Days of Lives - Fri., July 28, 2017


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Friday, July 28, 2017

Marlena is at the Pub, talking to Roman about Kayla's situation, No, no one at the hospital has said a word to her. She mentions John returning, should be there in about an hour. Roman senses something is off, any problems? No, just that she gets lonely, as he has been gone a lot. She goes home, up to the bedroom. She has a tray with strawberries & whipped cream, two champagne glasses, champagne, a bucket of ice. She changes into a silk robe, gets herself comfy on the bed.

Meanwhile, Anjelica is with Hattie, telling her she cannot blow this now. Yes, Hattie understands she cannot make too much of Mr. Roman if this is to work. She gives her the keys to Marlena's apt. Over at the Pub, the guy hired by Anjelica to tail Marlena calls her, reports that Marlena left. Showtime, says Anj to Hattie. Marlena is going home.

And Marlena, lays comfy on the bed, hears the door, calls out "I'm up here, honey". She pours champagne into two glasses, holds one in each hand as she see the door handle turn. Surprise, she says, then looks towards the door. There stands Hattie!

Joey looks at the pics of Ava Tripp left behind. Claire comes out, inquiring what he is doing. Joey explains all about Tripp leaving them, Joey feels bad Tripp can't ever know his mom. Claire is understanding, indicates that she knows Joey is feeling guilt because of something, that Jade let something slip once. Joey is about to confide in her, but Theo comes in. Joey has to get to the Pub, leaves. Claire can see Theo looking rather down, he admits a friend is in big trouble, and he is unable to help him. She convinces him to tell her all, except knock, knock, tis Abe, who wants to talk to Theo alone. Claire takes off for the hospital.

Abe more or less apologizes to Theo, he is a fine young man, he has to let him make his own choices. He just worries because his mother kept getting drawn into the DiMera ring. Theo says he is not his mother, Abe knows this, he is his own person. Abe hopes he raised him well, gives him back the computer, did not look, tho was tempted. Theo says he loves his dad, would do anything to help him, just as he would do anything to help his DiMera side as well. Hugs. Abe leaves, Theo opens the laptop, and gets busy.

Joey is distracted at the Pub as he is bussing a table. Roman notes, comes to talk to him. Joey is feeling all kinds of guilt about Ava, roman says he has to put it behind him. He tries, goes to therapy, etc. But the closer he gets to Tripp, the more it bothers him. He asks Roman not to tell his mom about their talk, Roman promises, will stand in for his mom while she deals with her other problem.

Steve & Tripp arrive at the hospital to help Kayla carry her boxes to the car. They talk a lot about the situation, Steve is determined to clear her name. Upshot is, they are going to go talk to Nurse Shelly, Tripp wants to come along. They come into an empty room, Shelly is finishing making the bed. She feels cornered, is ready to bolt. Steve convinces her to talk to him, asks questions. Turns out Shelly is really a good nurse, would never jeopardize a patient's life, has great respect for Kayla, thinks she is a wonderful doctor. If Kayla made a few mistakes, she hopes the hospital finds a way to keep her. Tripp listens, has to repeat him noticing the med dosage mistake, etc. But he just watches & listens. Steve mentions perhaps the chart being tampered with "after the fact". Shelly agrees, could be. Kayla believes her. Shelly leaves.

Steve, Kayla, Tripp go out, run into Claire, Steve asks for the candy stripers' schedule. Claire is holding the book, and since it is to help Aunt Kayla, hands it over. Kayla goes to turn in her badge & keys. Steve is looking over the book, Tripp chatting with Claire about Kayla. Claire notes how respected Kayla is, everyone loving her, what a terrific doctor. Tripp says something about Kayla not being as wonderful as everyone thinks she is. Tho several feet away, Steve looks up, evidently hearing this. He comes over, asking Trip to take the book, check the schedules against the days these mistakes occurred. Tripp goes off, sits in a chair, Steve chats with Claire, who thinks Kayla has treated Tripp so well. She mentions his agenda, Steve is puzzled, Claire says "being a doctor". Heck, he is here all the time. Steve queries, you mean, even on Kayla's days off, when she is not here. Yep, hangs around the nurses' station a lot. Steve looks over at Tripp.....stares.

Chad has come into Abby's room, what are you doing? Dario gets in his face, his wife is leaving with him. Chad is talking to her, not him. Whoops, pushing, shoving between the guys, Abby tries to stop it. She tells Dario to back off, grabs Chad by the hand, across the room. They go back and forth. (good scenes). He cannot believe she would leave without seeing Thomas, she asked her mom to bring him to police station. Chad has a minor fit. He refers to her doing this again, like before, just going off. At some point, Dario again accosts Chad, they get violent, with the shoving, Chad nearly chokes Dario, as Dario spits in face about him being a DiMera, murder is in his blood. Chad lets him go, Abby gets in between, tells Dario to put the bags in the car.

Now she and Chad have more words. Why are you doing this he says. For you, she replies, but doesn't explain. He rants, pulls out the ring, relates Gabi finding it, how he tried making excuses, all he can think about is them what they had, what he missed, what they could have had. He goes on and on, finally telling her to go ahead, leave us, your family. And when Thomas grows up, asking about his mother, I can say she abandoned you because she wanted to. Go, leaves, play dead again, because you will be dead to me. I will be done with all this. She leaves, but Chad goes chasing after her.

Outside now, he is pleading with her once more. Along comes Dario, once more in Chad's face, telling him to get lost, his wife is coming with him. Theo calls Abby, it is done. Picture is deleted, off Dario's phone, his computer, the cloud, all of it. She thanks him, mutters "I don't have to go". Headlights appear, Dario ducks away, Chad turns to look....Abby screams.....'CHAD'.
WOW! The show was really good today. Did I just say that? Yep. For the first time in a long long time, I can say the show was really good even though I didn't like the Anjelica/Hattie stuff. (I haven't seen Bonnie yet, but didn't like the character the first go round.)

I just knew that the Salem Brain had popped in Steve's head when he suddenly looked up when he heard Tripp's remark to Claire about Kayla. He's definitely putting things together and finally getting 4 when Claire said he's always at the hospital.

I liked that the nurse said she respected Kayla and wanted her at the hospital even though they had a personality conflict.

Great job, Theo. Oh, hooray... Slimy Dario's story is nearing the end. Now Chad just needs to dump Whiny Gabi. Abby and Chad should SLOWLY work their way back together by trying to date first.

Even though I was expecting Hattie's entrance in Marlena's bedroom, I still jumped.
I was confused at the end. I thought it was Hattie on the bed waiting with the champagne. Just the way she checked herself in the mirror. It's funny that Roman was saying Marlena sounded a little off when it actually was Marlena. Should be interesting.

Now why did Chad not hear when Abigail was saying to Dario if Chad sees that photo he will go to the police and get Sonny out. He was right there!!!! Glad it appears to be coming to an end however someone is going to be injured it seems. I don't think we are lucky enough for it to be Dario!!! I don't even know this Abigail. She would seriously go into witness protection with a man she can't stand and leave her toddler son!?

So glad Steve is finally getting a clue about Tripp. I hope they redeem Tripp somehow. I think he could be a good character. It was nice the talk with Shelly. She was very respectful while it was obvious personally she has an issue with Kayla.
This truly was a good show, one that definitely has that "can't wait for Monday" feel to it. Lucas Adams who portrays Tripp is a good actor, and as such, would hate for Days to write him out, so do hope there is redemption in store for him somehow. Boy the look on Steve's face when he heard Tripp mouthing off about Kayla not being so wonderful...

And yes, I felt that while Shelley has a personality clash with Kayla, she respects her as a doctor, so...good scenes there.

As Dr. Bakerfan here has noted, I just do not understand how there can be any kind of case against anyone at that party for killing Deimos, when those attending were drugged and really have not much memory, if any. No witnesses, no proof of anything.

Marlena waiting to surprise her husband was classic Marlena. Heck, when John returned from the ISA mission, they were lucky they got to she noted then, enjoyed the 2 minutes. They have not done the strawberries & whipped cream in a very long time. Too bad Hattie arrived. Dang Anjelica! LOL
Yayyyy for Theo, bless his heart.

Chad vs. Dario was terrific. Just wish Chad was aware of the scam Dario pulled to get her to marry him. But Chad was getting back to his old self. Not quite there yet, but awful close.

Is it Monday yet? LOL
So my question is, who was driving that car, and did Dario push Chad in front of it?? Only the writer knows. (as in the old radio show, Only The Shadow Knows) :rolleyes:
Also would like to know who was driving that car. However, Chad is just standing there after Dario ducked away, with Abby yelling...Chad! Chad was not pushed at all. He was arguing with Dario, when the headlights hit them both, and Dario ducked.

Yes, they had been shoving each other, but that had stopped during Abby's phone call. Now they were just yelling. When the headlights appeared, Dario ducked away, while Chad stood, turned to look.
Chad vs. Dario was terrific. Just wish Chad was aware of the scam Dario pulled to get her to marry him. But Chad was getting back to his old self. Not quite there yet, but awful close.
I agree with this! The scenes were very intense!

Loved when Steve looked up! I also like this version of Claire, too.

I also like Roman and Marlena, that he asked about Sonny and other topics.
Thanks Poirot.

I figure the person in the car is Dario's secret partner. Dario is supposed to give Eli
evidence before he goes into witness protection. He can't if he's dead.

It was interesting when Steve, Kayla, Tripp and Shelly were in the hospital room.
Steve said he knows someone in the room knows what's going on. Yes there is, but
not who he he thinks it is.

But at the end of the show, Steve's light bulb came on
when he was talking to Claire.
He finally sees things crystal clear.

Interesting conversation Roman and Marlena had about him seeing someone. Maybe
there will someone coming in the door soon.

How grown up are Johnny and Allie? Are they teenagers? College students?

rs, good idea about Chad and Abby date first, but it's Salem hardly anyone dates

Great cliffhanger at the end. What's going to happen to Chad? Maybe the driver
will get a flat tire :)
Steve looks over at Tripp.....stares.
Kill him, Steve!! Or get Joey to do it, and take the blame via ISA. I'll give you a pass on it.
How grown up are Johnny and Allie? Are they teenagers? College students?
I wondered the same thing. Marlena stopped by the pub to show Roman the picture - but we don't see it. They could be 10, 15, 60 - whatever the writers decide when it's opportune to bring them on.
I was confused at the end. I thought it was Hattie on the bed waiting with the champagne. Just the way she checked herself in the mirror. It's funny that Roman was saying Marlena sounded a little off when it actually was Marlena. Should be interesting.

There was a definite issue today with how Deidre Hall played Marlena and Hattie. They were very hard to distinguish at times. Usually it's like 2 separate characters. I too thought that was Hattie on the bed and expected John to be the one at the door.

I have issues with Steve not being on to Tripp sooner and Anjelica being able to copy John and Marlena's townhouse key without issue. Aren't they detectives and former cops/ISA? I'm none of those things and my key cannot be duplicated without a special security card. Come on now.

I did like how Claire was basically inserted into 2 other stories today: Theo's and Tripp's. It was seamless, made sense and helped move at least one of the stories forward. I also loved her interaction with Uncle Steve and her asking him not to tell anyone about the logbook lol.

Marlena and Roman were cute together. That was clearly a setup for Hattie. Also, the mention of Johnny and Allie looking grown up I think was an anvil hinting that they've been SORASed. Will we see them again soon?

Loved the Chad/Abby stuff. The angst and chemistry are there. Now we need the dialogue to catch up. I also think the car was after Dario. I got goosebumps at the end but felt it ended rather abruptly. It seems they edited out what happens next and saved it for Monday. Spoiler photos for today actually showed more of this scene. I think they should have had the car doing whatever it does next and then faded to black as the cliffhanger.
I did like how Claire was basically inserted into 2 other stories today: Theo's and Tripp's. It was seamless, made sense and helped move at least one of the stories forward. I also loved her interaction with Uncle Steve and her asking him not to tell anyone about the logbook lol.
Excellent points. Claire's writing is much, much, much better than under the former writer.
Thanks for the summary, Poirot. As others have said, this episode was wonderful. For the first time in a very long time, there's nothing for me to criticize in this one. I'm not sure I've felt this way about an episode in 6-7 years. It's definitely a good sign for the new writers, and I hope it continues.
Great show today, especially the ending with the car coming towards Chad and Abby screaming his name. I also liked the end scene with Marlena and Hattie, and it looks like Steve is finally getting a clue that Tripp is the culprit.

I feel the show is now getting more of a feel with the new headwriter's stories. The characters are also doing better. For the first time since the character was recast, I felt the connection between this Abby with Chad. Abby's scenes were much better today than they had been and you could feel the angst between the two of them. I just kept telling both of them to admit their feelings while they were talking today but neither one would go there just yet.

Roman and Marlena talking about Johnny and Allie was great, but why didn't Sami send an updated picture of Sydney? Has Sydney become the forgotten child now?

I liked the way Roman talked with Joey today, but Joey is still feeling extremely guilty over killing Ava. I feel that before long Joey is going to tell Tripp the truth. I really want to see the fallout from Tripp's actions toward Kayla and I want Steve and Kayla not to forgive him right away but have him make it up to them for what he put them through. At the same time, he needs to realize that the way Ava was acting towards Steve, Kayla, and Joey is what drove Joey to kill her. I also hope that they at least have Jade come back for an episode or two and Tripp confront her for her lies that she told him about Kayla. Just so we can have closure on the whole story.