DAYS OF OUR LIVES - Tuesday, May 6th


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives

Tuesday, May 6th, 2008

Episode 10,820 Taped 4/10 Director – Phil Sogard

Today we have a wonderful trip down memory lane, as Sami relates to John how some things were in his past life. She comes down the stairs, to find John sitting at the chess set, and with his back to her, John knows she is there, talks of how obsessed his big brother was with this game. Sami sits down opposite him, agreeing, talking of how Stefano used it as he plotted against her family. She picks up one piece, telling John, and you were his most prized piece, the Pawn. This episode features only 4 character, Sami, John, and then out on the dark docks, EJ and Nicole.

EJ is pacing as Nicole arrives, laughing at him wanting to meet her in such an out of the way place. EJ wants no witnesses, as he pulls out an enevelope containing a large amount of money. Nicole begins to count, he tells her it is all there, payment for testifying for him at the immigration hearing. He berates her for tormenting Sami, it was not part of the deal, she claims she threw that in for free. Could not resist, and her reaction was priceless. And not to worry, she told Mr. Burke how very much in love EJ & Sami were, how devoted to each other and such an exceptional couple, yada, yada. Now she questions EJ as to the why, telling him if he was not in love with Sami, she would make a play for him herself. But alas, she is still a married woman. She reminds him that Sami loves Lucas, and he knows it. Yes, he does, but Lucas is not around. That makes no difference declares Nicole. He is in prison for defending her honor, that is how she looks at it. Well, EJ is determined to make Sami love him. Nicole reminds him that to Sami, Lucas is a martyr, and that is practically impossible to overcome. . He asks Nicole what she plans to do, outside of getting half of Victor’s money, & she replies she intends to take the other half. EJ is puzzled…oh, no, she does not plan on trying to kill him, instead she plans on getting the wonderful and powerful Philip Kiriakis for herself. And what about EJ? He informs her he DOES have a plan, and is not telling her what.

Sami & John exchange a bit of small talk about being unable to sleep, John not really interested in his past, how Sami thinks he has feelings for her mother, but won’t admit it. He mentions her husband, she tells him not to call him that, he is not her husband. But he is your husband. Technically, yes, but they are not a couple that way. Hasn’t she been happy. Oh, her children make her happy, Lucas made her happy. Sami spots the disk from the safe, learns he has not looked at it yet, urging him to do so. He has a series of rapid flashbacks, says he vaguely recalls seeing that disk in the lab, doesn’t know if he wants to look. She persists, he puts it in, hesitates, but pushes the button, and we see nothing but a lot of wavy lines. He says it must be encrypted, she offers to have her dad take a look at it, maybe the lab at the P.D. (lol) would be able to do so. In fact, she thinks Rolf could probably help out, there may be important info he needs on there. (in re his shoring up the DiMera enterprises). John will think on it. He asks Sami to tell him all about it, that she is the most objective, and would be honest. She is not sure, but plunges into some stories, as both sit on the sofa. (Sami is wearing her glasses, takes them on and off at times, as she tells the tales, and we get the flashbacks) She tells John how she thought at one time he was her dad, how everyone did, how he had raised her, she loved him as her dad, and then her dad returned and she was devastated, with all these mixed up feelings.

I am not sure I will tell the stories now, in the order on the show, but we see a flashback on Marlena telling John how she never stopped loving him (I believe she thinks this is Roman back from the dead – both are much younger) & they embrace and kiss. Sami then relates the WHY of her mom believing John was Roman, and we see them by a brook, his shirt is off, he turns to do something in the water, and she sees his phoenix tattoo, touches it, and now believes he is truly Romn (having even thought he was Stefano with a new face). Hugs & Kisses. John now talks of how Stefano branded him with the tattoo as a DiMera, his own brother, so long ago, branded his as his possession. He asks how he first was brought to town, & Sami tells him it was Victor Kiriakis, and the flashback has the bandaged faced Pawn laying in a bed with Victor questioning him as to what names might be familiar, naming Alex Marshall, Stefano DiMera, and some nurse.
Sami continues with how he lived as Roman Brady, then her dad came back. But her mother was so in love with him…..she recites and we see the infamous Titan desk lovemaking session between John & Marlena, with Sami witnessing it. And then we get a flashback of a very angry Sami confronting her mother, telling her what she saw. Now Sami tells John how she changed the results of the paternity test Marlena took (flashback), of Marlena telling John he was not the father (flashback) and then how she kidnapped Belle, intending to give her up for adoption,(flashback) and then her mother berating her for even thinking of having her sister being raised by another couple. John applauds Sami’s initiative back then, she is appalled, saying she should have been sent to juvenile hall, and if Will ever pulled that she would absolutely freak out. John claims Blondie got over it. Sami talks of how her father realized that her mother loved John, accepted it and moved on, leaving town for quite some time. John asks Sami why she hasn’t done the same…..moved on. She thinks he does love her mother. He claims he doesn’t know what love is. Sami thinks she has him figured out….whenever he feels an emotion, he draws back, keeping others at arm’s length. She is more convinced than ever he does have feelings for Marlena. John abruptly says good night, he is going to bed, and leaves. Sami sits for a minute, shaking her head, then leaves the room, turning out the light, going up the stairs.
And now we see a figure move in the darkness, over to where the disk lays. A hand picks it up and the figure leaves the room.

This sounds like quite the ep. It is strange to have an ep with only 4 people in it. I like the interaction with Sami and John. I look forward to them maybe becoming close like they never really were able to when Sami blamed him for the breakup of Marlena and Roman. I hope they don't bring the old John ALL the way back, though. I am rather enjoying snarking John...he is just plain fun.
I am sooo happy EJ is back to his old tricks!!! That's the character I fell in love with. Shades of Grey EJ is coming back.....

Sami talking about Belle and how she changed the results.

Sami would freak if Will ever did that. Is that foreshadowing I smell? :confused:

Praying to the soap gods Allie is EJ's daughter!!!!!!! :)
Will would have switched both babies to be Lucas', not split the paternity. looks like EJ hasn't changed a bit. he's got a plan? I'll bet he does and none of it will bother with how Sami feels. Sami loves Lucas and EJ thinks he is going to make her love him,lol. I think i'm getting a handle on the direction of this s/l. Go Lumi!!
Cant' wait to see some of the flashback scenes. I love watching the old segments from days!!
Thanks for the write up!!
I too, am really looking forward to the flashbacks. In general, they get a bit repetitive (especially when they are of the previous days' episode), but I love the older ones. Sounds like a good episode. Thanks for the write-up Poirot.
I think this is the set up for Lucas getting out of jail. EJ's protests to Nicole about Lucas not being around, and her responses as to how Sami sees Lucas as the martyr has to cause EJ to start thinking about how to change that image in Sami's mind. I'm still not sure how Lucas is supposed to get out so early, but this episode, at least to me, seems to be foreshadowing EJ's hand in his release.
so nicole is going after philip? did i read that right? look out morgan

and ej has a plan... surprise, surprise, surprise. he is a dimera he is and going back to before. I think he is slowly remembering things that he just cannot ignore.

I gotta try to watch this episode. i like the shows with flashbacks in them because i was too young to watch back then.
Thanks for the summary Poirot, Looks like we are getting our old EJ back. Just the way I like him. Looking forward to the flashbacks they should be good because they are old and will bring back memories. Will be watching later today.
Gotta say I truly enjoyed the flashbacks. AND the history lesson. Boy it is great when the writers remember how things were, and refer to them. I am guessing this will help newer viewers with some past history.
Gotta say I truly enjoyed the flashbacks. AND the history lesson. Boy it is great when the writers remember how things were, and refer to them. I am guessing this will help newer viewers with some past history.

I can't wait until tomorrow! I read in the spoilers last week that this episode would be coming and couldn't wait after I read it. I absolutely love Sami and NuJohn and it'll be great seeing them together reminisce. There are some episodes that I didn't see because I was working full time and didn't record them. Thanks for all your hard work getting the write-ups together day after day. We really appreciate all that you do for us!
Wow! This sounds like an awesome episode...and I agree that Nicole and EJ's conversation sounds like it is setting up for Lucas to be released and that is EJ's plan! I love it! Can't wait to see all of this!
Look forward to my NuJohn and his comments to Sami, and I love flashbacks, especially the ones I haven't seen or the ones I haven't seen in ages!

Thanks for the writeup, Poirot! Can't wait to see it!
The summary indicates what I saw. Did not know there were other summaries out there. Guess a lot of folks must see the show a day ahead, too.

and I usually forget something, and today is no exception. Nicole asks EJ if she is his first and only client, where did he get the money to pay her off. He claims he has other clients, got every single one off, and they paid him well.

The flashbacks deal a lot with John when he first came to Salem and being "Roman", and inasmuch as we have already seen John's reaction to seeing the Roman Brady nameplates at the cop shop, it probably DOES point to some future story.
AND I left out where she refers to John having amnesia and getting it on with Aunt Hope. She tells how he left Marlena on their honeymoon, we see flashback of Marlena & John on the beach, him swimming out to save Hope, then later waking up aboard the sub with Hope - who was having identity issues....At that point, John says "Princess Gina". Now THAT had to be a memory. And yes, we see Gina & John doing the horizontal mambo.
I know I am going to get hammered for this, but I thought John and Princess Gina were really hot together! I missed alot of that storyline as I was working lots of hours during that time, but I remember trying to catch the John/PG scenes.

Is it tomorrow at 1pm yet?!?
I loved John and Prinicess Gina as well. They were great together and it was not Hope, but Princess Gina in my mind.
LOL, I know what you mean. I know everyone who watches tomorrow is going to enjoy every minute.

I must say.......I wonder just when EJ has had time to get all these other clients, to go to court and get them off, and even already be paid. It has not even been a month since Mickey hired him, and he took Nicole on as a client. In fact, barely two weeks. Hmmmm. Maybe EJ is not as broke as he makes himself out to be. LOL

@Alligato, well, you are definitely gonna see the "hot" scene between John & Gina. are right, but Sami calls her aunt that present John will know who she means. When she describes the sub scenes, he then says, Princess Gina.