Days of Our Lives - Thu., May 10, 2018


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Jan 20, 2012
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Western Wisconsin
Will and Paul come back from a date, for which Will paid. Roger is waiting in his room. Susan is the same, Roger reports, but he visits her every day. Susan wishes it were EJ visiting her. Will recaps what Susan did; Roger is responding to Will's request for information on Rolf. Will is upset to learn that Roger asked Susan about Wilhelm, which upset her greatly. Despite that dead end, Roger did find something. He gives Will Rolf's diary. Roger can't say much about what's in it because it was very personal. Paul worries that this will be a wild goose chase, but it's Will's job to find out. Roger leaves after telling Will he's proud of him, and glad that he can be himself (even though things didn't work out with Will's hubby).

At the Police Station, Rafe comes in from visiting Gabi, who is not happy to be wrongfully imprisoned. She does not have good news. Rafe apologizes for overreacting to Hope's letting Abigail go. They talk about the missing evidence and get a fortuitous call from an officer who spotted Big Zero with the wig. (Rafe quips, "That's not weird.") Rafe zips off.

In the Private Area, Chad and Abigail are talking as she reviews the most recent André murder, Chad believes the alters are gone. (Sorry, but this doesn't seem like Abigail to me.) She wants to tell the truth to free Gabi, but he wants to wait until tomorrow. They go to the Police station and talk to Hope, telling her they retraced her steps. She takes them to the interrogation room. Later, she has confessed and Hope has some questions for clarification (all stuff we know). Gabi can't be released tonight.

At the DiMansion, Vivian is holding a gun on Kate. They struggle for the gun. Stefan0 comes in and hears the shot. He comes in and wants to know what Kate did. Vivian is on the floor. Later, the paramedics are there as Rafe arrives. Big Z refuses to talk with Rafe, follows Vivian on a stretcher. Rafe asks Kate what she's done. Kate slowly relays the incident through crocodile tears about how mean Vivian was to her. Rafe calls Hope and tells her that Kate shot Vivian.

Back in the interrogation room, Abby is having flashes of things that happened. She wants Chad to tell her everything. They decide to go spend the night with Jennifer, but as they are talking, Abby does several one-takes to the camera (suggesting that she is in fact one of the alters).

At the Hospital, Big Zero is barred from the operating room by Kayla. Inside the doctors work on Vivian. Outside, Kate lays into Stefan0, who vows revenge. Kayla comes out to tell them Vivian is dead. He goes in and vows revenge on Kate over Vivian's draped corpse.

Hope goes to the DiMansion and tells Rafe that Abby confessed. He hugs her. He's elated that Gabi will return to her family; what will happen to Abby is up in the air.

Cozy on Will's bed, Paul and Will are flummoxed as they read Rolf's journal. Rolf had a big ego, wrote strangely, and left every other page blank. (They recap Gina, the Marlena copy, John's resurrection, etc.) There are some detailed passages about Will's near-death including an allusion to the last time the resurrection technique was used. Its vagueness piques Paul's interest. They get to a part where Rolf suggests other lucky souls will be resurrected; cut to the hospital where Vivian is getting an injection by an unseen provider. END
I HOPE NOT Lil0. But they're suggesting it strongly.

Call me Mr Jason Sunshine if you must, but I'm hoping they're tricking his fans (who can be, obsessive) into thinking that so they can bring someone else back. It's not a great move because then those fans will hate whoever is brought back, no matter what, but we'll see. This could also be a Macguffin and just a way to get lots of Paul/Will adventure screen time. (I am all for that, by the way.)
First, thank you for the summary.

Jack doesn't need any magic drugs to return to our viewing pleasure. His family did NOT identify him at the bottom of the elevator shaft. He could have very easily gotten up and wandered off with a head injury. He has had amnesia before so I guess he could have it again.

And no, no, no to any of the others returning. EJ is top of the list. Vivian, however, could return, if the actress agrees. I like Vivian.
So, as a woman with a severe mental illness, who suffered a major psychiatric breakdown, would she even be able to go to the police station and confess to murder without a lawyer present? Would that confession be valid, even if she kept saying she didn't need a lawyer? In her present fragile mental state, can she consent to giving a statement without Justin present? Only in Salem.

Can't wait to hear DrBakeFan's take on this.
O.K. I haven't posted for a while. I said I needed a break (not because I was not having fun with you guys, but some had taken offense in what I had posted last and I had stepped back as that was never, ever, my intention. Oh, well, all water under the bridge now, not important). I also took a break from Days too. Well, not exactly. I would DVR it (is that an expression that is right?) and watch it in less than 5 minutes. My FF button came in pretty handy. But, old habits die hard, or simply don't in my case.

So I also continued lurking here. And lately, I started watching more closely again. Not that Days is better, though it has some better moments, (and I'm not talking about Stefan, that's for sure, as this sick dude can leave, but not before being charged with rape). But again, after more than 30 years, it's a habit that's hard to break. But today, nope, I just had to vent. So I'm back. Well, kind of.

So, Just Samantha, I so agree with you. The whole interrogation scene with Abigail was so far from real life, it's too ridiculous for words. Yes, a lawyer would be present. If not, the officer in charge of the interrogation would most likely bring the suspect in a room with mirrors and cameras. And the suspect would be read her rights, while being informed she was being recorded and videotaped. In fact, the cameras would be pointed out by the officer. And I doubt there would only be one officer. Others would listen in, watch, etc. And certainly, Chad, the husband, would not be present.

Speaking of utterly stupid, how come Rafe let Kate go? And why was she at the hospital and not at the police station, giving her own statement? Stupid, stupid, stupid.

Come on, writers, a little reality won't make this show any less entertaining. In fact, it just might save it.

Wow. That felt good. Carry on. :)

Oh, and KathyLu: I agree with you too. So monotonous. So predictable. :rolleyes: you all pointed out, that will probably be how Abby gets off. Or doesn't get charged. Oh, Hope was careful to record, careful to ask Abby if she was there of her own free will, and that she had not been coerced into making a statement. As to others present, watching thru the two way mirror/glass.....heck, Budget, folks, budget. Suspend reality is their motto.

So...Vivian lost so much blood, she could not survive, but that injection just may do the trick?? Hmmm. How does that work minus all that blood she lost? Plus she was opened up, having had some kind of surgery. Wait, I forgot.......Salem's magical healing water. :sarcasm:
I don't think it is coincidental that the mystery drug that revives people from the dead is being talked about in the same episode that Vivian is shot and hanging onto life. Will did say in the journal of Dr. Rolf that the drug makes it appear the person is dead. I guess this should be interesting how this plays out.
Maybe (fingers crossed) this is the opening that would permit Tony's reemergence from The World of the Dead. Also, I'm an EJ fan who would love to see him back, too.
Thanks, Jason.

I wonder how many zombies, oops, people are wandering around
because they got the special drug?

JS, I agree with you. I would love to see Pookie too.

Nice seeing Roger today.

So, Abby merged her alters by herself. Marlena will be disappointed
she lost Abby has a patient.

Rafe was upset because Hope let Abby leave the police station. Why did
Rafe not arrest Kate for shooting Vivian?

I feel sorry for Harold. He has to get the blood stain out of the carpet.

And who was the man who injected Vivian? Was it Rolf? Did he give himself
the drug? And will we see Vivian again? That might depend on if there is
another writer change.
My worst fear -- does this possibly mean EJ is also still alive. Please say "no".
Amen. Louise Sorel's Vivian is highly entertaining in small doses and should come back at some point. However, smarmy, smug, rapist EJ should stay dead and buried.
I'd rather see Pookie return than EJ.
This would be a nice touch. Nicole eventually returns to Salem and there waiting for her is the beloved Pookie. Surely, she'd rather see her little dog than Eve-besotted Brady or sourpuss Eric.
So, as a woman with a severe mental illness, who suffered a major psychiatric breakdown, would she even be able to go to the police station and confess to murder without a lawyer present? Would that confession be valid, even if she kept saying she didn't need a lawyer? In her present fragile mental state, can she consent to giving a statement without Justin present? Only in Salem.
Can't wait to hear DrBakerFan's take on this.
Hope, the self-proclaimed professional, should not have taken a statement from Abigail without Justin present. Before doing anything, she also might have consulted a psychiatric expert like Marlena. That said, this is the Salem P.D., where evidence bags are left lying around waiting to be snatched by the likes of Mr. Slimy.
Those were 2 different drugs.The one to make you appear dead, heck, that was used on Patch years ago.
And let's not forget that the clever Dr. Baker used such a drug when he knew that DiMera thugs were coming to kill him.

Two final comments:
Anne Milbauer must be feeling bad. She can't get a guy, but batty Susan has managed to attract Edmund Crumb, Dr. Rolf, and Roger the Elvis Impersonator.

If Rolf's native language was German, why was his diary written in English?