Days of Our Lives - Fri., Mar. 28, 2014


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, March 28, 2014

A light hearted look at the goings on in Salem the day before the wedding, with nearly everyone in a very happy frame of mind.
Justin comes to visit Sonny, who is happy he is back. Justin has stopped home, dropped off his bag, and had to come to see Sonny. Later Lucas comes to see Will. Both fathers visiting their sons is well written, some teasing, but overall, both Will & Sonny want their fathers to speak at their wedding. The fathers are honored, and it makes you laugh when Will tells his father that everything is going to be so solemn, they need someone who can inject some humor. Great scenes, enjoyed the repartee' between these guys and their dads. Later, Sonny & Will are alone, their wedding looks like it will go great, they mention Tad having the bachelor party tonight.
Then both guys get calls from their moms, (makes you laugh) as the moms evidently have their noses out of joint that the dads are asked to speak and not the moms. Will's ,mother is further annoyed that Will had not told her of asking Gramma Marlena to officiate, while Sonny's mom just wanted to be sure Sami wasn't saying anything. They guys hang up, quite sure now they are glad they asked the dads. LOL

Kayla is in the square, big wrapped box, bumps into Aiden, box falls to the ground. Awkward conversations, he is apologizing, she is explaining about her gay grand nephew getting married, she waiting too long to buy a gift, so has all these very odd things in the box. A bit of teasing, and Aiden is off to court. Later, Kayla sits with Hope, asking all about widower Aiden who seems like such a nice guy. Hope is laughing over Kayla's interest, but she says she has been on a shelf more or less since she & Steve split, and Aiden seems so nice. Hope's expressions says othewise, she agrees that he can be charming, polite at times. And other times....Hope firmly talks of him being judgemental, unwilling to change his mind, etc. Kayla has to dash, will see her tomorrow, they joke about each not having a plus one, but they can dance together at the reception. LOL. Kayla takes off, Aiden comes around the corner.....yep, he tells Hope. Heard every word. LOL

Theresa is telling Liam she can help him get Jen & Daniel, he is denying he wants to, she knows better, will help him, giving him the key to Daniel's apartment. Liam seems wary, but slips it in his pocket.
Brady is boozing it up when Eric arrives to see him. Brady is his usual rude, nasty self, Eric tries to reason with him, that Kristen wanted revenge on John & Marlena, and used them both to get it, Brady should be mad at her. Oh, but he isn't mad. He throws a few digs about Eric leaving the church, a new girlfriend, moving on. Eric leaves, but tells him that he really wanted to be back with his entire family, and no matter what Brady says, Eric still loves him, and thinks Brady loves Eric as well.

Hope runs into Nicole, tells her that they have called off the search for Chyka, he has dropped from sight, and Nicole should come to the station to sign her statement. Nicole goes on about trying her best, but no info, and what a shame for Eric, because she did all she could, blah, blah. Later, she is having coffee with Nicole, talking of Eric. Nicole claims to be feeling bad, as Jennifer notes she did all she could, got no information to clear him, not her fault. Cue flashbacks to shredding. Nicole cannot wait to get out of there, has errands. Liam has come in, watched them, and why Jen doesn't see him when she stands up to pay the check is beyond me, but the two hustle out the door, he follows.

Lucas & Justin are having a drink together to toast their sons. (No, Lucas has no alcohol). These two are so funny as they talk of coordinating things for tomorrow, no not their clothes as Lucas mentions, lol, but their speeches. Lucas says Will told him he is the comic relief, Justin figures he can be funny, he had them rolling in the aisles at the attorney assoc. dinner. They kid back and forth, toast each other's sons, say nice things. Good scenes.

Jen comes to see Daniel, is starving, too bad, he ordered out already. Yes she met with Nicole, they are working on this friendship thing. She leaves, Eric arrives looking for her. He decides he needs to talk to someone, tellsDaniel about getting close with Nicole. Oh, Daniel knows, she was bubbling over. Eric mentions talking about marriage, but doesn't think he can go thru with it. Daniel advises him to talk to Nicole about that sooner the better.

Theresa is at Brady's door, giving him a hard time because he was supposed to pick her up an hour ago. He forgot, doesn't have time for her now, will see her later. She blows up about him letting them all get to him, his family, Maggie, his father, Jennifer, etc. She tells him not to call her, she is going to find a real man. That is all Brady needs to hear, he grabs her, kiss, kiss, and next they are rolling around in bed, hot and heavy.

Nicole is in the park, with the bag of shredded paper, talking to herself. She knows if she showed this stuff to Eric he'd be back in his collar and the church, and she would lose out. She dumps all the paper out of the plastic bag into a trash bin, then searches her purse for matches, is frustrated because she has none. Out of the shadows steps Liam...."is something wrong, ma'am"?
Pity poor Will and Sonny with their "mothers" problem. Once the wedding is over, there are sure to be more difficulties since one mother is Salem's leading screecher and the other is one of its bigger busybodies. As for Brady, why to people still talk to this guy? All they get is a barrage of nastiness, except for Theresa, who gets the whole "Brady the great lover" routine. Regarding Dr. Chyka, ordinarily, he should get some kudos for eluding the Salem P.D.'s dragnet, but since this is a police force that can't catch a cold, all he rates is a very small pat on the back. Finally, Liam seems to be lurking everywhere. He's even more omnipresent than even Salem's champion eavesdropper, Tricky Nicky.
I can see the partner swap coming a mile away with Jen/Dan & Nicole/Eric. How long before we're staring Jen/Eric and Dan/Nicole pairings in the face!

Justin and Lucas, both on screen and sharing scenes together, doesn't get any better than that.

Sami and Adrienne appeased with being left out as long as the other doesn't get to speak, but are going to have their speeches on stand-by just in case. :rotfl:
Good to see Justin is back and got to see Kayla too. Why can't the moms get along like the dads seem to. If any good comes out of Liam I hope it is the evidence Nicole is hiding will be revealed.

Because the moms are too busy battling each other over petty things where as the dads just want their sons to be happy and not hung up on jealousy issues, the perception of being left out. I swear...... getting married is so much easier and less stressful when you just go ahead and do it without letting family know you did it. Having watched 3 sisters get married and the frustrations they had with the moms and what their idea of what the wedding should be like and the differences in , this is what Sonny and Will should do. In my experience, it is the only way to do it, without starting a "family feud" over how a wedding should or shouldn't be. It is not about the moms but the ones who are getting married. The moms have already had their wedding or weddings, in Sami's case. It's now their sons' turn to choose people in their life that they have decided to ask together to make speeches, toasts, etc.

No offense to all the wonderful moms out there. :) Just my opinion
Brady is such a jerk. It's time for him to get over this anger and blame he is constantly spewing at Eric. Does he realize that he is the only one in town acting this way toward Eric? No one else believes that Eric was a willing participant in the incident with Kristen except perhaps a few misguided St Lukes church goers. I hope Brady hits rock bottom soon because I'm sick of this guy. I actually hope Theresa takes him for all he's got. Maybe she'll get him to marry her, take all his money, and then skip town leaving him with nothing but his booze. Even then I don't know if that would help. I just want to see this storyline take a different direction soon. It's boring, stale, and predictable at this point. Time to move on.
Sami herself has been married how many times, and does she tell all to her mom and dad? Has she ever? LOL.

I have to admit I smiled a lot today, let out a few chuckles, and definitely a few loud ones. I really liked both Hope & Jennifer talking to Nicole, who covered up her guilt quite well, but....she makes these from the heart comments about working with Eric this whole past year, knowing how much the church means to him, how much she tried to help clear him, but then....destroy the shredded paper. And by the way, why has she kept that stuff so long. She could have disposed of it down the apartment incinerator long ago. Or Daniel's fireplace. Or any dumpster. But she held on to it. And why empty the plastic bag contents into the trash container, but then shove the plastic bag in anyway????
I'm over Nicole. I'm operating on the theory that Stefano has replaced her with a clone.

Loved seeing Kayla on my screen today. I actually could tolerate Aiden when they were chatting, and although I am loathe to think of her moving on from Patch, I don't think I would hate them as a couple. Let's hope the hideous dance he and Hope have been doing ends!!

Justin's back and he owned the show today IMO. His scenes with Lucas were great. These actors should be on contract if only for comic relief (though they both have the chops for front-burner material).

Did I miss Jennifer and Nicole becoming friends?

I still don't give a rat's patootie about Brady. Can he please drink himself to death??
The Will, Lucas, Sonny, Justin scenes today were both touching and HILARIOUS, especially when Justin mentions coordinating speeches and Lucas says he was suppose to be comic relief. "Relief...relief from what...because I know how to be funny...I had them in the aisles at the last bar association dinner" - "You're not gonna try to be funny are you Justin":rotfl::rotfl::rotfl: That scene between Justin and Lucas deserves a second watch. Meanwhile, how funny is that wedding going to be if Justin and Lucas try to out "funny" each other. :rotfl:

I really liked Aiden and Kayla together. I thought they had great chemistry. Plus, I know DAYS likes to do this "we hate each other, wait never mind we are the love of each other's life" thing, but personally I'd rather see two people who seemed to hit it off right away than two people who are declaring a cease-fire every 30 seconds.
I'm of the opposite opinion. I thought the Kayla and Aiden scene was just plain awful and contrived with absolutely no chemistry between them.
On the other hand, I think Hope and Aiden just ooze chemistry. I'd like to see these two eventually become a couple without Days rushing things.

Loved all of the wedding prep scenes with Will, Lucas, Sonny, and Justin.

I felt sorry for Eric when he tried to make peace with Brady AGAIN.

Liam and Theresa don't interest me.