Days of Our Lives - Wed., Jan. 8, 2014


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

In bed at the Horton cabin, EJ & Abby are kissing, when both pull away, since they had already agreed this must never ever happen again. Yes, this is what they agreed. Never, ever. "After this", as Abby leans over EJ and they resume........and later fall back, exhausted but happy. Again they go on and on about it never happening again, despite it being so lovely. Later, they are dressed, getting ready to leave. Abby remarks how when they talked of her father's book, she had thought that they could be friends. He agrees. She comments there is not another ferry for a few hours, he will get her back in his boat. If anyone sees them, she will make up some story. After all, no one would ever think the Horton lady and the Prince of Darkness would be together. He hopes she won't say anything to Hope about Gabi's reaction. Nope, she doesn't even want Hope to know she went to the Island to see her. They remake the med, smooth it all out, not wanting Hope to know anyone used it.

Replay of the cops grabbing Rory & JJ in the square, telling them to empty their bags. They protest it wasn't them, tell Cole (who was caught, too) to tell the cops, but he won't. Along comes the shopkeeper who says these two were not involved, just that guy and his 2 friends. The cop asks for a filled with tattoos, the other wearing orange running shoes. Cole is hauled away, JJ tells Rory he is going to go kick some butt, will call him later.

Hope meets up with Theresa in the Pub, wants to know why, when she was told not to have anything to do with JJ, she was talking to him, in depth, at the Horton Christmas. Theresa claims she was just wishing him Merry Christmas, they will be bumping into each other now and then, she knows JJ hates her. Then why bother even wishing him a Merry Christmas, says Hope. Ciara arrives with her friend Cori, and Cori's mother, Helen. Hope learns Ciara's uniform is torn, which Ciara says she did climbing monkey bars. (Boy, really is not cold in Salem, is it?) Helen takes Cori to the library, so Hope can talk to Ciara alone (they are doing play date later). She asks if Ciara is being teased at school because Father Eric is her cousin. Ciara denies this, Hope asks Theresa to sit with Ciara while she makes a call. Ciara knows it is to her school, & tells Theresa this. Helen returns, takes this kids for the painting some project date, Hope asks her to let her know if Cori tells her anything about what happened at school.

Theresa goes home, gets upset when no message from JJ, but there he is at the door. He rants about what happened, almost getting caught with this on him, and he could be in jail. She claims she is sorry, he is sick of being her errand boy, and has figured out she doesn't plan to destroy the video, just hold it over his head. He is storms out, she puts the weed he gave her into a box in a drawer, muttering she is not thru with him, or his ***** of a mother.

Sonny sits with Gabi, his laptop, complaining about no word from EJ yet. Will (now played by Guy Wilson) comes out, and learns what happened with Gabi & Abigail. Gabi goes to get the baby, as Will tells Sonny that he sold a short story, hugs and congrats. Gabi comes out with Ari, Sonny takes her, tells Will & gabi to go for a walk. They do, straight over to DiMansion, where a somber EJ lets them in. Gabi is full of questions, EJ is very quiet, reticent (and man I wish he would shave!) but assures them Abby will not say anything. Gabi is full of questions, EJ barely looks at them, but tells of informing Abby how Nick arranged for her to go to NY, that she refused, and told him off. Gabi just keeps running off at the mouth, Will says they should leave....then tells Gabi he will come later. He then asks EJ what is going on with EJ and Sami, that he notices a chill in the air. EJ tells him to ask his mother, Will then thanks him, knows his family has caused problems, is grateful for his help. Will leaves. EJ sits near the chess table, looks at a family pic of him, Sami and their 2 children, says aloud...."Good Lord, what have I done".

In the square, Kate greets Rafe & Jordan, is all smiles, but notes Sheryl coming back. she nods to Lucas, who grabs the datebook and only says he has something to do, will be back. He goes up to Sheryl, who is happy to get the book back, says she leaves things everywhere. Lucas admits he does with his phone. She suddenly spots Jordan, gets a bit nervous, and takes off. Lucas returns, Kate ends her small talk with Rafe & Jordan, who get a table. Kate wants to know all that was said, is interested in Sheryl's reaction to seeing Jordan, is thinking up a plan to deal with that.

Rafe & Jordan really just exchange a lot of small talk, tho he asks what made her leave big city Birmingham, and her life there, to come to Salem. He talks of her wanderlust. LOL. She only says she read the file, the notes Kayla made, saw the pictures, figured she could help him walk again, so here she is. He gets a kick out of her seeing the pictures, teases her about that, she promises to get back at him some day.

Over to the Pub, where Kate sits with Lucas, planning her strategy to find out info from Sheryl on Jordan. When Sheryl arrives, Kate pretends to be talking business, greets Sheryl, has her sit down, and begins pumping her, all the while smiling and seeming to just be engaging in small talk. She notes Sheryl seemed to recognize someone, Sheryl admits it was Jordan, says they used to be friends, maybe still are. Kate wants to know what happened, but Sheryl doesn't think she should talk of Jordan's person business. So, Kate merrily says she has to be on her way, gets her things together, leaves Lucas & Sheryl to their interview. When she is gone, Sheryl hopes she did not look bad to Kate, Lucas smiles, assures her to the contrary, she has made a good impression.

Hope runs into Abby in the square, mentions the text, asks what is up. Abby says nothing, but Hope thinks it must have been important if she went all the way to Smith Island to talk to her. Abby wonders how she knows that. Seems a friend of Hope's saw her on the ferry over, then mentions she only went herself to check on water pipes, etc.(if so, Hope, why did you leave the water running?) Now she asks if Abby just got back, then persists with how she got back. Abby is scrambling, says she hitched a ride from someone there with a boat, and of course, Hope wants to know who. Abby only says she knows someone. Hope is still wanting to know what Abby wanted, but Abby says it was nothing, really. Hope gets up to leave, but tells her that when she was young, sometimes there were things she could not talk about with her dad, so was lucky she had Gran. So if Abby feels she needs someone ever, then Hope is there, and promises whatever it is, won't go further. Abby thanks her, Hope leaves. Abby says, sorry Hope, but this is something I can't tell anyone......ever.
Folks, when you see the show, can you tell me Will's apt., the closet is still there, but more importantly, that big window next to the door? Thank you!

P.S. tomorrow the summary will be up later. Have a dr. appt. and I think JS will be doing the summary, gets it a bit later than me.
New-Will debut and did hold his own!

EJ and Abby agreed "IT"could NEVER happen again, Then went at it like horny rabbits...My guess is "NEVER" is the new "AGAIN"!

Ej and Abby want to go back to being friends and pretend as if "IT" NEVER happened...Unless Abby faints and has to rush to the doctor and finds out she is "Pregnant"!

Hope looked Stunning...Everything was on point!

Nosy Hope wants to know how Abby got back from Smith Island...Abby Rode Ej like a speed boat!

Ej is feeling guilty about making love to Abby because he couldn't get enough of her and he enjoyed the sex so much!
Abby and EJ's post-boink chatter was pretty funny, especially when Abby when said something like "oh God, if anyone found out I slept with [you].... no offense..." and EJ said "none taken".

I agree Mandie; "NEVER" means "oh yeah, we'll do this again...and again...and again...."!!
Its fun watching DAYS again, I love watching the potential relationships between Rafe/Jordan, Lucas/Cheryl, and even Ej/Abby, it’s not the same ole, same ole, day after day. And with Sami out of the picture is just the icing on the cake for me.

I see that Ej took another one for the team and his beloved Samanther; Samanther is going to be so proud of him, her knight in tarnish armor! Somehow Ej/Abby didn’t convince me that their lives will return to normal before Smith Island! They have regrets now but I don’t think it will last. Abby won’t be able to keep it bottled up inside of her.

The new Will is OK but he seems too young for Sonny and Gabi.
It was so funny when Will/Sonny wanted to know if Ej was able to NEUTRALIZED the situation(meaning Abby) Oh Ej certainly neutralized the situation perfectly!

Ej:"Bloody Hell..What have I done"...Oh nothing..You just pleasured yourself with Abby all over Smith Island...TWICE!
"This must never happen again" -- famous last words in Salem, which are usually the precursor to it happening again and again. In the case of EJ and Abigail, "never again" is just as likely as Brady immediately swearing off drugs and alcohol, Kate stopping her snooping on Jordan, and Theresa giving up on her nasty little war against JJ and prissy Jen. As for EJ saying: "Good lord, what have I done," what he really means is: "Good lord, what will happen if I get caught." Finally, JJ and Rory really caught a break when they were not hauled off with Cole. As Bo Brady could confirm, the Salem P.D. rarely follows proper criminal procedure.
Somewhere, Stefano must be having a cigar and brandy, saying "well played, my son; hopefully you implanted the DiMera seed into some fertile Horton ground". (since Stefano sees all and knows all.... kind of like a bad Santa)