Days of Our Lives - Thursday, April 10th 2008


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Nov 23, 2006
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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Episode #10,802 Taped 3/19 Director – Noel Maxam

A can’t miss episode just for the delicious verbal cat fight between Sami & Nicole. And I know I cannot begin to remember all the dialogue, but trust me. Make sure you watch this one. LOL. Stephanie comes into the Pub, sits down at the bar where Gramma Caroline asks about her internship. Stephanie recites a bunch of mundane tasks, ordering and getting lunch, replacing ink cartridge in printer, blah, blah. Says she guesses she has to pay her dues, then asks after Max. He comes out, busy, busy, busy. Caroline offers Steph some apple pie, Steph talks to her about Max, and how he no longer has time for his friends, buries himself in work between Pub & docks, says he has changed ever since Grampa Shawn died, then apologizes for sounding so insensitive. Caroline just says everyone grieves differently, agrees Max needs some time to himself, and she will talk to him, which she does as Steph sits at a table. He protests, but finally agrees to take some off for himself, joins Stephanie, asking what she wants to do, go play pool, catch a movie. She just wants to talk, and proceeds to tell him how worried she is about her dad, who has this crazy lady stalking him and has disappeared. (Yep, Max needed some time off, so Stephanie can again unload her problems on him!!!)

John is seated at another table, as Paul Hollingsworth comes in, ranting about being in trouble and John had better get him out. John tells him to chill, all will be fine, trust him. Marlena walks in, surprised to see either one there. Paul leaves, John pulls out a chair for Marlena, she comments she has seen Paul on the front page of the paper, John figures she is gonna start in on him with the wagging finger & lecture, but nope. Whatever his business is, it is none of hers. John is surprised. They banter back and forth a bit, then John tells her that maybe she should stop thinking of him as a patient, and start thinking of him as a project. Marlena is puzzled. John says she wants her old John back, but he is what he is, so why not try and turn him into the man she would like him to be. She remarks that he was Stefano’s project, and did not like that at all. He agrees, but Stefano looks lousy in a dress. He then tells her how he loves her gorgeous smile, and her beautiful hair. Hmm, seems he is feeling something, doesn’t know what. Marlena smiles.

Over at Chez Rouge, Nikki continues to badger EJ as to whether she & Victor are still legally married, Sami is saying he never will take her case, she tells Sami to zip it, EJ tells her he won’t get far with him by telling his wife to zip it. Nikki helps herself to the wine, claims it is cheap, he doesn’t know what is good. She wonders where EJ got his law degree… Sami smiles, saying Nikki will not get far with that kind of talk. He says Cambridge (why did I think it was Oxford??? Oh, well!) she acknowledges it as a classy school, badgers some more, promising him a huge percentage of her settlement. Mickey comes up, telling EJ to forget it and taking him on the side, warning him about Nicole being a dangerous person. EJ doesn’t seem to want to take Mickey’s advice, so Mickey tells him he won’t interfere, but when she is thru slicing and dicing Victor, she will be ready to pounce on someone else. And don’t say he didn’t warn him. EJ returns to the table, Mickey tells Maggie, “Sorry, Red, I tried”.

Philip has got a call from a panicky Chloe, telling him about the men from the Austrian consulate being there. He tells her to stall, he will be right there…and leaves. When he gets back to the mansion, the men are threatening to have the Salem PD arrest her, and then she would be extradited. They hustle her out the door, Phil says his lawyer is on the way, don’t answer any questions. When they are gone, he wonders about them coming, then remembers Nicole coming in on the conversation he & Chloe had been having, and realizes who blew the whistle.

Back at Chez Rouge, Sami & Nicole are at it tooth and nail. Nicole tells Sami that she knows they need money, and it would certainly help her wardrobe. Sami insults Nikki’s dress, she says it is coutoure. Sami tells her she’ll need the Jaws of Life to get out of it. Nikki asks Sami about her babies, asking for pictures, Sami refuses. Nikki says why, they should be cute, unless they have your genes. So, do they really have different fathers? Just exactly how does that work Were you ****ting around as usual. Sami jumps up, ready to haul off and lay one on her, Maggie has already told them to cool it, EJ comes and pulls Sami aside, wanting her to calm down. Sami is indignant over how Nicole insulted her babies. Now he has a private chat with Nicole, as Sami stands with Mickey & Maggie. He tells Chloe to stop insulting his wife. Nikkie feels she has to clue EJ in on a few things about his wife, and tells him that Lucas is a raging drunk because of Sami, who falsely stated Lucas hit Will. And hmmm, where is Will now, over in Europe living with Carrie & Austin. Sami hears this, comes up, saying why don’t you tell him some other juicy things about me, like the time I threw a drink in your face. And splat, Nicole gets a faceful of wine. She sputters, Sami tells her be lucky it is not red wine all over your “coutoure”. Nicole goes to dry off, Sami now tells EJ how her brother was in love with Nicole, but she dumped him to marry Lucas, and his ex-partner, Kate paid her $5 million dollars to do so. She took it. She hurts people, and I don’t want that to happen to you, for Johnny’s sake. EJ tells Sami he is taking Nicole’s case. She walks up, saying it is about time. Sami throws a hissy fit. No, you cannot do this. Nicole eavesdrops, as EJ pulls Sami to the side, saying they have no cash, no jobs, have to earn some money. He goes on about people getting second chances, they should give Nicole one, if it doesn’t work out, he will get her another attorney. Sami tells him not to make this about Allie & Johnny, and it is either her or me. Nikki jumps up, coming over to apologize to Sami, who thinks she must be smoking something, and Nicole is just pulling another dirty trick. Nikki decides she will get another lawyer, who will want her wad of cash and stalks off. EJ chases after her, Nikki says does this mean you will take my case? Yep. Sami angrily leaves. EJ warns Nicole that if she does anything to jeopardize his marriage, he is done.
Mickey looks at Maggie. This is not going to end well, is it. Nope.

I'm pretty sure EJ did say it was Oxford just the other week.
YAH......finally some good EJ and SAMI stuff....

'It's either her or me" LOL..:smile:..looks like the old SAMI is back.:clap:

Cannot wait to this show....
sami and nicole..ej in the middle

several things about both days are wonderful for the progression of the story for telling sami in wed epi that when she transgresses against someone (rape of austin) she expects forgiveness..but when the transgression is against her (dec 29..which gave her both johnny and lucas) she is allowed to hate forever..sami looks like she understands and almost is ready to say that she does not hate ej when in bounces nicole!

i really feel these lines of dialogue are the writers way of dealing with dec 29.. they seem to be saying, sami moved on, now we have this gem of a leading man in our midst, and we are gonna fix the horrid story telling that preceded us ! :smile::smile: ej telling sami she expects second chances, maybe nicole deserves one as well..i just love that the ej who is firm, but always a gentleman is back! he is being given back command over things, and i cannot wait to see more!
This is ridiculous!! If Sami doesn't want EJ to take Nicole's case, all she has to do is tell him she will have the marriage annulled NOW. She has him over a barrel if she would just realize it. The Sami we used to know would have jumped on this in a New York minute.
Sounds like a GREAT show! I cant wait to see Sami and Nikki ! I also liked what John told Marlana! I cant wait to see things heat up between them...
I am so happy the confident EJ is back. I didn't like baby stroller pushing EJ.

I want the man from a year ago back.....the suits, the beard, the one-liners, the confident, EJ.

He needs money and power. THE NEEDS HIS TRUST FUND!!!!

I do think she has forgiven him for what he did, I do believe she was about to tell him that when Nicole walked in.

If he takes Nicole's case it is because as he stated he needs a job and money. He is thinking about his family and that includes SAMI....
This is ridiculous!! If Sami doesn't want EJ to take Nicole's case, all she has to do is tell him she will have the marriage annulled NOW. She has him over a barrel if she would just realize it. The Sami we used to know would have jumped on this in a New York minute.

I totally agree KathyLu. Can't beleive Sami didnt say, I can tell the INS agent the truth. EJ would stop dead in his tracks.
I used to like Max & Steph together. Now...they are just kinda boring!
When I read this scene between Sami, Nicole and EJ .... I thought God is now about to deliver the consequence for EJ's sins ... It's called Nicole. I think that EJ will have his hands full and will start to grey before this is all said and done. EJ may have preferred Jail time to Nicole vs Sami Time!

Maggie and Mickey - I just love them - standing by - watching this train wreck about to begin! Funny Stuff!
I do think she has forgiven him for what he did, I do believe she was about to tell him that when Nicole walked in.

If he takes Nicole's case it is because as he stated he needs a job and money. He is thinking about his family and that includes SAMI....

I suppose we all will have our own interpretation of scenes. I did not feel that she was about to say she forgave him at all. And as EJ told Mickey, he likes a challenge, and Nicole definitely is one.

EJ talked about wanting money for Johnny's college. Well.....we will all see, won't we?
OMG Woooooo Hoooooo!

I didn't read anything other than EJ and Sami and a little bit of Chloe and philip and none of whats their names. I couldn't cause I couldn't wait to read what was going to happen next. Yep I'm totally going to admit that I was wrong and that having Nicole in the orbit(just to get Sami's attention that is) is a wonderful happy thing. Sami actually says "We're MARRIED!" and I love EJ's response, "Could have fooled me" LOL She is infuriated that EJ is considering taking Nicole's case and it's really funny cause I'm thinking he knows this and is loving it that this is infuriating her.

When EJ rushes after her to tell her he will take her case. I love that he defends Sami at every turn but still continues to remain a gentlemen, this is awesome! I've never seen a man defend Sami like that not really not to Nicole! EJ does though and he does it with grace.

He isn't like Austin or Lucas who was always lying but not defending...he WAS defending Sami and on her side it was beautiful and I was loving that he ran after her because it infuriated and brought out Sami's feelings that much more and I'm sure that is the reason why he does it. Sami throws a drink in Nicole's face YAY !

Go Really real Sami I love it. Well I'm excited to see the real Sami back to say the least and that she is opening up quite a bit about her feelings for EJ is phenomenal! Right on DH I think I love you girl you can stay for a while!
I suppose we all will have our own interpretation of scenes. I did not feel that she was about to say she forgave him at all. And as EJ told Mickey, he likes a challenge, and Nicole definitely is one.

EJ talked about wanting money for Johnny's college. Well.....we will all see, won't we?

Like EJ said - While he is willing to forgive the unforgivable (Lucas shooting him) and move on ... Sami isn't like that she likes to keep those unforgivable things in the unforgivable category.... This spoke volumes - It tells me that there are some people who can forgive and those who can't! I personally think that a person who can forgive the unforgivable is the better person! I LOVE DENA FOR POINTING THIS OUT!!!! Great Message!
I always loved Sami and Nicole's interactions. And Nicole better watch out, people that don't agree with, or don't go along with EJ usually end up hurt. I think Nicole is the one that better be careful.
I always loved Sami and Nicole's interactions. And Nicole better watch out, people that don't agree with, or don't go along with EJ usually end up hurt. I think Nicole is the one that better be careful.

Apparently Sami acts klnd of protective of EJ - WOW I was amazed by this!
Like EJ said - While he is willing to forgive the unforgivable (Lucas shooting him) and move on ... Sami isn't like that she likes to keep those unforgivable things in the unforgivable category.... This spoke volumes - It tells me that there are some people who can forgive and those who can't! I personally think that a person who can forgive the unforgivable is the better person!

There is lots and lots I can forgive. And I have done so in my personal life. Some very mean and hateful things done to me. But I would never put sexual abuse in the same catagory with any of the other things. Some guy takes my body by force, he will (or won't) live to regret it....sorry, that's just how I am.....I'll trade my dignity and self respect anyday and for being the better person.
And I hope Sami can set a good example for her daughter of how being a woman shouldn't make you a victim.
cjknick, I figure Sami isn't gettin any and hasn't for awhile, so she is going kind of bezerk...!!!! :D :D

True - both EJ and Sami have been living like MONKS! and With Sami - well PMS can also lead to action beyond her control!
There is lots and lots I can forgive. And I have done so in my personal life. Some very mean and hateful things done to me. But I would never put sexual abuse in the same catagory with any of the other things. Some guy takes my body by force, he will (or won't) live to regret it....sorry, that's just how I am.....I'll trade my dignity and self respect anyday and for being the better person.
And I hope Sami can set a good example for her daughter of how being a woman shouldn't make you a victim.

I myself have forgiven the unforgivable ... and it was well worth it. That's why I am so big into forgiveness because it actually benefits the person who harbors the unforgiveness in their heart - it's baggage you just don't need to carry!
I got a big bag with big pockets cjknick2...!!!! I just believe there are some things that take too much away from your soul. And I believe if Sami forgave EJ for "the event" then she would never be able to get that little part of her back. Of course, these are just fictional characters, but darn it, I love all those Salemites...actually, I like most of them better than some of the people I deal with in my real life....Oh, isn't that sad...I think I need to make an appointment with Marlena...!!!!

Plus, forgiving is one thing, falling in love and living with them is a whole nother ballgame.....