Days of Our Lives - Thu., Jan. 07, 2016


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
In the hospital (in Thomas' a waiting room), Abby sleeps, and is dreaming of Chad vowing to cut the DiMeras out of his life.

At the DiMansion, Chad has roused Stefano and André. He tells them Belle is on his side, he's pretending to cut out the DiMeras to win her trust, Belle opened up to him, but Belle knows nothing. He claims to be positive that Belle knows nothing, and isn't just protecting Sami. They should give up their pursuit of Sami via Belle. Later, Stefano and André are playing chess, André seems not to believe Chad's story, thinks they're closing in on Sami. Stefano just wants a graceful end game, sends André out, puts on opera.

At the hospital, by the nurses station, Belle is leaving, Philip has been waiting to make sure she's ok. She says she's fine, he calls her a liar. Both of her half-brothers (his choice of words) are fighting. She admits she's just coping, Philip offers to look after her. Later, he's brought her some water, offers to get food with her.

At the Johnson house, Patch recaps yesterday's surgical events to Kayla, is proud of her, but wants her to rest. They sit on the couch, he goes to get a snack for her. She falls asleep in the moment he's gone.

In her hotel, Ava looks through a pack of pictures of a baby, puts about three of them in an envelope.

At Hope's house, Rafe and Hope argue over her plan. Hope is grateful for Rafe's intercession and assistance, but Rafe is unmoved, begs her to stop. Later, she's looking over papers. Steve calls, says he needs to talk to her, something really bad happened. She says now's not a good time, hangs up on him. Asks Bo what she should do. Later Steve shows up at her door, says she needs to hear this. She sends him away again and wonders how she'll prove this.

At the townhouse, Chad arrives, wants to talk to Belle, who calls him a stalker. She's just picking up clothes for Marlena & John, who stayed at the hospital. Chad tries to offer sympathies, Belle's not buying. He admits to lying to her since Day 1. Later, Chad has filled in Belle, and she recaps it, he apologises for it, warns her that he's filled in his pops that she knows nothing, tells her not to trust anybody. He's about to leave when she questions his sincerity. He warns her that Sami stole a lot of money, and [Stef and André]'ll do anything to get it back. She seems upset (?) that he'll be out of her life, but he says he may have to pretend, and bother her a bit, as André is suspicious.

Rafe appears at the DiMansion. Rafe wants to talk to André and Stefano, André says not possible, but gives Rafe a few minutes. Rafe wants to ask about Malcolm's murder "last week," André cracks on about the serial killer, and how Salem PD "fails upwards." Etc. Rafe asks about Stefano's health, memory problems. This offends André, who thinks Rafe is fishing to see if they were trying to get the cure for memory problems. Informs Rafe his time is up.

At Hope's, Ciara bolts down the stairs and out the door, is having a panic attack, had another nightmare about her kidnapping. (The recent one.) Hope assures her she'll get the people responsible, this will never happen to her again. Later, Hope has tucked her in for a nap on the couch, digs a box out of the closet. She opens it with a key, and removes a gun, which she puts in her back pocket before leaving.

Ava is in the Square, looking at the pictures in her envelope, hacking up a lung. Steve spies her, comes up to her. She claims to have something stuck in her throat, he asks if she's had any other treatments, and she says she's part of a drug test now. Besides that, she's focusing on one last thing she needs to take care of, before she dies. She won't tell him what, thanks him for forgiving her. She leaves, stumbles against a table, dropping the envelope.

At the hospital, in the waiting room, Chad arrives, kisses Abby, explains how he played Stefano and André. They talk about how Thomas will get to come home today. The nurse brings Thomas in, Abby has her give Chad the baby.

Belle runs into Philip at Club TBD, she's picking up food for John & Marlena (the latter of whom texted that Brady & Eric are OK). He invites her to sit down. Fesses up about Sami's $500million theft from Stefano. Philip squeals with glee, Belle is serious, Stefano and John can't find Sami. Philip deduces Chad's part in the plot, Belle says Chad's turned on them. Philip wonders if Chad's playing her too. Belle's not sure, lets slip about the $250million in an account in her name. She plans to give it back to Stefano, then she's out of it. Philip thinks Stefano would redouble his efforts to recoup the other half if Belle did that, advises her to sit on the money, he'll protect her. She's not up for much of anything, reminds Philip to keep quiet, doesn't need a protector. Philip says his phone's always on if she needs him.

At the Horton House, Chad and Abby talk about the loss of Daniel, how everything's come back to him. He tells her that he needs to make Stefano & André think they're still in control. Later, they're snuggling on the couch, Thomas makes some noise, they leap at his basinet. He's okay; they laugh about being first-time parents. Chad feels guilty for feeling so happy with all the recent traumas, but is glad their son will grow up knowing his parents love him...and each other. Kiss.

Kayla wakes up, calls for Steve. He's in the Square, looking through the envelope Ava dropped. Later, he arrives home, Kayla's getting ready to leave. She already had a busy day, and it'll be busier now. Wonders where he was, he says he went to see Hope, and ran into Ava. Shows Kayla the pictures Ava dropped. They wonder whose baby this could be.

In her hotel room, Ava puts on music and dances around the room. She removes her robe for a shower, there's a big snake tattoo on her back.

Rafe goes to the police station, sits down and pulls out the iPad, sees an article about Daniel's death. Is visibly upset.

Hope barges into the DiMansion, demands André get Stefano down here NOW!!! André rises, staring her down.
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Abby was sleeping in the waiting room, not Thomas's room, which I thought was so strange. I couldn't believe when Steve told Hope that "something really bad had happened" and the witch said she was busy and hung up. Same thing when he went to her house. OK Hope is grieving but I am really starting to dislike her.
I think Belle has the biggest mouth in Salem.
I feel like they originally planned this stuff for Sami, but couldn't get her, so they just crossed out Sami and wrote in Belle.

I'm not loving Hope's story. Ciara is traumatised, and she skips out. She's a jerk to Rafe and Steve. Icky.

I need Ava gone. The sooner, the better.

Wonderful Chad & Abby scenes. I can't believe Rafe had to learn about Daniel's death from the iPad, and I really hate that his first reaction wasn't to comfort Nicole.

If the cops can never catch the DiMeras, give them new jobs. I do like that Rafe is front-burner, but I honestly would rather he be serving drinks again instead of tilting at windmills (both Hope and the DiMeras).
I didn't like the way Hope brushed off Steve at all.

Do ya'll think that was a Princess Gina reference in her dream when Stefano called her/someone Cara. I hope not. I don't like too many brainwash stories at once lol one is too many with Chad. Maybe "Cara" is Hope's word if so she is being controlled too.
Can someone please slap Hope really hard? Steve - something really bad has happened. Hope - Now's not a good time. and hangs up!! I could not believe that. Who is this woman?

Plus, isn't Steve smart enough to realize that Ava absolutely dropped those pictures on purpose?

And Rafe, the cop, learns about the accident and Daniel's death on the internet!! Crazy stuff.
So Hope is told something really bad has happened, and she has no time to hear it? She hangs up on Steve?
She calls Rafe over, to come immediately, he does, she gives him the boot as well?
Her daughter is emotionally overwrought, runs down and outside, and Hope leaves her alone?

I think Hope needs to be hospitalized herself.........she needs protection from herself. She has definitely gone off the rails. Oh, I cannot wait to have her find out what happened to her cousin, her nephew, her friend, Brady.........and especially to Daniel. Sure, Hope, you're too busy to even half listen to the bad that happened, the bad that Steve even came over personally after you hung up on him.......and you still won't give him 1 minute.
Hope certainly has gone off the rails. And what makes her think that Andre and Stefano would be intimidated by anything that she says or does. Andre certainly didn't seem fazed by her angry, threatening look, and he and Father are almost certain to laugh at threats of death.
I forgot to add, I think Belle has the biggest mouth in Salem. If you want something spread all over town, just tell Belle.
Right you are NikkiFan. Now that Belle has blabbed Sami's secret to Shaggy Phil, how long will it be before all of Salem knows that the Salem Screecher took the DiMera's millions. Elsewhere, it's good that Rafe is on the job, but why does he waste his time questioning Andre, a man who enjoys lying the way a gourmet enjoys fine food? Finally, if blabbermouth Belle needs a protector, she ought not rely on Philly K. a man who was once shot by the DiMeras. Sure he was able to regrow his leg, but that's no assurance that he can save Belle from the big, bad Phoenix's hired killers.
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Thanks, Jason.

The only scene I liked was when Rafe found out about Daniel. You could feel
his sadness.

So Ava got the baby pictures to Steve. Is the baby Ava's? Is the baby Steve's?
I don't care.

There are no words to describe how I feel about Hope right now. Instead of
being there for Ciara and Chase, she's in revenge mode. She doesn't have
proof the DiMera's are involved. Maybe this time they aren't.

Why do I get the feeling Philip isn't going to keep Belle's secret? Will he
want the money for himself?
I feel like they originally planned this stuff for Sami, but couldn't get her, so they just crossed out Sami and wrote in Belle.

I'm not loving Hope's story. Ciara is traumatised, and she skips out. She's a jerk to Rafe and Steve. Icky.

I need Ava gone. The sooner, the better.

Wonderful Chad & Abby scenes. I can't believe Rafe had to learn about Daniel's death from the iPad, and I really hate that his first reaction wasn't to comfort Nicole.

If the cops can never catch the DiMeras, give them new jobs. I do like that Rafe is front-burner, but I honestly would rather he be serving drinks again instead of tilting at windmills (both Hope and the DiMeras).

Pretty much my sentiments about today's show. Interesting theory about Belle and Sami though. I'm not sure how I feel about that.

I have liked Belle this week though. She is equally concerned for BOTH her brothers and her parents as well. Maybe we'll hit a triple and see her concerned about Claire too. Home run if she mentions Shawn! I also liked how she had planned to give back the money to the Dimeras. That is something Belle WOULD do. Maybe there is hope for her yet. Yes she was stupid to tell Philip but I saw that as foreshadowing of danger. I bet something is going to happen to her and/or Claire. Maybe Claire since it would also punish Hope.

Loved the Chad/Abby scenes! Very cute! That baby is so adorable!

Hope is bat crazy and annoyed the hell out of me today. The audacity of her in the way she treated Steve.

Rafe should been at the hospital investigating this case as soon as the victims were brought in. On the bright side, he should be happy Daniel is gone so he can now do his own job again.
Interesting theory about Belle and Sami though.
It's mostly a joke but much of this doesn't seem like the Belle I remember, but more like the Sami from the last two sets of writers. Flitting between men, dumb as a post, etc.

One thing that I didn't love was Philip referring to Belle's "half-brother"s. Yes, I know they are her half-brothers...but people don't usually talk like that especially in this type of situation. And under the last head writers, big points were made that Eric and Brady consider each other brothers. (I understand that it's a need to keep newer viewers who don't know the show's history up-to-date, and hence dialogue like this gets wedged in, but....) I'd have preferred "you have one brother...and another brother...," and later she could have mentioned to Chad (who doesn't know her well) that they're her half brothers. That's just me, though, and one of my pet peeves.
Steve believed in Bo, went out of his way, put his own life in danger to save Bo. He brought Bo back to Salem, against all odds. He has been a super friend, and Hope treated him like dirt. Shame on her!

I admit I was surprised he just did not yell thru the door that JENNIFER was hurt in a bad accident. Hope & Jen have been very close, but am guessing not even that would have moved Hope to open the door.