maggie being in today's episode. That conversation with Rafe could have gone somewhere but instead blink and you've missed it.

Didn't care for much else on today's episode. Yawn.:beat:
Nick has completed parole. He is now free to go wherever he wants. In fact, Victor told him in no uncertain terms the day it was done that he had to leave by the next morning.

And yes, JJ had to live with his mother.
And maybe he is, but he is flaunting his freedom at her, as he was supposed to mend fences with his family, etc. He obviously does not want to do that. He will sleep there, but come and go as he pleases. So he thinks.
I know this is a soap, but come on.How many hospital staff, let alone PR , can make numerous scenes in the lobby and still have a job there! Jennifer and her screaming at work is really getting old.
Have to say Adrienne wanting to ask Justin to defend Marge is none of Will's business. Noone (other than Adrienne lol) gawked when Sonny asked him to put his reputation on the line to defend pathological liar Sami. Marge deserves a good attorney. Afterall it was Will's mom and his future step-father's family that pulled Marge into the mess she's in.
Thanks for the summary, another OK episode. My goodness, Kate is just as obsessed with Rafe as Nick is with Gabi! But I love the Jordan scenes. Everything else was kind of a snoozefest, though I did like Sonny and Gabi telling Will to go to California.
Both Jennifer and Theresa would/should be called before the hospital administrator for that display of tempers. And being this is the second time for Jen, plus she AGAIN is not at work, time for her to quit that job on her own before she is dismissed.

Sonny did note that Sami was sympathetic towards Marge. (Was it my imagination, or did Will refer to EJ as "the father of two of my siblings"????)
I cannot tolerate Theresa any longer. Her voice and face, that smart mouth of hers, I want to haul off and slap her myself. BUT, Jennifer was very foolish to verbally, and then physically, assault her, in full view of everyone. Any confrontation should have been in the privacy of Jennifer's office. I also can't stand Maggie always being the one to dish on everyone else. I do like her, for the most part, but she does not need to be the town crier. It is not her place to tell Daniel about the history between Jennifer and Theresa. She actually had a gleam in her eye, couldn't wait to spill the dirt to Daniel. Instead of trying to shape up and fly right, as the saying goes, JJ seems to be headed in the opposite direction. He has been given more than one chance to turn his life around and change that bad attitude, but he has not learned a thing. Daniel shouldn't even bother trying to get through to him. Jennifer needs to find a job where she can actually telecommute. The position she holds really should require her to be in the office on a regular basis. I know credibility is stretched on soap operas, but come on, this is too ridiculous. There is NO WAY I believe Jennifer's threats to JJ, and I don't think he believes them, either. She always feels guilty when she fights with him, and Salem is a small town. I can't see her tossing him out, not that he doesn't deserve it. I thought Jordan was going to tell Kate about herself, maybe a reason why she was such a private person. I didn't believe Kate's apology and knew she would still want to proceed with her investigation. I was glad that Jordan did stand up for herself and challenge Kate. Nick is getting creepier and creepier. Gabi is dismissing him, barely bothering with him, and he still persists in trying to book her a modeling gig so they can ride off in the sunset. I do think he will try to hurt Cameron in his efforts to steal away Gabi. I just hope whatever he does leaves little Ari out of it. She is so darling, I loved seeing her today, the way she was staring at Sonny was too precious for words. Didn't Adrienne learn her lesson to butt out? Suggesting that Justin defend Marge was an insane idea. I'm glad that Sonny and Gabi are encouraging Will to go to Berkley. That is an opportunity he just can't pass up. What the long-term ramifications of this will be, who knows?
I cannot tolerate Theresa any longer. Her voice and face, that smart mouth of hers, I want to haul off and slap her myself. BUT, Jennifer was very foolish to verbally, and then physically, assault her, in full view of everyone.

This soap thrives on public confrontations. Nothing is done in private. Remember Kristen and Nicole's hair pulling match in the middle of the town square or Sami riding Bernardi's back in the park after chasing him through the square. Noone knows the meaning of "behind closed doors".
Daniel needs to leave JJ alone and stop trying to "talk" to him about his mom and dad. Butt out, Daniel.. it's really none of your business.

Kate...what can I say. Is this a repeat of the Kate/Daniel/Chloe story of a few years ago where Kate is obsessed with a younger guy who is interested in someone else? I expect her to start making brownies and poisoning apples shortly. This whole "story" has way passed its prime and needs to end already. Move Kate on and let Jordan and Rafe get started.

Why would Jen let a young smart aleck girl like Theresa get to her that badly? She needed to walk away from Theresa, ignore her instead of engaging her like a teenager would do. If Theresa weren't constantly getting a rise out of Jen, she would hang it up.
I almost fell asleep watching.

Theresa must be in heaven.. she opens her door and there is Daniel.

Nice to see Maxine and "wandering" Hope. We have to assume
Mother Maggie told Daniel everything about Jen Jen and Theresa

Baby Arianna needs to be on more. She really loves Will. She kept looking
at him when Sonny was holding her.

At the end of the show, you could tell Jen was losing her voice
after her confutation with Theresa. Poor Anne, she missed out when
Jen and Theresa were fighting. I wonder if someone made video.