Days of Our Lives - Mon., May 14, 2018


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Nov 23, 2006
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Days of Our Lives
Monday, May 14, 2018

Lucas is smoothing out the note from Chloe, as Kate comes into the room, ripping away the police tape across the door. She crushes it into a ball, offering to do the same to Chloe's note, Lucas refuses, was just going to burn it, but is keeping it. She starts her usual harangue against Chloe, but Lucas is puzzled. They were together, very happy, talking of their future, so he wonders if Chloe left willingly with Miguel.He wants to look for her, leaves.

Kate rolls her eyes, makes a call. At Sonny's office, Sonny is apologizing to Leo about the kiss. He allowed it, broke his own rule, he was upset, blah, blah. Leo promises it won't happen again, phone rings, Leo answers, tis Kate who wants to see him immediately. Leo claims to Sonny it was the printer, takes off. He gets to DiMansion, where Kate tells him she & Vivian were actually fighting over what Kate found out about the plan with Leo. Viv is dead, Kate is taking over the plan, doesn't know how things will go with Chad/Stefan now, Leo has to go along with it. She orders him to go back to Sonny's, make nice, make really nice nice, get on the really good side of Sonny.

Lucas goes to see Paul & Will, tells them of Vivian's demise, Kate being the one who shot her, accident, she will not go to jail. (Figures!) Will leaves to go to work, Lucas takes Paul out to breakfast, has a job for him. (Paul mentioned now being out of a job, since no longer investigating Viv). Lucas has explained all to Paul, showed him the letter, all he knows is the boss loves opera, saw Chloe in Venice, plus he describes Miguel.

Victor comes into Brady's hospital room, Brady & Eve wait to hear his news. He tells of Vivian being dead, he is glad, she is out of his hair now. But he has something else. Eve leaves the room to powder her nose, Vic makes no bones about not wanting Brady to marry Eve, brings up Theresa who is mother of his son. Brady confused, rather surprised, Vic almost tells him why Theresa left, but doesn't. He tells Brady he will give him Titan to run as he pleases, if he does not marry Eve.

In Mexico City, Mateo has comes in, does the usual double talk, Chloe wants to speak to her son, maybe later. He talks of hearing her sing, makes insinuations, Chloe won't be with him “that way”. No, he just wants her to sing for him alone. He heard her sing, he is a jealous man, was jealous that other men in the audience in Vienna were hearing her, too, so brought her there so she could just sing for him alone. He wants her to put on the dress, she says “and if I refuse?”. And the pig says, then I will strip all your clothes off and dress you in it myself. Later, she has the dress on....he sits comfortably, nods.

Chloe starts to sing......”Ave Maria”......that is all we hear. Later, we hear the last word of the hymn. Now Mateo wants her to perform the Dance of the Seven Veils, as Salome. We see her finish it, half bending her knee. Oh, Mateo is thrilled. Now she wants to talk to Parker, but he says, not now, maybe later, when I trust you more. She tries to stall him, talking of having some champagne (tis there in a bucket of ice), talk, get to know each other better. Nope, he is out of time now. Has to go attend to business.

Meanwhile, Xander is going head to head with Theresa, each sort of bluffing the other. Theresa makes up some excuse for being in the office, Mateo is her boyfriend, gave her the key to his lockbox. Xander is giving her a hard time about what she last did to him, seducing him, then crying rape to Brady. He is threatening, she is right back, talking of how Mateo would have Xander killed for being there with her. They go back and forth with the game, Theresa eventually promising that she will get Victor to have Xander back in the family, and with Titan, if he helps her.....but Xander prevailing, making Theresa tell about the thumb drive, what it contains, how she wants to get it to her father, Mateo arrested, she can get back to Brady & Tate. Xander claims to go way back with Mateo, business dealings, gets the thumb drive from Theresa, will get it to her father, after listening to it first, using info on it to take over Mateo's business after he is in jail.

Leo is back at the Kmansion, blathering to Sonny, brought coffee. O.K. Back to work. When Sonny's back is turned, Leo purposely spills coffee on his shirt, moans about it, Sonny has a spare in the closet Leo can borrow. Leo begins taking his shirt off, looks go back and forth, Sonny trying to ignore Leo, not look.

Eve returns to Brady's room, having seen Vic leave. Brady tells of Vic's offer, Eve knows he always wanted that, understands, yada, yada. Nope, Brady turned him down. Promised Eve he would never let her down again, is keeping that promise. She is delighted, ring comes out and on her finger. Happy couple kiss, and talk how who would have ever thought they would ever be in love.

Theresa is urging Xander to leave. Mateo cannot find you here. Mateo walks in...what is going on here? Xander's hand is seen closing tightly around the thumb drive.
I kept thinking that Xander was putting her on.....faking the accidentally running into her thing, in order to learn why she was in Mateo's office. He still could be doing so, or maybe he was telling the truth, that he has "business with Mateo", just took advantage of her having the thumb drive???
Seems to me, the last we heard, Xander was in jail........even if Theresa thought him dead. So?????
Seems to me, the last we heard, Xander was in jail.
Victor managed to have Xander released a while ago.

Found it. Was back in October:

Victor apologizes to Maggie for putting her through the ordeal. He hates that she knows what he tried to do. Maggie forgives him, tell him that the man he used to be is dead and gone and that’s why she fell in love with him. She states that Deimos was a terrible man and deserved to be punished. Asked about Xander. Victor admits that he and Justin paid off a judge, got his sentence commuted and that he’s doing what he’s told to do. Maggie wants to call Lucas and tell him about Bonnie. Victor says to wait, he’s probably drunk. Maggie wants to help him and hopes the news will help.
She wants Leo to sue Sonny for sexual harassment....Sonny and Will are fathers to her great granchild!

Kate always watches out only for Kate. She is thinking she will lose out with NO Andre, Chad & Stefan will be duking it with each other, DiMera companies will suffer, She has no pull or say so any more, so.....why not jump ship, butter her own bread. Ugh.
Mateo aka "El Fedeo ("the Noodle") aka "El Cochino (the Pig) (according to Xander): Based on that opera gown he gave Chloe, he's as enamored with her cleavage as he is with her cleavage.

Xander: Thanks to apparently sloppy writing, he's now a far more cosmopolitan criminal than anyone thought: a Greek heavy-hitter who also has ties to Mexican drug lords -- who knew?

Leo: So now the little sneak is working for Kate. If he ever ends up on Victor's payroll, he'll have hit the trifecta of impossible Salem employers: Vivian, Kate and the old grouch himself.

Kate: Does this woman ever stop scheming? Vivian is barely cold in the Salem morgue and Kate has taken over her anti-Sonny plot. If Kate ever goes into a coma, the minute she awakens, she'll leap out of her hospital bed with some new plot aimed at bringing her fortune and fame.
The Mexican Mayhem: I will say this, I think the actor who plays Mateo has a certain gravitas. He's got a deep resonant voice and a passing resemblance to the late Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar, who I think they may be kind of styling him after. But I simply can't take him seriously because as DrBakerfan points out, his nom de plume of "El Fedeo" translates into English as "The Noodle." I just can't take that seriously.

Every time I see him I'm reminded of an episode of the Disney Channel's "The Wizards of Waverly Place" in which a character wanted to train to become a luchador (a masked wrestler) and he wanted his ring name to be "Llava Sus Manos" because he thought it sounded intimidating. What he didn't realize was that in English, his name meant "wash your hands." Obviously the difference is the writers of the Disney show meant that as a joke, while I don't think the Days writers have the same intent.

I just hope we're not subjected characters like Victor speaking the name "El Fedeo" in the same hushed fearful voices characters in the Harry Potter universe say the name "Voldemort."

On the plus side, I always enjoy seeing Xander again. While I wish he was written as smarter, smoother, and less a sociopathic thug, I still find him riveting and I think he has a lot of potential.

Kate: I've seen people ask "How could Kate do this to Sonny? He's one of Arianna's daddies." But I have to ask, when has Kate let any kind of family ties stop her? When was the last time she even mentioned Arianna or otherwise acknowledged that child's existence. I honestly think if anyone were to mention Arianna to her, she would look at them blankly and say "Who?"
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Thanks, Poirot.

Poor Chloe, Mateo made her put on the dress. Then she had to sing and
dance for him. I hope Paul will find her before something else happens.

Too bad Victor didn't tell Brady why Theresa left.

Stop the presses. Sonny actually has an office he can go to.

Sorry to say my mind when in the gutter when Leo took off his shirt. I kept
thinking about those scenes with people doing "it" on a desk.

I laughed when Victor said idiot after reading Brady's text.
I think Xander may be on Mateo's payroll not Victor's. I thought Victor was scared of Mateo. Also hated how Jeannie T didn't even mention Chloe to Xander.

As for the sleaze bag, I need this Chloe story to end immediately because I am NOT here for yet another rape. That's what yesterday seemed to be alluding to. I hope I'm wrong.

This story would be much better if it were just Chloe, Brady and Jeannie T with it leading to a Chloe and Brady reunion. Eve really has no place and the scenes between her and Brady are beyond painful. No chemistry whatsoever. They really should have cast Kassie DePaiva (Eve) as Clyde's ex and Jordan, Ben and Paige's mother. This way she'd still have story but it would be story that actually made sense for her.

And I wish they'd bring Sheryl back with Lucas' toddler in tow. They had chemistry and there is already conflict with Kate.

Anyway, I really don't like this kidnapping story at all. I continue to fast forward most of these episodes though I enjoy Xander putting Jeannie T in her place.

When is the last time we had a Kate-free episode? I see lots of folks on social media saying this is the Abby or Rafe/Hope show. I think Kate has had more airtime than the 2 combined.
And way past time for her to butt out of Lucas's life. She ignores anything he says, but then, this woman has NO feelings about the fact her argument with Vivian led to her death, and right in front of her. Surprised no blood splattered on Kate, guess it would not dare! And now she is plotting behind her beloved Chad's back! Am so tired of Kate.........I just keep wondering just WHY, of all her children, she is so fixated on Lucas's love life. She sure did not care about his falling off the wagon, or the troubles that had him do so. Only his love life.

Lucas DOES need to stop telling her anything. Hi, Mom, Bye Mom.....if she comes anywhere he is located, and he needs to stay away from wherever she is living any time. If she tries to ask questions, or make comments, same thing. Bye, Mom.
Maybe it's the Oedipus Complex (...emotions aroused in a young an unconscious sexual desire for the parent of the opposite sex...) in reverse.
On the plus side, I always enjoy seeing Xander again. While I wish he was written as smarter, smoother, and less a sociopathic thug, I still find him riveting and I think he has a lot of potential.
Agree, Xander has a lot of potential and the writers could do a better job with him.
Anyway, I really don't like this kidnapping story at all. I continue to fast forward most of these episodes though I enjoy Xander putting Jeannie T in her place.
Kidnappings are a worn-out soap opera trope. They've been used so often that there's scarcely a person in Salem -- young or old -- who hasn't been kidnapped at least once.
And way past time for her to butt out of Lucas's life.
Could Sami be to blame for Kate's continued meddling in Lucas's life? Ms. Blue Chunk fought tooth and nail to get the Salem screecher out of her son's life, and in the end she was proven correct: foolish Sami eventually ended up with her "changed" rapist lover, EJ. Since Kate was right about Sami, she now probably thinks that she's infallible when it comes to Lucas and women.
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This way she'd still have story but it would be story that actually made sense for her.
We can't have that. But don't speak too loudly - there's still time for Ron Carlivati (head writer) to create another dumb-elgänger story.
When is the last time we had a Kate-free episode?
Probably between recasts, LOL.
Too much focus on bad people lately. Leo, Xander, Mateo, and Kate dominated the screen today. I don't mind watching stories about people being bad to some extent but I don't enjoy those who are evil and cruel and have absolutely no conscience. That would be Xander, Mateo, and Kate. I don't think Leo is necessarily that bad but he's a creep and there's nothing I enjoy about seeing him. Equally uninteresting to me are Brady and Eve, but I skip most of their scenes anyway.