What's your demo? (Poll)

For statistical purposes, what is your demographic?

  • Female under 18

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Male under 18

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Female 18-34

    Votes: 8 10.0%
  • Male 18-34

    Votes: 1 1.3%
  • Female 34-49

    Votes: 29 36.3%
  • Male 34-49

    Votes: 4 5.0%
  • Female 49-54

    Votes: 5 6.3%
  • Male 49-54

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Female 54+

    Votes: 33 41.3%
  • Male 54+

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2012
Reaction score
Western Wisconsin
No need to "state" your responses beyond the poll. And I used sections of the age ranges reported in Soap ratings, which is what their advertisers/networks push for...apparently??

I almost wanted to ask with the female numbers split up and the male numbers combined...but I think this could be more interesting.
As a no-longer-younger-than-34 male who's watched Days for 28 of 32 years volitionally (1982-1999, 2001-2008, 2010-present), I was curious as to how many people watch who aren't in the "precious" advertising demographic. It seems I know more people who aren't than who are...and yes, I have MUCH more spending money now than I did when I was younger.
I'm with you, kt. I never had any discretionary money until I was in my 50's.

The ads don't interest me especially the baby, feminine hygiene, and "dysfunction" products. I already have my favorite shampoos and cleaning products, and the commercials don't have me running out to try new ones.
personally... I hate things like this. I hate being "lumped" into a group of people. especially with some of them so broad of a range.. . and "54+" doesn't have to be specific or broken up? Is 54 the magical age of maturity? what is the point of this poll? (offensive, in my opinion)

I don't think anyone should be lumped into a group and judged according to the number of years they've been on the earth. Our experiences and maturity levels often don't reflect the number, or have anything to do with it for that matter. :) just my opinion anyways...
It's the correlation between advertising and age demographics, I think, and the groups in the poll are the same groups used by the tv people in their research.

Not meant to offend anyone, nor do I see what's offensive about it. Surveys ask this all the time and break the age groups up about the same way.
JasonDiSpeech didn't mean any offense by the poll. He's only trying to see how the demographics here at the Spectator match what is given out each week by the ratings people. The advertisers and networks use this breakdown as missharleyquinn stated. The soaps all try to go for the 18 - 34 crowd.
Just because everyone else does it- doesn't make it a valid excuse. I know JasonDiSpeech only did it since the tv breaks it down that way- I'm not offended by his curiosity or by this post really,--- I just dislike any focus on these age groups. I don't like it, and only meant to share my opinion on this subject. When I'm filling out a survey of some kind, I get to the question about my "age group" and I think what? some number will magically make my thoughts valid? my thoughts are valid today. thanks.
He is trying to prove that exact point with the poll. My over age 54 thoughts about the show are just as valid (or even more so due to my many many years of watching Days) than someone who is maybe 18, and has been watching for 6 months to a year.

The networks and advertisers seem to think no one has a brain after age 53. GRRRRRR