Days of Our Lives - Fri., Jan. 27, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, January 27, 2017

While everyone who appears today really did a great job, there really was NO movement in any storyline, which all seem to be just going nowhere. In Prague, Rafe is pacing, been an hour since Shane called, where is he. Chit chat, but he finally arrives, apologizes, says he has good news. They went thru all the photos from the two houses, Paul was such a great help, discarded those of no use, but got some. And even tho dark, etc. ISA had special program to enhance the pics, weed out, blow up, zero in on.....the upshot is, as they all look at the results, they seem to have a positive I.D. on one, it is Stefano.
Shane leaves, saying the ISA will be following up on this, blah, blah. After he goes, Rafe is bemoaning them all being reduced to once again, just waiting around. Steve figures they should go after Stefano themselves. The ISA will have to deal with governments, and when Czech security hears, Stefano will be hearing 5 minutes later. Marlena figures they have to lure him out, she knows how he thinks, and with the right incentive, Stefano will forget his usual security measures. She thinks she should be the bait.

Justin is with Nicole, has arranged for her bail, now just has to gather the money to get her out, will be right back. She puts her head on the desk, hears Daniel's voice, and there he is, sitting across from her, smiling. She is so glad to see him, knows he is a dream, wishes she could dream about him every night. He gives her a good pep talk about how strong she is, how good, knows about Holly, will be watching over them both, knows Nicole will fight for her, not let her down, more yada, yada, yada. She now hears Brady's voice, he has come to see her. She raises her head from the desk, Daniel is gone. Brady says DNA has proved without a doubt, Holly is child of Nicole & Daniel. She is yours. Justin will be using that, suing for sole custody. She apologizes for how she acted towards him before, goes thru the litany of always wanting a child, losing out, Brady understands, no need for her to apologize. Hugs, good friends, and now they talk of being friends for so long, now being parents, but both sitting, play dates, etc. etc.
Justin returns, her bail is paid, she only has to sign a few papers. She goes to do so, Brady will wait for her.

Maggie & Victor arrive at the hospital, Deimos is there, sorry he did not say was not emergency. Has something to tell them. As he starts, Chloe arrives, and the entire story is told to Victor & Maggie. Vic, of course, has nothing but nasty remarks for Chloe , reminding her she won't stand a chance in court. Maggie tries to shut him up, to no avail. Chloe insists she is going to sue for full custody. Maggie asks to see Chloe alone, they go in a room, Maggie gets to hold the baby at last, tries to reason a bit with Chloe, who is adamant about the evil Deimos. Maggie should know better than anyone about that, but Maggie has made her peace. Maggie thinks a child should be raised by it's mother, but Chloe gave birth, and will not allow Deimos to be near the child. They go back out, a cop comes by to say he is leaving now, she is not to leave town. Victor figures that is a warning to Chloe that she is not going to win in this case. Vic has a few words for Deimos. Daniel was his godson, so he has a stake in this. Holly is definitely going to be raised a Kiriakis. He & Maggie leave.

Deimos now has his turn to reason with Chloe. She reminds him how he came on to her, false identity (Robert), and won't have Holly near him. Deimos understands how she feels, but the fact is, Holly is Nicole's daughter, she is going to get custody, they will be married, and he is going to be raising her. Chloe leaves.

Brady is waiting for Nicole, Justin comes in. Where is Nicole. Justin is surprised, Nicole was done 15-20 minutes ago, didn't she come here? Brady figures he knows exactly where Nicole is.

Chloe has put Holly into her crib, is glad she is finally asleep. Knocking at the door. Chloe doesn't want the baby awakened, hurries to the door and opens it. There stands Nicole. Face off!
As always Poirot, thanks for a good summary. I think we will be preempted but I will mute Nicole's DrDanTan dreaming.
Thank you, Poirot.

After today's show, I'm wishing that Nicole hadn't stopped the guy from killing Deimos. He's a nasty piece of work, and I was yelling at him when he was being so nasty to Chloe. Yep, I hope Chloe retains custody until Nicole finally dumps that creep.

On the other hand, I loved Maggie with Holly.

The Daniel "spirit" scenes were ok, too.

To me, Victor came off as just plain mean instead of his usual funny snarkiness.

The Keystone Kops in Prague had me shaking my head. The scene with Shane was especially drawn out and strange with all of the "extra" explanations about the ISA software. I kept yelling "Just get on with it already".
Thank you for the summary, Poirot. I know the show did air here so I hope to watch it tonight. I can already tell two parts of it could have been preempted, as far as I'm concerned--Daniel and Deimos. Why oh why can't Nicole ever get with a man I like? I wonder if hers and Brady's talk about both being alone and raising a child has any significance. Not that I've ever wanted her with Brady but at least I don't dislike him in the way I do Daniel and Deimos. I just think Nicole and Brady are better as good friends.

I'd like for the story in Prague to be more interesting. I'm trying to enjoy it but it just doesn't seem to have any substance to it. I wonder how long it will last.
If I had been anywhere near in that hospital, when Deimos was screaming at Chloe, security would be escorting him out, but first I'd make sure my shoe was not stuck to his backside. Jerk!

That said.......just WHY was Chloe at the hospital with the baby? She was not meeting anyone, made me wonder.

And then....I really liked that Brady was being such a good friend, Nicole sure needed one...but when they talked about both having kids, beings parents..was wondering just when has Brady spent any time with his little boy? He has not even said his name! I mean, not even a "left Tate with Julie/Jennifer/JJ/daycare" ...just zero.....
Deimos and Victor really irritated me today with their trash talk about Chloe and about Holly being raised as a Kiriakis. Just no. Even though the DNA test said Daniel and Nicole are the parents, I still want this baby to be Eric's child. Since Salem is the capital of tampered paternity tests, it can still happen. I also hated it when Deimos was yelling at Chloe. He should have definitely been restrained by security. And he wonders why she wants to keep the baby away from him?

So far, I've found this Prague storyline uninteresting and boring. Today was no different.

but when they talked about both having kids, beings parents..was wondering just when has Brady spent any time with his little boy? He has not even said his name! I mean, not even a "left Tate with Julie/Jennifer/JJ/daycare" ...just zero.....

I have been wondering that as well. We have not really seen Tate since Theresa left. Even at Christmas, Brady was at the hospital with Chloe and Nicole. No mention of Tate then or since that time.
Once again, it was a case of featured Salemites behaving badly.

Victor: He aimed a record-breaking amount of invective at Chloe, calling her an "incubator," "idiot," "stupid twit," "minx," and "vindictive." This is sure to make Chloe want to give up Baby Holly.:sarcasm:

Deimos: Equally counterproductive was Deimos's rant at the hospital. It only served to reinforce all of Chloe's negative feelings about the ruthless Kiriakis and make her more determined to keep the baby.

Nicole: She borrowed a page from Jenny's playbook and rushed to confront her adversary right after being released from custody. Barring a miracle, this is also sure to be counterproductive.

Chloe: Her Deimos mania continues unabated and she's impervious to reason. Even if Nicole went to prison, the diva wouldn't be in line to take custody of Baby Holly. The most likely person would be a relative of the genetic parents. Faye Walker may be dead and Taylor "Tayhag" Walker (lowlife Quinn Hudson's main squeeze) is long gone, but waiting in the wings is egg-grandmother Maggie, one of the most respected women in Salem.

Elsewhere, Love Doctor worship continued unabated :sick:, while over in Prague, the Great Stefano Hunt has devolved into a proposed kidnapping. Anywhere but Days, this could easily result in the Stefano squad ending up in a Czech jail. And even if they grab the Phoenix and spirit him back to Salem, what can he be charged with? His alleged arms trafficking took place outside Roman's jurisdiction, and unless the criminal laws in Salem are unique, being shot three times and surviving isn't a crime.
I'm confused, why would Brady leave Tate with Jennifer or Julie, or JJ?

I don't want to see Nicole get with Brady because more than likely, Theresa will return and Nicole will get dumped again.
I'm confused, why would Brady leave Tate with Jennifer or Julie, or JJ?
I was only using names that popped into my mind. Heck, everyone is friends in Salem, so why not? Brady can't use Marlena, but actually.........the last I knew, Brady was living in the Kmansion with Theresa, probably is still there unless he moved....did he?
Nice to see Shane, but why did he make a big deal about the ISA classified
facial program when they watched in the lobby? Did anyone here think
the person looked like Stefano?

I'm glad Maggie knows about Holly and got to hold her. It was strange to
hear Chloe tell Maggie how she had Holly. Isn't this way Daniel was born?

Victor called Chloe an incubator :)

When Daniel told Nicole she would always have his heart, I thought of the
song "My Heart Will Go On" from Titanic. It's still going around and
around in my head.
I watched but deleted off the dvr after viewing. Anyway. My neighbor sent me a text, we just found out we both watched Days. She asked what did she miss. Nicole wasn't wearing Deimos' ring. I didn't notice and I don't have it to go back to watch. And I don't remember her taking his ring off. Just a wardrobe oops??? Or did I miss something earlier this week?
I went back and checked. Nicole was not wearing any ring while at the police station. I watched several times to see if she had it on when she knocked on Chloe's door at the end. I believe she did. I'm thinking maybe when she was arrested they made her turn in all of her jewelry for safekeeping and then returned it to her when she was released on bail.

About why Chloe was at the hospital, she entered the room with a policeman. When Deimos asked the officer if he wasn't going to arrest Chloe, the officer replied, "All I did was conduct an interview, sir." Then later, when the officer was leaving, he told Chloe not to leave town. I don't know why a police interview would be done at the hospital. I wondered if Chloe had to take the baby there for the DNA test, but I thought Roman was going to get what was needed for that from the hotel room yesterday.
Agree with everyone else here. It was Deimos propping day in Salem.

Deimos was infuriating as was Victor. I wish Chloe had called security.

that said.......just WHY was Chloe at the hospital with the baby? She was not meeting anyone, made me w

She was there for the paternity test. She said at the end of yesterday's episode that she was going with Holly. I don't know how they got from a social worker to a uniform cop escorting her though.

I did like the Brady and Nicole scenes but I too want them to be friends. If they turn into something more, I think it will be temporary since Eric and Chloe are in the picture.

The Prague stuff is boring. Did Marlena even have more than one line today?
Being it is Salem....well, those involved have already stated opinions on the whys and wherefores, and Belle did not even want to take the case. I get the feeling that somehow, poor little Holly will end up being taken away from them both.
I thought it was a good show all around. Very enjoyable. Chloe, of course, was irritating, but that's a testament to how much Nadia Bjorlin (Chloe) has grown as an actor since she first appeared on the soap.

I'd like to see Brady and Nicole together, and I definitely think that's what the scene with Daniel and his heart foreshadowed. Do I think (or want) they'll be permanent? No. I suspect Nicole would step aside if Theresa returned, as they get along now. But Brady & Nicole always seem anyway to come to the realization that they're better as friends, even when they're together. As far as Nicole and Eric, I don't believe they'd ever be together because of what happened to Daniel, and how Nicole still clearly misses him (thanks to the writers). I do think they'll try Jennifer and Eric as a couple, though. :sick: