Days of Our Lives - Thu., Dec. 22, 2016


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Western Wisconsin
At the Horton House, Abby looks mournfully at the tree. Jennifer has packed her food for her trip to Boston. Abby's sure her plan is sound. Abby wallows in self-pity as Jennifer admits she hates pretending Abby's dead. Later, Abby is gone, Jen tells JJ. Julie and Doug arrive and see the hangdog expressions, assume it's about Hope. They talk of how many will be missing, Julie learns Thomas won't be coming. Cue sad face for JJ.

At the DiMansion, Chad lays into André, he doesn't want his elder brother's opinion on Gabi. André says he will regret this, but leaves.

At the motel, Nicole holds the baby, begs Chloe to wake up so this little girl doesn't have to grow up without her mother. She calls Deimos (who has offered a pilot triple fee to fly him to Chloe's location) and begs him to hurry there. She hangs up and Brady arrives. Brady tends to Chloe, they have to get her out of there. Deimos arrives in his chopper with an EMT.

Hope gets an afterhours prison visitor, Rafe, who wanted to be with the woman he loved on Christmas Eve/her birthday. He has brought her a religious relic that belonged to his grandmother (has a note from the warden saying it's OK).

At the DiMansion, Gabi and Chad talk about dinner plans and they exchange gifts. They're on the same wavelength. They talk about how nobody thinks they'll work, challenge accepted. Later, she catches him dressing, it is now awkward because they are pursuing a relationship. Downstairs (and this scene appears AFTER stalker Abby at the Horton window) Abby lurks. Meanwhile upstairs, Chad tells Gabi that for the first time since Abby died, he really does feel he has his whole life ahead of him. They kiss and undress, getting serious; Abby contemplates opening a door.

The Hortons are gathered. JJ, Abe, Valerie, Claire, Shawn-D, Theo, Lani, Jennifer, Maggie, Ciara. JJ offers Lani a drink, she declines. Ciara plays Hope's favourite record and looks wistfully at Claire & Theo. Jenn offers to support Ciara if she ever just needs to hang out. (Abby lurks outside.)

Ornament scene. Julie speaks, talking about how the presence of those who have ornaments, made them a better person. Julie hangs Tom; Abe tells Valerie they do this every year; Valerie remembers how magical it was. Abe reacts. Musical montage as we see the ornaments for Tom, Alice; Julie, Doug, David, Scotty; Jessica, Nicholas (cue sad Julie face); Maggie, Victor, Mickey (which Maggie is shown removing from the box), Sarah; Melissa, Melanie, Parker, Daniel; Claire, Shawn-Douglas, Belle, Zack, Ciara, Chelsea; Bo and Hope (hung by Shawn-D and Ciara, Ed note: I admit I'm tearing up at this). Bill, Laura, Mike, Jeremy, Lucas, Will, Alice Caroline (Allie); Arianna Grace; Jack, Jennifer, Jack Jr, Thomas Jack; Abby (hung by Jennifer). The music is mostly instrumental; Maggie looks at a picture of Tom & Alice.

At the hospital, Chloe has had a stroke (blood pressure drop caused by preeclampsia then the pressure change from flight). She's in a coma. Nicole goes to check on the baby. Deimos and Brady worry about Nicole, who should be having the happiest day of her life. Brady doesn't want Nicole told until they are sure. They go back and forth a bit, Deimos decides an illegal DNA test is the way to go.

Back at the Horton House, Jennifer is missing Abby, wishes she'd insisted Chad bring Thomas, so a part of Abby could be here (she's speaking to Julie). Claire gives Theo the card, he's happy, she doesn't talk about Ciara's help. Meanwhile, Doug notices JJ's new Gabi ornament and advises him that once upon a time, he was in JJ's shoes. All that's needed is one person who will never give up. Claire also gives Theo a spy device, which they conspire to plant in her purse. Ciara sees it. Shawn-D asks her what's up, Ciara deflects, says it doesn't feel like Christmas without mom. Later, Julie talks about faith and prayers and miracles as she reminisces about Grampa Tom and the Christmas story. Doug talks about how grateful he is for everyone here. They start to sing (side note: it looks like JJ is wiping his eyes at this point, nice touch).

A nurse asks Nicole what name to use, and what to put for father's name. Nicole doesn't know, but was asked to name the baby. A festive name seems appropriate, she settles on Holly.

Abby goes into Thomas's nursery, tells him he deserves a life without a mommy who can't keep it together. Meanwhile back in Chad's room, the bra-clad Gabi and Chad cease their plans for Christmas coitus, he says he wants to do things right. They exchange "I love you"s before Gabi goes off to take Ari to a Christmas party.

At the prison, Rafe gets a call from Justin, wonders when Hope will be sprung. The news is not good. Her appeal was denied.

Gabi talks to Abby's monument, wishes her best friend were here, so she could say she's never been this happy in her whole life (even though she acknowledges the ill-logic in this).

Back at the nursery, Abby is giving Thomas a final kiss good-by; Chad enters. Abby?
Geez, last year they made a big deal of showing Janice's ornament a few times, but she's forgotten again this year? I still wonder if there was supposed to be some twist with Summer, or that Janet Bernard, with Janice, but it was scrapped? I mean, we hadn't seen Janice's ornament since the late 80's, it was prominently shown last year, and now back to being forgotten again.
Then if Lani was pregnant, Jade could lose her baby, pretend to still be pregnant, then steal Lani's baby and pass it off as her and Joey's child. :sarcasm:

And since Jade's father is African American, no one would think anything of the child being biracial.
Hasn't aired in my time zone. I guess all I can say is I'm glad Chad and Gabi stopped early. But I do have to say that it never ceases to amaze me how some people bounce back from losing the love of their live while others pine forever.

Nicole, I like the name, but am sorry, it's going to take till Holly's first birthday for you to know about her parentage.

Shocking the absent and fan disliked Summer didn't get a ornament this year, given we are shown Melissa's and Sarah's.

Lani, I hope you have a story this time around. Last time you didn't impress. But then lurking is hard to carry off episode after episode.

Abby, there is nothing to say about your muddled mind that hasn't been said already.

Thanks Jason for writing this up.
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It's funny how the ornaments look so gorgeous on TV, but when you see the close-up pictures, you can see how banged up they are.

I was glad to see the new replicas of Tom and Alice's ornaments look good (the originals were donated to the Smithsonian, along with two others).

I liked the other names Nicole also thought about: Noel, Natalie and Mary.

Guess we're not going to get a Horton reading the Christmas story to the kids at the hospital this year.
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I wish Arianna and Thomas got to be there since they are both Hortons! Oh well! I always enjoy the Horton ornaments. I can't believe Gabi and Chad are saying "I love you" already.

I think the name Holly is cute. I had to run out before Nicole picked her name. I am going to try and watch it later!
Holly is cute. I am surprised she didn't pick Danielle though and I was afraid she was gonna pick Santa! I knew a woman named Santa years ago. I hope she finds out sooner rather than later.

I am so happy that Chad and Gabi stopped before they did the deed. I thought crap he's gonna see Abby right after that! But he did just tell Gabi that he loved her. Ugh. Thomas looks too little to be 1 now I think.

Enough with Rafe and Hope they are not now, never have been, never will be true loves!! Stop forcing it!!!
We got some early Christmas presents:

I'm glad that Brady got to Nicole, Chloe and the baby before Deimos did. I realize that Brady only got there first by only a matter of minutes. I'm glad we didn't that sleazebag bursting on his white horse or black helicopter as the case may be, looking totally like the hero. Although I do have to question Brady's rather sudden insertion into this storyline. It makes wonder if we're eventually going to end up with a Brady/Nicole/Deimos/Chloe quadrangle? I know perish the thought "shudder"

The Horton get-together and ornament hanging. I like seeing the family connections even if they are ignored for the rest of the year. It's just nice to see.

Doug encouraging JJ to fight for Gabi. Although I couldn't help notice that Julie was well out of earshot LOL.

Chad and Gabi putting on the brakes. I would like to think that deep down they both know this really isn't a good idea. I'm going to honest and admit under different circumstances (Gabi never being involved with JJ; Abigail not coming back, etc) I could get possibly get behind this pairing unfortunately that is not the case. I have to say though I did think the thing with the gifts was kind of cute.

Gabi at the angel memorial, some might think that was in bad taste and maybe it was, but I think Gabi's sentiment was sincere and she admitted her logic of wonky, which helped.

Chad finally seeing Abigail, I mean who didn't say "Glory, Glory Hallelujah" when that happened? And I have to give the writers kudos for a great fake out. I really thought Abigail was standing outside Chad's bedroom door when they cut to commercial.

Lump of coal:

What was with that Grinch of a guard. I mean to act like Hope is a prison inmate and to enforce prison rules? Didn't he know he was dealing with Rafe and Hope? I mean the very nerve :sputters in outrage:

Seriously, though, as much I love Rafe, I have to question his thinking. Hope is a cop in prison. That automatically puts a target on her back. She has been physically attacked twice and lives under constant threat. So what does he do? He continually uses his badge to get her special treatment. Yeah that's not winning Hope any friends there, buddy.
O.K. color me surprised. Chad got to see Abby TODAY!! I thought for sure it would be tomorrow, so we could all stew over the holidays. Add me to the list of those sick of Abby's pity party, her skulking around spying on family, and her insistence this is all for the best,

I always love the Horton ornament hanging, but I wish it was a bit more upbeat! I did like Doug breaking into O Come All Ye Faithful, even if Days would not let us hear the entire thing. I liked Jack's picture being on the table. Did not like Maggie's poor excuse for Victor's absence that he "threw his back out". I did not like Daniel, Parker & Melanie having ornaments on the tree. Yes, being petty, I am.

I really like Nicole's choice of name. I am amazed at the speed with with not only Brady arriving at that motel, (would love to know how he managed thru Chicago suburbs and streets, on that snowmobile, lol) And then bingo, Deimos is there with the helicopter. And....are they all at Salem's hospital?? I mean Chloe was unconscious, had just delivered a baby, and they did not do "nearest hospital"? Tsk, tsk.
No matter what happened, why wasn't there an ornament for Chad on the tree? He's part of the family. Or did I miss it?

Color me also thrilled that Chad and Gabi stopped when they did. They're moving these two just a little too fast, although I get that being sort of necessary for the stress of the storyline.

Chloe in a coma due to stroke. Not surprised. Lani not drinking? Oh gods, please, don't let her be pregnant by JJ.
Lani could have something non-alcoholic, it was offered. In fact, even Egg Nog is non-alcoholic. (But yes, even without that refusal, I have been concerned about her coming to Salem, and I doubt it is for Daddy. )
what if Lani is JJ's latest affair, she declined the drink because she's pregnant,
My thoughts exactly, embrb. If she faints or gets a dizzy spell in the next few weeks, it's a sure bet.

I was hoping that Nicole would have a Christmas miracle, and find out that Holly belongs to her. Ah......
It was good to see that the Hortons still acknowledge the family black sheep by putting Nick's and Jeremy's ornaments on the tree. As for honorary Hortons, where was Victor? Was he banned this year because of his potential to make snarky and/or grouchy remarks. And fie on Claire, using the sacred Horton ornament event as an opportunity to continue Salem's teen crime wave by illegally planting a listening device in Dr. Grant's handbag. This kid clearly has no sense of occasion. Even such well-known past illegal buggers, such as EJ and Nick Fallon would be shaking their heads over this one. Finally, the writers have some nerve foisting the worn-out coma plot device on the audience by again sending Chloe into deep unconsciousness. Only John Black rates multiple comas.
why wasn't there an ornament for Chad on the tree? He's part of the family. Or did I miss it?
No, you didn't miss it. He didn't receive one today.
where was Victor?
Maggie told Julie that he threw out his back while decorating the tree. Sure, likely excuse. Julie even said he was probably at home with a drink instead of hanging out with the Hortons.