Days of Our Lives - Fri., July 24, 2015


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
In Serena's hotel, a continuation of the confrontation between Serena and Nicole. Serena is convinced that Nicole's 180 is because of Eric. Eric's a good person, Nicole declares, and he doesn't deserve to be hurt by exposing Serena. All about Eric, jokes Serena, selfless Nicole. Nicole switches tactics, tells her about her engagement, wants to plan her wedding, not investigate Xander/Nicole. Needs Serena's answer NOW. Serena kicks her out. Separately, Nicole hopes she got through to Serena, who is more sure than ever that Nicole's hiding something.

At Eric's, repeat of Eric confessing that he's fallen in love with Nicole again. Brady asks if she knows this; Eric says she does, but she LOVES Daniel. There's a knock on the door; it's Daniel. Eric congratulates him, Brady is stunned by the news of the Dan/Nicole engagement. They plan to toast, but Daniel gets a text that Chloe & Parker have arrived. Eric wants to plan the bachelor party; Daniel asks them to keep things quiet until Maggie/Victor can be informed. Brady jokes about this. Eric tells Daniel that Nicole's the best as Daniel leaves. Brady declares Eric "classy" and acknowledges it had to be difficult. Asks Eric for that club soda. Eric has another plan, to work through his issue.

At Club TBD, Kyle arrives for Paige for coffee. He tries to be smooth ("You make a man want to write sonnets, not texts,") but she calls him on it, since he won't put his phone away. He admits he's texting JJ, just being nice to the guy because he's a friend of Bev's. Paige wants to get to know Kyle better, asks about his origin story, his family, his job. Jokes that he's a superhero, she laughs, jokes that she has classified info from her jobs, too. He wants to know what JJ did to mess up, she doesn't want to talk about it, but assures him that everything's over. He mentions that JJ feels the same way; Paige purports to be happy about this (but looks upset for a moment). He gets a message and has to deal with it, invites her to Edge of the Square tonight. She agrees, but warns him she's not old enough to drink. He'll take care of it. She laughs that he'll be a bad influence on her; he jokes he's never dated a "good girl" before. Tells her they'll have a lot of fun together, and caresses her before leaving, gives her a peck. (Behind them, JJ enters, sees the peck, then leaves.)

At the Horton House, Jennifer is worried about JJ's safety, recaps JJ's motivations for nabbing Kyle. Jen reminds JJ that even imprisoning Kyle won't win back Paige; he's just concerned about all the kids dying because of drugs, and worried about Paige getting hooked on drugs. He wants to help; Jen worries about Paige being with the sketchy guy, JJ is shocked that Jen/Paige talked, but Paige didn't say anything Jen wants to repeat about JJ. Jen thinks the best thing is to let Paige/Kyle go, Paige will see Kyle for what he is on her own. JJ is more resolved than ever to bring down Kyle for the DEA. Jen implores him to listen to Agent Watts/Roman, in order to stay safe.

At the hospital, replay of Chad looking for Abigail as Clyde eavesdrops. Marlena sees Clyde, calls out to him, glad she ran into him. He talks about his purported donation, she offers to help direct him to an office. He tries to scoot away by saying he met with Anne, she has something else to talk about. Clyde's missed his last two therapy appointments, no reschedules. She thought they were making progress. He tells her he'll reschedule, and leaves; she says, "Sure you are," as he leaves.

In Abby's office, Chad wants to talk, despite Abby's declaration they have nothing to talk about. Chad wants to tell her the truth. Thought they made inroads after the moment they shared with Arianna. Did he not mean the things he said about her? Did he lie about lying to her? Wants to cut to the chase, find out if Chad's return to Salem was about revenge. She lists his victims, including Rafe and Ben. He doesn't think that's the point - she does. He's just like his brother, can be charming when required, but snaps back to evil. She thought he loved her. He leans in to tell her the truth, Clyde interrupts. Chad tells Clyde they're having a personal conversation, Abigail takes the opportunity to get rid of Chad. Clyde asks if Chad did something to hurt Abigail. Abby claims it was just business, he worries Chad's making trouble for Ben/Abby. He can't, Abby declares. They talk about how hard Ben is working to improve himself, make good with DiMera. Abby wants to know why Clyde stopped by. He flashes back to realising Abby's pregnant. We have unfinished business...the part for your sink. She gives him her key, she won't be home for awhile, and neither will Ben. He apologises for intruding on Abby/Hope, wants to know if she's really okay. She is. He leaves, and outside declares she's a "lying little s-word."

In the Town Square, Xander is having a drink when a lady walks up to him, recognises him from the attempted murder. He claims he was falsely accused and invites her to hear his side of the story.

At Daniel/Nicole's apartment, Daniel catches Nicole as she's letting herself in. Parker has a surprise for her, requires eyes closed to enter the apartment. Parker says surprise, has made her a picture. Asks if she likes it. She loves it. (Sweet scene.) Later, they're having a snack, joking, Nicole proposes a campout in the living room. Parker has another surprise, runs to get it. She loves to spend time with Parker, he talks about how she misses Sydney, whom she video chats with. But it's not the same, not like spending day in and day out with Parker, seeing all the little things. She's so happy about being a family with him & Parker. They start kissing. She stops him, doesn't want Parker to see. He'll need to get used to it, Daniel declares. More kissing.

At the art fair (in the Square), Eric brings his donation. Father Louis is stunned by all the African mementos in there. Agrees to hear Eric's confession at St Luke's in a half an hour. Serena is on the other side of the Square, listening. A bit later, they are chatting about the success of the fair, Father Louis is ready to hear his confession, as they note Xander and the lady walking on the other side of the Square. Louis realises he's the one who tried to kill Eric, asks if that's what Eric wants to talk about. Later, they're in the confessional, Eric is recounting the tale of the furnace, talks of how he was dying, but was at peace, but couldn't bear the thought of Nicole dying. Louis wants to know what he wants to confess. (Meanwhile, Serena is listening in.) Eric says something happened in the furnace that's been bothering him ever since.

At the hospital elevator, Marlena and Chad run into each other. He looks upset; she offers him a session. Doesn't need a shrink, he claims. Marlena invites him to lunch at the Pub, for some of Caroline's healing chowder. He accepts, somewhat reluctantly. At the Pub, Marlena and Chad are eating, but he appears distraught. She admits she's grateful to him for saving her life, but that's not the only reason she's hear. She senses he's got something on his mind, he lays $100 on the table, wants confidentiality. She declares it a session, he asks how to push away someone you love, for her own good. Despite his love for her, he said horrible things to her. He had to protect her. They go round and round a bit (for the record: Abby is not mentioned). Marlena realises that Stefano's partially responsible, advises Chad to tell the girl he loves her before it's too late.

In one of the park private areas, Xander is telling the Lady a story, offers to show her Greece. Brady enters, wondering how Xander will do that from a prison cell. Lady doesn't think this is fun anymore, leaves. Xander tries to charm Brady, Brady will make sure he pays. Xander doesn't think Brady can do this. Xander reminds Brady that he's spoiled and entitled, despite being an addict who "couldn't keep his pants zipped," was made CEO of Titan. Brady declares that Xander's always been a screwup. Xander should have known he wouldn't understand, tells him to rot in h-e-double-hockey-sticks.

At the Horton House, Jennifer is meeting with Roman. She's proud of him, but wants assurance that JJ will be protected. Roman doesn't like the situation any more than Jennifer does. Kyle's been under surveillance for awhile, JJ will be trained, gives her his word that JJ will be safe.

Later, JJ comes back to Club TBD as Paige is leaving. She accuses him of stalking her, he reminds her he works there. Mentions seeing her on a date with Kyle. "SO not your business," Paige points out. JJ warns her against him, but if you want to ruin your life, fine. YOU'RE THE ONE WHO RUINED MY LIFE, she reminds him as he leaves; she follows him, shouting. In the back room, he doffs his shirt, just as Paige comes in.

Alone in her office, Abby breathily rubs her lower abdomen and gets teary-eyed.

In the confessional, Eric tells Father Louis (as Serena listens secretly using a device) that being near the End made things so clear with Nicole. The bad times didn't matter. Facing the end together was right. Father Louis thinks it's wonderful that they found comfort in the face of the horror. Eric admits he loves her. Says that as time was running out, they started to make love.
Strong episode today. Lots of important conversations. That does NOT include the Serena/Nicole conversations, which were beyond pointless.

Really liked the Kyle/Paige scene. It was actually cute. Too bad they didn't know how to do a scene like this with JJ/Paige.

Speaking of Serena...did we see her plant the bug? Because I rewound and didn't see it. Might that have been edited?

Clyde can't die fast enough for me. We get it. He's smarmy and evil. And rich. And scum. Let's move forward already.

I enjoyed the Marlena/Chad scenes. If they're not going to deal with her & John, on screen, she should be interacting with characters who don't care about her and John, professionally.

Is Eve still on the show? LOL

LOVED Eric's confession. I don't usually root for him, but here I was, actually on his side. And the Nicole/Parker scenes were cute & wonderfully done.

I'm definitely liking what's been "added" to the show so far. Signals well for BETTER DAYS ahead.... :)
Thanks for the summary, JasonD. This show was mixed for me, because there were so many annoying tidbits and so many good things I want to see more of.

I'm glad that she show covered what I was wondering about the other day, with Clyde & Marlena's sessions. I also enjoyed her chat with Chad. I wish he could've told Abigail the truth, but I am glad he has someone to confide in besides Sonny or Stefano.

Meanwhile, Bluebird, Xander, Clyde, and Paige do nothing for me. Neither does the JJ/Kyle thing. I'm glad that Jennifer is preoccupied with her kids now (instead of inserting herself into Daniel's love life), and that we saw Roman, but I'd also like to see her doing something a bit more, perhaps making a new friend, or working. Elsewhere, Serena was downright annoying for continuously trying to bash Nicole, and immoral for eavesdropping on and recording Eric's confession. I know this is Salem (and that Brady overheard Kristen's confession in 2012), but I still couldn't believe this! Paige needs to go away. Her incessant whining is grating on my last nerves, as is JJ pining after her. And what's the point of Xander even being on the soap anymore? He doesn't really do anything but insult Daniel and the Kiriakis clan.

I really love that Eric and Brady's relationship is being explored more. We need to see more of this kind of stuff. I also hope that Eric can find some happiness one day, as long as it doesn't include his constant yelling.
A few comments on assorted items. 1) Kyle's comment to Paigie-poo that she brings out the romantic in him. It's surely a line of b/s, which is a good thing because the last thing Salem needs is a romantic drug dealer. 2) Sir Gallahad Clyde the amateur plumber's "helpful" visit to Abigail -- how would Ms. Perfect react if she knew that he's used both the "w" and "s" words to describe her? 3) Abigail's statement that Chad is "just like" EJ. He's going to have to step up his act if he wants to meet this description -- for starters, be accused of shooting John Black, fool Abigail into thinking that she's burned him alive, kidnap a baby and make the mother think that it's dead, and have an affair with Taylor "Tayhag" Walker. 4) Nicole dropping the idea of a tell-all article about Bluebird. It was a wise decision -- the rest of the world would probably find the story of Ms. Mason just as incredibly boring as do Days viewers.
Wasted. No, that better describes the actress portraying Serena.

Filler - that's how I'd describe her. I was sooooo excited for her to come to town and now I can't help but wonder what's keeping her in Salem. Would an accomplished medical journalist/writer REALLY be out for stupid, petty revenge? The motivation is entirely lacking.

Although I did enjoy the Kyle/Paige scene, it was fleeting. Paige was back to her annoying, shrill, stalker self a few moments later. :sick:
I am still finding it hard to grasp that Serena actually bugged a confessional, and is recording the conversation. This is the woman who professes to love Eric so much? She would throw him to the wolves just to MAYBE cause a problem for nicole? Ugh and double Ugh.

And then Clyde. Oh, dear, the man is also a stalker. Too bad Abby just won't get a clue.....he is conveniently interrupting her day right and left, is in her face with his questions and inuendos.

Enough already with the guys removing shirts for no reason. Sheesh.
Today's script writers were Gary Tomlin and Christopher Whitesell and today's director was Albert Alarr. And I have a bridge to sell in Brooklyn.

I think it's hilarious that Abigail and Nicole are carrying the exact same purse in different colors.

LOL to the art fair being run by a priest in HTS. I thought only Hope and Aiden ran fundraisers.

Now I actually went back and watched on DVR because of the Serena thing. They had to have a cut scene showing her bugging the confessional. Is it really that easy that every person in Salem knows how to bug a room or device? I wouldn't know where to begin.

I really enjoyed Xander today and I like that he calls out Brady and Daniel on their crap. It's too bad they couldn't give Xander a better storyline.

LOVED the scenes with Brady and Eric and also LOVE that Brady didn't even flinch when Eric told him. He was instantly supportive of him. Now I need to see a scene with John and Marlena and Will and Ari and them talking about Sami and Belle. Greg Vaughan (Eric) is really doing a stellar job this week.

Clyde is just downright creepy. At this point Abigail really has no reason to suspect him of anything. I hope she does soon though.

Loved the Marlena and Chad scene! I'm calling added scene.

I can't tolerate Paige anymore and every time I see her, I keep wondering why borrowed Jennifer's dress.

Roman was so close to Jennifer in that scene I was waiting for him to kiss her.
I agree, there must have been a scene cut with Serena going to the Church and/or figuring out how to bug it. Her motivation is still mystifying, though. I mean, we have to watch five scenes of her and Nicole having the same argument, then she overhears something (almost implausibly) and in the next scene suddenly has already bugged the place? LOL

I thought Greg Vaughn (Eric) knocked it out of the park today. Amazing job!

I enjoyed Xander's scenes, too. I wish he had a better storyline and/or a real reason for sticking around. I wish there were more character development for EVERYONE, truly, but beyond Xander, especially, Serena, Paige, Paul, and Eve.

I didn't realise a whole Jeannie T-less week had passed! Neat! Yet we still got to see Anne and Tater!

Today's episode written by "Alan Smithee." LOLOL
Serena is vile and disgusting. I thought she was just going to eavesdrop on Eric's confession to Fr. Louis not set a bug and record it! Wow. Talk about low.

I really liked the "family" scenes with Daniel, Nicole, and Parker. I was floored by the Sydney video chat thing. :eek: However, while I was pleasantly surprised by that line, I would have loved if Nicole would have said something like "I wish my little boy was here with us to be a part of our family." I'm pretty sure other than some snide comments from Chloe and Sami there have been zero mentions of Daniel Raphael since he died. :beat:Tomlin/Whitesell may you never get your grubby hands on this show ever again!
Serena should date Clyde. They would make a good-evil couple.

Serena must have a strong listening device. She was in her hotel room.
Maybe the church is next to the hotel.

Clyde has the key to Ben and Abby's apartment. Will he plant a bug
when he's there?

Roman missed his chance getting a kiss today. Maybe next time.

Interesting to learn Sydney still keeps in contact with Nicole. It's been
awhile since Sydney lived with Nicole.

I wonder if Marlena knows who Chad was talking about during
his confession, oops therapy session.

I laughed when Kyle said he was a secret agent spy.

Jason, thanks for the summaries this week :)