Days of Our Lives - Fri., Mar. 30, 2018


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Days of Our Lives
Friday, March30. 2018

In Salem, Eli is telling his mother about the truth coming out about him being the father of Lani's baby. At the same time, JJ is informing Jennifer of the same thing at the police station, while Lani is in the park, telling her father. All these parents are concerned about their offspring, the repercussions, asking questions, etc. Eli loves Gabi, Val knows he will be a great dad, urges him to not step back from being a father to his child. JJ still loves Lani, but can never trust her again. Jen pays his bail, tells him there is one stipulation, he stay away from Eli, no problem. Abe presses Lani for details, learns of JJ's intention to commit suicide on Christmas Eve, depressed, and Abe blames himself, for his attitude & treatment of JJ. He pushes further, making Lani finally tell him that Valerie knew that Eli was the father, and was pressing her to come out with the truth.

At the courthouse, Chad arrives to visit a bit with Gabi, in the empty courtroom. Just got back, sorry he wasn't there for first day. He tells her about Stefan making Abby go to Hong Kong with him, so followed them, & how Abby thought maybe she could learn something about Stefan framing Gabi... yada, yada.

At DiMansion, Abby walks into the room where Stefan is reading, he asks if she is Gabby, or Dr. Laura. Oh, still Dr. Laura, as she dons glasses, talking of having to pretend to Chad she was Abigail for 16 hrs. They go round and round, Dr. Laura is maintaining control, alters created to protect Abby, from the trauma of her killing Andre. Stefan wants to apologize to Abigail, when she appears, but first, (he pulls out the black wig) wants to apologize to Gabby. Dr. Laura is not falling for that, forget it. Gabby is not coming out. She talks of having to testify (as Abigail) today, and next she is in the courtroom. It is full, Trask still bent on taking Gabi down , Stefan arrives, he & Chad have a few words. Abigail is called, affirms her statement, which she has to read aloud, about Gabi saying she will kill Andre for this (meaning taking her company). Trask won't let her say more, Justin gets to have the witness say she thought that was just a figure of speech. Recess time.

Gabi wants to go to the ladies' room, Justin calls the bailiff to escort her. Dr. Laura follows them out, telling Chad she will be right back. Court resumes, Trask has no further witnesses, but recalls Abigail DiMera. Everyone looks puzzled.

Jen tells JJ to come home with her, she will make him dinner. They walk out, and there is Eli, returning to cop shop. Stand off, stares.

Abe is shocked at learning of Val's reading of Lani's medical file, wonders why she did that. Lani says, why not ask her yourself? Val is passing them by, Abe calls her name, Val stops. Stares all around.

And back in the courroom, Trask talks of running into Abby (Dr. Laura) in the hall, and wants her to say what she told Trask. (Justin is asking Gabi, who says she only thanked her for coming and testifying). Dr. Laura does say Gabi thanked her, but Trask asks what else, & now Dr. Laura claims Gabi said she felt guilty for Abby having to come and testify, and that she felt really guilty, as she did kill Andre. Cue Gabi's shocked expression, Stefan's satisfied one, Chad & Justin's surprised ones.
Wait, so this is all a get-back-at-Gabi scheme on the part of Stefan-0, because she turned him down??

Lord, but this is a terrible, horrible, awful, pukey, bad, rotten storyline.

Really, please, pretty PLEASE, let Stefan-0 go on a big European adventure researching new sites for the company, never to return.
Eli, Lani and their parents: All I have to say about those scenes is I couldn't help thinking of an old adage Rod Serling would often quote in the closing narration of "The Twilight Zone" When you make your bed, it is necessary that you lie in it." Maybe that doesn't really apply to this situation now that I think about it, but then again, can you really go wrong quoting the "Twilight Zone?" No I didn't think so either, but I digress.

All that boo-hooing just filler to me.

The trial: Okay where was Sonny or Will? It drives me nuts that that in the weeks leading to the trial we've had both guys telling Gabi she can count them. But now the trial has started, neither of them can be seen. This is just lazy writing. At least Justin mentioned that Rafe was chasing down a lead for the defense. But I still think Rafe could have passed that on to Eli so he can useful in this story, while Gabi is insisting he make himself scarce. Rafe could have been there for his sister so she would've had someone there other than Chad. :rolleyes:

As far as what "Dr. Laura" did as far as Gabi is concerned, if you could hear what I was yelling at my TV screen, the internet would be deemed toxic and shut down by the Center for Disease Control. Poor Gabi!! :cry::cry::cry:
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I am finished with the alter story line. It will be fast forwarded from here on.

StefanNo is a sex predator and creep and he can leave Salem the way his "siblings" Benjy, Eeej, Tony, André, Megan, Renée, and Lexie did.

HOWEVER the parent/child scenes (Lani/Abe, Val/Eli, and Jenn/JJ) were stellar.
Thanks, Poirot.

Not a good Friday in Salem today.

I think Val was the only one happy that everyone knows Eli is the father of
Lani's baby. She probably won't be after Abe talks to her.

I wonder what Julie is going to say about Eli being the father and not JJ?

Will Gabi be convicted because of Dr Laura's lie? I hope Rafe is actually
trying to find a witness for the night of the murder.

And did anyone question why Abby put on glasses to read? She usually
doesn't wear glasses.
Useless factoid for the day:

When JJ was the baby's (presumed) father, the baby was Tom's great-great grandchild (and Eli's 3rd cousin).

Now that Eli is known to be the father, the baby will be Tom's great-great-great grandchild (and JJ's 3rd cousin, once removed). The first (that we know of, at least).

Ah, Hortons.
Are we sure that was Dr. Laura and not Gabby at the end? I think Stefan is Gabby's trigger just like Chad is Abby's. The first time she was on the stand, she started rubbing her temples right before the recess. That told me a headache was there and perhaps a switch.

The trial: Okay where was Sonny or Will? It drives me nuts that that in the weeks leading to the trial we've had both guys telling Gabi she can count them. But now the trial has started, neither of them can be seen. This is just lazy writing. At least Justin mentioned that Rafe was chasing down a lead for the defense. But I still think Rafe could have passed that on to Eli so he can useful in this story, while Gabi is insisting he make himself scarce. Rafe could have been there for his sister so she would've had someone there other than Chad. :rolleyes:

This bugs me too. I'd much rather see Rafe supporting his sister than pining over Hope for the millionth time. And it was really annoying last week when half the courtroom was empty but today it was half full of extras. Why not have Rafe and people that make sense be there?

The Jen/JJ stuff was great--it makes me miss Jack. I hope they both get involved with Abigail soon. I CANNOT wait to see Jen's reaction to Abby having alters.

I kind of wish Eli had been angrier at Val. I was bored with Lani and Abe.

Nice to have a break from both Eve and Kate.
The thing with the glasses is silly. She grabs anybody's glasses anywhere, anytime and plops them on her face, and today she read with them. What are the odds she'd be able to see to do that or even to walk around wearing strange glasses, without falling on her nose? Maybe, if they are plain, off the shelf reading glasses and not too strong, but I've put on other people's glasses that set my head to spinning. I think this has bothered me the way Poirot is bothered by people in Salem not wearing warm clothes in the winter!

I guess Valerie was just trying to encourage Eli to step up and be a good father, but I felt she showed a little too much enthusiasm while talking with him about the whole thing. It was as though she was having trouble containing her excitement that he was going to be a daddy. It seems Eli needs a bit more time to adjust his thinking before she should act all happy about it. I think Kat is right about her high spirits being dampened by Abe.

Heather, I too wondered if it may have been Gabby on the stand, there at the end. I think you're right about Stefan being the trigger, especially when he drags out that dreadful black wig. He tried it earlier and it didn't work but I think it has in the past.
Closed captioning said "Dr Laura" when Abby was on the stand at the end. They could
have made a mistake. We'll probably know more on Monday.
It WAS Dr. Laura who went up there. When the alters change, usually there is a really debilitating headache. It did not seem that was the case. Maybe Dr. Laura is still protecting Abigail, as she told Stefan.
Hmmm. I'm no lawyer, but wouldn't anything Gabi allegedly said to Abigail in the restroom be considered hearsay? Especially since there appeared to be no one there to corroborate?

I think that Kate and Valerie are running neck and neck in the Most Meddling Mother in the World race.

Stefan O-no gets creepier and scuzzier every minute he is on screen. Triple eeewww!