Days of Our Lives - Thu., Apr. 26, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
At the Pub, the just-arrived Jennifer is excited about a quote from a story in Chicago, but Eric will have to buy the paper. He helps her charge her phone and clear a smudge from her face. Later, she is talking about an interview (sorry folks, my unreliable cable company's signal is acting up again) with a councilman who dissed the community center. Jennifer enjoyed being "unreachable" for awhile.

At the Hospital, Steve and Kayla review his run-in with Abigail. He blames himself for letting her get away. Kayla tells Steve they have to file a report since there is an APB out for her.

In the Square, Ciara apologizes to Tripp for going off on him after he voted for Claire. Ciara wants to expose Claire because of Claire's belief that "the truth should come out." Tripp is unhappy about the entire contest, fearing Ciara will change. He suggests Claire is insecure.

Replay of Teen Loft scene where Claire learns Wyatt's phone is in Ciara's possession and knows what they did. Claire worries and slowly recaps to the giant goldfish Wyatt how they are effectively finished.

Outside Doug's Place, Miguel is telling his boss about drugging the drinks, and engaging the "busybody" Julie who "loved her part of the secret". He thinks his plan is super keen. Meanwhile inside, the gang downs their drinks before Brady and Eve bolt for a secret rendezvous. Later, Lucas and Chloe are recapping Brady's actions toward Eve as he starts having a hot spell. Chloe goes to get him some water.

Later in the private area, Brady asks Eve to choose between Tahiti and Paris. The magazine will be fine and Tate will be cared for by Maggie. She seems swept up in this moment, they kiss and she picks Paris. They happen upon Ciara, who tells Brady and Eve that Claire cheated at the contest, and didn't do it alone. The teen-twenties leave for no reason other than to allow Eve to accuse Brady of rigging the contest.

Claire is in panic mode at the Teen Loft, knows Ciara will direct all her rage at her. She attempts to flee, Ciara is outside the door with Tripp when she opens it.

HUGE MISSING CHUNK thanks to a news report. I missed about 20 minutes (from Claire and Ciara's doorway meeting to Brady's fight with Eve). It really seems like nothing happened.

In the Square, Brady says all he did to encourage Claire was tell her to mobilize her followers. They go back and forth and Brady starts acting strangely. Eve accuses him of being a "lying, cheating, drunk dog." Brady swears he hasn't been cheating.

At Doug's Place, Chloe brings Lucas his water, says that Julie turned off the AC to save money. He seems to be better, and later they are dancing, with Lucas admitting that he has thought of Chloe often over the years. She thought of him, too. (Nice scenes, but not a lot of movement.)

At the Teen Loft, Ciara tells Claire that she will be handing over the details to Eve and Brady tomorrow and she never wants to see Wyatt again. Wyatt pleads ineffectively. Tripp boots him; Ciara returns his phone. Claire offers to step down. Ciara wants her to be fired and disgraced instead. Claire takes her lumps, admits she talked herself into cheating, is clearly penitent, vows never to do anything like this again and accepts that they may hate her forever.

At the Pub, Jen and Eric are leaving when her phone beeps, it's charged. She missed many messages from Hope, and Kayla calls with the news of the APB on Abby.

Back at the Teen Loft, Ciara apologizes for her attitude toward Tripp, re-admits she wanted to make him jealous with Wyatt. She doesn't want to act like Claire and play games. He forgives her.

At Doug's Place, Chloe wants to take things more slowly, since the program (AA) suggests a year of sobriety prior to any relationship. Lucas will court her. He leaves; she locks the door behind him. Miguel Garcia is behind her.

Out in the Square, Brady continues to stumble while professing he's not been drinking, because Eve hates that. Eve doesn't believe him. She says he can drink himself to death. She stalks off. Brady collapses.
Got back home, saw the last 20 min. You are right, I don't think you missed a thing, Jason. Thank you. My local station has pre-empted completely because of the explosion at the refinery in Superior. Brady & Eve seem to keep repeating the same thing over and over, he is a drunk and a cheat, he says no he didn't do either one. Am going to try and see if I can find clips maybe of the show, as the bulletins kept coming in, etc.
Yeah everyone was literally in the same conversation when the show came back. The break was over the half-hour mark, so there are usually longer ads. Fortunate for once.

Though what a snoozer of a show.

I'll still hold out hope that an investigation proves Wyatt didn't actually end up rigging the results.

Brady getting the drugged drink was a nice twist.
Now we know that Brady got the drugged soda water.
Big surprise. If the Las Vegas oddsmakers had been taking bets on this one, Brady would have been a big odds-on favorite. As for some other characters, here are a few comments.

Claire: For a while, it seemed as if she was on her way to being the next Sami, but now that looks unlikely. If Sami had been busted the way Claire was, instead of abjectly apologizing, she would have launched a very nasty offensive.

Eve: For a woman who's been around the block more than a few times, Eve is remarkably naive about brat-girl Claire, saying that she's not a liar and never would have tried to rig the contest on her own. And when the ugly truth about the contest and Brady's apparent drinking is revealed, will Eve apologize or does being Eve Donovan mean never having to say you're sorry?

Wyatt: He may be a dishonest conniver, but at least he was a good loser. Instead of hurling threats and/or insults like some Salemites would have, he just asked for his cell phone and slunk off into the sunset.
I'm indifferent to Lucas and Chloe as a couple but I liked their scenes today. Well written and I like that Chloe wants Lucas to woo her. Too bad the end didn't look like good news for Chloe.

Can someone just make Eve and Brady go away please? Their scenes are beyond painful to watch. And I was laughing at the way he fell at the end. Poor Marlena never gets to see Tate let alone babysit him.

I need a GIF of Jennifer hopping up on that barstool in heels and then immediately kneeling on it like a 5 year old.

Really bad continuity and pacing this week. Where is the follow-up to the Gabi beating? That was Monday and it's now Thursday. Aside from the quick call to Rafe, when has this been mentioned? Also, today's episode had way too much Brady and Eve. It seemed like every other scene cut back to them and their scenes were longer than others too. Plus we've been watching them have the same conversation for 3 episodes in a row now. Enough!

I really want to like the teens because they are the future but Ciara and Claire constantly yelling at each other is worse than Sami and Carrie back in the day. At least we know Carrie was rootable back then. And as nuts as Sami was, we knew her motivations. I keep saying this but these teens would be much more interesting if their parents were more involved in their storyline. Put Hope in the middle of the girls instead of Tripp. I'm not convinced Tripp is over Claire but he also seems very wishy washy. If he's torn between the 2, then show us that. And then show Claire being jealous. That makes more sense than this stupid Bella contest.

Miguel needs to stop speaking Spanish. He keeps mispronouncing or using incorrect words. It's like they wrote the show using Google Translate instead of using a professional translator.
Claire: For a while, it seemed as if she was on her way to being the next Sami, but now that looks unlikely. If Sami had been busted the way Claire was, instead of abjectly apologizing, she would have launched a very nasty offensive.
Hooray! I'm hoping Claire experiences growth, and then it turns out the rigging didn't happen, and Ciara eats crow. BOTH teen Brady girls need to step down a notch or 22!
Wyatt: He may be a dishonest conniver, but at least he was a good loser. Instead of hurling threats and/or insults like some Salemites would have, he just asked for his cell phone and slunk off into the sunset.
He'd better be careful. If Ciara's mommy finds out what happened to her widdle pwincess Ciara, it just might turn out that he killed the next DiMera who gets gunned down in Salem.
It's like they wrote the show using Google Translate instead of using a professional translator.
At least it's better than Rafe's Spanish. I was trying to pin down his dialect because it just seemed wrong. I'm glad someone else noticed that.
One thing that majorly annoyed me today: A few weeks ago Ciara was jealous of Claire because "everyone" always said she was more talented and prettier and etc. than Ciara. (Ciara's motivation to win the contest.) Now today she claimed Claire said those things about herself. Which is it?

Now we know Ciara's insane, but if the writers don't clue us in by having her occasionally cackle like a madwoman or wield a knife at her own reflection, how are we to tell the difference between insanity and lazy writing?
Thanks, Jason.

Poor Brady. Eve was all ready to go to Paris, but they bumped into Tripp and Ciara.
Eve assumed Brady worked with Claire to help her win contest so he could win the
bet. And Brady got Lucas' drink and now Eve thinks he drunk too.

Poor Claire. She cheated and got caught. Her boyfriend is out of town and so
are her parents. Poor thing the only friends she has are her stuffed animals.

Poor Jen, she took the wrong purse and she couldn't recharge her phone. She
didn't know the police were looking for Abigail until Kayla was finally able
to call her.

I liked the song they played when Lucas and Chloe danced.

I laughed when Miguel told his boss "Julie is a busybody"
I totally laughed when Miguel called Julie a busybody. She's not my favorite. I'm still waiting for her reaction when she finds out that Gabi not only didn't murder Andre, but she was set up by precious Abigail especially after thinking Gabi wasn't good enough for precious, cheating Eli.

The bet storyline was a stupid way to link the Bella contest and drive toward this new blow up, but I like Eve and Brady. I think they're building up to a return for Theresa with all the Mexico stuff. If the writers pull that off (crossing my fingers), that could finally be a love triangle with some real intrigue. They just need to move this along.
Shew, okay.

For starters, I'm really glad they are bringing Theresa back into the conversation, because the Eve and Brady pairing is really bothering me. They have no chemistry together; and Brady obviously wasn't drinking that night. Eve was there the whole time! So what exactly is her problem? Also, restarting the relationship based on a beauty contest? How romantic. :sarcasm:

As for the contest itself, I'm glad it came out right away that Claire cheated; but if I were Tripp, I would turn tail and run the other way from both of those girls. Ciara shamelessly flirting with Wyatt and then throwing it up in Tripp's face over and over and over and over. It was middle school pettiness.

Tripp is a great character, but Ciara, I have no idea where they are trying to go with this girl. I want to like her because she is Bo and Hope's daughter. But without the motorcycle and the jacket, she could be any random character. Give this girl some real bite! She should take after at least one of them!

Also, technical question: If she's showing the "details" to Eve, why didn't she keep the phone? Like Wyatt and Claire aren't going to purge their messages the second they get a chance?
Gonna be interesting when Eve/Brady ask for her proof, huh?

I think she did not want to really get Claire in trouble - Tripp did say that Ciara won, she knows it, Tripp knows it, and Claire knows it. The contest meant nothing to Ciara, but a lot to Claire, so just leave her deal with her conscience. So unless she transferred all that convo to her phone, she has let Claire off the hook.

I do agree that Eve was with Brady all evening, knows he did not drink, but is saying he must have had a flask??? She never left the table, or her eyes off him...but it did not occur to her for a second that he could be physically in trouble? A man with a transplanted heart? But then, all our Salemites are conclusion jumpers, aren't they?
Yes! Exactly! Any woman worth a second look from Brady would have hit pause on the argument to at least make sure he was okay!

Honestly, I really hope Ciara does drop it. I agreed with Tripp about the contest changing Ciara. She doesn't need to be messing around with any Bella stuff. This girl needs to finish school and open up a bar. And possibly drive through some church windows on her motorcycle. :drunk:
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Little-Sweetness, you hit on the very things I was thinking, in your first post. I couldn't believe Ciara casually gave the phone back to Wyatt. I also rolled my eyes in the episode where she told Eve and Brady about Claire cheating and having "someone" to help her. It didn't make any sense at the time that she wouldn't go ahead and say who helped Claire, but later I realized it was only so trouble could be stirred up between Eve and Brady.

Eve and Brady may be one of the worst pairings I've seen on Days. Someone in one of the threads said it is painful to watch them. In this episode it was too painful for me to watch most of their interaction. I have tried to like Eve but to me, she is just not a likeable character. I have a hard time even feeling sympathy for her when she's hurting. This was true, even before she got involved with Brady.
Also, technical question: If she's showing the "details" to Eve, why didn't she keep the phone? Like Wyatt and Claire aren't going to purge their messages the second they get a chance?
Theoretically, she could have done screenshots of the texts and sent them to herself as proof. We'll have to wait and see if she did save any type of proof.
Eve and Brady's storyline is horrible. The bet, the run-in with Ciara where she mentions Claire had help fixing the contest but not who, the mistaken belief that Brady was drunk, even the contest itself, all lazy writing. I'm not sure if they're painful to watch because of the storyline or because their chemistry is off. Maybe it's a little of both.
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