Days of Our Lives - Wed. Feb. 28, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Replay of the last few minutes, various scenes from Tues., 2/27/18. Chad & Kate continue to pack up Andre's things from his office. She is melancholy, they discuss the murder, she is convinced the killer of Andre is living under their roof. Chad remarks that if Stefan & Viv would kill a member of the family, who knows what else they would do. He adds they have to stick together now to take back the company, his legacy and his son's.

Vivian is startled to see Gabby appear from behind the armoire door, and now we alternate between Stefan reading statements from the book Kim Brady wrote, and Gabby facing off with Vivian, who is calling her Abigail, making disparaging remarks about the coat, the costume, saying it is not Halloween. Gabby/Abby is getting ticked, tho seemingly retaining her cool. But eventually Viv goes too far, Gabby/Abby picks up a poker and Viv is trying to get away, get her to put it down. Upstairs, Stefan hears a scream, jumps up, putting the book aside, races down to get between the two women, grabs the poker away from Gabby, takes her off to another room.

There, he talks quietly, calmly, reasonably to Gabby, who yaks all about how she is being framed for Andre's death, will have to leave her little girl, chattering a mile a minute. Stefan makes her realize that it would not set well if she now was accused of attacking a helpless old woman, Gabby sees his point. He comments that he can help her, goes and pulls out the wrapped up urn lid, saying it was planted on her, so he has to plant it on someone else. Has not decided who, plenty of people who did not like Andre. But he also need her coat. Gabby is reluctant, but takes it off, hands it to him. He tells her to now go lay low. No more popping out of secret passages or going after anyone with a poker. She agrees, says thank you, leaves.

JJ is having lunch with Lani, wanting to get married today (I think this is supposed to still be the wedding day of Hope & Rafe). He goes on and on ad nauseum about being husband, father, a real family. Lani doesn't want to do a double wedding, look what happened to his sister, that disaster. He agrees she is right, the day should be just their own. Lani talks about her dad being on cloud 9, will probably float down the aisle, JJ tells of how nervous he was asking Abe for her hand, but Val was odd, talking about wondering if this is really what they both want to do, making choices for the right reasons.

Meanwhile, Val is visiting Eli, talking of his child, keeping quiet about his impending fatherhood. He promised Lani, then talks of all Gabi has on her plate right now, he cannot tell her, add to it. She talks about the future, how the child will be brought up here in Salem, all the Horton functions, celebrations, etc. will be there. She talks of first words, first steps, learning to ride the bike JJ already bought, all these things that Eli will have to watch with another man fulfilling his role. . Eli admits he never looked at it that way.

And over at the Kmansion, Gabi is with Sonny, talking over the same stuff. Seems Sonny has been keeping Ari, she has a cold, so is staying in bed, and they go on and on about all the items Trask is piling up against her, Sonny knows she did not do it, his dad will point out the problems with whatever Trask comes up with. He does promise her he will always have a home for Ari, that if Gabi is not around, he & Will will love her, care for her. And even if Will does not remember. Ari will always have a home with him.

Later, Kate sits on a bench in the square, Gabi comes along, they talk of Andre, Gabi Chic, Kate knowing Gabi did not do this, her promise that she is not going to lose anyone else she loves, and Gabi will be back, have Gabi Chic, not to worry about Stefan, she will take care of him.

Vivian is wondering just what is behind that armoire, just what is Abigail hiding, goes to check it out, Chad arrives, what the heck are you doing? Viv plays dumb, wonders what that door is for, Chad says it leads to his father's tunnels, no longer used. Why is the door open, Chad doesn't know, shuts it. He is looking for Abby, Viv says no, thought I saw her a while ago, but it wasn't her. Chad goes to look for her.

Viv bursts into Stefan's room, wanting him to tell Mommy Dearest what is going on with Abigail.

Gabby comes around a corner, as Chad leaves the room via another corner. She calls his name. He comes back, stares at this woman in the long, black wig, and ugly goldish dress. Abby?
Gabby comes around a corner, as Chad leaves the room via another corner. She calls his name. He comes back, stares at this woman in the long, black wig, and ugly goldish dress. Abby?
I'm surprised Chad is seeing Abby/Gabby already. I figured he'd be in the dark about this for weeks/months.
Thanks for the summary, Poirot. Glad I got to catch it before heading to class. It doesn't sound like the most interesting show. I was actually hoping to see what happens at the wedding party. Of course, we got inundated with this Abby/Gabby thing. I'm over it!
While Viv seems to stick her nose where it doesn't belong, and also to have no fear, loving to insult folks, the actress supposedly filmed for 4 mos. Since she arrived New Year's Eve, That takes her into April, so......who knows?
I'm surprised Chad is seeing Abby/Gabby already. I figured he'd be in the dark about this for weeks/months.
Very true. Under some of the former writing regimes, the viewers would have been forced to endure months of Chad-"Gabby" close calls. As for other characters:

Vivian: It was quite a day for her. How often does she meet somebody who's arguably crazier than she is, and when was she ever described as a "sweet, innocent old woman?"

Stefan O.: Kate actually compared him to the late, great Phoenix. The only things these two have in common are the DiMera family name and the fact that they are the only people in Salem who actually read books.

Gabi: How much longer is she going to wander around Salem bemoaning her fate to anyone who will listen? If she keeps this up, people who see her coming will soon be fleeing in the other direction, desperate to avoid another rendition of: "Trask hates me"; "I'm going to prison"; and "I can't leave my child :sad::sad::sad::cry:."
Gabi: I can't deny and have even said myself, her scenes are getting more then just a tad repetitive. But at the same time, I can't help feeling her confusion and fear over what's happening. :sad: I guess I'm just a sucker that way. I haven't felt so much sympathy for an innocent person wrongly accused since Harrison Ford went on the run as Richard Kimble in The Fugitive. Alas, this time there seems to be no one-armed man in sight.

I thought today's cliffhanger with Chad and Abby/Gabby was pretty good. My guess, however, is she'll either quickly remove the wig before he sees her in it or come up with some lame excuse as to why she's wearing it, which Chad will not question because this is a soap. I just think it's probably a bit too soon for him to start coming to the realization that something is amiss with his lady love.
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Thanks, Poirot.

It was a rather slow show.

I noticed JJ got a hair cut.

Vivian guessed Abigail was pretending to be someone else
because Gabby mentioned her clothes were trendy & sexy.
I guess Abigail doesn't dress that way :)

Where or where will Stefan hide the urn lid and coat?
His mom's room. LOL