9-12-17 - Donuts and More


Well-Known Member
Feb 13, 2008
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Steelers', Pirates', & Penguins' Country
Good morning everyone. School in a few minutes, but I dread seeing what germs I'll be exposed to today. Yesterday was flu, hand-foot-and-mouth, and strep throat. Plus one of my co-workers was taken to the hospital by ambulance after passing out.....the flu, dehydration, and low blood pressure. (Another was taken earlier in the day because of chest pains.)

I'm glad that my regularly scheduled doctor appointment is this Friday. I just hope I don't catch something before then.

I was so tired when I got home yesterday that I fell asleep on the couch between 7:30 and 8:00. Woke up with my medicine alarm at 11:00, and went to bed.
Oh, my gosh, Squirrely, glad you got some sleep, which is really good for you, but the schools are wreaking havoc with your health. Hope your co-workers are o.k.

Supposed to be a lovely day today, I have a ton of work, errands in town, etc. today, but won't be going til afternoon, as other morning stuff comes first. I even have things in wash machine, forgot to get into dryer. So there is another task. Getting closer to closing on the house, and it is not easy to get rid of accumulated stuff.
Good Morning,

Temps are supposed to get up to the high 70's or low 80's today.

Gena's been super stressed and down on herself for the past month or so and I couldn't get her tell to me what was bothering her. Last night I finally managed to get her to open up and she told me she thought it was her fault that we got the bed bugs because I found them in her room first. My poor sweet girl was blaming herself. I gave her a big hug and reassured her that it was in no way her fault. I also made her promise not to hold stuff like that in, and to talk to me about it sooner. I'm sure I'll have to reassure her a few more times, but I think I got through to her finally.

Oh Squirrel - what an awful start to the school year. I pray that you stay healthy through all that.

Poirot - I can't imagine the stress of having to go through years of memories and stuff to try to par down for a smaller place. I hope that you manage okay and that everything goes well with the sale.

Hope you all have a good day.
Good morning.

RS - all those germs just waiting. What a nightmare. I'm glad you were able to get a good night's sleep. I hope that allowed your immune system to recharge for today. Prayers for your co-workers that they recover and are able to return to help soon.

Poirot - I received an amazing birthday gift, should I want it. A tiny 2 bedroom condo. Not sure we could fit our 1600 square foot place into a 925 square foot place. Talk is going on. Currently the commute is the killer. But after I retire, it is totally possible. So perhaps I just need to find renters till then. But looking around here, I can start to understand.

Manda - at least Gena finally felt comfortable in sharing. What a burden. Poor dear.

Off to the drive to office today. I hope the day is slow and I can get back here during the day.

It's Tuesday already. Woohoo.
Just learned GA daughter is without power from storm............She is worried mostly about food in frig.....Don't understand the logistics, but her hubby managed to somehow use his truck as a generator to get the frig running. No idea how long that will last, as am guessing when the truck gas is used up..........
Your poor daughter, Poirot, hopefully they can get the power back on soon. That's a pretty creative fix, I'd never think to use a vehicle as a generator. Maybe they can run the truck for a little while every few hours to keep things cold, without having to run it constantly.
For a Tuesday it is a busy day for all of you! And somewhat a stressful one too. In an hour I am off to an ENT appointment for ear infections, most likely from our recent trip. So far my kiddos do not have a flu, virus or infection I am aware of yet. Sigh of relief.

Still waiting for word from my family in the Keys at a shelter to know they are all fine. I doubt their property is still standing, from the news, but they can rebuild all that or go home to Indy.

Wishing each of you a better day, with time to rest and relax this evening.

Squirrel: thank goodness you were able to sleep/rest last evening. Prayers for your co-workers and YOU! Since you do this annually, hoping your immune system is strong and you have good antibodies to protect you.

Poirot: sorting items you have lived with for decades is a painful task, so I hope you are able to finish sooner than expected. Maybe a trip to town, no matter how busy, will be a nice distraction this afternoon. Hoping your daughter/husband will have power again ASAP.

Manda: sweet Gena! She has such a big heart for a little girl. Hopefully after the house is sprayed again she won't see another bug in your house.

Robin: wow, a condo is a nice gift! Downsizing is hard, but harder still is not collecting more things. Monthly rental or long-term leasing would be a nice way to save up some retirement funds too.

JS: hope your day is a bright one too.

Take care everyone.

It has been 76 days without rain here. We're breaking records! At least the smoke has gone down to safer breathing for everyone. It was so nice this weekend to be out in the yard and get so much done.

We're closing the pool today since we are leaving Saturday for Alabama to see our friends. I see they have had massive rain from Irma. Hopefully that will settle down before we get there. We're going to fly into Nashville and they will meet us there and then mid week head to their place in Decatur.

Our little granddaughter that had the terrible experience at Camp Fire Camp this summer is having a hard time with school. She's in 1st grade. She misses her mommy and doesn't want to go. My daughter wants to pull her out and home school her for just this year. I keep saying no, but now I'm kind of weakening. I feel so bad for her. She is a smart little girl. They have her in 3rd grade reading and 2nd grade math so it's not like she is bored or over-challenged. She has a lot of friends.

Squirrel - thankfully you got some good sleep last night. Good luck today. You're in my prayers.

Poirot - My folks were in their house 60 years and I tell you that was hard. I knew what meant the most to my mother and how do you sell it or trash it without the guilt feelings? I feel for you. It's a hard process.

Manda - Poor little Gena, to carry that guilt for so many days. Big hugs to her sweet little face for finally letting it all go.

Have a great day.
I've just received a bunch of text messages from my older sister. My niece, her daughter in Atlanta, had to go the ENTIRE night without power. I mean really??? The entire night?? The HORRORS. But this 41 year old niece makes the early version of Claire look grown up. So to be without the ability to Face-time, chat, text, Facebook, is crippling to this girl.

I gave no sympathy to my sister, who wanted me to send prayers to her daughter. She has a roof over her head, water and food. Just no power. NOW I know it is hot and muggy, and really icky in Atlanta today. And A/C and a fully charged phone would be nice. But, she has shelter, water, and food, and isn't harmed.

I guess I could pray. Dear Heavenly Father, please look after your child Heather, who is spoiled beyond belief, wanting to charge her phone so she can Facebook, and Instagram, instead of using her phone to help others alert their families that they are safe. Sigh.
Sold a house a while back. The garage had quite a bit of stuff in it, including a boat. The buyer wanted the boat included in the deal, so that stayed, but the rest had to go. Garage sale, curb pick-up, and some went home with me. The remainder went into rented storage space.

The buyer backed out of the sale, so the boat stayed. Paid the storage rent for a while, but that got old, so I hauled the stuff back to the "sold" garage. A city building inspector was there, today; he was not upset about it. :) :)

I am expecting a stressful phone call from a doctor this afternoon, involving that eye procedure. I will try very hard not to lose my temper. :angry:

Take care, everyone!
Hello everyone. I am going from a high in the 60*s yesterday to 80*s today. I can't complain.

Manda: My parents had neighbors who had a young boy named Andrew. When Hurricane Andrew devastated Florida, it was all over the news and he saw the reports. Andrew was upset and asked his parents if he did all that. Children live in a small world and just don't understand. I'm glad Gena opened up to you, poor baby, so you could reassure her.

Poirot, I need to learn how your son-in-law rigged the truck as a generator. Many people here have generators, but only run them occasionally to keep refrigerators/freezers cold.

Take care folks.
Robin's niece in Atlanta reminded me of living in Illinois, and a snowstorm/ice storm had us without power for 3 days. Hey, no worry about the frig......just heat! Lights. At the time we had a fireplace in the family room downstairs, so that was the gathering place. And upstairs the oven (gas) would go on every couple hrs. but just for 1/2 hr maybe. Family lived in winter jackets. Did I mention it was zero out? Oh, and we had company from Indiana, so the house expanded to hold 9 people. I think we had a couple Coleman lanterns. Funny thing was, we had water!

Am guessing those without power in GA, Carolina, etc. is because of trees down across power lines. I know the repairmen get out right away, so hopefully they will all soon be back on again. I think the frig, water, toilet, more important than anything.
Well, my beloved Waterton has been hit with the fires. I guess it has hit the townsite and thankfully most of the buildings are intact due to the preparedness and preventative measures that have been taken. Haven't heard on all of the homes and if they have been protected, destroyed. The tourist information building has burnt down and fires continue to spread north and east.

I swear between the hurricanes in the U.S., and the fires that have been burning all summer long in B.,C, Alberta, Washington, Montana, Oregon and California 2016/17 will be one of the worst for natural disasters for Canada and U.S.
Another cool morning. It was supposed to be in the 60s, but only in the 50s. Goldie
and I walked early anyway so she could see some kids. We only saw one and we saw him
twice going around. It's been cloudy and high in low 70s.

I'm still not sure what's happening with my flowerbed. Sunday night the cat was out so
nothing damaged. Last night, he was in. I think there were a couple of places that had
digging. Then this afternoon, I saw a squirrel in my backyard digging. Who knows?

rs, I've been praying everyday for your eye and last week I started praying to keep
you well when you're out working. I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight.

robin, I hope you had a good day at work. Someone needs to remind your
niece how things used to be without cell phones.

Poirot, good luck on packing and sorting before you move.

manda, I hope you give Gena extra hugs from us to make her feel better

Shan, sorry to hear about your granddaughter. Enjoy your trip.

Muzzaman, sorry to hear the fires are continuing where you are. I wish we
could move some of the flood waters your way.

I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their day and night.
Oh dear, Muzz. That is horrible. I am so very sorry. Being a multi generational Californian, I know the horrible loss of fire. The clear space of yards around your house and such. The areas being lost now were so beautiful. And while the land will recover, most likely not in my lifetime, <getting on rant box> it annoys me that the fires in the west have not gotten press coverage as the hurricanes and flood victims have.

It is as if the folks in Montana, Washington, Oregon and California knowingly live in a fire zone so they deserve it. Which begs the question, who'd live in Florida in hurricane season??? And who would live in Oklahoma during spring or tornado season??? ARGGGGH <getting off rant box>
Ah, Robin, I have often wondered how some of the younger generation would cope with hardships. I think many of them would get a grip after a while but it would take time and facing some sobering realities.

Manda, I'm glad Gena finally opened up to you. Sometimes it is shocking what notions children have about things being their fault, when it is not even close to being the truth of the matter.

Noel, ear infections, ugh! Maybe the doctor will give you what's needed to knock it out quickly. I hope the rest of your family stays well.

Poirot, it sounds like you are handling your life-changing experience better than I would or maybe you just aren't howling about it the way I might. I've got junk here from five generations and getting rid of it is something I haven't been able to face thus far. I agree it's clever that your son-in-law was able to generate power from his truck to the refrigerator. My first thought was that he must have a welder on his truck but that's not what you said. I've been debating on taking my husband's welder somewhere to try to get it running. Only reason would be to have a generator for times when the power is out.

Squirrel, it always amazes me that so many sick bugs start swirling around as soon as school begins. I'm so concerned for you but I know you do everything possible to stay well. You're in my prayers.

I've been trying to finish and post this since before noon. Constant interruptions. Now some more posts have appeared so I will go ahead and post this before reading those.
Hi everyone!

Robin, your poor special snowflake niece. One whole day without power:rolleyes: After Hurricane Floyd in 1999 we didn't have power, water, or phone service. The switchboard for the landlines were sitting under 12ft of water and the cell towers couldn't hand the volume of calls. After Hurricane Isabella we didn't have power or water for a week because of wind damage. When Hurricane Irene hit we had water so my dad finally bought a generator. Your niece should walk into a house that's been flooded. I will never forget how my aunt's house looked or smelled. Thankfully she had flood insurance. A lot of people around here didn't which meant they had to rely on FEMA.

It's too bad all the rain in the south couldn't have gone to west and Canada to help put out the fires.

Manda, poor Gena. That's a lot of guilt for child especially since she wasn't the cause. Good thing you're getting rid of that tenant. Shame on them for causing such stress to a child.
J.S., I don't know. I guess I would be afraid to try it, unless someone who knows more than I do could give me assurance. Some of those rodent repeller light thingies that I was looking at were supposed to be hooked up to the car battery somehow. When I asked my mechanic about that, he wasn't very positive. He said anyone who does that better know what they are doing.

Robin, I was going to say exactly what you did about the news coverage. It has irritated me right along that they haven't given much attention to the fires. When there were horrific fires in the Texas Panhandle earlier this year, I might not have even known about it if it hadn't been for Facebook. Lives were lost and a lot of livestock. I think it has to do with population density but still, there are people in the fire areas, whose lives are every bit as devastated as those in the coastal storms.

Kat, it is so nice of you to take Goldie out early enough to see some kids. I hope you can solve your digging mystery.

Muzz, I'm so sorry your beloved town got hit by the fires. It is sad to see our familiar sights disappear.

J.S., I agree about Poirot's pipes not freezing. Before we got "city" water out here, our water was always freezing. One Christmas my parents had all the family over at their house. Water froze up. Mother was cooking a big dinner. They were better at coping with this than the rest of us because they had grown up with no running water. But it did help that they had an old cistern out back. Not good for drinking but it was a lifesaver for "flushing," with a house full of people. No bottled water for drinking back then either.

Kt, I've been wondering whether you got any heavy rain or wind out of the storm, and if it has all passed.

A. Guy, I hope you made it through the phone call without getting overly agitated, and that you worked out whatever you needed to happen.

Shan, I homeschooled our youngest son, he married a young lady who was homeschooled, and she now homeschools their two 11 yr. olds, so naturally, I have positive thoughts toward that approach. It is a very personal decision so I would never advise anyone on it one way or the other, but if your daughter decides to do it, I would hope to encourage you in her decision. She only wants to do it for one year, and since there have been increased numbers of parents homeschooling over the past several decades, there is sufficient evidence that results are good for those families who are committed to the investment of time and energy.

We had to put our son in public school for 2nd and 3rd grades (when he turned 7, the required age for starting school here) because homeschooling was still strange to most people back then and Texas had not yet had a legal ruling on it. I had been teaching him some for a couple of years so when I took him to enroll him at age 7, and they tested him to decide what grade he should be in, he tested at 7th to 8th grade in reading. They gave me a choice of 2nd or 3rd grade. I put him in 2nd, so he'd be with his age group. If your daughter does teach your granddaughter at home for 1st grade, her daughter will do fine. An extra year under the influence of her mom won't be a bad thing.
My daughter got her power back this afternoon. She said her hubby thought about how to rig his truck, then worked it out on paper, finally hooking it up. Ran the truck 4 hrs. Turned off the freezer part of frig, as that would be ok as long as door stayed closed to it. His company is going crazy with calls because of the storms....so he hasbeen on phone...she will find out later how he did it. It was 24 hrs. for her.....no complaints abou no tv, phone, internet, etc.
Glad to hear that Poirot and that they are safe.

The fires down where I grew up have been moving north and have destroyed many ranches and rural homes of many families and friends that I grew up with. As it moves north my grandparents ranch that I have so many fond memories of is in the path of the fire and will likely be destroyed. As it progresses more news of farms, ranches and homes I'm sure will be coming in. My parents and sisters have opened their home to members of their 3800 strong community. Thankfully no lives have been lost.

Waterton town site is intact but the golf course burned, as did the tourist information centre.