Days of Our Lives - Wed., Mar. 22, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, March 22, 2017

NBC broke in and pre-empted the last 15 min. of the show, returned as the credits were rolling. So, if anyone has seen the last part of the show, please add it.

There was a replay of Chad, at the Club, calling for Abby to come up, and not showing up, along with Dario finding her purse and other items outside. Chad makes an excuse, gets off the mike, Dario shows him what he found. Chad worries, gets on the mike again, says Abby was called away, Eli offers a toast to her and her hard work. Chad now is going out to try and find his wife. Dario starts looking for Gabi, asks Eli who mentions her leaving. Dario calls her, leaves a message to call him.

Sonny meets up in the park with Paul, who is keeping an eye on Deimos's men. Sonny thinks Deimos will be going after Chad, tells Paul to get to Chad, warn him, keep an eye. If Deimos tries something, they have to catch him in the act, send him back to prison. Sonny goes back to the house. Deimos is on the phone with his goons, who have assured him all is done. Deimos figures now Chad will pay. Sonny has overheard, gets into big argument with Deimos about Chad. Deimos claims Chad cost Titan money, Sonny is right back at him that he made the bad decisions which led to it all. Sonny claims he is trying to not let Deimos sink Titan, but Deimos figures he is the only one keeping it afloat. Sonny goes to call Paul, warn him to get into the club and protect Chad,, he goes back to watch Deimos, who is now gone.

JJ & Lani are sitting in the square, getting cozy, Abe comes along, is not too happy. JJ goes to refill their coffees, Abe lets Lani know he doesn't think JJ is the right guy for her, but really wants to ask a favor. Talk to Eli, who won't talk to his mom. Lani understands, was in the same place, having a parent keep a secret about her bio father, that yes, she was angry, but got over it. Abe is happy she is in his life. She agrees, JJ returns, she tells him about the favor, and they decide to go to the club, even tho late, since he promised Abby.

They arrive, run into Eli who was leaving. JJ goes inside, Lani stays outside to talk to Eli, it is awkward, not knowing him really, she mentions seeing him alone by the casket at David's funeral. Eli says yes, it was personal, ...(no more on this because of the pre-emption)

JJ goes inside, runs into Paul who fills him in on what Sonny has told him, and what seems to be going on.

In some warehouse, Gabi is shoved inside by the goon, is mad, but a tied up Abby speaks up, and soon Gabi is also tied up in the chair. Both ladies want to know what the blazes is going on, figure this is because of Chad. Meanwhile, Chad gets a text from Abby's phone, telling him to come to Warehouse 8 on the docks, along with a pic of the tied up Abby. Chad goes, is looking around, a thug appears behind him, knocks him out.

Now he is tied up to a chair, finally comes to, Abby is calling him. Chad is struggling to free himself, no dice. The women both have needles taped to their arms, with an IV tube running to it. The goon sets a device in front of Chad, which has distorted audio, a male voice greets him......has a bit of chiding fun, then tells him that both ladies will be receiving poison thru the IV tubes. 5 minutes after the bag empties their lungs will fail and they will die. Chad will be given 1 vial of antidote, his bonds taken off, and only enough time to give the contents to one woman. He has to choose who to save. Gabi is screaming as is Abby. They are mothers, have small children. Chad is struggling, calling Deimos all kinds of names, vowing to kill him. Deimos is laughing as Chad will be able to save one, but will spend the rest of his life with guilt over being responsible for killing the other. We see Deimos out on the dock, talking into the mike, "Let's begin now, shall we".
O.K. I went over to twitter, read some tweets from a few people who were able to see the show. Evidently Dario, Paul & JJ figure out how to tell where Chad went.

But meanwhile, the gals are being given the poison, and starting to choke. Chad starts to give Abby the antidote. Gabi is working on freeing herself.
Seems to me this "kidnap to insert needles and do damage is a sort of variation on Yo Daddy's kidnapping of John and then Paul to use as lab rats, or take their blood to extend his own life......something stupid like that. LOL
One of my favorite moments from today's episode somewhat parapharased:

Lani: Hello Eli, my name's Lani and I know I only kind of sort of met you for about two nanoseconds a couple of weeks ago. But I'm now going to insert myself into your relationship with your mother. That's not going to be a problem is it?

I don't know about the rest of you, but I just absolutely adore this seemingly growing trend of people forcing their way into the lives of complete strangers. And by "adore" I mean I just want to take scripts that has those scenes and shred them. I then want to burn those shredded scripts and send the ashes to NASA. Where the engineers will then put the ashes on an unmanned exploratory capsule and shoot into a black hole. The black hole would then collapse in on itself thus effectively erasing the capsule and its contents from existence. In other words, I don't like it.

Chad's "Sophie's Choice" moment wasn't predictable at all was it? Seriously, I can't really blame him because Abigail is his wife and the mother of his child, after all. But this was rather extreme way of shutting the door on any hopes Gabi have had of anything happening between them. Speaking of Gabi, I'm not too worried because I said on another thread that I suspect this was all a sick bluff to ruin Chad's relationships with both women. I think whatever is the IV's isn't lethal at all.

I just want my girl to move on now.

As far as Deimos goes, all I say is he is one lucky mama-jama that I don't live in Salem. :angry:
I was thinking the same thing, about a gigantic bluff. That perhaps whatever it was would make the gals sick, but would not kill them. Deimos having a bit of fun. Because, if he HAD killed Gabi, it would not only be Hernandez family coming after him, but Hortons, Bradys, & the DiMeras as well. Plus Kate. And yep, the rest of the Kiriakis clan as well.

After all, Chad & Abby would be alive to tell the tale, would they not?
Will somebody please tell the writers that sadistic kidnappings are a worn-out and decidedly unwelcome plot device. The viewers have already been subjected to this sort of sick rubbish with Yo-Daddy and Orpheus. Here, it's arguably worse because it was a safe assumption that both the deranged Yo-Daddy and the odious Orpheus were soon going down for the count, but the idiotic, monstrous Deimos will continue to grace viewers' TV screens until further notice.
Speaking of Gabi, I'm not too worried because I said on another thread that I suspect this was all a sick bluff to ruin Chad's relationships with both women. I think whatever is the IV's isn't lethal at all.
Good point. This could easily be Deimos's way of ruining Chad's relationship with one woman or another. How long will it now be until the hapless Chad is confronted by a glowering Dario: "You creep, you were going to let my sister die!!!"

Speaking of poor Chad, if he wanted to mess with the bad boys, he really should have studied Stefano's always-useful DiMera Family Tactical Guidebook. If he had, he never would have gone down to the warehouse without the likes of Sergio and Ricardo lurking in the background as back-up. (This safeguard once saved both EJ and the Phoenix when they were about to be executed on the piers by some creep who had offered to sell them "conflict diamonds.")
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Thank you for writing this up. Putting possible poison into people's veins is just too creepy for me, even though I agree that it probably isn't really poison. I might try to watch and fast forward the worst of it but it doesn't sound like there is much to this episode except for leading up to the poison thing.
The list is getting longer who want Deimos dead. In fact, it's probably everyone
in Salem and the Salem Spectator board :)

Deimos had some funny lines. Sonny was talking to him about Chad being
his friend and married to his cousin. Deimos replied "I don't care if he's
engaged to your favorite dog" I laughed.

Abe shouldn't have had Lani talk to Eli. All it did was make things worse.
Maybe Abe should ask Marlena to help Eli and his mom.

I wonder if the three of them were embarrassed that someone else knows Chad
loves them both? Oh well, it's Salem probably everyone in town knows anyway.

I'm hoping Chad is going to give some of the antidote to Abby and save
some for Gabi.
I laughed at Deimos' line about the dog, too. He and Sonny were wearing the same colors, too.

I didn't like Abe asking Lani to talk to Eli, it was awkward!

So hopefully this kidnapping should only last one day, right?
.......I just want to take scripts that has those scenes and shred them. I then want to burn those shredded scripts and send the ashes to NASA. Where the engineers will then put the ashes on an unmanned exploratory capsule and shoot into a black hole. The black hole would then collapse in on itself thus effectively erasing the capsule and its contents from existence. In other words, I don't like it.
