Days of Our Lives - Fri. May 13, 2016


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, May 13, 2016

Not much movement today in any storyline. Roman & Rafe are at the cop shop, unable to get in touch with Hope. Rafe gets a text with DNA results. Chase is a match for Aiden, not at all for body in cemetary. Aiden is brought out, told this, wants to be released immediately, will only talk to Hope now. Rafe doesn't care, takes Aiden into the interrogation room, removes the cuffs, tells Aiden they can still hold him on breaking and entering, but Aiden used the key Hope had given him. (surprising they let him keep that key in the cage, lol) Aiden proclaims to still love Hope, going to get her back, Rafe talks of Chase raping Ciara, Aiden is going to have Chase change his guilty plea, since he has not gone to trial yet. etc. etc. Rafe leaves the room, talks a bit with Roman, Hope comes in, gets the news.

She gets filled in, goes in to talk to Aiden, who pleads with her to believe he loves her, she loves him, and he wants to get back with her. She says she loved the man she thought he was. More pleas by Aiden, Hope walks out, has to get out of there, leaves with Rafe. Aiden wants to see his son. Sure can, he is in jail.

Earlier, when they could not reach her, Hope had driven out to see Andre. She tells him Aiden showed up, is alive, a lookalike is who attacked her. Andre denies everything, claims no knowledge. Hope reminds him of the two Rafes, lookalikes are a specialty of Stefano & Andre, but he says if Stefano did, he knows nothing about it. He ups and leaves.

Over at the DiMera house, Chad is trying to put together some stuff to make Abby want to come home. Ciara comes in as Thomas is fussing. She gets a bottle, fills Chad in about Aiden showing up alive. Meanwhile, Dr. Robinson is talking to Abby about sending Chad home. Abby has no answers, Dr. Robinson brings out the bunny, Abby smiles, her son's favorite toy. When she hears it was in the trash, she denies putting it there, even though a nurse saw her. She realizes she doesn't remember. The doctor has a nice chat, offering reasons why Abby may have done this. Abby talks of Thomas crying when she comes near him, being a bad mother, etc. Dr. Robinson reassures her.

At the hospital, Gabi seems to be getting better, her fever is going down. She is worried about Ari, begs Mami to make the poultice she used to make when Gabi was little to reduce fever. Later, in Ari's room, Mami is holding the poultice on Ari's forehead, nurse comes in, has a fit they are there, doctor arrives, arguing, Mami says she is a trained nurse, that Dr. Johnson said she could help and that is what she is doing. Gabi is insisting they are family, cannot be stopped. Guess they agree to let them stay, as next time the nurse takes Ari's temp, it has gone down some.

Fynn & another doc talk of how Gabi seems to be recovering on her own, that the CDC says no outbreak like this any where else, they want to test something of Gabi's, but CDC would take too much time. Meanwhile, Kayla has gotten out of bed, resumed working, yes, wearing her HazMat suit. Too many patients, tells Fynn to stay in the lab, someone has to be in charge, and that is her.

Chad gets a call, it is Abby, who takes a while, but eventually tells Chad she doesn't want him to visit her any more. Nor Thomas, And please tell her mother & brother the same thing. Chad protests, loves her, but Abby is determined. She hangs up, then begins to cry.

Chad is at his desk, head in hands, crying. Ciara comes in, just rests her hand on his shoulder. He gets up, has to go take care of something. He goes to see Dr. Robinson, protests about not being able to see Abby, but it was Abby's decision, they have to respect that. Frustrated, he leaves, telling the doctor to tell his wife he loves her and misses her.

Hope & Rafe go to the Pub, Caroline comes to say she heard about Gabi & Ari, is praying for them. Hope asks what is that about, he fills her in. Now they talk of Aiden, Hope says she only believes that Aiden was kidnapped, etc. but doesn't know really when it occurred, so doesn't believe any of the rest of it. She wonders if perhaps she is still married to him. Rafe asks her how she herself really feels about all this.

And over at the prison, Aiden has come to, not his son, as here comes Andre, grinning from ear to ear. Well, well, look who is here.
Still think Dr. Robinson is working for someone. Why can't Steve be involved with this storyline too? He has good instincts for this type of thing.

Where did Mama H get the supplies for a home remedy if the hospital is under quarantine? :rolleyes: Also, could that have been 1 scene instead of the whole show?

Chad/Ciara: NO

Hope remembered fake Rafe but not Princess Gina? Maybe she is really Princess Gina and the real Hope is locked up? P.S. Hope: Arianna is your COUSIN! Show a little more concern than her simply being your new boyfriend/ex-nephew-in-law's niece.

Love Rafe but he needs to find something else to do. He doesn't play the jealous part well, especially when it's with a woman that he doesn't share much chemistry with in the first place. If I were writing, I would have had him go to the hospital and contract the virus too while Hope spends time re-acquainting with Aiden.

Could Chase also be an imposter?

I think the ending was a red herring and Aiden is just there to confront Andre. I was pleasantly surprised to hear Aiden mention on Wednesday that Andre was back in Salem before the rest of Salem knew about it. We all had been questioning that at the time so good continuity there.
Which means he also would have to be the son of an imposter Aiden.

No, I think this is real Aiden, & mostly I believe it because the show actually showed the viewers what had really happened.........not Aiden's version that he related to Hope.
Writers whatever this thing with Chad and Ciara you seem to be hinting at goes can you just not and say you did? Please?

I also think the writers have a different definition of the word "always" then I do. Because Adriana told Gabi that there was always someone with Arianna and yet when they entered the the little girl's room once again she was by herself. So it can't really be said there is someone with her at "all times" can it? It's a very small thing tut just something I thought I would mention. I also loved how we hear that Arianna's getting worse yet when we see her she's all smiles LOL.

I know that the way confrontation between Adriana and the nurse and doctor played out probably wasn't realistic Security most likely would have been called but still I loved her feistiness so those scenes were A-Okay with me.

Finally I have to HA! at the very notion that mere man-made deadly virus could keep my girl Gabi down. My heart sang when it was revealed that the CDC guy working with Fynn wanted to study Gabi's immune system more because she seemed to be the one fighting the virus off. Again I say HA!
Don't know about the US but here if your kid is in hospital you have to stay with them the entire time. Not in the NICU, but definitely in the general children's ward. The nursing staff aren't babysitters and don't have the resources to watch the kids for you.

Poor Chase, your dad's too busy declaring love for Hope and seeing Andre to come tell you he's not dead. This poor kid gets shafted every time, no wonder he's got issues.
I only watched a bit of this, in between meetings today. Does Andre have special permission to wear his own clothing? Granted the tv was at an angle, but he didn't look to be in prison garb.

What is the point of being in a white stupid looking hazmat suit if you constantly take your mask off??? I know if you wear it I can't see your pretty face, but why bother with the entire outfit??

So far I'm deeply unimpressed.
Sad to see Chad cry today and very bad to see Ciara comfort him.

Ciara mentioned Mary today. It's been awhile since we've seen her. She took
care of Allie and Johnny when they were babies.

I hope Hope gets her locks changed and no longer keeps a key outside
the door since Aiden is out of jail.

I'm not sure what Adriana said about the poultice. I thought she said she went
and got it, but that wouldn't make sense she's in quarantine.

I'm glad Gabi and Arianna are better, Maybe there is something in the
family DNA to help fight the virus.
Hard to believe that Hope actually remembered that she's probably still married to Aiden, too.
Unless the marriage certificate was filed immediately after the wedding, they would not be legally married. Only in Salem would a marriage certificate be filed after the groom's "death."

I wonder what the patches on the HazMat suits were before being clumsily covered over with the pieces of gray fabric?
Property of The Young and the Restless???
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